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The surface area of corals represents a major reference parameter for the standardization of flux rates, for coral growth investigations, and for investigations of coral metabolism. The methods currently used to determine the surface area of corals are rather approximate approaches lacking accuracy, or are invasive and often destructive methods that are inapplicable for experiments involving living corals. This study introduces a novel precise and non-destructive technique to quantify surface area in living coral colonies by applying computed tomography (CT) and subsequent 3D reconstruction. Living coral colonies of different taxa were scanned by conventional medical CT either in air or in sea water. Resulting data volumes were processed by 3D modeling software providing realistic 3D coral skeleton surface reconstructions, thus enabling surface area measurements. Comparisons of CT datasets obtained from calibration bodies and coral colonies proved the accuracy of the surface area determination. Surface area quantifications derived from two different surface rendering techniques applied for scanning living coral colonies showed congruent results (mean deviation ranging from 1.32 to 2.03%). The validity of surface area measurement was verified by repeated measurements of the same coral colonies by three test persons. No significant differences between all test persons in all coral genera and in both surface rendering techniques were found (independent sample t-test: all n.s.). Data analysis of a single coral colony required approximately 15 to 30 min for a trained user using the isosurface technique regardless of the complexity and growth form of the latter, rendering the method presented in this study as a time-saving and accurate method to quantify surface areas in both living coral colonies and bare coral skeletons. Communicated by Biology Editor Dr Michael Lesser  相似文献   
Natural and anthropogenic catastrophes occurred at the end of the previous and in the beginning of the current centuries at the coral reefs of the World Ocean, and their consequences for the tropical shelf ecosystems have been described based on published data and our own investigations. It has been shown that in recent decades coral populations on reefs of tropical and subtropical regions of the World Ocean have been reduced by 80%, and in some areas have completely vanished. The biodiversity of reef ecosystems has been considerably reduced. The main reason for such changes is a 1-2°C increase in the temperature of surface waters in comparison with the monthly mean temperature in the hot season. The fate of the damaged coral reefs is under discussion. It is thought that in clean waters partially damaged coral reefs can recover, whereas in waters polluted as the result of human activity they collapse. The rate of coral reef restoration depends on the hydrological and hydrochemical conditions, frequency of natural calamities and competitive interrelation of algae and corals on the damaged sites of coral reefs. The nature of competitive interrelation between algae and corals is considered, viz., the dynamics of obliteration of damaged and dead coral colonies by various algal species, mechanisms of competitive interrelation, effects of the environment on the competitive ability of corals and algae, the internal and external conditions for victory in competitive activity. It has been suggested that coral reefs can be restored through temporary transformation into a vegetable reef. In the absence of natural calamities damaged reefs can be clearly restored to their original or altered state over several decades, but only in clean waters.  相似文献   
Increasingly severe storms and weaker carbonate materials associated with more acidic oceans will increase the vulnerability of reef corals to mechanical damage. Mechanistic predictions based on measurements of colony mechanical vulnerability and future climate scenarios demonstrate dramatic shifts in assemblage structure following hydrodynamic disturbances, including switches in species' dominance on the reef and thus potential for post-disturbance recovery. Larger colonies are more resistant to factors such as disease and competition for space, and complex morphologies support more associated reef species. Future reefs are thus expected to have lower colony abundances and be dominated by small and morphologically simple, yet mechanically robust species, which will in turn support lower levels of whole-reef biodiversity than do present-day reefs.  相似文献   
The expanding use of DNA barcoding as a tool to identify species and assess biodiversity has recently attracted much attention. An attractive aspect of a barcoding method to identify scleractinian species is that it can be utilized on any life stage (larva, juvenile or adult) and is not influenced by phenotypic plasticity unlike morphological methods of species identification. It has been unclear whether the standard DNA barcoding system, based on cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI), is suitable for species identification of scleractinian corals. Levels of intra- and interspecific genetic variation of the scleractinian COI gene were investigated to determine whether threshold values could be implemented to discriminate conspecifics from other taxa. Overlap between intraspecific variation and interspecific divergence due to low genetic divergence among species (0% in many cases), rather than high levels of intraspecific variation, resulted in the inability to establish appropriate threshold values specific for scleractinians; thus, it was impossible to discern most scleractinian species using this gene.  相似文献   
