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Monitoring cetaceans in European waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Food habits of tigers Panthera tigris in terms of prey abundance were studied in the semi-arid deciduous forests of Ranthambhore National Park, western India, between November 2000 and April 2001. Wild prey availability was assessed by line transects ( n =8) and prey selection by the tigers was determined from analysis of scats ( n =109). Compared to some other parts of the country, prey abundance was found to be high at 96.65 animals km−2. Chital Axis axis was the most abundant wild prey in the study area, followed by common langur Presbytis entellus , sambar Cervus unicolor , nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus , wild pig Sus scrofa and chinkara Gazella bennetti. Chital ( c. 31%) and sambar ( c . 47%) constituted the bulk of the tigers' diet and were preferred prey. Nilgai and chinkara contributed minimally to the tigers' diet ( c . 5–7% and <1%, respectively) and were used less than their availability. Domestic livestock made up 10–12% of the tigers' diet. The average weight of an animal consumed was between 107 and 114 kg reflecting a preference for large prey. The analysis reveals that parts of Ranthambhore have high prey abundance, thus making it important for long-term tiger conservation. Despite the high prey abundance, tigers were still considerably dependent on domestic livestock, posing challenges for the park management to resolve potential areas of conflict.  相似文献   
The monitoring of animal populations is necessary to conserve and manage the rare or harvest species and to understand the population change over several years. We used distance sampling methods to estimate seasonal density of blue sheep in a 2,740 km2 area of Helan Mountain region by walking along 32 transect lines from winter 2003 to autumn 2005. In all, 367–780 blue sheep were observed in 91–143 groups in the surveys during the seasons. Observed mean group size ranged from 3.42 to 8.35 individuals; encounter rate, the number of groups detected per kilometre, varied from 0.19 to 0.30 during the seasons. A hazard rate key function with cosine series expansion and a half-normal key function with either cosine or simple polynomial series expansion were the best fitting models based on the lowest value of Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). Density estimates varied between 3.627 sheep per square kilometre in spring 2004 and 4.635 per square kilometre in summer 2005. There were no detectable differences in estimated density among seasons (P = 0.887). The estimated density of blue sheep was negatively correlated with the total number of deaths (P < 0.05), number of sub-adult males’ deaths (P < 0.05), number of sub-adult females’ deaths (P < 0.05), and number of male lambs’ deaths (P < 0.05). We concluded that distance sampling surveys should be used to monitor long-term population trends to provide the best quantitative estimates of blue sheep populations in the Helan Mountains region.  相似文献   
Primate population assessments provide the basis for comparative studies and are necessary prerequisites in determining conservation status. The most widely used assessment method is line transect sampling, which generates systematic data quickly and comparatively inexpensively. In contrast, the presumably most reliable method is long-term monitoring of known groups, which is both slow and costly. To assess the reliability of various analytical methods, we compared group and population densities for white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar carpenteri) and Phayre’s leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus) derived from transect walks with those from long-term group follows at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Our assistants and we regularly walked a 4-km transect over 30 mo (480 km total), resulting in 155 gibbon sightings and 125 leaf monkey sightings. We then estimated densities via 1) DISTANCE and 2) the Kelker method based on perpendicular distances (PD) or animal-to-observer distances (AOD). We compared the 3 estimates to values based on known home ranges (95% kernels), accounting for home range overlap, combined with group size data. Analyses of line transect data consistently overestimated group densities for both species, while underestimating group size for leaf monkeys. Quality of results varied according to the group size and spread of each species. However, we found, in accordance with previous studies, that values derived via AOD (or its derivations) matched most closely with population estimates based on home range data.  相似文献   
Assessment of the woody vegetation of Ol Choro Oiroua, Masai Mara, Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The woody vegetation of the Ol Choro Oiroua Wildlife Management and Conservation area was surveyed. The species present, their size and the vertical distribution of their canopy were recorded. These parameters were then used to determine the percentage cover of woody vegetation at different heights, and the potential productivity of the trees and shrubs in terms of the available browse material. The survey data were converted to Browse Tree Equivalents, Leaf Dry Mass and a Canopy Sub-habitat Index, using the Browse Estimate from the Canopy Volume (B ecvol ) program. These parameters were next used to assess and predict the potential production of available browse material. The assessment established permanent observation plots for browse productivity estimates, and to serve as a basis for monitoring the encroachment or decline of woody species in the region.  相似文献   
