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研究了综防区和非综防区稻田飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的重建和维持。结果表明:早稻生长期,稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus nilaparvatae 和拟稻虱缨小蜂 A. paranilaparvatae 在水稻移栽后第9天进入综防区稻田,在第13天进入非综防区稻田,同在第21天完成群落重建,重建速率分别是0.28种/天和0.21种/天。晚稻生长期,综防区和非综防区稻虱缨小蜂和拟稻虱缨小蜂均在水稻移植后第1天进田,至第21天完成群落重建,重建速率分别是0.12种/天和0.04种/天。维持阶段综防区群落较非综防区稳定。群落重建和维持受温度、种库中卵寄生蜂种类和数量、种库距稻田的远近、稻田中害虫种类和数量以及害虫防治策略的影响。  相似文献   
朱道弘  张超  谭荣鹤 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4365-4371
中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis为重要的水稻害虫,在我国除青海、西藏、新疆、内蒙古等未见报道外,南起海南北至东北均有分布,在许多的分布区域1年发生1代。为探索中华稻蝗长沙种群的生活史及其季节适应特征,通过野外和实验室的研究,调查了其发生代数、孵化率和卵滞育率的季节变化及越冬卵的存活率。结果显示,中华稻蝗长沙种群为1年2代和1年1代混合发生:第1代卵产卵后大部分孵化为若虫而1年完成2代,但亦有19.4% -4.1%的卵不孵化而1年只能完成1世代。第1代成虫于6月上旬至8月上旬羽化,6月下旬至8月中旬产卵;第2代若虫于7月初开始孵化,9-10月羽化为成虫,10月上旬至11月下旬产卵。在室外自然条件下,中华稻蝗长沙种群6-8月(第1代)和10-11月(第2代)所产卵块均为部分滞育,滞育率为30%左右,皆无显著差异。然而,其卵滞育率在12月以后显著降低,仅为6.6%或以下,卵滞育快速地得以解除。因此,包括非滞育卵和滞育解除卵,中华稻蝗长沙种群的越冬卵皆以非滞育状态度过其后的寒冷季节。即使是遭遇长江流域2007年末至 2008年初异常寒冷的冬季,在长沙地区越冬后其卵的存活率亦在98%以上。非滞育状态的中华稻蝗长沙种群越冬卵完全能安全地越冬,其滞育的发生并非是为了提高其耐寒性而安全度过不适环境。并探讨了中华稻蝗长沙种群卵滞育的进化意义。  相似文献   
夏诗洋  孟玲  李保平 《生态学报》2013,33(4):1118-1125
寄生蜂卵成熟动态影响其产卵决策行为,因而对于认识寄生蜂搜寻行为生态学机理具有重要意义。以蝶蛹金小蜂(Pteromalus puparum)-菜粉蝶(Pieris rapae)为模式生物,首先连续3周每隔24 h详细观察子代蜂幼期不同发育阶段的体型、卵巢管以及寄主蛹的外部形态,以此为基础观察了低温处理(模拟越冬温度)被寄生蛹对子代蜂成熟卵数量动态的影响。蝶蛹金小蜂胚后发育历时约2周,其中卵期1 d;幼虫历期约7 d。初孵幼虫体透明;胚后第3—6天体积快速增大,然后减缓,体色由绿变黄;胚后第8天进入预蛹,第9—12天蛹淡色,复眼由淡黄变为深红,第13—14天蛹暗黑色,并逐渐带有金属光泽。卵巢管在羽化当天即开始沉积卵黄,并在羽化后1—4 d连续增加直到出现卵吸收;羽化后5—6 d成熟卵数量增速不明显甚至略有减小。寄主蛹随子代蜂从卵发育至幼虫再到蛹体色从绿色变为灰褐色再到土黄色。低温处理被寄生的寄主蛹(寄生蜂处于老熟幼虫或蛹期)后,羽化成虫的卵巢管略细,成熟卵数量较少。成熟卵数量的变化不仅受低温处理的影响,而且受雌蜂体型大小和日龄的影响;低温处理明显减缓卵成熟速率,各日龄期成熟卵数量均明显减少;适温下成熟卵数量于羽化后第4天达到峰值,而低温处理下成熟卵数量达到峰值的时间延迟至第7天。研究表明,越冬低温对来年羽化的蝶蛹金小蜂卵成熟动态具有不良影响。  相似文献   
维生素E对萼花臂尾轮虫繁殖的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨家新 《生态学报》2004,24(8):1663-1670
15℃下 ,添加 Ve浓度为 2 0~ 80 ng/ m l时 ,种群密度与培养时间呈显著相关 ,其中 2 0 ng/ ml和 4 0 ng/ ml组最大种群密度分别为 76 .4 0 ind/ ml和 6 5 .2 0 ind/ ml,显著高于对照组 (最大密度 12 .0 0 ind/ ml)。最大混交雌体百分率低于 10 % ,对照组最大混交雌体比率为 4 0 %。轮虫卵雌比有不同程度的提高 ,但维生素浓度为 10 0 ng/ ml时 ,对种群增长不利 ;2 5℃下 ,对照组和各添加组最大密度依次为 6 8.0 0 ,12 2 .0 0 ,12 4 .0 0 ,16 8.0 0和 2 36 .0 0 ind/ ml。最大卵雌比依次为 1.2 1,1.2 5 ,1.2 2 ,1.4 1和 0 .6 9,混交雌体百分比分别为 2 7.6 9,19.89,18.4 2 ,17.0 2和 12 .88% ;30℃下 ,最大密度依次为 113.80 ,12 1.0 0 ,12 2 .80和 15 1.2 0 ind/ ml,最大卵雌比依次为 1.5 0 ,1.4 2 ,0 .6 4和 0 .96。混交雌体百分比分别为 1.76 ,32 .2 6 ,37.5 0和 32 .0 0 %。  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of feeding two transgenic corn lines containing the mCry1Ac gene from Bacillus thuringiensis strain (BT-799) and the maroACC gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain (CC-2), respectively, on growth, egg quality and organ health indicators. Expression of the mCry1Ac gene confers resistance to Pyrausta nubilalis and the maroACC gene confers tolerance to herbicides. Healthy hens (n=96 placed in cages; 3 hens/cage) were randomly assigned to one of four corn–soybean meal dietary treatments (8 cages/treatment) formulated with the following corn: non-transgenic near-isoline control corn (control), BT-799 corn, CC-2 corn and commercially available non-transgenic