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The growth-associated protein B-50 also termed GAP-43, F1, pp46, P-57 and neuromodulin is a nervous tissuespecific protein kinase C (PKC) substrate that is considered to play a major role in neurite formation, regeneration, and neuroplasticity. We describe the isolation of seven mouse monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) directed against B-50. The Mabs are produced against the bovine B-50, selected by ELISA for cross-reactivity with its human counterpart, and evaluated on Western blots in comparison with the well-characterized affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies to rat-B-50. The Western blots show that the Mabs NM1, NM4, and NM6 recognize specifically the B-50 of bovine, human, and rat brain extract and the purified PKC phosphorylated and unphosphorylated rat B-50 isoforms. The Mabs NM2 and NM3 cross-react with bovine B-50 immunoreactive c-kinase substrate (BICKS), a protein sharing a 17 amino acid sequence homology with B-50. Two Mabs are useful for the detection of B-50 immunoreactivity in formalin-fixed human and rat brain tissues. In human specimen of the hippocampus, a characteristic neuropil distribution of B-50 is detected by the Mabs. In human muscle, Mabs reveal B-50 in nerve bundles and in axons at motor end plates. Thus, these Mabs are useful in investigating the function and localization of the B-50 protein.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to quantify the drivers for the changes in raw material consumption (domestic material consumption expressed in the form of all materials extracted and used in the production phase) in terms of technology, which refers to the concept of sustainable production; the product structure of final demand, which refers to the concept of sustainable consumption; and the volume of final demand, which is related to economic growth. We also aim to determine to what extent the technological development and a shift in product structure of the final demand compensate for the growth in final consumption volume. Therefore, we apply structural decomposition analysis (SDA) to the change in raw material consumption (RMC) of the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2007. To present the study in a broader context, we also show other material flow indicators for the Czech Republic for 2000 and 2007. Our findings of SDA show that final demand structure has a very limited effect on the change in material flows. The rapid change in final demand volume was not compensated for crude oil, metal ores, construction materials, food crops, and timber. For the material category of non‐iron metal ores, even the change in technology contributes to an increase in material flows. The largest relative increases are reported for non‐iron metal ores (38%) and construction materials (30%). The main changes in material flows related to the Czech Republic are driven by exports and enabled by imports, the main source of these increased material flows. This emphasizes the increasing role of international trade.  相似文献   
The association between the red macroalga Jania adhaerens J. V. Lamour. and the sponge Haliclona caerulea is the most successful life‐form between 2 and 4 m depth in Mazatlán Bay (Mexican Pacific). J. adhaerens colonizes the rocky intertidal area and penetrates into deeper areas only when it lives in association with H. caerulea. The aposymbiotic form of the sponge has not been reported in the bay. To understand the ecological success of this association, we examined the capacity of J. adhaerens to acclimate in Mazatlán Bay using transplant experiments. The transplanted aposymbiotic J. adhaerens did not survive the first 2 weeks; however, J. adhaerens when living in association with H. caerulea, acclimated easily to depth, showing no sign of mortality during the 103 d of the experiment. We conclude that the ability of J. adhaerens to colonize in deeper areas in this hydrodynamic environment may in part rely on the protection provided by the sponge to the algal canopy. Both species contribute to the shape of the associated form. Nevertheless, the morphological variation in the association appears to be dominated by the variation in J. adhaerens canopy to regulate pigment self‐shading under light‐limited conditions and/or tissue resistance under high hydrodynamics. Consequently, our results are consistent with light as the abiotic controlling factor, which regulates the lower depth distribution of the association in Mazatlán Bay, through limiting the growth rate of J. adhaerens. Hydrodynamics may determine the upper limit of the association by imposing high mass losses.  相似文献   
A key intermediate in translocation is an ‘unlocked state’ of the pre‐translocation ribosome in which the P‐site tRNA adopts the P/E hybrid state, the L1 stalk domain closes and ribosomal subunits adopt a ratcheted configuration. Here, through two‐ and three‐colour smFRET imaging from multiple structural perspectives, EF‐G is shown to accelerate structural and kinetic pathways in the ribosome, leading to this transition. The EF‐G‐bound ribosome remains highly dynamic in nature, wherein, the unlocked state is transiently and reversibly formed. The P/E hybrid state is energetically favoured, but exchange with the classical P/P configuration persists; the L1 stalk adopts a fast dynamic mode characterized by rapid cycles of closure and opening. These data support a model in which P/E hybrid state formation, L1 stalk closure and subunit ratcheting are loosely coupled, independent processes that must converge to achieve the unlocked state. The highly dynamic nature of these motions, and their sensitivity to conformational and compositional changes in the ribosome, suggests that regulating the formation of this intermediate may present an effective avenue for translational control.  相似文献   
