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It is a well-established fact that encounter rates between different species of planktonic microorganism, either swimming, or passively advected by the flow, are enhanced in the presence of turbulence. However, due to the complexity of the various calculations involved, current encounter rate theories are based on a number of simplifying approximations, which do not reflect reality. In particular, a typical planktonic predator is usually assumed to have perfect 'all round vision', i.e. it can perceive a prey particle at any relative orientation, provided it lies within some given contact radius R. Unfortunately, there is a wide body of experimental evidence that this is not the case. In this study the encounter problem for a predator with a limited field of sensory perception, swimming in a turbulent flow, is examined from first principles and a number of new modelling ideas proposed. A wide range of kinematic simulations are also undertaken to test these predictions. Particular attention is paid to the swimming strategy such a predator might undertake to enhance its encounter rate. It turns out that the predicted optimum swimming strategies differ radically from the results of previous work. Empirical evidence is also presented which appears to support these new findings.  相似文献   
Jia J  Zhao Y  Shi WC  Wang HS  Guo Y 《生理学报》2002,54(2):125-128
实验采用分离神经细束的方法,观察逆行电刺激大鼠脊神经背侧皮支后,在相距较远的神经细束上记录到的Aδ和C类机械感受单位电活动的变化。刺激T9脊神经背侧皮支,在T12神经细束上记录到59.3%(16/27)的Aδ和71.2%(37/52)的C类单位在刺激后90~120s放电显著增加。刺激T8脊神经背侧皮支,在T12神经细束上记录到47.8%(11/23)的Aδ单位和36.6%(15/41)的C类单位在刺激后120~150s放电显著增加。大多数单位(18/23)的机械感受阈值在电刺激远距离脊神经背侧皮支后降低。结果表明,逆行电刺激外周感觉神经,可以使相距较远的Aδ和C类机械感受单位致敏,其传入放电增加。  相似文献   
During development, motor and sensory axons grow to peripheral targets with remarkable precision. Whereas much has been learned about the development of motoneuron connectivity, less is known about the regulation of cutaneous innervation. In adults, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) innervate characteristic skin regions, termed dermatomes, and their axons project somatotopically in the dorsal horn. Here, we have investigated whether cutaneous neurons are selectively matched with specific skin regions, and whether peripheral target skin influences the central connections of cutaneous neurons. To address these questions, we shifted limb buds rostrally in chick embryos prior to axon outgrowth, causing DRGs to innervate novel skin regions, and mapped the resulting dermatomes and central projections. Following limb shifts, cutaneous innervation arose from more rostral and from fewer DRGs than normal, but the overall dermatome pattern was preserved. Thus, DRGs parcel out innervation of skin in a consistent manner, with no indication of matching between skin and DRGs. Similarly, cutaneous nerves established a "normal" somatotopic map in the dorsal horn, but in more rostral segments than usual. Thus, the peripheral target skin may influence the pattern of CNS projections, but does not direct cutaneous axons to specific populations of neurons in the dorsal horn.  相似文献   
Members of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) family of cytokines have been implicated as major mediators of the response of the adult nervous system to injury. The basis for an interaction of IL-6 cytokines with adult sensory neurones has been established by analysing the levels and distribution of the two signal-transducing receptor subunits, glycoprotein 130 (gp130) and leukaemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR), in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) of male adult rats before and following nerve injury. All sensory neurones express gp130-immunoreactivity (IR) in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane. Levels of gp130 and its intracellular distribution remained unchanged up to 14 days following sciatic nerve axotomy. LIFR-IR was largely absent from the cytoplasm and plasma membrane of sensory neurones, but confined almost exclusively to the nuclear compartment. However, following axotomy, punctate cytoplasmic LIFR-IR was detected which persisted up to 28 days following axotomy. The expression of cytoplasmic LIFR 2 days post-axotomy was proportionally greater in a subset of small diameter sensory neurones which expressed either the sensory neuropeptide CGRP or the cell surface marker isolectin B4. The coexpression of gp130 and LIFR in the same intracellular compartment following axotomy conveys potential responsiveness of injured sensory neurones to members of the IL-6 family of cytokines.  相似文献   
Despite speculation that the muscarinic cholinergic antagonist, scopolamine, may influence the olfactory sensitivity of rats, there have been no definitive studies on this point to date. In this study, we examined the influence of a range of doses of scopolamine hydrobromine (namely, 0.10, 0.125, 0.15 and 0.20 mg/kg i.p.) on the odor detection performance of 15 adult male Long-Evans rats to ethyl acetate. Air-dilution olfactometry and a go/no-go operant signal detection task were employed. The drug conditions and a saline control were administered to each animal in an order counterbalanced by Latin squares, with 2 day intervals interspersed between tests. Scopolamine had no significant influence on odor detection performance per se, as measured by percent correct S+ and S- responses and a non-parametric signal detection measure of sensitivity. This is in contrast to the relatively large effects previously observed in the same test paradigm for such drugs as the D-1 agonist SKF 38393 and the D-2 agonist quinpirole. These data suggest that scopolamine has no meaningful influence on a well-practiced odor detection task.  相似文献   
An analytical method is introduced for evaluating the performance of neural encoding models. The method addresses a critical question that arises during the course of the development and validation of encoding models: is a given model near optimal in terms of its accuracy in predicting the stimulus-elicited responses of a neural system, or can the predictive accuracy be improved significantly by further model development? The evaluation method is based on a derivation of the minimum mean-square error between actual responses and modeled responses. It is formulated as a comparison between the mean-square error of the candidate model and the theoretical minimum mean-square error attainable through an optimal model for the system. However, no a priori information about the nature of the optimal model is required. The theoretically minimum error is determined solely from the coherence function between pairs of system responses to repeated presentations of the same dynamic stimulus. Thus, the performance of the candidate model is judged against the performance of an optimal model rather than against that of an arbitrarily assumed model. Using this method, we evaluated a linear model for neural encoding by mechanosensory cells in the cricket cercal system. At low stimulus intensities, the best-fit linear model of encoding by single cells was found to be nearly optimal, even though the coherence between stimulus-response pairs (a commonly used measure of system linearity) was low. In this low-stimulus-intensity regime, the mean square error of the linear model was on the order of the power of the cell responses. In contrast, at higher stimulus intensities the linear model was not an accurate representation of neural encoding, even though the stimulus-response coherence was substantially higher than in the low-intensity regime.