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Feces were collected from six Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) that consumed known amounts of Atka mackerel ( Pleurogrammus monopterygius ), Pacific herring ( Clupea barengus ), pink salmon ( Oncorhynchus gorbuscha ), walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ), and squid ( Loligo opalacens ). The goal was to determine the numbers and types of taxon-specific hard parts that pass through the digestive tract and to develop correction factors for certain abundantly occurring structures. Over 20,000 fish and squid were consumed during 267 d of fecal collection. During this period, over 119,000 taxon-specific hard parts, representing 56 different structures, were recovered. Skeletal structures and non-skeletal structures accounted for 72% and 28% of all hard parts, respectively. The branchiocranium, axial skeleton, and dermocranium regions of the skeletal system accounted for the greatest number of hard parts recovered. Over 70% of all recovered hard parts were represented by one to six taxa specific structures for each prey type. The average number of hard parts (3.1–31.2) and structure types (2.0–17.7) recovered per individual prey varied across taxa and were used to derive correction factors (to reconstruct original prey numbers). A measure of the variability of hard part recovery among sea lions showed no difference for certain herring, pollock, and squid structures, however, there was a significant difference for salmon and Atka mackerel structures. Identifying all taxon- specific prey hard parts increases the likelihood of identifying and estimating the number of prey consumed.  相似文献   
Summary The characteristics of valine and alanine uptake (respectively, preferential substrates of the L and A or ASC systems in mammalian cells) were studied in sea urchin eggs before and 40 min after fertilization. Substrate concentration dependence showed that in unfertilized eggs alanine is absorbed linearly up to an external concentration of 20mm, whereas valine uptake presented a saturable kinetic with aK m of 6 m. Competition experiments showed that valine is absorbed by a carriermediated transport resembling the L system. Fertilization develops a new Na-dependent system, resembling the ASC system which is specific for neutral amino acids but does not discriminate between them. This system is superimposed on that of the unfertilized egg. In fertilized eggs, amino-acid transport displayed cyclic variations which have been previously associated with cell cleavage. We have found that eggs prevented from cleavage by treatment with antimitotic undergo a sequence of periodic amino-acid uptake timed with the mitotic cycle of untreated eggs. In addition, artificially activated eggs (A23187) which failed to divide showed a time course of amino-acid uptake similar to that observed in fertilized eggs. Furthermore, these variations are independent of protein synthesis. These results suggest to us that a biological clock exists in the cytoplasm or cortex of sea urchin eggs, which may be involved in timing the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Acid nitrophenyl phosphatases from sea urchin eggs and embryos were investigated by gel filtration. Four different forms were found in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, and three forms in Anthocidaris crassispina and Pseudocentrotus depressus. The first and second forms (designated AcP-1 and AcP-2) had the highest activity in the range of pH 5.6–6.0. The third (designated AcP-3) had an apparent optimum pH between pH 4.3 and 4.8, and the fourth (designated AcP-4) showed the maximum activity at pH 3.0. AcP-1 was much more thermolabile than AcP-2 and AcP-3 at 56°C. NaF inhibited AcP-2, AcP-3, and AcP-4 but not AcP-1. AcP-1, AcP-2, and AcP-3 were observed in the three species, whereas AcP-4 was not detected in A. crassispina and P. depressus. AcP-1, AcP-2, and AcP-3 were separted by gel filtration. AcP-1 and AcP-2 of A. crassispina and H. pulcherrimus were studied in developing embryos. The behavior of these forms in gel filtration changed during development, from unfertilized eggs to the pluteus stage.  相似文献   
Ongoing changes along the northeastern Atlantic coastline provide an opportunity to explore the influence of climate change and multitrophic interactions on the recovery of kelp. Here, vast areas of sea urchin‐dominated barren grounds have shifted back to kelp forests, in parallel with changes in sea temperature and predator abundances. We have compiled data from studies covering more than 1,500‐km coastline in northern Norway. The dataset has been used to identify regional patterns in kelp recovery and sea urchin recruitment, and to relate these to abiotic and biotic factors, including structurally complex substrates functioning as refuge for sea urchins. The study area covers a latitudinal gradient of temperature and different levels of predator pressure from the edible crab (Cancer pagurus) and the