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Estimating coverage and particle density using the line intercept method   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
LUCAS  H. A.; SEBER  G. A. F. 《Biometrika》1977,64(3):618-622
Following a severe fire in 1986 on the estuarine raised mire of Cors Fochno, Wales, a larval transect was initiated across the burnt and unburnt sections to investigate the recovery of the rosy marsh moth Coenophila subrosea population. This paper reports the results of 16 years of surveillance and relates larval density to the growth of the main food plant, bog myrtle Myrica gale. Earlier suggestions that fire is a necessary management tool to maintain Myrica at a young stage of its growth appear unfounded and hydrological effects are probably sufficient to ensure rapid turnover of the foodplant. Eighteen years in which there has been no significant disturbance to the mire vegetation has not led to the predicted decline in the moth population. However, changes in vegetational composition are occurring as a result of conservation management to the hydrological regime of the mire and further studies will be required to investigate whether restoration of the peatland water table leads to a significant reduction in the abundance in food plants or a decline in the status of the rosy marsh moth.  相似文献   
Estimating species abundance is important for land managers, especially for monitoring conservation efforts. The two main survey methods for estimating avian abundance are point counts and transects. Previous comparisons of these two methods have either been limited to a single species or have not included detection probability. During the 2012 breeding season, we compared and assessed the efficiency (precision for amount of effort) of point count time of detection (PCTD) and dependent double‐observer transect (TRMO) methods based on detection probabilities and abundance estimates of five species of songbirds that use a range of habitats in a prairie system in Montana dominated by sagebrush and grassland vegetation. Our focal species included Vesper Sparrows (Pooecetes gramineus), a generalist species found in both shrub and grassland habitat, shrub‐obligate Brewer's Sparrows (Spizella breweri), and McCown's Longspurs (Rhynchophanes mccownii), Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris), and Western Meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), three species of grassland obligates that prefer different grass heights. Detection probabilities were significantly higher for TRMO surveys, with less variation for all five species and differences most pronounced for Brewer's Sparrows and Horned Larks. PCTD surveys required less field effort (~8–20 fewer people minutes per plot) than TRMO surveys because the TRMO surveys required two people. However, time spent on TRMO surveys provided between 0.38 and 87 times more precision per people minute than PCTD surveys. Our results suggest that TRMO surveys provide a more efficient (measured as time spent per unit of standard error) field‐based technique in sagebrush prairie systems for the species we investigated, resulting in more precise detection and abundance estimates.  相似文献   
This paper gives a re-formulation of a model for the line transect method in terms of the theory of stationary point processes. The well-known formulae for this method are shown to be valid also under very general assumptions.  相似文献   
Line transect surveying is a relatively rapid and efficient procedure for the assessment of primate populations; although the reliability of the resulting density estimates is affected by a number of factors, including habitat configuration. In this study, primate populations were surveyed at a highly fragmented site in northeastern Brazil, where the resident species include the endangered Coimbra‐Filho's titi, Callicebus coimbrai, and the critically endangered yellow‐breasted capuchin, Cebus xanthosternos. In addition to standard line transect surveys, data were collected on the composition and distribution of resident groups during playback surveys and ecological monitoring. During surveys, a 5.3‐km trail system was walked regularly over a 7‐month period, accumulating a total transect length of 476 km and 104 sightings of Callicebus and 41 of Cebus (as well as 19 records of a third primate, Callithrix jacchus). Data were analyzed using the DISTANCE program and the Kelker method, using the perpendicular distances to first animal sighted. Estimates of group density were highly discrepant from known values for both species; although in the case of Cebus, this seemed to reflect grouping patterns at the site. For Callicebus, population density was overestimated considerably when known group counts were used. Overall, there seems to be a need for a much more rigorous standardization of procedures, and the analysis and presentation of results, in order to guarantee the most reliable interpretation possible of the data. These considerations are especially important in the case of endangered species, such as those studied here. Am. J. Primatol. 