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Summary Pimelea spicata R. Br. is a nationally listed endangered Australian shrub threatened with extinction by habitat fragmentation and environmental weed invasion. Bridal Creeper (Asparagus asparagoides L. W. Wight) is the primary weed threat to the largest remaining populations of P. spicata in the Cumberland Plain. Fire, as part of an integrated pest management program, offers the potential to stimulate P. spicata populations while controlling Bridal Creeper. It is important, therefore, to understand how the components of fire affect the germination and growth of both species. Using laboratory experiments we investigated the effects of smoke, heat, ash and/or light on the germination of P. spicata and Bridal Creeper. We found a significant promotive effect of smoke and indication of an inhibitory heat shock (90°C for 10 min) effect on the germination of P. spicata seeds. The response of Bridal Creeper seeds to the same factors was complex; while the results of one experiment suggested an inhibitory effect of smoke and a promotive effect of heat, subsequent trials were contradictory, implying that Bridal Creeper, like many weeds, is able to germinate under a wide range of environmental conditions. Other experiments investigated the optimal germination temperature and innate dormancy of P. spicata in the absence of fire‐related germination cues. Of the incubation temperatures investigated, the optimal diurnally fluctuating regime for P. spicata germinations was 10°C and 20°C in the night and day, respectively. The innate dormancy of freshly produced seeds disappeared after 3 months. In contrast to Bridal Creeper, we found a persistent germinable seed bank of about 97 P. spicata seeds/m2 located in the top 5 cm of the soil profile. While fire alone is unlikely to kill Bridal Creeper plants, fire may help to manage local infestations of the weed by limiting germination and providing opportunity for herbicide treatment of regrowth.  相似文献   
Abstract. The development of secondary Pinus densiflora (Japanese red pine) forests after pine wilt disease was studied through phytosociological analysis, estimation of forest structure before disease and size-structure, tree ring and stem analyses. Following the end of the disease, the growth of previously suppressed small oak trees was accelerated. This is quite different from the development of forests following fire, which starts with the establishment of pine seedlings. Pine wilt disease shifted the dominance of secondary forests from Pinus densiflora to Quercus serrata oak forest. In pine forests, disturbance by fire is important for forest maintenance. In contrast, disturbance by pine wilt disease leads to an acceleration of succession from pine forest to oak forest.  相似文献   
Atelocauda koae, a rust of the native HawaiianAcacia koa, is considered as a demicyclic species, having spermogonial, aecial, and telial states, but is unusual in production of aeciospores simultaneously with teliospores rather than consecutively. Host inoculation with spores of each state separately confirmed that the life cycle was perpetuated by the telial state, but the aeciospores, while capable of germination and stomal penetration, did not produce detectable infection. This rust therefore behaves as a microcyclic species, and appears to be in evolutionary transition toward this reduced state. Teliospores produced vestigial, permanently attached basidiosopores which germinated to produce infective hyphae. The hyphae entered the host either through stomata or penetrated the epidermis directly, with the latter method being more common. Unusual nuclear associated with teliospore germination, in which meiosis occurs in more than one diploid nucleus was observed, in confirmation of an earlier study.  相似文献   
Three thiamine-binding proteins of 17-19 kDa (STBP-I, II, and III) were purified from sesame seed (Sesamum indicum L.). Each of the proteins was composed of two subunits of equal molecular mass and each subunit consisted of a large polypeptide and a small polypeptide linked by a disulfide bond(s). They were rich in glutamic acid (or glutamine) and arginine. Their binding activities were optimal at neutral pH. They bound specifically free thiamine but not thiamine phosphates. STBP-I had higher affinity for thiamine than STBP-II or STBP-III. STBP-II and STBP-III bound one molecule of thiamine per molecule, and STBP-I bound 0.5 molecule. The amino acid composition and structure of the STPBs were similar to those of 2S storage proteins.  相似文献   
The effect of the plant growth retardants ancymidol. mefluidide and uniconazole on germination of two melon accessions differing in their ability to germinate at 14°C was examined. The accessions were the cold sensitive Noy Yizre'el and the cold tolerant Persia 202. The three growth retardants were able to delay the germination of intact Noy Yizre'el seeds, but did not affect that of intact Persia 202 seeds. On the other hand germination of decoated seeds of both accessions was unaffected by these inhibitors at normal oxygen concentration, but was inhibited at 5% oxygen. When gibberellin-like activity was measured by a dwarf rice biological assay following HPLC fractionation, it was found that seeds of Persia 202 contained much more gibberellin-like activity than Noy Yizre'el seeds. Among the extracted compounds several endogenous gibberellins were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). They included GA4, GA20, GA1 and GA3 in Noy Yizre'el and GA34, GA20, GA1 and GA8 in Persia 202. It is suggested that the better germination of intact Persia 202 seeds, compared to Noy Yizre'el seeds at low temperature and low oxygen concentration, is due to a higher endogenous level of GA and a better seed coat permeability to oxygen.  相似文献   