reference corn (reference). The experiment was divided into three 4-week phases (week 1 to 4, week 5 to 8 and week 9 to 12), during which hens were fed mash diets. Performance (BW, feed intake and egg production) and egg quality were determined. Following slaughter at the end of 12 weeks of feeding (n=8/treatment), carcass yield and organ weights (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidneys, stomach and ovary) were recorded; organs and intestines were sampled for histological analysis. Analysis of serum biochemistry parameters to assess the liver and kidney function were performed. No differences in BW, egg production and production efficiency were observed between hens consuming the control diet and hens consuming the BT-799 or CC-2 diet. Haugh unit measures and egg component weights were similar between the control and test groups. Carcass yield was not affected by the diet treatment. Similar organosomatic indices and serum parameters did not indicate the characteristics of organ dysfunction. All observed values of the BT-799 and CC-2 groups were within the calculated tolerance intervals. This research indicates that the performance, egg quality, organ health and carcass yield of laying hens fed diets containing the BT-799 or CC-2 corn line were similar to that of laying hens fed diets formulated with the non-transgenic near-isoline corn with comparable genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of several different commercial disinfectants on the embryogenic development of Ascaris suum eggs. A 1-ml aliquot of each disinfectant was mixed with approximately 40,000 decorticated or intact A. suum eggs in sterile tubes. After each treatment time (at 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 30, and 60 min), disinfectants were washed away, and egg suspensions were incubated at 25˚C in distilled water for development of larvae inside. At 3 weeks of incubation after exposure, ethanol, methanol, and chlorohexidin treatments did not affect the larval development of A. suum eggs, regardless of their concentration and treatment time. Among disinfectants tested in this study, 3% cresol, 0.2% sodium hypochlorite and 0.02% sodium hypochlorite delayed but not inactivated the embryonation of decorticated eggs at 3 weeks of incubation, because at 6 weeks of incubation, undeveloped eggs completed embryonation regardless of exposure time, except for 10% povidone iodine. When the albumin layer of A. suum eggs remained intact, however, even the 10% povidone iodine solution took at least 5 min to reasonably inactivate most eggs, but never completely kill them with even 60 min of exposure. This study demonstrated that the treatment of A. suum eggs with many commercially available disinfectants does not affect the embryonation. Although some disinfectants may delay or stop the embryonation of A. suum eggs, they can hardly kill them completely.  相似文献   
