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蒋巧媛  陈泉  陆媛峰 《广西植物》2008,28(2):273-277
根据综合学术指标变化,从多个侧面展示了《广西植物》在全国科技期刊中的地位和学术影响力以及国际化程度的稳步发展。结果表明:近年来期刊总被引频次、影响因子等各项学术指标都在提高,并且提高迅速,幅度较高;国际化程度发展变化明显。了解和剖析期刊的学术影响力,揭示其内在变化的相关规律,为探索科技学术期刊发展之路,实现期刊品牌战略提供了客观依据。  相似文献   
Phytomorphology — if concerned with development — often concentrates on correlative changes of form and neglects the aspects of age, time and clock, although the plant's spatial and temporal organisation are intimately interconnected. Common age as measured in physical time by a physical process is compared to biological age as measured by a biological clock based on a biological process. A typical example for a biological clock on the organ level is, for example, a shoot. Its biological age is measured by the biological time unit of a plastochron, which itself is defined by the cyclic-periodic initiation of the leaves. In a controlled environment biological age may replace physical age. However, biological and physical age are not necessarily linearly convertible into each other. In stationary or steady state conditions the repetitive initiation of any organ, unit or module of an articulate plant or plant modular system may define the biological time unit. A linear — monotonous biological process, e.g. axis elongation, may also define a biological time unit as a certain amount of additional growth, e.g. of length. One may speak of periodical and of continuous plastochron or, perhaps, of plastochron and rheochron. A precise measure of biological age is the generalized plastochron index applying to any modular system and module respectively. However, one should be aware that it is based on two clocks, one of them referring to the periodic process of module initiation for counting the integer plastochrons and the other to the continuous plastochron of module growth for the determination of the fraction of one plastochron. The application of the concepts is restricted to phases of stationary or steady state growth and development. In certain cases of non-stationary or non-steady state conditions a normalized-age concept may apply.  相似文献   
归纳了与昆虫学有关的科学期刊英文刊名的缩写规则 ,列举了刊名中常见单词的缩写方法和常见刊名的缩写形式 ,讨论了在缩写刊名时可能出现的问题  相似文献   
结合办刊实践,提出了如下措施和建议:(1)明确读者定位,开拓优质稿源新渠道。(2)通过策划选题,充分体现知识的创新性;设置特色栏目,栏目内容具有科学性和实用性;增加载文的信息量,提高信息密度等途径优化期刊内容,努力创办特色期刊。(3)通过强化政策导向,建立合理机制吸引优秀稿件;跟踪国际科技前沿课题,掌握学术团队的发展动态;重视学术会议组稿,加强引进和派出访问学者的联系等措施提高稿件学术质量,增强刊物核心竞争力。(4)建立国际交换关系,提升刊物自身价值。(5)加强与国际重要检索系统的联系,重视进入专业数据库。(6)加快信息化建设,加大期刊的对外宣传。以此提升期刊的国际影响力,促进期刊的国际化发展。  相似文献   
As a possible alternative to spectral analysis of biological processes the method of thresholding the recorded function is reconsidered. The frequencies of the section length for a finite set of levels form the frequency surface which is the starting point for inference and reasoning. The paper presents ideas and examples to stimulate the development and use of a suitable electronic equipment.  相似文献   
选取了广东典型生态区的曲江、高要、广州、汕头和湛江5个代表性试验点进行地理分期播种试验,各试验点均采用3个主栽品种、设置6个播期,观测早稻不同发育期、测定其产量及其产量构成因子。结合附近气象站同期观测资料,采用数理统计和变异系数等方法,分析平均气温对早稻产量及产量构成因子的影响,确定了广东早稻高产不同生育期的适宜气温指标。结果表明:全生育期平均气温为23~24℃,其中出苗-分蘖期为18~21℃、分蘖-孕穗期为21~25℃、孕穗-齐穗期为24~28℃、齐穗-成熟期为27~30℃。  相似文献   
介绍了《广西植物》的创办情况,并从八个角度,即:刊物取得各种标识码;办刊宗旨和方针、专业分工范围、读者对象;获奖、馆藏、收录及进入各类数据库情况;各项指标统计结果;植物新分类群的发表;国际发行与交换;出版育人;学术影响力等方面,对刊物三十年发展进行了回顾性分析。结果显示:《广西植物》三十年来在各方面都取得了较为明显的进步,质量不断提高,为植物学界发现人才、培养人才做出了积极的贡献。展望未来同时面临着困难、挑战、机遇与希望,期刊编辑部应以继续提高期刊质量,实现期刊数字化、网络化为发展方向,以立精品期刊,创一流刊物为持续发展的目标,努力走出去,学习名刊的办刊经验,使刊物融入世界学术信息大循环中。  相似文献   
植物学类科技期刊插图的优化与规范化编排   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋巧媛 《广西植物》2005,25(1):93-96
作者结合自己的实践,详细叙述了科技期刊插图的分类与规范化要求,就如何优化插图、确保质量提出了精选插图、认真审读图稿的全部内容、精心标注的方法,并阐述了插图的编辑加工和技术处理,探讨了统一格式、规范化编排插图的具体做法:即合成、压缩或删除、分解、缩放、调整、重新设计等手段,以及精心描绘和认真校对。  相似文献   
Mating aggregations of three species of periodical cicadas were monitored during the emergence of Brood XIX at a 16-ha study site in northwest Arkansas, May–June 1985. Magicicada tredecassiniappeared first and formed the most choruses. M. tredecimand M. tredeculachoruses formed next, and M. tredeculachoruses outnumbered those of M. tredecim.Of the 268 choruses seen, 84% were composed of M. tredecassini. M. tredecassiniwere often found chorusing in the same trees with the other two species. Such multispecies mating aggregations apparently are unique to periodical cicadas. Choruses were dynamic with respect to their locations and durations. Initially, choruses were located near areas of high cicada emergence densities. One week later, cicadas chorused in trees throughout the forest and at the forest edge. Many choruses were seen only once at a location. Although cicadas chorused for almost 4 weeks, individual choruses persisted only approximately 8 days, on average. Sound intensities under chorus centers ranged from 50 to 80 dh and were correlated with arena sizes during times of peak chorus activity. No distinct habitat preferences of the three species were observed, however, the tree species used by chorusing cicadas differed among the species.  相似文献   
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