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孙世贤  卫智军  吴新宏  姜超  郭利彪 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7570-7579
种群空间格局是种群自身特性、种间相互关系及环境条件综合作用的结果。以短花针茅荒漠草原为研究对象,运用Programita软件,采用Ripley's K函数和Monte Carlo随机模拟方法,对短花针茅、无芒影子草和碱韭种群点格局及空间关联性进行了研究。结果表明:短花针茅在禁牧和过度放牧下集群分布的尺度在增加,禁牧和过度放牧两种草地利用方式下短花针茅种群的格局具有趋同的趋势;并且,随着放牧强度的增大或者是持续放牧的影响,使得随机分布尺度在逐渐的增大,短花针茅在更大的尺度上才可能为集群分布。春季重牧+夏季重牧+秋季轻牧和全年重度放牧利用下无芒隐子草在较大尺度上才表现为集群分布,并且尺度转化的临界点在放牧的影响下有增大的趋势;重度放牧下碱韭为了适应放牧干扰逐渐向集群分布方向发展,集群分布的尺度在减小以提高种群的稳定性从而抵御过度的干扰。在不同的放牧干扰强度下植物种群具有明显的响应策略,大致表现为物种的群居性在增强,物种集群分布的尺度在减小以提高种群的稳定性从而抵御过度的干扰。春季休牧+夏季重牧+秋季轻牧处理下种群斑块化的尺度较大,有利于群落的稳定,因此荒漠草原采用这种利用方法较为合理。  相似文献   
1 In 1997, we ran two Malaise insect traps in each of four stands of wet forest in Costa Rica (two old‐growth and two 20‐year‐old stands) and four stands of moist forest in Panama (old‐growth, 20, 40 and 120‐year‐old stands). 2 Wet forest traps caught 2.32 times as many ichneumonoids as moist forest traps. The average catch per old‐growth trap was 1.89 times greater than the average catch per second‐growth trap. 3 Parasitoids of lepidopteran larvae were caught in higher proportions in the wet forest, while pupal parasitoids were relatively more active in the moist forest. 4 We hypothesize that moisture availability is of key importance in determining parasitoid activity, community composition and trophic interactions.  相似文献   
海草形态、生长的种间差异及其相关生长关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海草是海洋沉水高等植物,属典型的根茎克隆植物.根状茎直径和分株重分别是其个体大小的第一、二表征指标,个体大小是海草重要的种间识别特征.对海草6个形态构件指标和18个生长指标的综合分析表明:果实大小、单株叶面积、分株重具有显著的种特异性;分株发出的时间差、水平根状茎分枝率、叶年产量、分株寿命和垂直茎分枝率是海草种特异性最强的5个生长动态指标,海草生长动态的差异主要体现在克隆生长能力强弱和分株生活史长短上;大海草趋于游击型克隆构型,而小海草则趋于密集型,但小海草Cymodocea nodosa例外;大海草基株水平扩展能力较小海草差.海草个体大小与生长特征的相关生长关系表明:随个体的增大,海草在有机构件生长上表现出两相邻叶、相邻分株、相邻节发出的时间差延长,分株、叶、茎寿命延长的特点;在克隆生长水平上表现出根状茎节间长变短、延伸速率降低,分枝率和根状茎上年产分株数降低,分枝角度变小和间隔子增大的趋势;在克隆片段水平上表现为生理整合性增强;在种群层面则表现出生物量增大和种群密度降低的特点.因此,海草个体大小对其形态、生长特征、克隆构型、种群密度和生产力起到了决定作用.大小海草不同的形态、生长动态和克隆构型特征导致它们的生存策略及生态功能也不同,这一点可能对海草场修复基础理论研究具有一定的指示作用.  相似文献   
Lemur catta's ability to consume a wide variety of plant foods is a key to this species' survival in a time of ecological crisis across its geographic range. We examined seasonal diet variability of L. catta groups inhabiting two rocky outcrop fragments in south‐central Madagascar: Anja Reserve and Tsaranoro Valley forest. Leaves and fruit of Melia azedarach were a keystone resource for Anja lemurs in wet and dry seasons. At Tsaranoro, L. catta relied on M. azedarach and Ficus spp. in dry season, but during the wet season, neither was a dominant food resource. Top food species at both sites differed markedly from those consumed by L. catta in other habitats. At Tsaranoro, a greater proportion of lemurs engaged in feeding during the dry season compared with wet season. We attribute this to resource scarcity during dry season, when greater feeding effort is needed to maintain energy requirements. Because M. azedarach is ubiquitous throughout Anja Reserve, producing fruit and leaves year‐round, Anja lemurs can meet energy requirements with little seasonal adjustment in feeding activity. L. catta's IUCN status has been upgraded to Endangered, thus, greater insight into its diet flexibility and ability to survive on introduced plant species, can inform conservation plans in remaining wild habitats and ex situ programs.  相似文献   
通过稀释平板法和常规化学分析法, 对伊犁河谷地区3种龄级(5年、10年、15年)的速生杨欧美黑杨(Populus × euramericana)人工林的土壤微生物数量、组成和土壤养分变化进行了研究。结果表明, 3种不同林龄林地土壤微生物集中分布在10-40 cm土层, 数量和种类组成随季节变化有明显差异。随着林龄的增长, 土壤微生物总数、细菌数量减少, 真菌和放线菌数量在10年生人工林最高, 这一规律随季节变化。三大类土壤微生物的组成比例相对稳定, 不随季节变化而变化。土壤有机碳、氮含量主要集中在0-20 cm土层, 随土壤深度的增加逐渐减少, 其含量及分布受季节和土壤深度不同程度的影响。土壤有机碳含量随林龄的增长而逐渐增高, 有机氮则先减后增。相关分析表明, 土壤微生物总数与土壤有机碳呈负相关, 真菌数量与土壤有机氮呈正相关。3种林地土壤有机C/N比与土壤细菌数量/真菌数量比例一致, 说明速生杨人工林在一定生长年龄内能提高土壤的固碳能力, 改善土壤肥力。  相似文献   