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a method to test alternative hypotheses of phenotypic evolution. The method compares patterns observed in phylogenetic character data with patterns expected by explicit models of evolutionary process. Observed patterns of character-state diversity are assessed from four properties of character-state change derived from a phylogenetic analysis: the sequence and correlation of transformations on a cladogram and the spatial and functional localization of these transformations to parts of an organism. Patterns expressed in terms of the localization of transformations are compared with the expectations of null models that the number of transformations is proportional to measures of size or complexity. Deviations from the values expected by the null models are then compared with qualitative expectations of the models. The method is applied to characters in the nervous system of gymnotiform electric fishes. Patterns in the diversity of 63 reconstructed character-state changes are compared with the expectations of 10 published models of neural evolution. A total of 63 expectations are reviewed, of which 33 (52%) are found to be consistent with the gymnotiform neural data. In general, the models reviewed are not successful at making global predictions, in part because they have been cast in excessively general terms. The data support the conclusion that evolution in the nervous system of gymnotiforms has involved a mosaic of processes, each operating differentially on functional and developmental systems and at different spatial and temporal scales. The results also indicate that more refined models are required, each making more explicit predictions.  相似文献   
Response properties of the receptor potential at steady state were analyzed in a biophysical model of an olfactory sensory neuron embedded in a multicell environment. The neuron structure was described as a set of several identical dendrites (or cilia) bearing the transduction mechanisms, joined to a nonsensory part—dendritic knob, soma, and axon. The different ionic compositions of the media surrounding the neuron sensory and nonsensory parts and the extraneuronal voltage sources, which both result from the presence of auxiliary cells, were also taken into account. Analytical solutions were found to describe how the receptor potential at the nonsensory part responds to a uniform change in the odorant-dependent conductance resulting from odorant stimulation of the sensory dendrites. We investigated the influence of various geometrical and electrical parameters on the receptor-potential response in the classical model neuron within a homogeneous environment and in the model neuron surrounded with auxiliary cells. First, it was found that the maximum amplitude of the receptor potential is independent of the neuron structure in the absence of auxiliary cells but not in their presence. In the latter case, the amplitude decreases with the length and number of sensory dendrites and with the input resistance of the nonsensory part. Second, the sensitivity (as measured by the increase in membrane conductance at half-maximum response) of the neuron model in the absence of auxiliary cells is higher, but its dynamic range is narrower than in their presence. The dynamic range is wide and the sensitivity low when the input resistance of the nonsensory part is small and the sensory dendrite is unbranched. Both sensitivity and dynamic range are higher for a longer dendrite. These results help understand the morphology of insect olfactory sensilla and can be generalized to other neuron types.  相似文献   
Summary In parallel fine structural, fluorescence histochemical and biochemical experiments the effect of 6-OH-DA administered in vivo and in vitro on the adrenergic nerves in the mouse iris was studied. As seen in the electron microscope, in vivo administration of 6-OH-DA causes a selective, rapid degeneration of the adrenergic axon terminals similar to that found after axotomy, whereas the cholinergic nerves are unaffected at all time intervals studied. Already 1 hr after the injection of 6-OH-DA the axonal enlargements swell and the size of the dense core of the granular vesicles is strongly reduced. Since the NA stores are almost completely depleted at this time interval, the small core present may be due to a reaction between 6-OH-DA and the fixative. From 2–4 hr after the injection increasing numbers of axonal enlargements with a high electron density are observed in the Schwann cell cytoplasm, which later are digested and completely absent about 48–72 hr after the 6-OH-DA injection. During the following weeks adrenergic axons reappear. This time course of degeneration obtained is considerably faster than that seen after axotomy in other studies. After incubation in 6-OH-DA containing media similar changes were observed in the axonal enlargements, starting already after 30 min of incubation. At this time-point there is a considerable reduction of endogenous NA and a severe damage of the membrane pump uptake mechanism. Incubation with 6-OH-DA and subsequent rinsing for 2 hr caused marked changes, including partly swelling of axons and partly shrinking of the axons into electron dense bodies.The fluorescence histochemical and biochemical results are in good agreement with the ultrastructural studies demonstrating a rapid loss of NA from the adrenergic nerve terminals and main axons and a long lasting depletion of the NA, with a gradual recovery to 75% 6 weeks after the injection.The investigation has been supported by research grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (14X-2295, 14X-2887 and 04X-3881) Karolinska Institutet, Magnus Bergvalls and Carl-Berthel Nathorst Stiftelser. For generous supplies of drugs we are indebted to the following companies: AB Hässle (6-OH-DA, through Dr H. Corrodi), Pfizer (Niamid®), Ciba (Serpasil®). The skilful technical assistance of Miss Bodil Flock, Mrs Waltraut Hiort and Mrs Eva Lindqvist is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
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