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Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes are used frequently to describe the trophic ecology of top marine mammal predators. Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) are one of the world's rarest otariid seals and exhibit the highest levels of natal site philopatry of any seal. We report the development of a screening technique to identify different foraging ecotypes and assess their relative frequencies in Australian sea lion breeding colonies using stable isotope ratios in pups. Geospatial and dive data from 15 adult females at three breeding colonies revealed alternate foraging strategies (inshore and offshore foraging) that were reflected in significant changes in δ13C and δ15N. Isotope fractionation from mother to pup was validated using paired whisker and blood serum samples with no significant difference between δ13C and δ15N enrichment of +1.27‰ (whiskers) and +1.92‰ (blood serum) from mothers to pups. Isotope ratios from whisker samples representing over 50% of pups born at three colonies revealed significant intercolony differences in maternal foraging ecotype frequencies. These results are unique in that ecological partitioning over such a small spatial scale has not been described in any other otariid species.  相似文献   
Organic matter produced by the sea ice microbial community (SIMCo) is an important link between sea ice dynamics and secondary production in near‐shore food webs of Antarctica. Sea ice conditions in McMurdo Sound were quantified from time series of MODIS satellite images for Sept. 1 through Feb. 28 of 2007–2015. A predictable sea ice persistence gradient along the length of the Sound and evidence for a distinct change in sea ice dynamics in 2011 were observed. We used stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) of SIMCo, suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) and shallow water (10–20 m) macroinvertebrates to reveal patterns in trophic structure of, and incorporation of organic matter from SIMCo into, benthic communities at eight sites distributed along the sea ice persistence gradient. Mass‐balance analysis revealed distinct trophic architecture among communities and large fluxes of SIMCo into the near‐shore food web, with the estimates ranging from 2 to 84% of organic matter derived from SIMCo for individual species. Analysis of patterns in density, and biomass of macroinvertebrate communities among sites allowed us to model net incorporation of organic matter from SIMCo, in terms of biomass per unit area (g/m2), into benthic communities. Here, organic matter derived from SIMCo supported 39 to 71 per cent of total biomass. Furthermore, for six species, we observed declines in contribution of SIMCo between years with persistent sea ice (2008–2009) and years with extensive sea ice breakout (2012–2015). Our data demonstrate the vital role of SIMCo in ecosystem function in Antarctica and strong linkages between sea ice dynamics and near‐shore secondary productivity. These results have important implications for our understanding of how benthic communities will respond to changes in sea ice dynamics associated with climate change and highlight the important role of shallow water macroinvertebrate communities as sentinels of change for the Antarctic marine ecosystem.  相似文献   
Mutualism can mediate competition and promote coexistence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mutualistic interactions are not believed to promote coexistence of competitors because mutualisms produce positive feedbacks on abundances whereas coexistence requires negative feedbacks. Here we show that a mutualism between an anemonefish (Amphiprion) and its sea anemone host mediates the effect of asymmetrical competition for space between the anemonefish and another damselfish (Dascyllus) in a manner that fosters their coexistence. Amphiprion stimulates increases in host area, the shared resource, but social interactions cap the number of anemonefish to two adults per host. Space generated by the mutualism becomes differentially available to Dascyllus because the effectiveness of an anemonefish in excluding its competitor declines with increases in the area it defends. This alters Amphiprion's ratio of per capita intra‐ to interspecific effects and thus facilitates coexistence of the fishes. This mechanism may be prevalent in nature, adding another major pathway by which mutualism can enhance diversity.  相似文献   
To thrive in a time of rapid sea‐level rise, tidal marshes will need to migrate upslope into adjacent uplands. Yet little is known about the mechanics of this process, especially in urbanized estuaries, where the adjacent upland is likely to be a mowed lawn rather than a wooded natural area. We studied marsh migration in a Long Island Sound salt marsh using detailed hydrologic, edaphic, and biotic sampling along marsh‐to‐upland transects in both wooded and lawn environments. We found that the overall pace of marsh development was largely unaffected by whether the upland being invaded was lawn or wooded, but the marsh‐edge plant communities that developed in these two environments were quite different, and some indicators (soil salinity, foraminifera) appeared to migrate more easily into lawns. In addition, we found that different aspects of marsh structure and function migrated at different rates: Wetland vegetation appeared to be a leading indicator of marsh migration, while soil characteristics such as redox potential and surface salinity developed later in the process. We defined a ‘hydrologic migration zone’, consisting of elevations that experience tidal inundation with frequencies ranging from 20% to 0.5% of high tides. This hydrologically defined zone – which extended to an elevation higher than the highest astronomical tide datum – captured the biotic and edaphic marsh‐upland ecotone. Tidal inundation at the upper border of this migration zone is highly variable over time and may be rising more rapidly than mean sea level. Our results indicate that land management practices at the upland periphery of tidal marshes can facilitate or impede ecosystem migration in response to rising sea level. These findings are applicable to large areas of tidal marsh along the U.S. Atlantic coast and in other urbanized coastal settings.  相似文献   
