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Munawar  M.  Norwood  W. P.  McCarthy  L. H.  Mayfield  C. I. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):601-618
The contamination of Toronto Harbour is a very serious problem. The major sources of pollution are the Don River and sewer outflows, as well as industrial, and municipal effluents. The problem is further compounded by perturbations of the toxic sediment caused by dredging, dredge-disposal, navigation, and recreational activities. The impact of contamination and nutrient enrichment was reflected in the size-fractionated primary productivity experiments. Generally, microplankton/netplankton (> 20 µm) productivity was enhanced whereas ultraplankton (< 20 µm) productivity was inhibited. These observations are attributable to interactions between ameliorating nutrients and toxic contaminants as well as to the differential sensitivity of natural phytoplankton size assemblages to the bioavailable chemical regime. In situ environmental techniques applied in Toronto Harbour were effective, sensitive, and rapid, and provided a better understanding of the impact of dredging/disposal activities under natural conditions. These techniques have great potential in the assessment of the ecotoxicology of harbours and other stressed environments.  相似文献   
Direct measurements of net production rates and pore water profiles of solutes in the fine-grained sediments of Saginaw Bay, imply corresponding steady-state fluxes to the overlying water of 1.1–1.3 (I), 450–1010 (NH4 +), 1250–2650 (Si(OH)4), 3000–3400 (Ca2+), 440–1330 (Mg2+), 1.5–728 (Fe2+), and 179–281 (Mn2+) moles/m2/day and 11.0–11.8 (alkalinity) meq/m2/day at 17.5 °C. Silica production rates in sediments apparently follow first order kinetics with a rate coefficient of 0.09/day and a steady-state silica concentration of 1.2 mM at 23.5°C. The remaining solutes follow kinetics approximately independent of solute concentration over the range of concentrations observed. Measured solute production rates are consistent with observed solute profiles only if lateral diffusion gradients are maintained in the sediments by the burrowing and irrigation activity of benthic organisms such asChironomous, the dominant burrower in Saginaw Bay. Assuming that solute fluxes from Saginaw Bay are representative of all of the post-glacial sediments of Lake Huron, the iodine flux from sediments is comparable to the total fluvial input of iodine. The extrapolated silica fluxes from Lake Huron sediments balance the estimated biogenic silica flux to the sediments.  相似文献   
Munawar  M.  Munawar  I. F.  Leppard  G. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):237-246
The use of phytoplankton as test organisms in bioassays has recently gained momentum due to their simplicity, availability, sensitivity, rapidity of analysis, and cost-effectiveness. Increasing emphasis is currently being given to field and in situ experiments using indigenous populations, particularly ultraplankton/picoplankton (2–20 m) which play a key role in the microbial loop and food chain dynamics. Impact evaluation can be determined at the structural, ultra-structural, and functional level. An array of techniques is available for toxicity testing including the use of either algal cultures or natural assemblages in laboratory or in situ experiments, the selection of which depends on the objectives, precision required, and project budget of the particular study. An overview is presented of the various procedures using algae in toxicity testing with a focus on the Great Lakes and an emphasis on field techniques. The effective use and application of such sensitive technology has tremendous potential for early warning detection of ecosystem perturbations in concert with a multi-trophic battery of tests.  相似文献   
Rivers in northern Queensland are ephemeral and carry water mainly as a direct response to heavy rainfall. Sediment is transported downstream with the runoff and sediment deposition may be a major problem in many proposed reservoirs. Hence information about sediment transport, particularly under high flow conditions, is required for planning and design of water storage reservoirs. In this region, bed material samples can be obtained during low flow periods and suspended sediment sampling during floods is possible but only with difficulty. Little reliable data is available.This paper outlines a possible approach to predicting sediment loads in such rivers. Suspended sediment samples have been analysed to give both particulate concentrations and their grain size distributions. The latter have been compared with bed material size distributions, and the concentrations of suspended bed material and wash load components have been estimated.After investigations of a number of methods for predicting bed material transport, those which treat bed load and suspended load independently have been selected. Field data have been used to determine the wash load and the suspended bed material load. The bed load was then computed so that the total sediment load could be determined.This approach has been applied to the Flinders River at Glendower, based on field data obtained by the Queensland Water Resources Commission in 1982/83.  相似文献   
Walling  D. E.  Moorehead  P. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):125-149
