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In den mannigfachen Wechselbeziehungen, die zwischen Pflanze und Tier bestehen, evolviert die Pflanze an das Tier gerichtete optische Signale vor allem im Bereich der Zoogamie und Zoochorie. Die Evolution solcher “Auslöser” kann vielfach als Imitation präexistierender Signale (Vorbilder) verstanden werden. Beispiele für eine solche “Mimikry” finden sich im Dienste der Samenverbreitung (“mimetic seeds”) und der Bestäubung. Vor allem aus letzterem Bereich werden die relativ wenigen Beispiele für Imitationen von Stamina und Pollen bei Pollenblumen, von Pilzstrukturen bei Pilzmückenblumen, von Beutetieren (Aphiden) oder Weibchenattrappen bei Orchideen zur Anlockung der Bestäuber vorgestellt. Ausführlicher begründet wird die These, daß zahlreiche Blütenmale (floral guides) als Kopien von Antheren, Stamina oder eines ganzen Androeceums evolviert wurden (Osche 1979). Die durch Flavonoide (als UV-Schutzpigment) schon bei Anemogamie vorgegebene Gelbfärbung des Pollen und der Antheren wird (gesteigert durch Carotinoide) als primäres Signal für Bestäuber eingesetzt. Da Blüten um Bestäuber konkurrieren und letztere die Blütenmuster lernen (Konditionierung), besteht ein Selektionsdruck auf Normierung gewisser “Merk”-male von Blüten, so daß die Ausbildung eines “Suchbildes” für Blüten möglich wird. Das in offenen Blüten sichtbar dargebotene Androeceum spielt dabei als “Signalmuster” eine entscheidende Rolle, auch in “Nektarblumen”. Für das gelbgefärbte (Antheren) und UV-absorbierende Androeceum wird in Anpassung an die Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit des Insektenauges im Laufe der Coevolution von Pflanze und Bestäuber ein möglichst kontrastierender “Hintergrund” durch die Färbung des Perianths geschaffen. Insekten haben für solche Farben offensichtlich coevolutiv gewisse erbliche Lerndispositionen entwickelt. Vor allem wenn in hochevolvierten Blütentypen das Androeceum im Inneren der Blüte verborgen wird, werden “Blütenmale” entwickelt, die als Antheren-, Stamina-, oder Androeceum-“Kopien” (Attrappen) die Signalwirkung der Vorbilder ersetzen. In manchen Fällen läßt sich die Substitution der echten Stamina (oder Antheren) durch kopierende Muster bei nahe verwandten Arten direkt demonstrieren. Ein Vergleich zeigt, daß Antheren-und Staminaattrappen ihren Vorbildern in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß gleichen. Neben flachen Imitationsmustern von Antheren und Stamina gibt es halbplastische “Reliefe” und vollplastische Attrappen. Dabei kann es auch zur “Reizsummation” und zur Ausbildung “übernormaler Auslöser” kommen. Antheren-, Stamina- und Androeceum-imitierende Blütenmale sind selbst innerhalb engerer Verwandtschaftskreise (Familien und Gattungen) mehrfach unabhängig und auf unterschiedlicher morphologischer Grundlage (“prinzip-konvergent”) entstanden. Das zeigt, wie stark der Selektionsdruck auf Signalnormierung wirkte, aber auch, daß die zu diesen Blütenmalen führenden Evolutionsschritte relativ spät (nach der Differenzierung der Gattungen) vollzogen wurden. Die Evolution der Maskenblüte mit völlig verschlossener Blütenröhre ist mehrfach konvergent durch fortschreitende Übernormierung halbplastischer “Antherenattrappen” entstanden. Abschließend werden Beispiele vorgeführt, in denen Tiere von Pflanzen entwickelte Signale (Blüten, Früchte) entweder direkt oder als Signalkopien im Dienste der Kommunikation einsetzen.  相似文献   
A method for subtyping the interdigital patterns is introduced, which is based upon the direction of the main line terminations as well as the presence of accessory triradii. The palmar patterns of several population samples from our files representing the Caucasians, Negroes, Miconesians and New Guinean groups are evaluted in terms of the introduced calssification and the results demonstrate a number of differences between the major racial groups. In additin, the thenar/I and hypothenar patterns are subtyped according to the classifications of Cummins and Midlo. These data also indicate the inadequacy of the general open/arch, vestige, loop, whorl identification of the plamar patterns. It is hoped that more data will be studied along these lines for establishment of more accurate frequencies among the various racial groups.  相似文献   
The three cladoceran speciesDaphnia hyalina, D. galeata, andD. cucullata frequently coexist in the lakes of northern Germany. Although there are some problems in distinguishing them morphologically, they are easily determined by gelelectrophoresis: each species carries a different allele at the glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) locus. Animals morphologically intermediate between two species are heterozygous for the alleles carried by the species they resemble. This pattern is in agreement with the findings at other loci, where also diagnostic alleles exist. These findings are most easily explained by interspecific hybridization between the three species. No evidence is found for backcrosses involving hybrids ofD. cucullata, whereas some backcrosses betweenD. hyalina, D. galeata, and their hybrids are found in some lakes. In four lakes the seasonal abundances of the three species and their hybrids are determined.