A compelling aspect of the deterioration of coral reefs is the phenomenon of coral bleaching. Through interactions with other factors such as sedimentation, pollution, and bacterial infection, bleaching can impact large areas of a reef with limited recovery, and it might be induced by a variety of stressors including temperature and salinity extremes, and ultraviolet light. Under conditions of ocean warming, often associated with calm and stratified waters, photobleaching of UV-absorb-ing chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is increased, and penetration of both UV-B and UV-A is greatly enhanced. Indices of UV-specific effects in coral tissue are needed to test whether UV increases, associated with global climate change, are harmful to corals. To address this challenge, we have evaluated UV-specific effects in corals and have characterized factors that alter penetration of UV radiation over coral reefs. An immunoblotting assay was developed to examine UV-specific lesions (thymine dimers) in coral and zooxanthellae DNA. We observed dose-dependent increases of thymine dimers in coral (Porites porites var porites) exposed to artificial solar irradiance in a solar simulator, although effects were not strictly proportional. UV measurements were made in July 1999 at Eastern Sambo reef and nearby sites, including profiling along transects from reef to shore. Results of these analyses indicate that the coral at Eastern Sambo reef (at 3-4 meters) were receiving UV-B radiation that was equivalent to 25 to 30% of surface UV irradiance. However, the water just inside the reef in Hawk Channel (located closer to land) was considerably more opaque to UV. This water photobleached with loss of UV absorbance and fluorescence when it was exposed to simulated solar radiation. These results indicate that photobleaching of the DOM and transport of near-shore water out over the reefs might play a key role in controlling UV penetration to the reef surface.  相似文献   
This paper presents a review of palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of scleractinian corals from the Oligo–Miocene Qom Formation in northeastern Esfahan, central Iran. A total of nine genera and four species of colonial corals are identified, including Platycoenia iranica, Goniopora sp., Porites sp., Tarbellastraea reussiana, Solenastrea sp., Favites neglecta, Leptoria sp., Hydnophora cf. pulchra, Hydnophora sp., and Madracis (?) sp. These corals, all parts of massive colonies, are indicative of a reefal environment, with the main constituents, including Leptoria and Hydnophora, possessing massive meandroid, massive hydnophoroid and massive mushroom- to dome-shaped hydnophoroid colonies. The corals identified here are generally indicative of the upper photic zone and shallow water depths of less than 20 m. In the reefal environment, these corals built a wave-resistant and rigid carbonate framework in the form of a reef-front zone encapsulated by environmental conditions including low sedimentation rates and high wave energy. The occurrence of Goniopora and Porites with distinct calicles reflects clearer waters in the external part of the reefal environment.  相似文献   
Corallimorpharia are the closest noncalcifying relatives of reef‐building corals. Aside from their popularity among aquarium hobbyists, their evolutionary position between the Actiniaria (sea anemones) and the Scleractinia (hard corals) makes them ideal candidates for comparative studies aiming at understanding the evolution of hexacorallian orders in general and reef‐building corals in particular. Here we have sequenced and assembled two draft genomes for the Corallimorpharia species Amplexidiscus fenestrafer and Discosoma sp. The draft genomes encompass 370 and 445 Mbp, respectively, and encode for 21,372 and 23,199 genes. To facilitate future studies using these resources, we provide annotations for the predicted gene models—not only at gene level, by annotating gene models with the function of the best‐matching homologue, and GO terms when available; but also at protein domain level, where gene function can be better verified through the conservation of the sequence and order of protein domains. Further, we provide an online platform ( http://corallimorpharia.reefgenomics.org ), which includes a blast interface and a genome browser to facilitate the use of these resources. We believe that these two genomes are important resources for future studies on hexacorallian systematics and the evolutionary basis of their specific traits such as the symbiotic relationship with dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium or the evolution of calcification in reef‐building corals.  相似文献   
The recovery of bleached corals is crucial in ensuring the persistence of the coral reef ecosystem function. This study investigated whether relocating bleached Platygyra sinensis colonies was a viable measure to accelerate their recovery. During a mild bleaching event in 2014, eight bleached colonies of P. sinensis were relocated from an affected reef at Sultan Shoal, Singapore, to a reef at Kusu that was less impacted. Another eight colonies at Sultan Shoal were tagged as controls. After five months, 88% of relocated bleached colonies at Kusu showed full recovery whereas only 25% of the control bleached colonies at Sultan Shoal had recovered. The differential coral recovery among the two sites was most likely due to lower seawater temperatures and faster water flow at Kusu, which helped to mitigate the effects of thermal stress on the bleached corals. This relocation study demonstrated that relocating bleached P. sinensis to sites with more favourable environmental conditions is a viable approach to reduce bleaching impacts for this species.  相似文献   
Climate change, genotypic diversity and gene flow in reef-building corals   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In the ocean, large‐scale dispersal and replenishment by larvae is a key process underlying biological changes associated with global warming. On tropical reefs, coral bleaching, degradation of habitat and declining adult stocks are also likely to change contemporary patterns of dispersal and gene flow and may lead to range contractions or expansions. On the Great Barrier Reef, where adjacent reefs form a highly interconnected system, we use allozyme surveys of c. 3000 coral colonies to show that populations are genetically diverse, and rates of gene flow for a suite of five species range from modest to high among reefs up to 1200 km apart. In contrast, 700 km further south on Lord Howe Island, genetic diversity is markedly lower and populations are genetically isolated. The virtual absence of long‐distance dispersal of corals to geographically isolated, oceanic reefs renders them extremely vulnerable to global warming, even where local threats are minimal.  相似文献   
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