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Fatty Acyl-ACP thioesterase (FAT) is a key enzyme controlling oil biosynthesis in plant seeds. FATs can be divided into two subfamilies, FATA and FATB according to their amino acid sequences and substrate specificity. The Upland cotton genome contains 20 GhFAT genes, amongst which 6 genes were of the GhFATA subfamily and 14 of the GhFATB subfamily. The 20 GhFAT genes are unevenly distributed on 14 chromosomes. The GhFATA genes have 5 or 7 exons and the GhFATB genes have 6 or 7 exons. All GhFAT proteins have the conserved Acyl-ACP_TE domain and PLN02370 super family, the typical characteristics of plant thioesterases. Analyses of the expression level of GhFATs and the compositions of fatty acid in 5–60 days-post-anthesis seeds showed that the ratio of saturated fatty acids to unsaturated fatty acids was consistent with the expression profile of GhFATB12, GhFATB3, and GhFATB10; the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acid to polyunsaturated fatty acids was consistent with the expression profile of GhFATA3. The oil contents of mature cottonseeds were positively correlated with the contents of palmitic acid and linolenic acid as well as seed vigor. These results provide essential information for further exploring the role(s) of the specific GhFATs in determining oil biosynthesis and cottonseed compositions.  相似文献   
Seeds of twoRubus species,R. palmatus var.coptophyllus andR. microphyllus, buried for 7.5 years in soil were subjected to germination tests to investigate their germinability and germination traits. Most of the retrieved seeds were viable, and germinated at the alternating temperatures of 20/30°C in both light and dark. The twoRubus species showed similar responses of germination to temperature and light, although the final percentages of germination were slightly higher inR. palmatus var.coptophyllus. These characteristics of seed dormancy and germination would be involved in the species' utilization of ephemeral habitats created by unpredictable and infrequent disturbances.  相似文献   
恶劣环境下,人工海防林因面临养分胁迫而经营困难。为探讨盐、磷胁迫对主要海防林树种木麻黄和台湾相思种子萌发及生长的影响,该研究分别用不同浓度的NaCl(盐)和KH2PO4(磷)溶液处理种子和浇灌幼苗,测定种子萌发和幼苗生长指标。结果表明:(1)高盐胁迫显著抑制种子萌发,对幼苗生长有一定影响,但两种植物影响程度不同;台湾相思种子萌发耐盐性高于木麻黄,前者相对盐害率最大值为23.03%,后者为89.15%;随着盐浓度增加,木麻黄和台湾相思种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均降低,对应最大值分别为38.70%、34.67%、18.70、0.055和76.67%、62.22%、48.46、6.11。(2)两种植物的株高和根长随盐浓度增加而降低,木麻黄和台湾相思株高分别为12.29~6.01 mm和48.27~17.33 mm,根长分别为8.57~1.45 mm和33.41~5.88 mm;台湾相思根、茎、叶生物量及根冠比均随盐浓度的增加逐渐减小,木麻黄各处理差异较小。(3)台湾相思的种子和幼苗较木麻黄更耐低磷环境,二者最适磷浓度存在差异;木麻黄种...  相似文献   
Protein synthesis in dormant embryos of sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ) was investigated in seeds stratified at 4°C or incubated at 15°C. Seeds stratified at 4°C germinated after 27 days; seeds incubated at 15°C failed to germinate. Stratification increased the embryo's capacity for protein synthesis by day 11 as measured by in vivo incorporation of [35S]-methionine into purified protein. At 4°C protein synthesis in the embryonic axis rose in a linear fashion prior to germination, whereas in cotyledons it increased until day 20 and then declined. Analysis of radiolabelled proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that the levels of specific proteins were altered by temperature, primarily in the cotyledons. Several proteins were expressed in the cotyledons at 15°C but were absent in unstratified embryos and in embryos stratified at 4°C. That is, the expression of these proteins was repressed during stratification and release from dormancy. Levels of other proteins in the cotyledons declined at 4°C during stratification. We suggest that one or more of these proteins may be associated with the inhibition of growth of the embryonic axis imposed by the cotyledons.  相似文献   
Artichoke yellow ringspot nepovirus (AYRV) was isolated from stunted broad bean plants in Crete showing leaf mottling and deformation and wrinkling of seed testas. AYRV identification was based on host range, behaviour during purification, electron microscopy and serology. AYRV-broad bean isolate was seed-transmitted in broad bean, and embryo infection appeared to be a prerequisite for virus transmission to seedlings. Transmission through pollen was not detected in broad bean plants, although pollen grains were externally contaminated by the virus. Ovule infection occurred in a high proportion of seed and was independent of pollination.  相似文献   
