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We develop cytonuclear, hybrid zone models for haplodiploid species or X-linked genes in diploid species using a stepping-stone framework of migration, in which migration rates vary with both direction and sex. The equilibrium clines for the allele frequencies, cytonuclear disequilibria, and frequencies of pure parental types are examined for species with diagnostic markers, under four important migration schemes: uniform migration of both sexes in both directions, greater migration of both sexes from one direction, greater migration of females, and greater migration of males. Of the three cytonuclear variables examined, the allele frequency clines are the most informative in differentiating among the various migration patterns. The cytonuclear disequilibria and the frequency of the pure parental types tend to be useful only in revealing directional asymmetries in migration. The extent of hybrid zone subdivision has quantitative but not qualitative effects on the distribution of cytonuclear variables, in that the allele frequency clines become more gradual, the cytonuclear disequilibria decrease in magnitude, and the frequencies of pure parentals decline with increasing subpopulation number. Also, the only major difference between the X-linked and haplodiploid frameworks is that a higher frequency of pure parentals is found when considering haplodiploids, in which male production does not require mating. The final important theoretical result is that censusing after migration yields greater disequilibria and parental frequencies than censusing after mating. We analyzed cytonuclear data from two transects from a naturally occurring hybrid zone between two haplodiploid fire ant species, Solenopsis invicta and S. richteri, using our stepping-stone framework. The frequency of S. invicta mtDNA exceeds the frequency of the S. invicta nuclear markers through much of this hybrid zone, indicating that sex differences in migration or selection may be occurring. Maximum-likelihood estimates for the migration rates are very high, due to an unexpectedly large number of pure parental types in the hybrid zone, and differ substantially between the two transects. Overall, our model does not provide a good fit, in part because the S. invicta–S. richteri hybrid zone has not yet reached equilibrium.  相似文献   
Summary This paper describes the food recruitment strategy of the antTetramorium bicarinatum, at both the individual and collective levels. The general organisation of recruitment used by this species during the exploitation of sucrose solutions shows similarities with group recruitment described for other species. However, our experiments demonstrate that inT. bicarinatum, the first trail laid by a recruiter during its return trip to the nest is more efficient than in other species using group recruitment, for exampleTetramorium impurum. Moreover, the efficiency of the first trail of aT. bicarinatum recruiter is comparable with that ofTapinoma erraticum, a species that uses mass recruitment. Despite the efficiency of the trail, choice experiments show that the recruited workers prefer to follow the leader rather than the first trail, suggesting the emission of a more attractive signal by the leader on its way back to the food. The function of the leader in this strategy is discussed in terms of collective decisions.  相似文献   
Aggregation as a cost-reducing strategy for lycaenid larvae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
If a mutualistic relationship entails providing services ata cost, selection will favor individuals that maximize the netbenefits of the interaction and minimize the costs. Larvae ofmany species of lycaenid butterflies secrete nutritious foodrewards to attending ants and, in return, receive protectionagainst predators and parasitoids. Because ants typically recruitmore workers to larger resources, by forming groups the larvaemay ensure more reliable access to ants and thereby gain betterprotection. A further consequence of aggregating should be achange of the cost-benefit relationship for individual larvae.The larger the group, the smaller a single larva's influencewill be on total ant density, which could lead to a smallerinvestment in secretion, thus reducing the per capita cost ofcooperation. In this study, die influence of ant attendance,group size, and companion quality on larval investment was investigated.The interaction between the obligately ant-dependent lycaenid,Jalmanus evagoras, and its attendant Iridomyrmax ants was manipulatedand the effect on larval secretion measured. As the level ofant attendance increased, the delivery of food rewards increased,bodi for solitary and for aggregated larvae. When aggregated,larvae provided less food rewards to ants dun when solitary,and secretion rate decreased with increasing group size. Furthermore,larvae had lower secretion rates when paired with a bigger,more attractive larva than when paired with a smaller one. Theconsiderable reduction in secretion rates for larvae in groupssuggests that gaining protection at a lower secretion cost couldbe one factor that promotes aggregation in myrmecophilous lycaenids.  相似文献   