A survey of soils and trees was conducted on Syunkunitai coastal sand dune in eastern Hokkaido to clarify the relationships between the soil properties and the plant cover type. A belt transect of 360m in length was established across the dune. Three community types, that is, a Picea glehnii forest, an Abies sachalinensis forest, and a salt marsh were recognized. Soil types at the study area were determined to be sandy immature soil and peat soil. Their horizon sequences were described as A0–V–C or T–V–C layers (A0, T, V, and C indicate layers of leaf litter, peat, volcanic deposit, and parent material, respectively). The Abies sachalinensis forest was characterized by a relatively high calcium concentration in the surface soil layer and a tendency for podzolization in the volcanic deposit layer. The Picea glehnii forest was characterized by peat accumulation because of the high ground water table, volcanic deposits in the soil profile, and the strong influence of sea salt on the soil chemistry. The roots in the Picea glehnii forest were distributed more shallowly than those in the Abies sachalinensis forest, thus avoiding the high water table level as well as the influence of seawater in the soil. The salt marsh showed an extremely high sodium concentration and base saturation, indicating that this area was directly affected by seawater. Recently, the periphery of the Picea glehnii forest on Syunkunitai sand dune has been declining because of seawater inundation caused by ground subsidence.  相似文献   
深海热液区富含铁、锌、铜等含金属矿物(硫化物、氧化物、碳酸盐等)和无机小分子气体(H_2S、H_2、CO_2、CH_4等),具有独特的生态系统。微生物是深海热液生态系统的主要生产者和重要组成,并以控制矿化和诱导矿化两种途径参与了深海热液区的生物地球化学循环。在深海热液区存在着不同类型的微生物参与了生物矿化过程,如硫氧化菌、金属氧化菌、硫还原菌和金属还原菌等。本文详述了这些微生物参与的生物矿化现象、菌群多样性和矿化过程的分子机制,并对研究微生物矿化的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   
The intensity and duration of the period of osmotic disturbance during introduction of brook charr into sea water were decreased by introducing the fish according to a gradient of salinity over a period of 6 days. Survival in summer increased from 25 to 90% with the use of a salinity gradient. However, kinetics and levels of activation of the gill Na+, K+-ATPase were not affected by the mode used for introducing brook charr into sea water. Neither was its level of activity modified by the use of a salted diet when the fish were in fresh water. The addition of 8 and 12% of salt to the diet prevented the plasma electrolyte surge of concentrations during the first days in sea water. In very cold water, survival rate was also drastically improved by giving an 8% salted diet during the 6 weeks preceding the introduction into sea water. These results show that both salty diets and exposure to brackish water during 6 days help brook charr face osmotic stress and improve their survival rate when introduced into full-strength sea water. The combined use of these preconditioning strategies might facilitate rearing this species in sea cages or silos.  相似文献   
Vergés A  Pérez M  Alcoverro T  Romero J 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):751-760
Herbivory can induce changes in plant traits that may involve both tolerance mechanisms that compensate for biomass loss and resistance traits that reduce herbivore preference. Seagrasses are marine vascular plants that possess many attributes that may favour tolerance and compensatory growth, and they are also defended with mechanisms of resistance such as toughness and secondary metabolites. We quantified phenotypic changes induced by herbivore damage on the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica in order to identify specific compensatory and resistance mechanisms in this plant, and to assess any potential trade-offs between these two strategies of defence. We simulated three natural levels of fish herbivory by repeatedly clipping seagrass leaves during the summer period of maximum herbivory. Compensatory responses were determined by measuring shoot-specific growth, photosynthetic rate, and the concentration of nitrogen and carbon resources in leaves and rhizomes. Induced resistance was determined by measuring the concentration of phenolic secondary metabolites and by assessing the long-term effects of continued clipping on herbivore feeding preferences using bioassays. Plants showed a significant ability to compensate for low and moderate losses of leaf biomass by increasing aboveground growth of damaged shoots, but this was not supported by an increase in photosynthetic capacity. Low levels of herbivory induced compensatory growth without any measurable effects on stored resources. In contrast, nitrogen reserves in the rhizomes played a crucial role in the plant’s ability to compensate and survive herbivore damage under moderate and high levels of herbivory, respectively. We found no evidence of inducibility of long-term resistance traits in response to herbivory. The concentration of phenolics decreased with increasing compensatory growth despite all treatments having similar carbon leaf content, suggesting reallocation of these compounds towards primary functions such as cell-wall construction.  相似文献   
Fissarcturus bathyweddellensis sp. nov. and Fissarcturus sandwichi sp. nov. are described from the abyssal Southern Ocean near the Antarctic Peninsula and Fissarcturus rossi sp. nov. is described from the shallow Ross Sea. A list of all described species of Fissarcturus is given. The new species differ from recognized species of the genus in the following respects: F. bathyweddellensis can be distinguished based on spination on the dorsum of the body, which is described in detail herein. It is most similar to F. emarginatus Brandt, 1990, but this has, for example, a shorter and less stout second cephalic spine. F. rossi can also be distinguished from F. bathyweddellensis based on spine pattern. Whereas all dorsal spines of F. bathyweddellensis are smooth, those of F. rossi are covered with spinules. F. sandwichi can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the strong frontally bent supraocular spines (females with second cephalic spines) and dorsal body surface, which is covered with flat, cauliflower-like elevations in submedial, lateral and coxal rows.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 149 , 263–290.  相似文献   
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