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A new aberrant species of the planorbid genus Gyraulus, Gyraulus luguhuensis n. sp., is described from Lake Lugu (Lugu-hu, in Chinese), Southwest China. The generic assignment with Gyraulus is based on features of the genital anatomy that are characteristic for members of that genus, in particular the presence of a chitinized penial stylet. Gyraulus luguhuensis n. sp. differs from most other congeners by its large, thick shell with an elevated spire. Similarly, aberrant shells are known from congeners in other Ancient Lakes worldwide indicating a potentially convergent evolution of shell characteristics in exclusively lacustrine species. Gyraulus luguhuensis differs from other lacustrine Gyraulus species with similarly large shells in having a sub-terminal penis pore and an unkeeled shell.  相似文献   
The planktonic marine diatom Skeletonema marinoi forms resting stages, which can survive for decades buried in aphotic, anoxic sediments and resume growth when re-exposed to light, oxygen, and nutrients. The mechanisms by which they maintain cell viability during dormancy are poorly known. Here, we investigated cell-specific nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) assimilation and survival rate in resting stages of three S. marinoi strains. Resting stages were incubated with stable isotopes of dissolved inorganic N (DIN), in the form of 15N-ammonium (NH4+) or -nitrate (NO3) and dissolved inorganic C (DIC) as 13C-bicarbonate (HCO3) under dark and anoxic conditions for 2 months. Particulate C and N concentration remained close to the Redfield ratio (6.6) during the experiment, indicating viable diatoms. However, survival varied between <0.1% and 47.6% among the three different S. marinoi strains, and overall survival was higher when NO3 was available. One strain did not survive in the NH4+ treatment. Using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), we quantified assimilation of labeled DIC and DIN from the ambient environment within the resting stages. Dark fixation of DIC was insignificant across all strains. Significant assimilation of 15N-NO3 and 15N-NH4+ occurred in all S. marinoi strains at rates that would double the nitrogenous biomass over 77–380 years depending on strain and treatment. Hence, resting stages of S. marinoi assimilate N from the ambient environment at slow rates during darkness and anoxia. This activity may explain their well-documented long survival and swift resumption of vegetative growth after dormancy in dark and anoxic sediments.  相似文献   
Three new species of Synargis Hübner, 1819, from Paraguay and southern and central Brazil are described: Synargis fandanga sp. nov. from Paraguay (Amambay and Paraguari) and southern Brazil (Paraná and Santa Catarina), Synargis rasqueada sp. nov. from central Brazil (Mato Grosso), and Synargis gorpa sp. nov. from southern Brazil (Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul). Lectotypes are designated for Lemonias axenus Hewitson, 1876, Ematurgina axenus ochrophlegma Sitchel, 1911, Ematurgina acervata Seitz, 1932, and Ematurgina perrupta Seitz, 1932. Ematurgina ochrophlegma f. dissimilis Hayward, 1949, is a new synonym of Synargis bifasciata (Mengel, 1902), and Ematurgina ochrophlegma f. distincta Hayward, 1949, is a new synonym of Synargis axenus (Hewitson, 1876). The revalidation of E. perrupta Seitz, 1932, and the new status Synargis ochrophlegma (Stichel, 1911) are proposed. Ematurgina perrupta ab. roeberi Seitz, 1932, and Ematurgina bifasciata ochrophlegma ab. leucomelaina Breyer, 1930, are considered unavailable names. Based on a previous phylogenetic hypothesis, the phylogeny of the genus Synargis is reassessed, adding these new and revalidated taxa, and nine additional characters. The ‘Synargis regulus’ species group and the ‘Synargis axenus complex’ are recovered as monophyletic, with S. gorpa sp. nov. sister to the remaining species of the ‘S. axenus complex’. Additionally, an up‐to‐date geographical distribution map and a dichotomous key are provided, and the taxonomy of the taxa involved is discussed. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
Microbial growth under extreme conditions is often slow. This is partly because large amounts of energy are diverted into cellular mechanisms that allow survival under hostile conditions. Because this challenge is universal and diversity in extreme environments is low compared to non-extreme environments, slow-growing microorganisms are not overgrown by other species. In some cases, especially when nutrients are scarce, slow growth was even shown to increase stress tolerance. And in at least some species of extremotolerant and extremophilic fungi, growth rate appears to be coupled with their very unusual morphologies, which in turn may be an adaptation to extreme conditions. However, there is more than one strategy of survival in extreme environments. Fungi that thrive in extremes can be divided into (i) ubiquitous and polyextremotolerant generalists and (ii) rarely isolated specialists with narrow ecological amplitudes. While generalists can compete with mesophilic species, specialists cannot. When adapting to extreme conditions, the risk of an evolutionary trade-off in the form of reduced fitness under mesophilic conditions may limit the maximum stress tolerance achievable by polyextremotolerant generalists. At the same time, specialists are rarely found in mesophilic environments, which allows them to evolve to ever greater extremotolerance, since a reduction of mesophilic fitness is likely to have little impact on their evolutionary success.  相似文献   
