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Rats tolerant to human serum albumin (HSA) were injected with selected lymphocyte populations and challenged with HSA plus adjuvant to test for loss of tolerance. Thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) from normal or immune rats, either untreated or depleted of Ig-bearing cells or HSA-binding cells by affinity chromatography were all equally effective in restoring the HSA antibody response in previously tolerant recipients. In contrast, recirculating B cells (TDL from B rats) were not effective. The results indicated that unresponsiveness to HSA was a lesion of the T- but not the B-cell compartment. However, antibody affinity failed to mature to a high level in tolerant rats that were restored with T cells, and the response of transferred primed B cells into unresponsive recipients was inhibited, suggesting that the tolerant state was not merely due to a T-cell deletion.  相似文献   
Nuclear multiplication stage embryos were punctured in either the anterior, midlateral, or posterior regions. Both embryos and adults were examined for defects, and the defects were correlated with whether there had been any leakage of cytoplasmic material from the egg at the time of puncturing. Embryonic defects were found, correlated to the site of damage, in all three regions. A number of embryos was followed through development and it was found that 15.1% of the embryos which leaked cytoplasm hatched into larvae, compared to 82.3% of those which did not leak any cytoplasm. Morphological defects arising as a result of lateral puncture only were observed in adults. Many sterile adults were obtained from eggs in which the posterior region had been punctured. The results show that nuclear multiplication embryos are well able to tolerate the disturbance of the cortical cytoplasm created by puncture, but only rarely are they able to compensate for the actual loss of material by regulation. The results were similar to those observed after puncturing Drosophila embryos at the cellular blastoderm stage.  相似文献   
Summary Cells possess extraordinary powers to organize their molecular processes not only to maintain a cell in a given steady state but also to recognize that state during differentiation. Regulation of these organizational forces appears to be under the control of chemical factors, and a hormonal concept of regulation has evolved. Hormones have been considered to act by reacting with a specific target site. This may be part of their mode of action, but I would like to suggest that a hormone enters and becomes part of a total molecular resonance system. In so doing, the entire molecular system of the cell is modified. Of the known plant hormones, the cytokinins, because of their role in experimentally induced cell division and differentiation, serve as a probe of hormonal involvement in differentiation. Cultured somatic cells of tobacco plants can be induced to undergo differentiation by addition of cytokinin and auxin to the medium. Studies of the cytokinin hormones show a series of diverse molecular involvements. The archetype cytokinin, N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenosine (i6Ado), occurs in some molecular species of tRNA where it plays a vital role in the codon-anticodon interaction of tRNA and m-RNA. i6Ado under-goes extensive metabolism in the tobacco tissue. It is either degraded to adenosine or converted to derivatives that possess biological activity. It is perhaps, therefore, more correct to consider the hormone function as being derived from this total metabolic web. The normal somatic cells of tobacco cultures spontaneously change occasionally into an autonomous form that requires no external growth factors. This line of cells synthesizes i6Ado. The metabolic web of the hormone-dependent strain can be perturbed by added auxin but such is not the case in the autonomous strain. These data provide some insight into the altered state of cytokinin activity in which a cell line changes into an autonomous form. Curiously, in become independent of the requirement for exogenous cytokinin, the autonomous tissue becomes sensitive to added cytokinin. i6Ado also inhibits the growth of lines of mammalian cancer cells grown in culture. Presented in the formal symposium on Information Transfer in Eukaryotic Cells, at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Montreal, Quebec, June 2–5, 1975.  相似文献   
Acute arthritis was induced by injection of cell-free extract of group A Streptococci into the knee joints of mature male rats. Slices of control and inflamed synovia were incubated for 30 to 240 minutes and the rate of prostaglandin E (PGE) released into the medium was measured by radioimmunoassay. PGE release from inflamed synovia was 5–8 fold higher than that in normal tissue. Incubation of inflamed synovia with corticosterone acetate, dexamethasone or prednisone (100 μg/ml) for one or four hours reduced PGE release by 33% and 55% respectively. Lower concentrations of corticosterone (10 – 30 μg/ml) were ineffective. Aldosterone and progesterone (100 μg/ml) had no effect on PGE release throughout the incubation period. Chloroquine (10 μg/ml) inhibited PGE release from inflamed synovia by 50%. Indomethacin (1 μg/ml) abolished PGE release by 90%. Corticosterone, dexamethasone and prednisone reduced PGE content of inflamed synovia by approximately 45% during a 4-h incubation period. Aldosterone and progesterone were ineffective, while indomethacin reduced PGE content by 70%. The suppressive action of corticosterone on PGE release was prevented by addition to the medium of arachidonic acid (2 μg/ml). By contrast, the inhibitory action of indomethacin was not affected by provision of exogenous substrate. We suggest that glucocorticosteroids reduce PGE release by limiting the availability of the substrate for prostaglandin biosynthesis, and this may well explain some of their anti-inflammatory properties.  相似文献   