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns of proteins for two isolates of Labronema from Indiana were nearly identical to the pattern for L. vulvapapillatum from Europe. The pattern for a nominal isolate of L. pacificum from Florida was very different from the patterns of nominal L. pacificum isolates from Hawaii and Fiji (which had patterns very similar to each other). Patterns for four other isolates (in Eudorylaimus and Aporcelaimellus) were different from the Labronema patterns and from each other, although some constellations of protein spots were shared among all the isolates. The study demonstrates the utility of 2-D PAGE for clarifying taxonomic problems that cannot be resolved using classical morphological data alone.  相似文献   
Polypeptide patterns of soluble proteins from 35 Frankia strains from different plants of various geographical origins, belonging to Alnus and Elaeagnus host-specificity groups were determined by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The polypeptide pattern was qualitatively the same for each strain whatever the number of subcultures or the age. Two gel electrophoresis groups A and E were observed which matched with the Alnus and Elaeagnus host-specificity groups, but with some exceptions. The polypeptide patterns of the 35 Frankia strains tested were separated into 13 gel electrophoresis subgroups. Five Frankia strains were inoculated separately or in 3 mixed combinations of 2 strains on Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. plants. The polypeptide patterns of the re-isolates obtained from 5-month-old nodules were identical to the corresponding strains used initially in the inoculum. Dual infection was observed on single plantlets.  相似文献   
The predominant intermediate filament proteins of the goldfish optic nerve have molecular weights of 58K. They can be separated into a series of four major isoelectric variants of neuronal (ON1 and ON2) and nonneuronal (ON3 and ON4) origin. The extent of homology between the goldfish 58K intermediate filament proteins themselves and to rat optic nerve vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was investigated. Unlabeled and [32P]orthophosphate-labeled proteins were subjected to partial hydrolysis by V8 protease, chymotrypsin, and CNBr. The results show that the goldfish intermediate filament proteins share with vimentin and GFAP a 40K chymotrypsin-resistant core fragment. Phosphorylated moieties appear to be located outside the core region since they are preferentially cleaved off by chymotrypsin and not found associated with the 40K core. In addition, the goldfish ON proteins contain the antigenic site within the core that is common to most intermediate filaments. V8 or CNBr digestion indicates that many fragments that are common to ON1 and ON2 are clearly distinct from fragments that are common to ON3 and ON4. In addition, structural variability is observed between the goldfish intermediate filament proteins and vimentin and GFAP. The results are discussed in terms of intermediate filament structure and their possible role in nerve growth.  相似文献   
Concentrations of heavy metals blends avoided by schools of fathead minnows and alkaline pH levels avoided by schools of bluegill sunfish, fathead minnows, golden shiners, and rainbow trout were determined in a boundary layer avoidance chamber. Parameters measured were residence time, activity, and sequential fish location counts. Data were evaluated using linear, quadratic, and polynomial regression, log10 transformations, analysis of variance, covariance analysis, Duncan's multiple range test, and Hochberg's GT2 test. The best methods of analysis are quadratic regression and covariance analysis.  相似文献   
The distribution of invertebrate communities in a small South African river   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Monthly samples of macroinvertebrates were collected from the stony-bed and marginal-vegetation habitats of a small river in the south western Cape Province, South Africa. Cluster analyses of the samples revealed assemblages of invertebrates (here referred to as communities) with clear spatial and temporal distribution patterns in the muer. The species composition of the communities, and their distribution, are described. The relation of the macroinvertebrate distribution to changes in the physico-chemical environment was investigated using stepwise multiple discriminant analysis. The results indicated a strong correlation between the two.  相似文献   
Milan Ertl 《Hydrobiologia》1981,85(2):181-184
The seasonal dynamics, the structure of colonies and the abundance of cells in the colonies of the monad Proterospongia skujae have been simultaneously studied in the river Danube and in a backwater of the Danube. Significant differences have been found in both the dynamics and the abundance of P. skujae in selected localities. Colonies are formed of 2 up to 16 cells, most frequency of 4 and 8 cells.  相似文献   
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