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Summary A survey of enzyme variability in several populations of Plantago major in the Netherlands has been made. Nine of 36 loci were found to be polymorphic. The most extensively studies population showed 7 polymorphic loci (19%). The average heterozygosity was 0.005, a low value since P. major is predominantly inbreeding; a first estimate of the outcrossing rate is only 10%. All nine variable loci show simple Mendelian inheritance, seven of them could be placed into four different linkage groups. Marked differences in allele frequencies were found between two subspecies: ssp. major and ssp. pleiosperma. Two enzyme loci possess subspecies-specific alleles, Pgm-1 and Got-1. The most likely explanation of this phenomenon is the existence of fitness differences, caused either by the enzyme loci themselves or by linked loci.Grassland Species Research Group Publication no. 14  相似文献   
Isoelectric focusing of human plasma samples labeled in vitro with [125I]-thyroxine reveals considerable biochemical and genetic variation in thyroxine-binding globulin. (1) In all individuals tested, at least three primary isoelectric bands are seen in the pH range of 4.2 to 4.5, with additional bands at lower pH ranges. Similar patterns are produced by plasma from nonhuman primates. These band differences appear to be the result of differences in sialic acid content. TBG produces a single electrophoretic band on standard polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. (2) Genetically determined, X-linked differences in electrophoretic mobility of TBG are observed in several human populations. Female homozygotes or male hemizygotes for the TBG slow variant (TBG-S) produce band patterns shifted by 0.5 pH unit cathodal to the common pattern (TBG-C). Female heterozygotes produce patterns with six-plus bands, representing the simple sum of the common and slow types. This difference is not the result of differences in sialic acid content. The gene frequency of this variant is 10% in American Blacks. (3) In pregnant women additional anodal bands are observed, giving the impression of a shift, by integral steps, in the pattern relative to the nonpregnant type. This shift is abolished by mild neuraminidase treatment.This work was supported by a grant from the O'Brien family of Houston, Texas.  相似文献   
(101/El × C3H/El)F1 male mice were injected intraperitoneally with the mutagen procarbazine hydrochloride and immediately caged with untreated test-stock females. Crude liver extracts from the offspring were subjected to polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing, and the gels were stained for six enzymes. In the experimental group (mutagen treated spermatogonial germ-cell stage), a dominant inherited banding alteration of the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) pattern was detected. By crossing the heterozygous mutants, homozygotes were obtained that showed much less gel staining intensity. The mutation is codominantly expressed with 100% penetrance. The banding alteration was also observed in muscle, kidney, heart, blood, brain, testis, spleen, and lung. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was performed with all the tissues examined. The mutation causes the intensity of the band corresponding to LDH-A (primary molecular form in muscle) to decrease from that of the wild type, while the intensity of the bands corresponding to LDH-B (primary molecular form in heart) remains constant. It is concluded that the mutation affects the locus coding for LDH of the muscle type. Ldh-1 c is proposed as the allele symbol.  相似文献   
A single formamidase, which is different from the formamidases found in other tissues, occurs in the brains of mice. This enzyme is here called formamidase-5 and the gene symbol is designated For-5. Two alleles are recognized on the basis of their differential heat sensitivity: For-5 b is relatively heat stable and is present in strain C57BL/6J, while For-5 d is relatively heat sensitive and is present in strain DBA/2J. The heat sensitivity of formamidase-5 in 44 other inbred strains and substrains was tested and found to resemble that of C57BL/6J or DBA/2J. Thirty-six recombinant inbred strains derived from progenitors that differed at For-5 were studied to test for single-gene inheritance and linkage with other loci. Complete concordance was found with the esterase-10 locus (Es-10), indicating close linkage. The 99% upper confidence limit of the distance between For-5 and Es-10 is 3.7 centimorgans (cM). Es-10 is located on chromosome 14 about 19 cM from the centromere. An independent demonstration of linkage of For-5 with Es-10 and another chromosome 14 marker, hairless (hr), is provided by the finding that the HRS/J strain, which has been sibmated for 60 generations with forced heterozygosity at the hr locus, is cosegregating at For-5 and Es-10. A survey of 32 inbred strains and substrains revealed that the For-5 d allele is associated with the Es-10 b allele, and that the For-5 b allele is associated with Es-10 a and Es-10 c. Formamidase-5 segregates as expected in the F2 generation of crosses between strains bearing For-5 b and For-5 d alleles. It is possible that this unique formamidase of the brain is involved in the metabolism of a neurotransmitter substance.This research was sponsored in part by the Department of Energy under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation and in part by NIH Research Grant GM-18684 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. J. C. F. is a predoctoral Fellow supported by Grant CA 09104 from the National Cancer Institute. The Biology Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Jackson Laboratory are fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.  相似文献   
