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The mechanisms underpinning forest biodiversity‐ecosystem function relationships remain unresolved. Yet, in heterogeneous forests, ecosystem function of different strata could be associated with traits or evolutionary relationships differently. Here, we integrate phylogenies and traits to evaluate the effects of elevational diversity on above‐ground biomass across forest strata and spatial scales. Community‐weighted means of height and leaf phosphorous concentration and functional diversity in specific leaf area exhibited positive correlations with tree biomass, suggesting that both positive selection effects and complementarity occur. However, high shrub biomass is associated with greater dissimilarity in seed mass and multidimensional trait space, while species richness or phylogenetic diversity is the most important predictor for herbaceous biomass, indicating that species complementarity is especially important for understory function. The strength of diversity‐biomass relationships increases at larger spatial scales. We conclude that strata‐ and scale‐ dependent assessments of community structure and function are needed to fully understand how biodiversity influences ecosystem function.  相似文献   
Dental caries and antemortem tooth loss (AMTL) are investigated in a Classic Maya sample obtained from the sites of Calakmul, Dzibanché, and Kohunlich (Mexico). This study aims at assessing the effect that sex and social status had on the prevalence of oral pathologies. The lack of a direct relationship between caries, AMTL, and age-at-death led us to interpret the results in terms of the biological, socioeconomic, and behavioral conditions prevailing in these ancient Maya settlements. Benefits related to sex and social status are evident in the frequency of carious lesions, which appear less frequently in elite males than in low-status individuals of both sexes and in elite females. Individuals from problematic mortuary contexts and isolated bone assemblages, who could not be ascribed to any status group, showed the highest rates of caries. Sex discrimination in dietary preferences appears in the elite sample, while the homogeneity encountered between sexes in the low-status segment suggests a more uniform access to resources. Tooth loss clearly distinguishes elite individuals from commoners, regardless of sex, with the former bearing a much higher rate of loss. In individuals from the undefined mortuary assemblages and sacrificial contexts, it was even more pronounced than in the other groups, although its interpretation is problematic due to a lack of associated funerary data. The overall evidence from oral pathologies is interpreted to be the result of deficient oral hygiene coupled with a softer and more refined diet in the high-status population, particularly males. Whereas elite males' subsistence was apparently based more on animal proteins and relatively soft and refined foods, a diet relying on carbohydrates may account for the observed rate of oral pathologies in elite females and commoners.  相似文献   
Six sandy beaches on the North West coast of Spain, exposed to different wave action, were sampled in order to study the macroinfauna community and the biopolymeric fraction (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) of sedimentary organic matter. According to McLachlan’s rating system (1980), three of them were classified as sheltered and the other three as exposed beaches. Sampling was carried out during August 2004 at three tidal levels: high, medium and low. Macroinfauna community and organic matter concentrations were found to be significantly different when sheltered and exposed beaches were compared. Macroinfauna diversity (H′), abundances and biomass became increasingly enriched along a gradient from exposed to sheltered beaches. Macroinfauna mean abundance was found higher in sheltered (ranked from 1535 ± 358 to 15062 ± 5771 ind m−2) than in exposed beaches (from 150 ± 41 to 5518 ± 1986 ind m−2). Macroinfauna biomass ranged from 3.2 to 14.7 g m−2 and species richness from 25 to 27 in sheltered localities; while in exposed beaches, biomass ranged from 0.2 to 2.3 g m−2 and the number of species from 5 to 14. The biopolymeric carbon concentration (BPC) was significantly higher in sheltered (from 84.7 ± 44.7 to 163.3 ± 34.8) than in exposed (from 30.3 ± 7.5 to 78.7 ± 12.3) beaches. The low hydrodynamic conditions of sheltered beaches favoured the settlement of organic rich fine sediments, being supported by the higher protein to carbohydrate ratio found in the exposed (from 23.5 ± 0.9 to 32.7 ± 4.4), rather than in the sheltered localities (from 6.2 ± 0.7 to 13.6). Mean macroinfauna abundances were higher at medium and low tidal levels in both sheltered and exposed beaches. Crustacea was found to be the main group inhabiting the upper part of both types of beaches, dominating all tidal levels of exposed sandy beaches. Mollusca and Polychaeta groups were dominant in sheltered beaches at the medium and lower levels. There was a significant negative relationship between the BPC and the beach face slope; thus, BPC decreased as the intertidal slope increased. It seems that exposed sandy beaches are mainly physically controlled, whereas hospitable sheltered beaches let other factors, such as biochemical compounds, enrich the benthic fauna scenery. Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users Handling editors: K. Martens  相似文献   