Aim Aegagropila linnaei is a freshwater macroalga that is generally regarded as a rare species. It is apparently absent from large but seemingly suitable areas of the Northern Hemisphere, implying a limited dispersal potential and an imprint of Pleistocene glaciations in its biogeography. However, despite the popularity of its enigmatic lake ball‐form, detailed biogeographical studies of A. linnaei have never been conducted. The main means of reproduction of A. linnaei is fragmentation and akinetes are not formed, supporting the assumption of limited dispersal capacity. The aim of this study was to reconstruct the biogeography of A. linnaei, and to identify possible refugia during glaciations, as well as to evaluate dispersal potential by quantitative desiccation experiments. Location Palaearctic. Methods The current distribution of A. linnaei was inferred from herbarium specimens, literature data and recent field observations. All herbarium specimens were morphologically re‐examined. Desiccation experiments were performed with vegetative filaments of three isolates of A. linnaei, as no specialized resistant stages are known. For comparison, the widespread freshwater algae Cladophora glomerata and Rhizoclonium sp. were included. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA sequences were generated and a ribotype network was constructed. Results Aegagropila linnaei was recorded from 283 locations in freshwater and brackish environments. The majority of locations were in central and northern Europe in previously glaciated areas. Desiccation experiments showed that A. linnaei is very susceptible to desiccation. Based on ITS sequences of 34 samples, five different ribotypes were identified. Four of these ribotypes had a restricted distribution. Aegagropila linnaei represents a single species with little genetic variation (0.1–0.5%). Main conclusions This is the most comprehensive study of this species so far, reporting many new locations and tackling several taxonomic problems. Few additional finds were made from North America, and the origin of A. linnaei is inferred to be in Asia. The highest density of its present‐day locations is in previously glaciated areas in Europe, where glacial ice‐dammed lakes might have functioned as refugia. Low effective long‐distance dispersal capacity is inferred, based on high susceptibility to desiccation and its modes of dispersal.  相似文献   
The costs of arousal from induced torpor were measured in the striped-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura; ca. 25 g) under two experimental ambient temperature cycles. The sinusoidal-type temperature cycles were designed to evaluate the effects of passive, ambient temperature heating during arousal from torpor in these insectivorous marsupials. It was hypothesised that diel ambient temperature cycles may offer significant energy savings during arousal in animals that employ daily torpor in summer as a response to unpredictable food availability. The cost of arousal in animals in which passive, exogenous heating occurred was significantly lower than that in animals not exposed to an ambient temperature cycle. The total cost of all three phases of torpor (entry, maintenance and arousal) was almost halved when animals were exposed to an ambient heating cycle from 15 °C to 25 °C over a 24-h period. In all animals, irrespective of the experimental ambient temperature cycle employed, the minimum torpor body temperature was 17–18 °C. The body temperature (Tb) of animals exposed to exogenous heating increased from the torpor Tb minimum to a mean value of 22.59 °C before endogenous heat production commenced. This relatively small increase in Tb of ca. 5 °C through `free' passive heating was sufficient to account for the significant ca. three-fold decrease in the cost of arousal and may represent an important energetic aid to free-ranging animals. Accepted: 4 October 1998  相似文献   
The characteristics of daily torpor were measured in the round-eared elephant shrew Macroscelides proboscideus (Macroscelidea) in response to ambient temperature and food deprivation. Elephant shrews are an ancient mammal order within a superordinal African clade including hyraxes, elephants, dugongs and the aardvark. M. proboscideus only employed torpor when deprived of food; torpor did not occur under an ad libitum diet at ambient temperatures of 10, 15 and 25?°C. Torpor bout duration ranged from <1?h to ca. 18?h. The times of entry into torpor were restricted to the scotophase, despite normothermic body temperature patterns indicating a rest phase coincident with the photophase. Full arousal was always achieved within the first 3?h of the photophase. When food deprived, the onset of the rest phase, and hence torpor, advanced with respect to the experimental photoperiod. The lowest torpor body temperature measured was 9.41?°C. Daily torpor in M. proboscideus confirms a pleisiomorphic origin of daily heterothermy. Torpor facilitates risk-averse foraging behaviour in these small omnivores by overcoming long-term energy shortfalls generated by the inherent variability of food availability in their semi-arid, El Niño-afflicted habitats.  相似文献   
The search for novel biologically active molecules has extended to the screening of organisms associated with less explored environments. In this sense, Oceans, which cover nearly the 67% of the globe, are interesting ecosystems characterized by a high biodiversity that is worth being explored. As such, marine microorganisms are highly interesting as promising sources of new bioactive compounds of potential value to humans. Some of these microorganisms are able to survive in extreme marine environments and, as a result, they produce complex molecules with unique biological interesting properties for a wide variety of industrial and biotechnological applications. Thus, different marine microorganisms (fungi, myxomycetes, bacteria, and microalgae) producing compounds with antioxidant, antibacterial, apoptotic, antitumoral and antiviral activities have been already isolated. This review compiles and discusses the discovery of bioactive molecules from marine microorganisms reported from 2018 onwards. Moreover, it highlights the huge potential of marine microorganisms for obtaining highly valuable bioactive compounds.  相似文献   
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