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Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) is a noninvasive, fast, and low‐cost technology with potential to assist cancer diagnosis. The goal of this study was to test the capability of our physiological model, a computational Monte Carlo lookup table inverse model, for nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosis. We applied this model on a clinical DRS dataset to extract scattering parameters, blood volume fraction, oxygen saturation and vessel radius. We found that the model was able to capture physiological information relevant to skin cancer. We used the extracted parameters to classify (basal cell carcinoma [BCC], squamous cell carcinoma [SCC]) vs actinic keratosis (AK) and (BCC, SCC, AK) vs normal. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve achieved by the classifiers trained on the parameters extracted using the physiological model is comparable to that of classifiers trained on features extracted via Principal Component Analysis. Our findings suggest that DRS can reveal physiologic characteristics of skin and this physiologic model offers greater flexibility for diagnosing skin cancer than a pure statistical analysis. Physiological parameters extracted from diffuse reflectance spectra data for nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosis.  相似文献   
Therian mammals (marsupials and eutherians) rely on a placenta for embryo survival. All mammals have a yolk sac, but while both chorio-allantoic and chorio-vitelline (yolk sac) placentation can occur, most marsupials only develop a yolk sac placenta. Insulin (INS) is unusual in that it is the only gene that is imprinted exclusively in the yolk sac placenta. Marsupials, therefore, provide a unique opportunity to examine the conservation of INS imprinting in mammalian yolk sac placentation. Marsupial INS was cloned and its imprint status in the yolk sac placenta of the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, examined. In two informative individuals of the eight that showed imprinting, INS was paternally expressed. INS protein was restricted to the yolk sac endoderm, while insulin receptor, IR, protein was additionally expressed in the trophoblast. INS protein increased during late gestation up to 2 days before birth, but was low the day before and on the day of birth. The conservation of imprinted expression of insulin in the yolk sac placenta of divergent mammalian species suggests that it is of critical importance in the yolk sac placenta. The restriction of imprinting to the yolk sac suggests that imprinting of INS evolved in the chorio-vitelline placenta independently of other tissues in the therian ancestor of marsupials and eutherians.  相似文献   
The initial purpose of the project described herein was to assess the preference of female Poecilia latipinna for an artificial novel male trait—an orange‐colored distal fringe added to the caudal fin of an otherwise wild‐type conspecific. Analysis of the preliminary data revealed consistent individual differences in the strength of female preference for either orange‐tailed or wild‐type males. This finding inspired the study's second aim—to evaluate whether the preference for orange‐tailed males observed among a subset of females could spread via mate choice copying to others in the population that initially preferred wild‐type males. Two experiments and a control were conducted wherein females were simultaneously presented with an orange‐tailed and a wild‐type dummy male using a standard dichotomous choice design. In the first experiment, female preference was assessed on two separate occasions in order to characterize the variability and consistency in preference for orange‐tailed versus wild‐type males. The second experiment addressed mate choice copying: Female preference was again assessed on two separate occasions, but involved pairing a model female with the non‐preferred male for a period of time between preference tests. A third set of control tests were conducted using the same protocol as the copying experiment except that subject females were unable to see the model paired with the non‐preferred male. Results showed that, although females collectively preferred neither the orange‐tailed nor the wild‐type dummy male in the first round of preference tests, the majority showed relatively strong individual preferences. The subset of females that preferred the orange‐tailed over the wild‐type male in the first round of testing all maintained their preferences in the second round whether or not they had observed a model in association with the non‐preferred wild‐type male between tests. However, females that preferred the wild type over the orange male in the first round of testing copied the model's choice of the non‐preferred orange‐tailed male in their second round of preference testing. These results highlight the importance of recognizing the likelihood that only a subset of females will express a preference as it first emerges within a population. In such instances, the preference may not be detected at the population level—a point frequently overlooked in studies of mate choice. Additionally, these data highlight the importance of assessing the preferences of individual females and their capacity to drive evolutionary change within populations. Lastly, this study offers evidence of a possible mechanism by which a novel male trait might spread via mate choice copying by exploiting an emerging sensory bias within a subset of females in the population.  相似文献   
When the environment changes, sensory systems can adapt plastically or evolve genetically to the new surroundings, and traits and behaviours reliant on these sensory systems may also change, leading to altered evolutionary trajectories. We tested for differences in colour‐based foraging preferences of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) that lived for 6–10 generations under each of three light environments (green, lilac or control) to determine whether evolution under different light environments alters visually based behaviour. When tested in a common light environment, we found differences in pecking behaviour between treatments that were likely due to changes in the visual system. Pecking behaviour towards green stimuli was consistent across light treatments, possibly reflecting the importance of detecting green algae in the wild. The blue stimulus was only pecked at by fish from the control environments. Behaviour towards long wavelength stimuli varied, possibly due to the polymorphic nature of the long wavelength opsins. These results are consistent with one component of sensory drive but do not allow us to conclude whether these differences are due to plastic or evolved responses.  相似文献   
This study explores the subjective use of adjectives to verbally communicate vibrotactile stimulation across multiple frequencies. In total, nine different vibrotactile stimulus frequencies (10–300?Hz) were utilized, and subjective evaluation methods, which involved adjectives, were used to assess the sensory representations of the participants (18 healthy male participants; mean age, 22.9 years; standard deviation, 3.5). Sensory terms such as ‘slow,’ ‘protruding,’ and ‘thick’ were used as representative expressions to describe low-frequency (10–100?Hz) vibrotactile stimulations, while ‘fast,’ ‘shallow,’ and ‘tickly’ were used to describe high-frequency (225–300?Hz) vibrotactile stimulations. At the frequencies of 150 and 200?Hz, no characteristic word was found because there was no difference in subjective evaluation scores from other low or high frequencies. The results suggest that vibrotactile stimulation at different frequencies induce diverse sensory representations, owing to not only the motion and shape of the stimuli but also the subjective responses of the perceivers. The results of this study could be utilized in developing affective haptic devices in the future.  相似文献   
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