该文记述了国际前寒武系-寒武系界线层型候选剖面所在地,湖北宜昌震旦系-寒武系界线地层中发现的小刺球藻类化石Micrhystridium regulare,regulare,讨论了它们的产出层位及其归属,并对小刺球藻类化石在时间上、空间上的分布作了简要的归纳,最后提出了小刺球藻类化石在震旦系-寒武系界线地层的划分和大区域地层对比中重要的潜在作用。  相似文献   
真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)和披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)是北半球高纬度地区晚更新世动物群的主要成员,其消亡的年代和原因一直是国际学术界关注的热点科学问题。本文对黑龙江青冈县英贤村最新出土的5个真猛犸象和5个披毛犀化石进行了AMS14C年代测定,结果均大于4万年,部分化石可能已经超出了目前14C的测定范围。通过整理并对比已公开发表的中国境内两种动物化石的14C年代学数据,本文认为早期常规14C测年方法所获得的年代值需要重新考虑其准确性。埋藏地层与最新的AMS14C测年数据显示,我国真猛犸象化石年代主要集中于MIS3阶段;披毛犀在我国消亡的时间很可能晚于真猛犸象,至少延续到末次冰消期。中国猛犸象-披毛犀动物群化石仍然需要开展更多的年代学研究。  相似文献   
采伐是调整林分结构的重要手段。不同林层的树木对采伐强度有着不同的响应方式。但以往考察采伐对树木生长的影响时多采用定性或简单定量的方法(如按树高等距)划分森林的垂直层次, 这就忽略了同一林层内不同树种间和不同发育阶段树木生长的差异。该研究在吉林蛟河天然阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林内建立轻度(胸高断面积采伐强度17.3%)、中度(34.7%)、重度(51.9%)采伐以及对照(不采伐)样地, 跟踪调查采伐后自然恢复2、4、7年保留木的生长动态。根据不同树种每一个体所处的林层位置和生长发育阶段, 将保留木划分为3个组别: 林冠层树种的成熟个体(I)、林冠层树种的未成熟个体(II)以及林下层树种的全部个体(III), 比较不同恢复时期各组别树木的生长对于采伐强度的响应差异。结果表明, 第II组树木的平均胸径相对生长速率(0.033 cm·cm-1·a-1)显著高于第I (0.016 cm·cm-1·a-1)和III组(0.018 cm·cm-1·a-1)。总体来看, 采伐促进了大多数林冠层优势树种(第I、II组)的生长, 尤其是第II组树木的相对生长速率随采伐强度的增加而增加, 但第I组树木的相对生长速率只在重度采伐样地显著高于对照样地。然而林冠层少见种的生长速率并未受到采伐活动的显著影响。值得注意的是, 第I和II组树木生长对于采伐的响应都存在一定的时间滞后, 伐后短期内(2年)采伐样地与对照样地的生长速率没有显著差异, 而采伐对树木生长的促进效果在伐后2-4年才开始出现, 并在随后的监测期内持续存在。各组别树木的相对生长速率均随初始胸径的增大而降低, 且这种负相关关系的斜率随采伐强度增加逐渐增大, 表明随着采伐强度增加, 较小的树木个体从减弱的竞争中获益更多, 呈现出更加明显的生长释放现象。  相似文献   
Montane bamboo is of immense importance to the people living adjacent to Echuya Forest Reserve. It is used for building poles, bean-staking and basket weaving. The bamboo in Uganda occurs mostly in protected areas. Over the past 50 years, the bamboo forest cover has been declining. This study aimed at determining bamboo density and distribution and the possible causes of its decline within Echuya. We used exploratory inventories, bamboo assessment plots and village interviews to determine bamboo population structure and possible causes of its decline in Echuya. Bamboo forest decline in Echuya may be blamed on several factors that interplay together. Poor harvest methods especially during the clear cutting of bamboo for bean-stakes and stakes for house wefts seems to be the remote cause of the bamboo forest decline. Other causes for the bamboo forest decline are damages caused by insect borers and climber loads on the bamboo stems. The remote causes have been exacerbated by the invasion of secondary forest tree species such as Macaranga kilimandscharica that have slowly taken over areas previously occupied by the bamboo forest. Seventy per cent of the local people interviewed agree that over-harvesting of bamboo is the major reason for its decline.  相似文献   
Compacted soil liners are widely used as a waste containment barrier to control or restrict the migration of contaminant/leachate from the landfill into the environment because of their low hydraulic conductivity, attenuation capacity, resistance to damage or puncture, and cost effectiveness. Compacted soil liners are usually composed of natural inorganic clays or clayey soils. If natural clayey soils are not available, kaolinite or commercially available high swelling clay (bentonite) can be mixed with local soils or sand. This study examines the potential of a sedimentary residual soil as a waste containment barrier in landfills. The laboratory experiments conducted were: grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, swelling tests, compaction, volumetric shrinkage strain, unconfined compression, hydraulic conductivity and cation exchange capacity. The experimental results were compared with those recommended by various researchers for evaluation of its suitability. Test results showed that the soil compacted with modified Proctor compaction effort possesses low hydraulic conductivity (≤1 × 10?7 cm/s) and adequate strength. In addition, compacted sedimentary residual soil exhibited little volumetric shrinkage strain of below 4% at this compaction effort. Thus, the sedimentary residual soil could be effectively used for the construction of a waste containment barrier in landfills.  相似文献   
在广西钦州地区小董镇大虫岭深海硅质岩剖面中,首次处理出了层序连续的牙形石化石,并由老至新划分了二个牙形石带,即Jinogondolella granti带和Clarkina dukouensis带。通过这二个牙形石带与斜坡相和盆地相碳酸盐岩硅质岩系中的牙形石带进行对比,划分了本剖面中乐平统生物地层底界。本文对深海硅质岩系中这一界线地层牙形石动物群特征进行了简要的描述。  相似文献   
我国寒武系底部含磷岩系中的棘灰状化石   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
重点介绍产于我国扬子地台下寒武统底部含磷岩系中的部分具棘,带刺类化石的分布情况和埋藏特征,对它们的分类位置和亲缘关系也作初步探讨,认为它们分属于不同的后生动物类群的硬件构造,文中描述了该类化石3属4种,其中1新属1新种-Paradoxiconus typicalis gen.et sp.nov。  相似文献   
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