Abstract Ants can have a profound effect on the numbers of seeds present in the seed-bank. We investigated the removal of seeds of an important arid zone tree species, the western myall (Acacia papyrocarpa Benth.). The species has seed characteristics typical of other Acacia species: a hard seed-coat and a small, white aril or elaiosome; the latter is reported to be attractive to ants. An experiment was conducted to see how rapidly and completely the seeds would be removed under various caging treatments. Observations were also made to discover the major seed removers and the fate of the seeds. Seed removal was rapid (< 12h) and was almost entirely by ants, and while our observations were not conclusive, we speculate that much of the seed supply is effectively destroyed by seed harvester ants which thus act as true granivores, not seed dispersers. Whether this matters for western myall in the long term is problematic because the species is so long-lived; rare but successful recruitment events may well be sufficient for its long-term survival.  相似文献   
Social insects live in colonies consisting of many workers, where worker interactions play an important role in regulating colony activities. Workers interact within the social space of the nest; therefore, constraints on nest space may alter worker behaviour and affect colony activities and energetics. Here we show in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus that changes in nest space have a significant effect on colony energetics. Colonies with restricted nest space showed a 14.2 per cent increase in metabolic rate when compared with the same colonies in large uncrowded nests. Our study highlights the importance of social space and shows that constraints on social space can significantly affect colony behaviour and energy use in ants. We discuss the implications of our findings regarding social insects in general.  相似文献   
We assessed temporal and spatial patterns of nest site use in the cavity dwelling ant, Myrmica punctiventris in a well-studied temperate forest site in central New York State. We evaluated changes in nest site use by repeatedly censusing the ants inhabiting artificial nests (hollow dowels) for three consecutive growing seasons. We confirm a shift towards more polydomy in this population of M. punctiventris, first reported by DeHeer et al. (2001), but extend these findings by demonstrating that this shift has occurred gradually over several years. We are unable to determine if this polydomy is seasonal or year round. We explore various explanations for the occurrence of polydomy and suggest that long-term changes in sex allocation are indirectly driving the shift in nesting strategies. Received 15 July 2004; revised 11 April and 19 October 2005; accepted 25 October.  相似文献   
Myrmarachne assimilis, an ant-like (myrmecomorphic) jumping spider (Araneae, Salticidae) from the Philippines, is a Batesian mimic of Oecophylla smaragdina, the Asian weaver ant. Salticids are well known for their acute eyesight and the elaborate vision-based display behaviour they adopt during encounters with conspecific individuals, but most salticids are not myrmecomorphic. Despite its unusual morphology, M. assimilis adopts display behaviour during intraspecific interactions that is similar to the display behaviour of more typical salticids. The specificity with which M. assimilis deploys display behaviour is investigated and provides insights into this mimic’s ability to differentiate, by sight alone, between models, conspecific individuals and prey. During each standardized test, an adult M. assimilis female was in a large cage along with a small transparent glass vial, a stimulus animal being enclosed in the vial such that potential optical cues, but not potential chemical cues, were available to the tested M. assimilis individual. Depending on the test, the stimulus animal was another adult M. assimilis female, a house fly (prey) or an ant (Camponotus sp. or O. smaragdina). Only the conspecific female consistently elicited display from M. assimilis, implying that M. assimilis is a Batesian mimic that can, when relying on vision alone, discriminate between conspecific individuals, models and prey. Received 12 June 2006; revised 22 September 2006; accepted 26 September 2006.  相似文献   
红火蚁入侵草坪过程中蚂蚁类群变动趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观察研究了红火蚁入侵草坪之后蚂蚁群落结构的变动趋势。对各处理区在不同时期的蚂蚁优势种进行了分析,结果表明,与对照区相比红火蚁入侵后各处理区的蚂蚁优势种发生了明显改变,红火蚁替代了原来的优势蚂蚁种类,并在数量上占主导地位,而且各处理区的蚂蚁类群多样性、均匀度降低,优势度明显增大。通过分析红火蚁入侵过程中各处理区的蚂蚁类群相似性,表明轻度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.25-0.50之间,为中等不相似;中度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.075-0.444之间,为中等不相似或极不相似;重度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.0-0.222之间,为极不相似,这也说明了不同的红火蚁危害程度对本地蚂蚁类群结构的影响是不同的,红火蚁种群数量越大,对本地蚂蚁类群的影响也越大,排挤或取代它们所需要的时间也越短。  相似文献   
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