The metabolic significance of Se in plants is not well documented, though the presence of many selenoenzymes in bacteria and the essentiality of Se in higher animals is established. Since germination is an active process in plant growth and metabolism, the effect of Se was investigated in germinatingVigna radiata L, a nonaccumulating Sedeficient legume. Growth and protein were enhanced in seedlings supplemented with selenium (Se) as sodium selenite in the medium up to 1 μg/mL. The pattern of uptake of75Se in the differentiating tissues and the subcellular distribution were investigated. The percentage of incorporation of75Se was greater in the mitochondria at the lowest level (0.5 μg/mL) of Se supplementation compared to higher levels of Se exposure. Proteins precipitated from the postmitochondrial supernatant fractions, when separated by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), indicated a major selenoprotein in the seedlings germinated at 2.0 μg/mL Se. In seedlings grown with supplemented Se, enhanced respiratory control ratio and succinate dehydrogenase activity were observed in the mitochondria of tissues, indicative of a role for Se in mitochondrial membrane functions.  相似文献   
Tree squirrels (Tamiasciurus) are important selective agents on conifer reproductive strategies (Smith 1970, 1975). Although this is well established for wind-dispersed pines, the impact of tree squirrels on bird-dispersed pines has been largely ignored. I assessed the impact of tree squirrels on the allocation of reproductive energy in the bird-dispersed limber pine (Pinus flexilis) by comparing its cone and seed traits from three sites in the Rocky Mountains where tree squirrels (Tamiasciurus) are present to those from three mountain ranges in the Great Basin where tree squirrels are absent. As predicted, differences between the two regions in individual cone and seed traits are consistent with the hypothesis that tree squirrels are important selective agents on these traits. In the absence of tree squirrels, limber pine allocates more than twice as much energy to kernel compared with that invested in putative seed defenses (cone, resin, and seed coat) as does limber pine where tree squirrels are present. Such a large difference is particularly striking, because tree squirrels may have become extinct in the Great Basin in only the last 12,000 yr. Although many factors influence the allocation of energy to cones and seeds, no single factor other than the presence of tree squirrels is compatible with the large and consistent differences between limber pine in the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin. These results show that tree squirrels are an important constraint on the evolution of cone and seed traits that promote the dispersal of seeds by birds.  相似文献   
 The fatty acid compositions of the seed oils from ten pine species have been established by capillary gas-liquid chromatography of the methyl esters. With regard to either normal fatty acids or Δ5-olefinic acids, the general pattern of fatty acids did not differ from that of other pine seed oils reported previously. The main fatty acid was linoleic (9,12–18:2) acid (44.4–57.1%), followed by either oleic (9–18:1) acid (13.4–24.5%) or pinolenic (5,9,12–18:3) acid (1.5–25.2%). When applying multivariate analyses to the chemometric data (13 variables) of 49 pine species (ca. 40% of the living pine species), it was possible to distinguish between several sections: Pinea, Longifolia, Halepensis, Ponderosa-Banksiana, Sylvestris, and Cembra. The latter section was clearly divided into two sub-groups. A few species that presented a low overall content of Δ5-olefinic acids, and that grow in warm-temperate regions, were isolated from the bulk of other pine species. It is hypothesized that Δ5-olefinic acids might be related to cold-acclimation. Received: 5 June 1997 / Accepted: 17 August 1997  相似文献   
The effects of different seed sizes, planting densities and planting patterns on the transmission of silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani) and black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) diseases of potatoes were examined in five field experiments with cv. Estima in 1991–93.
In all experiments, silver scurf was more severe with increase in seed size and planting density. At high planting density, silver scurf was less severe from a square planting pattern than from planting in wide rows. The incidence of black scurf also tended to increase with increase in seed size and was increased markedly high planting density.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) lectin is a seed protein that accumulates in protein bodies of cotyledons during seed development. We have constructed two expression cassettes containing the 5′ and 3′ regions of the soybean lectin gene connected by aNot I restriction site. One vector also contains the 32 amino acid signal sequence. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the coding region of the β-glucuronidase (uidA) gene was inserted into theNot I site of each vector. We tested the function of the expression cassettes in transformed embryogenic cultures of soybean. Development-specific GUS expression was observed in developing somatic embryos transformed with the chimeric lectin promoter-GUS constructs as determined by histochemical assays. Our data indicate that these cassettes could be used to drive expression of foreign genes to modify embryo-specific traits of soybean as protein quality or quantity in the seed.  相似文献   
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