Amyloid fibrils are associated with numerous degenerative diseases. The molecular mechanism of the structural transformation of native protein to the highly ordered cross‐β structure, the key feature of amyloid fibrils, is under active investigation. Conventional biophysical methods have limited application in addressing the problem because of the heterogeneous nature of the system. In this study, we demonstrated that deep‐UV resonance Raman (DUVRR) spectroscopy in combination with circular dichroism (CD) and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence allowed for quantitative characterization of protein structural evolution at all stages of hen egg white lysozyme fibrillation in vitro. DUVRR spectroscopy was found to be complimentary to the far‐UV CD because it is (i) more sensitive to β ‐sheet than to α ‐helix, and (ii) capable of characterizing quantitatively inhomogeneous and highly light‐scattering samples. In addition, phenylalanine, a natural DUVRR spectroscopic biomarker of protein structural rearrangements, exhibited substantial changes in the Raman cross section of the 1000‐cm–1 band at various stages of fibrillation. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Abstract .Protein-fed Calliphora vicina , F1 offspring of wild flies in two cages with lower and higher fly densities showed variable delay in starting oocyte vitellogenesis at ambient semi-natural temperatures in warm July–August weather in 1996 and 1997 at Durham in northern England (54°45' N). The high-density flies in 1996 showed no delay, in that the thermal sum (degree-days) experienced was 133, comparable to 18°C constant, assuming the lower threshold for egg maturation to be 5°C. Low-density cages and flies in a large outdoor cage (2 m3) in both years showed delays in production of first eggs of 34 days (thermal sum 293 degree-days) in 1996 and 32 days (396 degree-days) in 1997, and longer delays for other individuals. Delays in egg production at low densities relative to high densities seem to be a group effect of unknown mechanism.  相似文献   
The number of mature eggs carried by a female parasitoid at any given moment (egg load) is a fitness‐related parameter affecting reproductive potential and impacting upon host population dynamics. Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary koinobiont endoparasitoid wasp of several noctuid pests, including Spodoptera littoralis. The number of mature eggs carried by females at emergence is approximately 50. The rate of egg maturation is strongly affected both by feeding status and access to host larvae. In early adult life, egg maturation rates are lower for 6–72 h in fed wasps compared with food‐deprived wasps. When given access to hosts, honey‐fed wasps live for approximately 9 days with high lifetime fecundity (226 eggs). By contrast to early adult life, the total realized fecundity is positively affected by feeding status, where water‐fed and starved females have 140 and 107 eggs, respectively. Egg resorption is most pronounced in the later life of females. The results suggest, in addition to confirming the effect of honey‐feeding on total fecundity, that fecundity of starved wasps includes rapid egg maturation early in life, which potentially could improve the performance of the parasitoid as a biological control agent.  相似文献   
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