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半干旱区春小麦生长系统的人工神经网络模型与产量预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以半干旱区春小麦生长系统为研究对象。探讨了作物生长系统中水分、土壤养分等生态因子的时空变化特征及春小麦产量形成机制,应用人工神经网络方法建立了半干旱区春小麦生长系统的产量随环境因子变化的神经网络模型,并与传统的CTM模型进行了比较。模拟结果表明,人工神经网络模型可适用于半干旱区春小麦生长系统产量随环境因子变化规律描述,且优于传统模型,从而为春小麦产量预测提供了新的途径,也为作物生态系统的人工调控提供了新的模式与定量依据。  相似文献   
实地测定了黄土高原半干旱区固原不同生长年限苜蓿草地和连作8a苜蓿草地翻耕轮作不同年限粮食作物后深层土壤水分特征,分析了苜蓿草地土壤干燥化特征和粮草轮作对土壤水分的恢复效应.结果表明:(1)苜蓿连作1a、5a、8a和12a等4类苜蓿草地0~1000cm土层平均土壤湿度值为6.6%,平均土壤水分过耗量702.8mm,平均土壤干燥化速率147.1mm/a,达到强烈干燥化程度,苜蓿连作5a土壤干层深度超过1000cm,苜蓿连作8a土壤干层深度超过1360cm,苜蓿草地合理利用年限为7a.(2)连作8a苜蓿草地翻耕并轮作4~7a和25a粮食作物等5类粮田0~1000cm土层土壤湿度介于6.74%~11.95%,土壤贮水量恢复值介于210.6~887.3mm,平均土壤水分恢复速率为80.8mm/a.轮作6a后粮田土壤干层轻度恢复程度以上深度达到1000cm.通过粮草轮作使苜蓿草地土壤湿度恢复到当地土壤稳定湿度需要13a以上.黄土高原半干旱区适宜的粮草轮作模式为:7a苜蓿→13a粮食作物.  相似文献   
Abstract Junipers are main components of semiarid forests in Central Asia. Conservation of these plant genetic resources should be based on an understanding of factors that have shaped species‐level genetic variation. We used Juniperus seravschanica Kom. as a model species to investigate patterns and processes that may be associated with these factors. Novel plastid DNA markers (two minisatellites, one transversion, one indel) were identified and applied to investigate haplotype diversity and population structure in Kyrgyzstan. In total, 540 individuals from 15 populations were analyzed and 11 haplotypes detected. Strong divergence between populations from northern and southern Kyrgyzstan was evident from the haplotype distribution. Gene diversity within populations ranged from 0.083 to 0.765, and was on average higher in southern (0.687) than in northern populations (0.540). A similar pattern was detected in allelic richness. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 11.9% of the total genetic variation was due to differences among regions, 1.5% among populations, and 86.6% within populations. NST was not significantly different from GST (0.125), suggesting no evidence of a phylogeographic pattern. A Mantel test detected a weak but significant isolation‐by‐distance pattern for the whole dataset and southern populations separately. These results suggest that the north of Kyrgyzstan was relatively recently colonized by migrants from southern populations, probably associated with favorable conditions during the early Holocene. The humid Fergana Valley and Fergana Range are probable ecological barriers to gene flow between northern and southern populations.  相似文献   
Spatial models for disease mapping should ideally account for covariates measured both at individual and area levels. The newly available “indiCAR” model fits the popular conditional autoregresssive (CAR) model by accommodating both individual and group level covariates while adjusting for spatial correlation in the disease rates. This algorithm has been shown to be effective but assumes log‐linear associations between individual level covariates and outcome. In many studies, the relationship between individual level covariates and the outcome may be non‐log‐linear, and methods to track such nonlinearity between individual level covariate and outcome in spatial regression modeling are not well developed. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, smooth‐indiCAR, to fit an extension to the popular conditional autoregresssive model that can accommodate both linear and nonlinear individual level covariate effects while adjusting for group level covariates and spatial correlation in the disease rates. In this formulation, the effect of a continuous individual level covariate is accommodated via penalized splines. We describe a two‐step estimation procedure to obtain reliable estimates of individual and group level covariate effects where both individual and group level covariate effects are estimated separately. This distributed computing framework enhances its application in the Big Data domain with a large number of individual/group level covariates. We evaluate the performance of smooth‐indiCAR through simulation. Our results indicate that the smooth‐indiCAR method provides reliable estimates of all regression and random effect parameters. We illustrate our proposed methodology with an analysis of data on neutropenia admissions in New South Wales (NSW), Australia.  相似文献   
Members of the Hypsolebias antenori species group comprise a diverse clade of morphologically similar seasonal killifishes occurring in a vast region of the semi‐arid savannah of northeastern Brazil. The present paper focuses on an assemblage of three allopatric cryptic species (H. antenori from isolated coastal river drainages, Hypsolebias igneus from the São Francisco River basin and Hypsolebias coamazonicus sp. nov. from the Parnaíba River basin) sharing almost identical colour patterns, including the presence of an orangish red anal fin in males, thus herein named as the red‐finned assemblage. A tree‐based approach using mt‐DNA (cytochrome b) supports delimitation of all three species, but indicates that the red‐finned assemblage is paraphyletic – H. igneus and H. coamazonicus are closely related to Hypsolebias nudiorbitatus, whereas H. antenori is the sister group to a clade comprising all 13 species of the H. antenori group included in the analysis. Morphological characters are useful to diagnose species, but are not informative for most clades highly supported by molecular data. H. coamazonicus is distinguished from all other congeners by the possession of a dark grey or black stripe on the dorsal fin in males. The basal position of H. antenori is related to uplift episodes involving the Araripe‐Borborema plateau during the Miocene, which isolated the coastal area inhabited by H. antenori from the remaining areas of the Caatinga. The sister group relationship between H. igneus and H. coamazonicus is attributed to a past connection between the São Francisco and Paranaíba River until the Tertiary.  相似文献   
Objectives: To validate a semi‐structured interview (SSI) for communication between complete denture wearers and dentists. Design: A SSI using a questionnaire with eight questions on satisfaction with complete dentures (CD): covering function, aesthetics and comfort. The first seven questions used a five‐point Likert scale and the last was dichotomous. Two dentists, carefully trained in the use of the structured questionnaire, administered the SSI. Setting: A Greek Department of Prosthetic Dentistry. Subjects: A consecutive sample of 78 CD wearers took part in the study. All subjects presented with complaints from their dentures. Intervention: All participants and their dentures underwent clinical examination. Results: The method showed good reliability, verified by the Cronbach alpha (0.86). Both dentists used the questionnaire produced very similar results. (Wilcoxon test 61–99%). Further, the association of the answers with respect to the five‐point Likert scale was very high; all gamma coefficients were statistically significant except for pain and discomfort from the upper CD (CDU). Conclusions: This method of communication between patients and dentists is reliable and can be used to give good repeatability for qualitatively assessing satisfaction with CD. It can be valuable for clinical use and for extending the study of denture quality to establish outcome measures based on the subjective criteria of satisfaction.  相似文献   