野骆驼(Camelus ferus)生性机警, 且栖息于远离人迹、自然条件极端恶劣的荒漠、半荒漠地区, 其种群动态和行为生态学研究一直较为缺乏。本研究通过在库姆塔格沙漠地区进行不同季节的野外观测和连续水源地红外相机监测, 对野骆驼的集群行为进行了研究。2011-2013年, 在库姆塔格沙漠地区进行了8次野外调查, 共记录野骆驼64群, 个体430峰。非繁殖季节野骆驼集群大小平均为2.94±0.67峰; 而繁殖季节野骆驼集群大小平均为10.74±3.08峰。野外观测数据证明了野骆驼集群行为存在季节性差异, 倾向于冬季繁殖季节的集群。并于2012年10月至2013年9月期间, 在11个水源地设置11台红外相机, 共记录野骆驼281群745峰。与野外调查结果相比, 红外相机数据表明繁殖期间和非繁殖期间野骆驼集群大小没有显著差异(t = 0.322, P = 0.748)。水源地的地形因素、红外相机监测视角和监测时间的限制可能是造成这一差异的原因。但是两种方法的结果均表明野骆驼在阿尔金山北麓比西湖地区容易形成较大的集群; 同时, 繁殖季节野骆驼最大集群的规模要大于非繁殖季节。尽管利用红外相机进行动物集群行为研究存在一定的局限性, 但与传统基于野外调查的方法相比, 无论是经济上还是实用性方面, 利用红外相机都为我们开展动物行为学研究提供了新的手段。  相似文献   
中药柴胡不同采收期的皂甙含量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中药柴胡不同采收期的皂甙含量潘泽惠庄体德周雪林林湘(江苏省中国科学院植物研究所,南京210014)(黑龙江双鸭山矿务局师范学校,双鸭山155125)OnseasonalchangesofthetotalsaponinsinChinesetradit...  相似文献   
西双版纳人工雨林群落结构及其林下降雨侵蚀力特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过与本地典型的橡胶林和季节雨林进行对比,研究了在橡胶林基础上抚育、恢复而来的人工雨林群落结构及林下降雨侵蚀力特征.通过16a的抚育管理,人工雨林Shannon-Wiener多样性指数达到3.652,接近当地季节雨林的一般情况.对6a的降雨侵蚀力计算发现,人工雨林7月林内降雨侵蚀力达962.2 MJ mm hm-2 h-1 a-1,对旷地降雨侵蚀力的削减量是橡胶林的2.08倍.人工雨林初步重现了类似热带自然雨林的群落结构和叶面积指数特征,能够有效对削减降雨侵蚀力,这有利于林内水土保持和进一步的植被恢复.因此,人工雨林的抚育、恢复模式是热带退化山地地区植被恢复与重建的一条较为可行的途径.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution and seasonal variation in densities of the invertebrates were investigated for a year in three stream pools of a South Indian river. The effects of season, substrate type and water depth on the distribution were analyzed. Substrate type and season influenced the invertebrate distribution the most. Leaf packs harboured most of the organisms followed by macro-algal substrate and sand. The lowest densities were observed on rocky substrates and in the water column. Rocky substrates in shallow water supported higher densities of total invertebrates than deeper areas. Chironomid larvae dominated all benthic substrates throughout the year. Of the 19 invertebrate taxa studied, 6 showed no seasonality in densities, and most of the rest showed their highest densities in the pre-monsoon period and lowest in the SW monsoon or post-monsoon periods. However, in two of the three pools, the densities of total invertebrates were highest during the post-monsoon period with secondary peaks in the pre-monsoon period.  相似文献   
S. Sato  N. B. Comerford 《Plant and Soil》2006,279(1-2):107-117
Developing desorption isotherms for inorganic phosphorus (P) is a time-consuming and non-standardized procedure. Anion exchange membranes (AEMs) have been successfully used in studies of P desorption kinetics and total membrane-desorbable P, but rarely have they been used for developing P desorption isotherms. Our study had two objectives: (1) to evaluate the suitability of using multiple strips of AEMs (termed the Multiple AEM Method) to develop P desorption isotherms; and (2) to compare the Multiple AEM Method with a sequential-extraction approach using AEMs (termed the Sequential AEM Method) to determine if the manner in which AEMs were used would influence the slope of the desorption isotherm, i.e. the partition coefficient. Both methods yielded well-defined, but numerically different desorption isotherms for all levels of sorbed P. However, estimated K d values among methods were equivalent in the low and medium levels of P sorbed. The Multiple AEM method was quicker than the Sequential AEM method, but both gave similar K d values in an agriculturally significant range of soil solution concentrations. These methods should be tested on a range of soil type to determine their suitability in developing P desorption isotherms and to move toward method standardization for desorption isotherms.  相似文献   
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