Climate warming is expected to enhance productivity and growth of woody plants, particularly in temperature‐limited environments at the northernmost or uppermost limits of their distribution. However, this warming is spatially uneven and temporally variable, and the rise in temperatures differently affects biomes and growth forms. Here, applying a dendroecological approach with generalized additive mixed models, we analysed how the growth of shrubby junipers and coexisting trees (larch and pine species) responds to rising temperatures along a 5000‐km latitudinal range including sites from the Polar, Alpine to the Mediterranean biomes. We hypothesize that, being more coupled to ground microclimate, junipers will be less influenced by atmospheric conditions and will less respond to the post‐1950 climate warming than coexisting standing trees. Unexpectedly, shrub and tree growth forms revealed divergent growth trends in all the three biomes, with juniper performing better than trees at Mediterranean than at Polar and Alpine sites. The post‐1980s decline of tree growth in Mediterranean sites might be induced by drought stress amplified by climate warming and did not affect junipers. We conclude that different but coexisting long‐living growth forms can respond differently to the same climate factor and that, even in temperature‐limited area, other drivers like the duration of snow cover might locally play a fundamental role on woody plants growth across Europe.  相似文献   
The effects of human activity on population and social structure are a pantropical concern for primate conservation. We compare census data and social group counts from two forests in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. The main aim is to relate differences within and between the forests to current theory on the effect of human disturbance on primate abundance and group size. The survey reveals the presence of the restricted-range red colobus, Procolobus gordonorum, in New Dabaga/Ulangambi Forest Reserve (NDUFR). The primate community of NDUFR is impoverished compared to that in Ndundulu forest. Red colobus and black-and-white colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus) abundance and group size are lowest in NDUFR. Fission-fusion of red colobus social groups may be occurring in previously logged areas of both forests. Our observations are consistent with current theory on the effect of habitat degradation and hunting on primates, but the relative effects of the 2 factors could not be differentiated. We pooled the results with previous data to show that abundance of red colobus in the Udzungwa Mountains is lowest at high elevations. Low red colobus group sizes appear to be related to human activity rather than elevation. Black-and-white colobus and Sykes monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) show no relationship with elevation. Future studies will require more detailed information on vegetation, diet and ranging patterns to interpret fully intraspecific variation in population demography and social structure in the Udzungwa Mountains.  相似文献   
Plant ecophysiological changes in response to climatic change may be different in northern and southern European countries because different abiotic factors constrain plant physiological activity. We studied the effects of experimental warming and drought on the photosynthetic performance of two ericaceous shrubs (Erica multiflora and Calluna vulgaris) along a European gradient of temperature and precipitation (UK, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Spain). At each site, a passive warming treatment was applied during the night throughout the whole year, whereas the drought treatment excluded rain events over 6–10 weeks during the growing season. We measured leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence, and leaf carbon isotope ratio (13C) during the growing seasons of 1999 and 2000. Leaf net photosynthetic rates clearly followed a gradient from northern to southern countries in agreement with the geographical gradient in water availability. Accordingly, there was a strong correlation between net photosynthetic rates and the accumulated rainfall over the growing season. Droughted plants showed lower leaf gas exchange rates than control plants in the four sites. Interestingly, although leaf photosynthetic rates decreased along the precipitation gradient and in response to drought treatment, droughted plants were able to maintain higher leaf photosynthetic rates than control plants in relation to the accumulated rainfall over the months previous to the measurements. Droughted plants also showed higher values of potential photochemical efficiency (F v/F m) in relation to controls, mainly at midday. The warming treatment did not affect significantly any of the studied instantaneous ecophysiological variables..  相似文献   
1. Roe deer Capreolus capreolus were surveyed at night along tracks and roads in plantation forests in North Yorkshire, UK. Distance sampling was used to estimate their density. This method has been proposed for monitoring deer populations in state‐owned forests throughout the UK. 2. Most deer were stationary on detection and the vast majority did not change their behaviour during observation. Few deer were observed on the transects, suggesting that they were avoiding tracks and roads at night as opposed to moving in response to the observer. 3. This has implications for data analysis and hence the results of surveys. Left‐truncation or grouping of data close to the transect line to cope with road avoidance decreased the precision of the population estimate and may have impacted upon its accuracy. 4. Use of roads and tracks in forests is the only realistic option for transect surveys of deer at night but the influence of these features on deer distribution and hence density estimates must be taken into consideration when conducting such surveys.  相似文献   
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