Flowers frequently receive both self (S) and outcross (OC) pollen, but S pollen often sires proportionally fewer seeds. Failure of S pollen can reflect evolved mechanisms that promote outcrossing and/or inbreeding depression expressed during seed development. The relative importance of these two processes was investigated in Aquilegia caerulea, a self-compatible perennial herb. In the field I performed single-donor (S or OC) and mixed-donor (S plus OC) pollinations to compare the relative success of both pollen types at various stages from pollen germination to seed maturity. Single-donor S pollinations produced significantly fewer and lighter seeds (x decrease = 12% and 3%, respectively) than OC pollinations. Abortion rates differed by an average of 38% whereas fertilization rates differed by only 5%, indicating that most differences in seed number arose postzygotically. This suggests that inbreeding depression was responsible for most failure of S pollen. One prezygotic effect measured was that 10% fewer S than OC pollen tubes reached ovaries after 42 hr, suggesting S pollen might fertilize proportionately fewer ovules after mixed pollination. Using allozyme markers, I found mixed-donor pollinations produced significantly more and heavier outcrossed than selfed seeds. However, the proportion of selfed seed, fertilized ovules, and aborted seeds for mixed-donor fruits were each predictable from pollen performance in single-donor fruits, suggesting that differential paternity is best explained by inbreeding depression during seed development. Even given these similarities between mixed- and single-donor fruits in the relative performance of S and OC pollen, both individual seed weight and seed set were significantly higher in multiply-sired fruits.  相似文献   
The safest and most economical and convenient way of preserving the genetic resources of the majority of crop plants is by long-term seed storage. The technology is well developed, but recent research resulting from a greater understanding of behaviour at very low water potentials is leading to further improvements  相似文献   
In many seed species, the major source of HCN evolved during water imbibition is cyanogenic glycosides. The present investigation was performed to elucidate the role of endogenous cyanogenic glycosides in the control of seed germination and to examine the involvment of β-glucosidase in this process. All seed species used here contained some activities of β-glucosidase already in the dry state before imbibition. in the decreasing order of Malus pumila, Daucus carota, Hordeum vulgare, Chenopodium album and so on. β-Gluosidase activity in upper and lower seeds of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) decreased with imbibition, and in lower seeds the activity disappeared when they germinated. On the contrary, in caryopses of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) β-glucosidase increased during imbibition, and this increase continued even after germination. β-Glucosidase in cocklebur seeds was more active in the axial than in the cotyledonary tissue. Amygdalin, prunasin and linamarin could all serve as substrattes for the β-glucosidase(s) from both cocklebur and rice. Amygdalin, prunasin and linamarin as well as KCN, were effective in stimulating the germination of upper cocklebur seeds. The seeds evolved much more free HCN gas when they were exposed to the cyanogenic glycosides than when the glycosides were absent. Moreover, the application of the cyanogenic glycosides or of KCN caused accumulation of bound HCN in the seeds. Carbon monoxide, which stimulated cocklebur seed germination only slightly, did not cause accumulation of bound HCN. We suggest that a balance between the cytochrome and the alternative respiration pathways, which is adequate for germination (Esashi et al. 1987. Plant Cell Physiol. 28: 141–150), may be brought about by the action of endogenous HCN; a large portion of which is liberated from cyanogenic glycosides via the action of β-glucosidase. In addition to the partial suppression of the cytochrome path and unlike carbon monoxide, the HCN thus produced may act to supply cyanide group(s) to unknown compounds necessary for germination.  相似文献   
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