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Pollen-limited plants are confronted with a difficult tradeoff because they must present showy floral displays to attract pollinators and yet must also minimize their apparency to herbivores. In these systems, traits that increase pollinator visitation may also increase herbivore oviposition and overall plant resistance may therefore be constrained to evolve largely as a correlated response to selection on plant apparency or vigor. We used a family-structured quantitative genetic experiment to evaluate the importance of ungulate browsing, flowering date and plant height (traits that are related to overall vigor), and variation in a putative phytochemical defense (cucurbitacin production) on patterns of seed fly attack in a scarlet gilia population. We found significant genetic variation in the amount of insect damage plants experience in the field, providing evidence that resistance may evolve. In addition, we found that browsing reduced seed fly attack and that oviposition is strongly related to plant size and flowering date; large, early flowering plants experience high attack. In addition, we found that high cucurbitacin production was correlated with low seed fly damage, although this effect was relatively weak.We found directional selection on final plant height and flowering date; tall, early flowering plants had the highest reproductive success. In addition, we found negative directional selection on cucurbitacin production, which may indicate a high cost of cucurbitacin or other functions of this phytochemical. Although seed fly herbivory arguably decreases plant fitness, we found an unexpected positive relationship between damage and fitness. A negative relationship between fitness and damage may be masked in this system through strong positive indirect correlations between patterns of damage and levels of pollinator visitation. Finally, we found significant genetic variation in flowering date, plant height, and cucurbitacin production. Resistance to seed flies may evolve in this population, but largely as a non-adaptive correlated response to selection on overall plant vigor. Phytochemicals may play a more important role in defense in years with high seed fly attack, or when pollen-limitation is less severe.Co-ordinating editor: J. Tuomi  相似文献   
Recent theoretical studies have argued that plant-herbivore coevolution proceeds in a diffuse rather than a pairwise manner in multispecies interactions when at least one of two conditions are met: (1) genetic correlations exist between plant resistances to different herbivore species; and (2) ecological interactions between herbivores sharing a host plant cause nonadditive impacts of herbivory on plant fitness. We present results from manipulative field experiments investigating the single and interactive fitness effects of three types of herbivory on scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata) over two years of study. We utilize these data to test whether selection imposed by herbivore attack on date of first flowering is pairwise (independent) or diffuse (dependent) in nature. Our results reveal complex patterns of the fitness effect of herbivores. Simulated early season browsing had a strong negative fitness effect on plants and also reduced subsequent insect attack. Surprisingly, this ecological interaction did not translate into significant interactions between clipping and insect manipulations on plant fitness. However, we detected a significant interaction between seed fly and caterpillar herbivory on plant fitness, with the negative effect of either insect being greatest when occurring alone. These results suggest that herbivore-imposed selection may have pairwise and diffuse components. In our selection analysis of flowering phenology, we discovered significant pairwise linear selection imposed by clipping, diffuse linear selection imposed by insects, and diffuse nonlinear selection imposed by clipping and insect attack acting simultaneously. Our results reveal that the evolution of flowering phenology in scarlet gilia may be in response to diffuse and pairwise natural selection imposed by multiple herbivores. We discuss the evolution of resistance characters in light of diffuse versus pairwise forms of linear and nonlinear selection and stress the complexity of selection imposed by suites of interacting species.  相似文献   
吴琦  单志  沈茂  李双江  陈惠 《生物工程学报》2009,25(10):1477-1482
本研究采用水相合成的纳米级铁磁流体对灭活酿酒酵母细胞进行磁修饰,获得了具有良好磁响应的酵母。傅立叶变换红外光谱分析表明,该修饰酵母在Fe-O特征峰581cm1处的吸收明显加强。透射电镜观察表明,纳米磁性颗粒单个或成团聚集在酵母细胞表面。在本实验条件下,160μL磁修饰酵母对1mL浓度为0.4mg/mL直接大红染料吸附率达100%;8min达到吸附平衡;在70%乙醇中,染料脱吸附率为99.18%。由于磁修饰酵母吸附力强,吸附速度快,易于磁分离,是一种有前景的水溶性染料生物吸附剂。  相似文献   