red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). The population development of these two sea urchin predators and a possible predator on crabs, the coastal cod (Gadus morhua), were analyzed. In the southernmost and warmest region, kelp forests recovery and sea urchin recruitment are mainly low, although sea urchins might also be locally abundant. Further north, sea urchin barrens still dominate, and juvenile sea urchin densities are high. In the northernmost and cold region, kelp forests are recovering, despite high recruitment and densities of sea urchins. Here, sea urchins were found only in refuge habitats, whereas kelp recovery occurred mainly on open bedrock. The ocean warming, the increase in the abundance of edible crab in the south, and the increase in invasive red king crab in the north may explain the observed changes in kelp recovery and sea urchin distribution. The expansion of both crab species coincided with a population decline in the top‐predator coastal cod. The role of key species (sea urchins, kelp, cod, and crabs) and processes involved in structuring the community are hypothesized in a conceptual model, and the knowledge behind the suggested links and interactions is explored.  相似文献   
The presence of the opal chimaera, Chimaera opalescens, is reported for the first time in the deep waters of the Azores, with the capture of four specimens by fishermen and the video recording of an additional five individuals. Species identification was supported by the 646 bp sequenced fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase subunit I. Because C. opalescens is a recently recognised species that had been recurrently misidentified as rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa, the historical data of C. monstrosa in the Azores were reviewed to assess the possible presence of both Chimaera species in the region. Although several authors have reported the occurrence of C. monstrosa in the Azorean waters since the 1800s, the majority of these are based on only three specimens caught during the late 1800s. The investigation performed using literature and examination of the museum specimens still available concluded that the most likely scenario is that C. monstrosa is absent from the Azores and past records of that species in the region are most likely misidentifications of C. opalescens.  相似文献   
Thirteen fossiliferous limestone deposits from Cenozoic strata in the Talara Basin in northern Peru are identified as ancient methane-seep deposits. Planktonic foraminifera and the existing stratigraphical framework of the Talara Basin indicate an early Oligocene, or possibly late Eocene, age of these deposits. They are found in three distinct areas – Belén, Cerro La Salina and Cerros El Pelado – and differ in their petrography, stable isotope signatures, and lipid biomarker and macrofaunal contents. At Belén, the carbon stable isotope signature of the carbonate and the abundance of n-alkanes indicates the possibility of oil seepage in addition to methane seepage; for Belén and Cerro La Salina the high abundance of the biomarker crocetane indicates a dominance of anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea of the ANME-2 group, whereas the rather small combined crocetane/phytane peak of a Cerros El Pelado limestone agrees with mixed ANME-1/ANME-2 input. The macrofauna consists mainly of molluscs; the Cerro La Salina sites include mostly infaunal thyasirid and lucinid bivalves and only few vesicomyid bivalves; gastropods include Provanna antiqua, the limpet Pyropelta and several vetigastropods. The Belén site is dominated by the elongate vesicomyid bivalve Pleurophopsis lithophagoides. The most common bivalve at the Cerros El Pelado sites is an undetermined, possible vesicomyid, and a smooth provannid gastropod. Biogeographically the faunas are most similar to those of the northwestern United States, as indicated by two joint species; similarities on the genus level (Conchocele, Lucinoma, Pleurophopsis, Provanna, Colus) exist also with Japan and the Caribbean region.  相似文献   
Beginning in 2013, sea stars throughout the Eastern North Pacific were decimated by wasting disease, also known as “asteroid idiopathic wasting syndrome” (AIWS) due to its elusive aetiology. The geographic extent and taxonomic scale of AIWS meant events leading up to the outbreak were heterogeneous, multifaceted, and oftentimes unobserved; progression from morbidity to death was rapid, leaving few tell‐tale symptoms. Here, we take a forensic genomic approach to discover candidate genes that may help explain sea star wasting syndrome. We report the first genome and annotation for Pisaster ochraceus, along with differential gene expression (DGE) analyses in four size classes, three tissue types, and in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. We integrate nucleotide polymorphisms associated with survivors of the wasting disease outbreak, DGE associated with temperature treatments in P. ochraceus, and DGE associated with