Do the assemblages of pollination modes in restored (tree plantings) and secondary (naturally regenerated) forests change in comparison to primary forests, and how do these assemblages relate to species turnover at regional scale?


Southeast region of Brazil.


We classified tree species found in a total of 40 forest sites (18 primary, 11 restored, 11 secondary) according to pollination mode, based on the literature. We calculated and compared functional dissimilarity distances, amounts of species and accumulated abundance of pollination modes, and functional indices of richness and evenness between forest types.


Functional dissimilarity distances were much smaller than species dissimilarity distances within forest types (mean <20%, >80%, respectively), indicating a small variation in pollination modes between sites. Functional indices of richness and evenness did not differ between forest types. However, significant changes were found in the species and abundance proportions of several pollination modes. Primary forests were characterized by the predominance of generalized insect‐pollinated species, followed by secondary proportions of bee, wind and moth pollination; other pollination modes were underrepresented. In restored forests, reductions were found in generalized insect, moth, wind, fly, pollen‐consuming insect and very‐small insect pollination, whereas the species pollinated by bees and bats more than doubled. Smaller changes were found among secondary forests, including reductions in moth, fly and fig‐wasp pollination, whereas there were incremental changes in bee, beetle, big animal and small insect pollination.


Our results indicate a rather stable assemblage of pollination modes and also high ecological redundancy among trees regardless of the species replacement at the regional scale. Major changes among restored forests are probably in response to larger disturbance effects and/or restoration practices conducted in these sites. In contrast, smaller changes among secondary forests could be in response to smaller disturbance effects and natural selection processes, and also seem to suggest that highly resilient degraded areas are more likely to recuperate their functional diversity through natural regeneration alone. In both cases, however, efforts to recover such patterns should be encouraged to avoid possible negative effects in plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   


Eurasian forest‐steppes are among the most complex non‐tropical terrestrial ecosystems. Despite their considerable scientific, ecological and economic importance, knowledge of forest‐steppes is limited, particularly at the continental scale. Here we provide an overview of Eurasian forest‐steppes across the entire zone: (a) we propose an up‐to‐date definition of forest‐steppes, (b) give a short physiogeographic outline, (c) delineate and briefly characterize the main forest‐steppe regions, (d) explore forest‐steppe biodiversity and conservation status, and (e) outline forest‐steppe prospects under predicted climate change.


Eurasia (29°–56°N, 16°–139°E).

Results and Conclusions

Forest‐steppes are natural or near‐natural vegetation complexes of arboreal and herbaceous components (typically distributed in a mosaic pattern) in the temperate zone, where the co‐existence of forest and grassland is enabled primarily by the semi‐humid to semi‐arid climate, complemented by complex interactions of biotic and abiotic factors operating at multiple scales. This new definition includes lowland forest–grassland macromosaics (e.g. in Eastern Europe), exposure‐related mountain forest‐steppes (e.g. in Inner Asia), fine‐scale forest–grassland mosaics (e.g. in the Carpathian Basin) and open woodlands (e.g. in the Middle East). Using criteria of flora, physiognomy, relief and climate, nine main forest‐steppe regions are identified and characterized. Forest‐steppes are not simple two‐phase systems, as they show a high level of habitat diversity, with forest and grassland patches of varying types and sizes, connected by a network of differently oriented edges. Species diversity and functional diversity may also be exceptionally high in forest‐steppes. Regarding conservation, we conclude that major knowledge gaps exist in determining priorities at the continental, regional, national and local levels, and in identifying clear target states and optimal management strategies. When combined with other threats, climate change may be particularly dangerous to forest‐steppe survival, possibly resulting in compositional changes, rearrangement of the landscape mosaic or even the latitudinal or altitudinal shift of forest‐steppes.  相似文献   
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