Improving our knowledge of the links between ecology and evolution is especially critical in the actual context of global rapid environmental changes. A critical step in that direction is to quantify how variation in ecological factors linked to habitat modifications might shape observed levels of genetic variability in wild populations. Still, little is known on the factors affecting levels and distribution of genetic diversity at the individual level, despite its vital underlying role in evolutionary processes. In this study, we assessed the effects of habitat quality on population structure and individual genetic diversity of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) breeding along a gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Québec, Canada. Using a landscape genetics approach, we found that individual genetic diversity was greater in poorer quality habitats. This counter-intuitive result was partly explained by the settlement patterns of tree swallows across the landscape. Individuals of higher genetic diversity arrived earlier on their breeding grounds and settled in the first available habitats, which correspond to intensive cultures. Our results highlight the importance of investigating the effects of environmental variability on individual genetic diversity, and of integrating information on landscape structure when conducting such studies.  相似文献   
1. There is ongoing controversy about whether biased sex ratios in diploid insect populations are real or an artefact caused by different behaviours and/or different catchability of the sexes. This was tested by monitoring two field and three semi-natural populations of the damselfly Lestes sponsa. 2. Capture–mark–recapture data showed that population size estimates were about twice as large for males as for females at both field sites. Independent estimates of the sex ratios based on total numbers of males and females captured supported the male bias. 3. Males had higher recapture probabilities than females due to longer times between successive visits in females. Because the same pattern was found in the semi-natural populations, the longer intervals in females are no artefact due to their lower detectability. 4. Theoretical models show that the strong temporary emigration of females tends, if anything, to overestimate female population sizes and that the heterogeneity of recapture probabilities observed in males tends to underestimate male population sizes. Hence, behavioural differences between the sexes do not cause an artificially male-biased sex ratio. 5. Spatial data show that operational sex ratios are male biased at the pond but become female biased in the plots further away from the shoreline; however because of the decrease in densities away from the shoreline, this does not result in a global even sex ratio. 6. Spatial data, temporary emigration patterns, and independent estimates suggest strongly that the male-biased sex ratios in mature damselfly populations are real.  相似文献   
Published gene frequency data, checked for consistency of allele definitions across laboratories and for comparability of geographically identical samples, were pooled into a data set containing frequencies at nine loci for each of 20 populations that encompassed 10 macaque species. Genetic distances were calculated by the methods of Kidd and Cavalli-Sforza (1974). These distances were used to construct phylogenetic trees and to evaluate the relationships between divergence times and effective population sizes. Inter-and intraspecific genetic distances and the groupings defined by phenetic tree analyses support Fooden’s (1976) classification of the genus Macacainto four species groups. A paleozoogeographical model of Asia including the known times of major sea-level changes allows us to explain Macacainto four species groups. A paleozoogeographical model of Asia including the known times of major sea-level changes allows us to explain qualitatively the inferred evolutionary relationships among macaque species. Many assumptions are required in order to estimate the variables necessary in the quantitative prediction of genetic differences for a comparison between any two populations. Examination of those assumptions demonstrates the need for more accurate genetic as well as paleozoogeographic information. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
All of the common cytochalasins activate superoxide anion release and exocytosis of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase and lysozyme from guinea-pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) incubated in a buffered sucrose medium. Half-maximal activation of both processes is produced by approx. 2 μM cytochalasin A, C >μM cytochalasin B ? 4–5 μM cytochalasin D, E. While maximal rates of O2? release and extents of exocytosis require extracellular calcium (1–2 mM), replacing sucrose with monovalent cation chlorides is inhibitory to neutrophil activation by cytochalasins. Na+, K+ or choline inhibited either cytochalasin B- or E-stimulated O2? production with IC50 values of 5–10 mM and inhibition occurs whether Cl?, NO3? or SCN? is the anion added with Na+ or K+. Release of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase in control or cytochalasin B-stimulated cells is inhibited by NaCl (IC50 ≈ 10 mM), while cytochalasin E-stimulated exocytosis is reduced less and K+ or choline chloride are ineffective in inhibiting either cytochalasin B- or E-stimulated exocytosis. Release of β-glucuronidase, myeloperoxidase or acid phosphatase from neutrophils incubated in buffered sucrose is not stimulated by cytochalasin B. Stimulation of either O2? or β-N-acetylglucosaminidase release by low concentrations of cytochalasin A is followed by inhibition of each at higher concentrations. It appears that all cytochalasins can activate both NAD(P)H oxidase and selective degranulation of neutrophils incubated in salt-restricted media and that differential inhibition of these two processes by monovalent cations and/or anions is produced at some step(s) subsequent to cytochalasin interaction with the cell.  相似文献   
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