For more than 50 years it has been a dream of medical entomologists and public health workers to control diseases like malaria and dengue fever by modifying, through genetics and other methods, the arthropods that transmit them to humans. A brief synopsis of the history of these efforts as applied to mosquitoes is presented; none proved to be effective in reducing disease prevalence. Only in the last few years have novel approaches been developed or proposed that indicate the long wait may be over. Three recent developments are particularly promising: CRISPR-Cas9 driven genetic modification, shifting naturally occurring allele frequencies, and microbe-based modifications. The last is the furthest along in implementation. Dengue fever incidence has been reduced between 40% and 96% in 4 different regions of the world where Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti have been established in the field. It is not yet clear how sustainable such control programs will prove to be, but there is good reason for optimism. In light of this, the time is ripe for reinvigorated research on vectors, especially genetics. Vector-borne diseases primarily affect under-developed countries and thus have not received the attention they deserve from wealthier countries with well-developed and funded biomedical research establishments.  相似文献   
陈晓宇  姚蒙  李晟 《生态学报》2022,42(7):3033-3043
山地生态系统是生物多样性分布与保护的热点。山地景观遗传学(Mountain Landscape Genetics)研究在山地景观尺度上野生生物的种群遗传格局及其驱动机制和影响因素,是景观遗传学(Landscape Genetics)的重要分支。山地景观遗传学研究对于深入理解物种的空间遗传结构、形成过程、物种形成与分化机制具有重要意义与价值,同时可以为珍稀濒危物种和山地生物多样性的有效保护与管理提供科学指导。为了更好地掌握目前山地景观遗传学的发展趋势与重点研究问题,为未来生物多样性与山地生态系统的保护管理提供科学参考,基于对Web of Science核心数据库和中国知网数据库的系统检索,全面汇总分析了1999-2020年山地景观遗传学领域发表的192篇英文文献与31篇中文文献。结果显示,该领域自2008年起迅速发展,截至2020年共有46个国家的研究机构发表了山地景观遗传相关研究,研究热点地区包括北美洲的落基山脉、内华达山脉、阿巴拉契亚山脉,欧洲的阿尔卑斯山脉、比利牛斯山脉,以及亚洲的喜马拉雅-横断山脉。研究对象类群涵盖真菌、植物、节肢动物、脊椎动物,其中脊椎动物是研究发表最多的类群,占发表文献总数的62.0%;脊椎动物中,又以对哺乳类(占脊椎动物发表文献总数的52.9%)与两栖类(23.5%)的研究最多。目前主要的研究方向包括:(1)识别山地景观中的基因流路径或阻碍;(2)量化山地景观特征对种群遗传结构时空变化的影响。中国是发表山地景观遗传学文章数量最多的亚洲国家,近十年来相关研究发展迅速,研究类群以植物(占在中国发表文献总数的62.3%)与脊椎动物(35.8%)为主,对脊椎动物的研究中以两栖动物为最多(占所有脊椎动物发文数量的52.6%),研究区域主要集中在喜马拉雅-横断山脉与秦岭。本文进一步对目前山地景观遗传学研究中存在的空缺及未来重点关注问题提出建议。  相似文献   
基因组程序化表达调控与生物体形态结构发生的相互对应是图式遗传学和系统生物技术研究复杂生物系统的核心。基因-蛋白质表达与神经-内分泌信号,构成生物系统发生演变的双向调控过程是生物信息控制系统的结构、功能和演变的基础。细胞信号传导与基因差异表达调控是从基因、细胞到器官的细胞动力学转换系统,是基因、蛋白质、脂类等生物高分子相互作用与细胞再生、分化、迁移、凋亡的程序化调控节律,也就是基因定位图谱-细胞定位图谱的基因组-蛋白质组与生物体的细胞节律-形态的发生转换过程。  相似文献   
颜海飞  王凤英  郝刚 《广西植物》2009,29(6):751-757
现存物种的分布格局、遗传结构是当前因素和历史因素共同作用的结果。人类的过度开发、全球变暖等当前因素造成的生境片段化是目前许多报春花属植物濒危的一大原因。该文总结了近年来报春花属内的保育遗传学研究进展,期望以此为更好地保护报春花属植物提供一定的理论基础。应用亲缘地理学研究方法可以弥补古生物学难以研究报春花植物历史成因的不足,因此也总结该方法在报春花属内的研究进展,并初步整理不同地区间的报春花属植物的分化式样,同时期望这些研究成果能为为研究报春花属植物在应对全球气候变化的响应机制方面提供一些参考。  相似文献   
The objective of the present study is to explore the feasibility of using the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) of ribosomal DNA as a molecular marker for studying the interspecific and intraspecific genetic variations among crustaceans. We designed primers that could amplify ITS-1 from a majority of taxonomic groups of crustaceans. The gene was found to exhibit a high degree of length polymorphism among different groups, ranging from 182 bp in the barnacle Balanus amphitrite to approximately 820 bp in the spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus. With respect to differences between congeneric species, it was found that the ITS-1 sequences of 3 mitten crabs, Eriocheir sinensis, Eriocheir leptognathus, and Eriocheir formosa, exhibit 5.4% to 16.3% nucleotide divergence, suggesting that ITS-1 is informative for phylogenetic analysis at the species level. Yet there are extensive (0.9%–2.3%) variations within individual E. formosa, so that phylogenetic analyses could be obscured. ITS-1 was found to vary between 2 geographical populations of the shrimp Penaeus japonicus. The variations involved substitutions as well as insertions/deletions between shrimp from Australia and South China Sea. These results show that ITS-1 is highly divergent among different crustaceans and could be an appropriate marker for molecular systematic studies at the species and population levels, although the presence of intragenomic variation needs to be taken into consideration. Received August 15, 2000; accepted February 9, 2001  相似文献   
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