The particle size characteristics of suspended sediment are of fundamental importance in understanding its role in a variety of environmental processes. Existing knowledge concerning the spatial and temporal variability of the grain size composition of suspended sediment is, however, relatively limited. At the global scale, major contrasts may exist between individual rivers in the calibre of their suspended load and this may be related to a number of controls including climate, catchment geology and basin scale. Any attempt to understand the precise relationship between the grain size characteristics of suspended sediment and those of its source material must also take account of the selectivity of erosion and delivery processes. A local case study undertaken by the authors in the 1500 km2 basin of the River Exe in Devon, UK is used to illustrate the considerable spatial variability that may occur within a relatively small area and the complexity of the associated controls.Available evidence concerning the temporal variability of the grain size characteristics of suspended sediment emphasises the diverse patterns of behaviour that may exist and the complexity of the controls involved. In some rivers the sediment may become coarser as flow increases, in others it may become finer, whilst in others it may exhibit a relatively constant grain size composition. Data from the local case study in the Exe basin are again used to highlight the considerable diversity in response to changing discharge that may occur within a relatively small area.Any attempt to understand the dynamics of sediment movement through a river system must also take account of the potential contrast between the ultimate and effective particle size distribution of suspended sediment in response to aggregation. Results from the Exe basin study indicate that even in rivers with relatively low solute concentrations, almost an order of magnitude difference may exist between the median particle size associated with the ultimate and effective grain size distributions.  相似文献   
Gregor  D. J.  Munawar  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):291-300
Lake Diefenbaker, on the South Saskatchewan River, Saskatchewan, Canada, receives, on average, 90% of its inflow from snowmelt and rainfall in the Rocky Mountains. The inflowing rivers also receive irrigation return flows and municipal and industrial effluents which may result in the contamination of lake sediments. The sediments were assessed by nematode and algal bioassays.The toxicity of five chemical fractions of the sediment was determined using the nematode Panagrellus redivivus as the test organisms. The results suggest that the sediment chemical fractions frequently inhibit growth and maturation, while lethality was observed at 4 of 12 sites.Samples from 3 of these sites were further evaluated using conventional elutriate Algal Fractionation Bioassays (AFB) with both natural Lake Diefenbaker phytoplankton and a mixed laboratory grown algal culture. The natural phytoplankton showed inhibition at sediment: water ratios of 10: 1; whereas the algal cultures showed both enhancement and inhibition. Evidently, the sediments are frequently toxic to the species tested except for the algal culture. The AFB assesses the mitigative and synergistic effects of contaminants and nutrients and being a conventional elutriate, is more realistic and potentially more acceptable than the chemical fractionation/nematode bioassay technique which essentially considers potential trace organic contaminant effects.  相似文献   
Exposure of a crude synaptosomal fraction to K+ concentrations ranging from 25 to 100 mM evokes the release of [3H]taurine and [3H]GABA. These high concentrations of K+ induce, besides depolarization, a marked synaptosomal swelling, which is prevented by replacing chloride in the solutions with the largely impermeant anion gluconate. The depolarizing effect of K+ is unaffected by omission of chloride. The K+-evoked release of taurine seems related to K+-induced changes in synaptosomal volume rather than to a depolarizing effect, since it is totally calcium-independent but is abolished by reducing chloride and by making solutions hypertonic with mannitol. The release of [3H]GABA, in contrast is unaffected in chloride-free or hypertonic solutions.  相似文献   
The systemic injection of kainic acid (KA) has been shown to destroy neurons in the hippocampus and to induce limbic-type seizure activity. However, little is known on the neurochemical events that are associated with this convulsant effect. In the present work we studied the spontaneous and the K+-stimulated release of labeled -aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, serotonin and dopamine, in hippocampal slices of KA-treated rats, at the moment of clinical seizures (2 h) and 72 h later. At the onset of convulsions we found a 40–45% decrease in the K+-stimulated release of GABA. The release of the other neurotransmitters was not significantly affected by KA treatment. After 72 h GABA release was still reduced by 30–40%. It is concluded that the epileptogenic effect of KA in the hippocampus is probably related to a diminished inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   
To determine the level of cerebral blood flow reduction which causes striatal dopamine release, extracellular dopamine and cerebral blood flow was simultaneously determined using in vivo brain dialysis and a hydrogen clearance method, respectively, in the striatum of spontaneously hypertensive rats, before and during experimental cerebral ischemia. The ischemic flow threshold for neurotransmitter dopamine release was found to be 20% of the resting value or 8–10 ml/100g/min of cerebral blood flow, being similar to those for energy and membrane failures.  相似文献   
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