Summary Rats, 6 weeks old, were subjected to a program of endurance running for 3, 6 and 12 weeks. 0.5 to 0.8 m thick sections of Epon embedded soleus muscles were studied with morphometric methods.In cross-sections the area occupied by subsarcolemmal mitochondria was independent of the age, but was 53% higher after 12 weeks of training. The mean depth of the zones with subsarcolemmal mitochondria increased only 15% to about 0.9 m. Thus, the subsarcolemmal mitochondria showed a pronounced spreading at the muscle fiber surface in trained muscles. — The number of capillaries per fiber decreased slightly in controls and increased not significantly in trained muscles.It is concluded that the subsarcolemmal mitochondria supply the energy for the active transport of metabolites through the sarcolemma in oxidative muscle fibers, and that they are the limiting factor for endurance performance of the soleus muscle fibers because the changes in the capillarization were only small. It is suggested that the subsarcolemmal and the interfibrillar mitochondria have different functions and may therefore represent different types of mitochondria which can be distinguished by their morphology as well as by their biochemical properties.  相似文献   
1-(2-Amino-2-deoxy-beta-D-xylofuranosyl)cytosine (13) was synthesized by three routes: (a) coupling of 2-deoxy-3,5-di-O-p-nitrobenzoyl-2-(trifluoroacetamido)-D-xylofuranosyl chloride (5) with 2,4-dimethoxypyrimidine and subsequent treatment with methanolic ammonia, (b) coupling of 5 with 4-N-acetyl-2-O,4-N-bis(trimethylsilyl)cytosine followed by treatment with methanolic ammonia, and (c) thiation of 1-[3,5-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-(trifluoroacetamido)-beta-D-xylofuranosyl]uracil (6) by treatment with phosphorus pentasulfide in pyridine followed by amination of the resulting 4-thionucleoside 12 with metanolic ammonia. The best yield was obtained via route (a).  相似文献   
We examined spleen cells from newborn to 1-month-old rabbits for easily detectable surface immunoglobulin, complement receptors, and for in vitro proliferative responsiveness to anti-immunoglobulin antisera and several mitogens. From birth through the first month of life about 15% of the cells from rabbit spleens had easily detectable surface immunoglobulin while about 45% had C3 receptors. In adults as many as 77% of the spleen cells had easily detectable surface Ig but the proportion with C3 receptors remained about 45%. The proliferative response to anti-allotype antisera was present at birth, and was at adult levels by 1 month of age. The proliferative response to pokeweed mitogen was low when cells were obtained during the first week of life but was comparable in magnitude to the response of adult cells by 2 weeks of age. In vitro responsiveness to concanavalin A was present at low levels at birth and increased sharply during the first week. We did not observe significant stimulation of spleen cells from neonatal to 4-week-old rabbits by lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella typhosa. Our data suggest that lymphocyte surface markers and functional responses appear asynchronously in spleen cells of developing rabbits.  相似文献   
Lymphocytes from healthy donors and from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were stimulated to divide with sodium periodate. The time of maximal response of normal lymphocytes to sodium periodate (NaIO4) was earlier than that observed to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), but the magnitude was lower. In comparison, CLL lymphocytes responded to NaIO4 more extensively and earlier than to PHA.  相似文献   
To determine the role of subcellular organelles in hormone secretion, we studied the interaction of low calcium concentration (low Ca), retinol (vitamin A, vit A), vinblastine (VB), and cytochalasin B (CB) in parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion. Bovine parathyroid tissue pieces were incubated in media containing the above agents. Vit A stimulated PTH release to a mean of 170% of control. This effect of vit A was diminished when tissues were simultaneously stimulated with low Ca and, furthermore, absent when tissues were pre-incubated in low Ca.VB had no effect on low Ca-stimulated secretion, but did inhibit vit A-induced secretion in the presence of low Ca.CB stimulated PTH secretion to a mean of 150% of control during the second and third hours of incubation. CB had at least an additive effect with low Ca in stimulating PTH secretion, with a more prompt and greater response than seen in normal calcium. VB did not inhibit the acute effect of CB on secretion in normal calcium media, but did inhibit CB-induced secretion during the third hour of incubation.None of the agents stimulated the release of lysosomal cathepsin D, and vit A and CB did not stimulate the release of LDH.Our results suggest that; (1) vit A and low Ca stimulate PTH secretion through a common pathway involving the cell membrane; (2) CB stimulates PTH secretion through a separate effect on the cell membrane or submembrane microfilaments, which normally retards secretion of PTH; and (3) microtubular proteins may facilitate basal secretion of PTH, but are not involved in low Ca-stimulated secretion of PTH.  相似文献   
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