wasting in another asteroid Pycnopodia helianthoides. In P. ochraceus, we found DGE across all tissues, among size classes, and between asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals; the strongest wasting‐associated DGE signal was in pyloric caecum. We also found previously identified outlier loci co‐occur with differentially expressed genes. In cross‐species comparisons of symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals, consistent responses distinguish genes associated with invertebrate innate immunity and chemical defence, consistent with context‐dependent stress responses, defensive apoptosis, and tissue degradation. Our analyses thus highlight genomic constituents that may link suspected environmental drivers (elevated temperature) with intrinsic differences among individuals (age/size, alleles associated with susceptibility) that elicit organismal responses (e.g., coelomocyte proliferation) and manifest as sea star wasting mass mortality.  相似文献   
Tidal wetlands are effective carbon sinks, mitigating climate change through the long‐term removal of atmospheric CO2. Studies along surface‐elevation and thus flooding‐frequency gradients in tidal wetlands are often used to understand the effects of accelerated sea‐level rise on carbon sequestration, a process that is primarily determined by the balance of primary production and microbial decomposition. It has often been hypothesized that rates of microbial decomposition would increase with elevation and associated increases in soil oxygen availability; however, previous studies yield a wide range of outcomes and equivocal results. Our mechanistic understanding of the elevation–decomposition relationship is limited because most effort has been devoted to understanding the terminal steps of the decomposition process. A few studies assessed microbial exo‐enzyme activities (EEAs) as initial and rate‐limiting steps that often reveal important insight into microbial energy and nutrient constraints. The present study assessed EEAs and microbial abundance along a coastal ecotone stretching a flooding gradient from tidal flat to high marsh in the European Wadden Sea. We found that stabilization of exo‐enzymes to mineral sediments leads to high specific EEAs at low substrate concentrations in frequently flooded, sediment‐rich zones of the studied ecotone. We argue that the high background activity of a mineral‐associated enzyme pool provides a stable decomposition matrix in highly dynamic, frequently flooded zones. Furthermore, we demonstrate that microbial communities are less nutrient limited in frequently flooded zones, where inputs of nutrient‐rich marine organic matter are higher. This was reflected in both increasing exo‐enzymatic carbon versus nutrient acquisition and decreasing fungal versus bacterial abundance with increasing flooding frequency. Our findings thereby suggest two previously unrecognized mechanisms that may contribute to stimulated microbial activity despite decreasing oxygen availability in response to accelerated sea‐level rise.  相似文献   
Coral reefs and lagoons worldwide are vulnerable environments. However, specific geomorphological reef types (fringing, barrier, atoll, bank for the main ones) can be vulnerable to specific disturbances that will not affect most other reefs. This has implications for local management and science priorities. Several geomorphologically closed atolls of the Pacific Ocean have experienced in recent decades mass benthic and pelagic lagoonal life mortalities, likely triggered by unusually calm weather conditions lasting for several weeks. These events, although poorly known, reported, and characterized, pose a major threat for resource sustainability. Based on a sample of eleven events on eight atolls from the central South Pacific occurring between 1993 and 2012, the conservative environmental thresholds required to trigger such events are identified using sea surface temperature, significant wave height and wind stress satellite data. Using these thresholds, spatial maps of potential risk are produced for the central South Pacific region, with the highest risk zone lying north of Tuamotu Archipelago. A regional climate model, which risk map compares well with observations over the recent period (r = 0.97), is then used to downscale the projected future climate. This allows us to estimate the potential change in risk by the end of the 21st century and highlights a relative risk increase of up to 60% for the eastern Tuamotu atolls. However, the small sample size used to train the analysis led to the identification of conservative thresholds that overestimated the observed risk. The results of this study suggest that long‐term monitoring of the biophysical conditions of the lagoons at risk would enable more precise identification of the physical thresholds and better understanding of the biological processes involved in these rare, but consequential, mass mortality events.  相似文献   
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