We analyzed sequences of two mitochondrial DNA gene regions (control region and ND2) from 186 specimens obtained from 17 Eurasian localities covering most of the distribution of the common rosefinch to assess phylogeographic structure. Populations possessed a high level of nucleotide diversity relative to many other Palearctic species, suggesting that rosefinch populations are relatively old and possess high effective sizes. Mismatch distributions suggested that many localities experienced past population expansions, which are older than those expected for post-Pleistocene climate warming and reforestation of Eurasia. Our Phi(st) analysis revealed that 12.4% of total genetic variation was distributed among localities owing in part to the existence of three incompletely isolated groups: southwestern (subspecies C. e. kubanensis), northeastern (subspecies C. e. grebnitskii), and northwestern (subspecies C. e. erythrinus and C. e. ferghanensis). The three groups are not reciprocally monophyletic which suggests that they were formed relatively recently. Gene flow among groups is restricted. Coalescence analysis indicated dispersal asymmetry.  相似文献   
Extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) are frequently documented insongbirds; however, the extent to which this reproductive tacticcontributes to variance in male reproductive success and hencethe strength of sexual selection on males remains little studied.Using 2 approaches, intraspecific and comparative, we test thehypothesis that the contribution of EPFs to variance in malefitness increases with migration distance in north temperatesongbirds. Using data on the genetic mating system of the scarletrosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, a long-distance migrant, weshow that the number of extrapair mates and within-pair paternityare the most important components of variance in male reproductivesuccess. There was no evidence of a trade-off between extrapairand within-pair success of individual males as males successfulin procuring EPFs were less likely to be cuckolded. Comparativedata reveal that the opportunity for sexual selection due toEPFs is positively associated with both migration distance andbreeding synchrony in north temperate passerines, and we discussseveral mechanisms that could extend these relationships. Ingeneral, these data suggest that EPFs have a potential to playan important role in the evolution of sexually selected traitsin long-distance migratory songbirds such as rosefinches.  相似文献   
A族β溶血性链球菌(beta—haemolyticgroup A Streptococcusisolate,GAS)又称为酿脓链球菌(Strepto—coccus pyogenes),是一种常见的致病性化脓性革兰阳性球菌,猩红热是由GAS引起的儿童常见呼吸道传染病。近年来,随着严重侵袭性GAS感染在欧美一些国家再次增多,猩红热在一些国家中的发病率也在升高。简要介绍GAS的分型、超抗原及耐药与猩红热之间的关系。  相似文献   
郭光  田芳  刘妍  刘廷凤  丁克强  刘翀 《微生物学通报》2017,44(11):2567-2574
【目的】获得能够在高盐环境下脱色偶氮染料的高效脱色菌群,应用于印染废水的生物处理。【方法】采用在5%盐度培养基富集的方法,从印染废水的活性污泥中富集能够在5%盐度下脱色酸性大红GR的嗜盐混合菌群,利用高通量测序方法研究其群落结构,利用静置培养的方法研究其脱色性能。【结果】该菌群可以在5%盐度、静置培养下15 h内将100 mg/L的酸性大红GR几乎完全脱色,主要由Halomonas、Salinicoccus、Nitratireductor和Aequorivita等4个属组成,Halomonas是主要的脱色菌。高浓度的Na NO_3、Na_2SO_4和Na Cl抑制菌群的脱色,其中Na NO_3抑制作用最强。该菌群的最佳脱色条件是在p H 7.0、盐度5%、30°C脱色效果最好,可脱色直接耐黑G和分散深蓝S-3BG等偶氮染料,并且具有连续脱色的能力。【结论】嗜盐菌群在处理偶氮染料废水中具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   
S3307对盆栽一串红的矮化效应   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
一串红喷施S3307后,植株高度降低,株型紧凑,节间缩短,叶色变浓,花序整齐,花色鲜艳.以20 mg*L- 1 S3307喷1次的矮化效果为最佳.  相似文献   
Tolerance is the ability of plants to maintain fitness after experiencing herbivore damage. We investigated scarlet gilia tolerance to browsing in the framework of phenotypic plasticity using both an operational and candidate trait approach. Individuals from full-sib families were split into an artificial clipping treatment, a natural-damage treatment, or left as controls. We tested for genetic variation in tolerance by evaluating family x herbivory treatment interactions on fitness in a mixed model analysis of variance. In addition, we used selection analyses to assess the function of flowering phenology and compensatory regrowth (via branch production) as candidate tolerance traits. We found a strong detrimental fitness effect of browsing and considerable variation among sire half-sib families in levels of tolerance (25% to 63% of the fitness of controls). There was no evidence of overcompensation at either the population or family level and no additive genetic variation in operationally defined tolerance. Phenotypic selection analyses provide evidence that early flowering and compensatory regrowth function as tolerance characters. We found strong linear and correlational selection for early flowering and increased branch production for damaged plants and linear selection for apical dominance (reduced branchiness) and early flowering in control plants. Moreover, reduced phenological delay and increased plasticity in branch production were correlated with tolerance. We detected significant additive genetic variation in flowering phenology in both treatments and a positive genetic correlation between the phenology of control and damaged plants. We found significant additive genetic variation in branch production in undamaged and naturally damaged plants, but not in clipped plants. Damaged plants exhibited marginally significant additive genetic variance in fitness, although its heritability was very low (approximately 3.6%). We failed to find additive genetic variation in the fitness of control plants. Our results suggest that tolerance traits are under herbivore-imposed natural selection in this population, but that responses to selection are limited by available genetic variation and selective constraints.  相似文献   
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