72:1100–1107, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A new ground-based technique for estimating the density of nesting Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) within occupied habitat is described and evaluated using an experimental approach with model penguins. In this set-up, an operator takes photos with a camera mounted on a 3-m pole at pre-determined sampling locations within habitat occupied by nesting penguins, and the actual boundaries of the plot in which penguin density is estimated are added post-survey. Density estimates are calculated by overlaying slope-specific templates delineating plot boundaries and distances of known dimensions onto the digital photos to allow a distance-sampling analysis to correct for any negative bias in counts arising from a proportion of penguins being obscured. Experimental assessment of biases in density estimates because of misclassification error was <2% when compared to true density, indicating that this survey method is effective at accurately estimating penguin density and, therefore, abundance.  相似文献   
Aim Climate is recognized for the significant role it plays in the global distribution of plant species diversity. We test the extent to which two aspects of climate, namely temperature and precipitation, explain the spatial distribution of high taxonomic groupings (plant families) at a regional spatial resolution (the Neotropics). Our goal is to provide a quantitative and comparative framework for identifying the local effects of climate on the familial composition of tropical forests by identifying the influence of climate on the number of individuals and the number of species within a given family. Location One hundred and forty‐four 0.1‐ha forest transect sites from the Neotropics (19.8°N–27.0°S and 40.1°W–105.1°W). Data were originally collected by A.H. Gentry. Methods Spatial variability in the abundance (density) and species richness of 159 tropical plant families across a range of predominately lowland Neotropical landscapes were attributed to eight temperature and precipitation measures using the eigen analysis method of two‐field joint single‐value decomposition. Results Climate significantly affects the within‐clade diversity of several ecologically important Neotropical plant families. Intrafamily abundance and richness covary with temperature in some families (e.g. Fabaceae) and with precipitation in others (e.g. Bignoniaceae, Arecaceae), with differing climatic preferences observed even among co‐occurring families. In addition, the family‐level composition of Neotropical forests, in both abundance and richness, appears to be influenced more by temperature than by precipitation. Among lowland families, only Asteraceae increased in species richness with decreasing temperature, although several families, including Melastomataceae and Rubiaceae, are more abundant at lower temperatures. Main conclusions Although plant diversity is known to vary as a function of climate at the species level, we document clear climatic preferences even at the rank of family. Temperature plays a stronger role in governing the familial composition of tropical forests, particularly in the richness of families, than might be expected given its narrow annual and diurnal range in the tropics. Although other environmental or geographic variables that covary with temperature may be more causally linked to diversity differences than temperature itself, the results nonetheless identify the taxonomic components of tropical forest composition that may be most affected by future climatic changes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Criteria for delisting Golden‐cheeked Warblers (Dendroica chrysoparia) include protection of sufficient breeding habitat to ensure the continued existence of 1000 to 3000 singing males in each of eight recovery regions for ≥10 consecutive years. Hence, accurate abundance estimation is an integral component in the recovery of this species. I conducted a field test to determine if the distance sampling method provided unbiased abundance estimates for Golden‐cheeked Warblers and develop recommendations to improve the accuracy of estimates by minimizing the effects of violating this method's assumptions. To determine if observers could satisfy the assumptions that birds are detected at the point with certainty and at their initial locations, I compared point‐transect sampling estimates from 2‐, 3‐, 4‐, and 5‐min time intervals to actual abundance determined by intensive territory monitoring. Point‐transect abundance estimates were 15%, 29%, 43%, and 59% greater than actual abundance (N= 156) for the 2‐, 3‐, 4‐, and 5‐min intervals, respectively. Point‐transect sampling produced unbiased estimates of Golden‐cheeked Warbler abundance when counts were limited to 2 min (N= 154–207). Abundance estimates derived from point‐transect sampling were likely greater than actual abundance because observers did not satisfy the assumption that birds were detected at their initial locations due to the frequent movements and large territory sizes of male Golden‐cheeked Warblers. To minimize the effect of movement on abundance estimates, I recommend limiting counts of singing males to 2‐min per point. Counts for other species in similar habitats with similar behavior and movement patterns also should be limited to 2 min when unbiased estimates are important and conducting field tests of the point‐transect distance sampling method is not possible.  相似文献   
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