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研究了湖南会同红黄壤区杉木人工林和常绿阔叶林土壤微生物量和养分状况.结果表明,该区杉木人工林取代地带性常绿阔叶林和杉木连栽后,土壤微生物碳、氮和土壤养分含量下降,土壤严重退化.在0~10 cm土层内,常绿阔叶林土壤微生物碳和氮含量为800.5和84.5 mg·kg-1,分别是第1代杉木林的1.90和1.03倍、第2代杉木林的2.16和1.27倍;在10~20 cm土层内,常绿阔叶林土壤微生物碳和氮含量为475.4和63.3 mg·kg-1,分别是第1代杉木纯林的1.86、1.60倍和第2代杉木林的2.11和1.76倍.在0~10 cm 和10~20cm土层内,杉木人工林取代常绿阔叶林和杉木栽植代数增加后,土壤全氮、全钾、铵态氮和速效钾含量均明显降低,但差异并不显著.人工杉木林林分组成单一,其凋落物分解慢、归还养分数量少;炼山等造成的表土流失是杉木人工林土壤微生物量和养分库退化的重要原因.土壤微生物碳与土壤全氮、铵态氮、全钾和速效钾含量呈极显著的正相关,土壤微生物氮与土壤养分含量也达到极显著水平.  相似文献   
Aim Present northern distribution limit of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) follows the northern limit of continuous open boreal forest in western Canada, but not in eastern Canada where it is located further south. We tested the hypothesis that fire plays a more important role than climate in explaining the present position of the northern distribution limit of jack pine. Location An experimental jack pine plantation was set up in 1992, c. 300 km north of the present distribution limit of the species, in the Boniface river area of northern Québec (57°43′ N, 76°05′ W). Methods Climate and fire data were used to compare sites at and north of the present distribution limit of jack pine. In 2001, surviving individuals from the plantation were measured (total height, annual shoot elongation, basal diameter, and presence/absence of cones). Results Climate data from the ten weather stations used in this study did not show major differences. The northern limit of jack pine distribution is closely associated with the occurrence of fires larger than 200 ha. Survival of the planted jack pines was 31%. About 25% of the surviving pines qualified as normal, single‐stem individuals; the others were slightly uprooted and/or showed marks of erosion or foraging. Cones were produced, although no viable seeds were found. Main conclusions The low number of degree‐days above 5 °C at the plantation site could explain why the seeds were not viable. However, such climate conditions are not sufficient to prevent growth, as was shown by annual shoot elongation measurements. Most of the surviving jack pines from the Boniface river plantation are relatively healthy and follow a normal developmental programme. Low fire frequency and small fire size are amongst the main factors that prevented P. banksiana from migrating further north or east following deglaciation in northern Québec and Labrador.  相似文献   
酸性磷酸酶动力学特征可反映不同底物供应下土壤磷转化状况。以人工恢复的引进种黑松人工林和本地种栓皮栎人工林以及自然恢复的天然次生林为研究对象,开展凋落物添加去除和根系去除对土壤酸性磷酸酶动力学特征的影响研究。结果表明:(1)三种森林恢复方式下土壤酸性磷酸酶活性和最大反应速度(Vmax)均为双倍凋落物>对照>去除凋落物>去除根系>无输入;(2)改变凋落物和根系输入对酸性磷酸酶的半饱和常数(Km)和催化效率(Vmax/Km)影响不大;(3)酸性磷酸酶活性受速效磷含量的反馈调节;土壤氮可利用性和含水量显著影响酸性磷酸酶活性。改变凋落物和根系输入对引进种黑松人工林土壤有机磷转化能力影响最大,天然次生林次之,本地种栓皮栎人工林最稳定。根系对土壤酸性磷酸酶动力学特征的影响大于凋落物。其结果可为暖温带森林恢复,应对气候变化和森林防火、收集凋落物等管理措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   
土壤氮磷钾是土壤肥力管理的重要元素,是植物生长的必要养分元素。对土壤氮磷钾的空间分布进行特征解译,可为精准管理临安山核桃产区林地土壤肥力,促进山核桃林产业可持续发展提供理论依据。研究以临安山核桃主产区为研究区域,利用随机森林(RF)、普通克里格(OK)和Shapley加性解释(SHAP)方法,结合地形因子、气候因子、土壤因子、遥感因子等环境变量,对山核桃林地土壤碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)的空间分布特征进行分析。研究结果表明:相比于OK模型,基于环境协变量所构建的RF模型对AN、AP和AK含量空间分布预测表现最佳,R2分别为0.68、0.60和0.64,均方根误差(RMSE)分别为20.005、10.287和22.426,平均绝对误差(MAE)分别为15.425、7.709 和21.628。RF模型SHAP分析显示,AN和AK含量分布主要受土壤有机质(SOM)的影响,并且SOM与AN和AK存在正相关性;AP主要受pH的影响,其次为色调指数,AP与pH和色调指数均具有负相关性;AK和AP同时受到海拔和坡向的影响。两种模型预测的氮磷钾空间分布趋势总体相似,不同速效养分存在明显的空间异质性。碱解氮高值区域主要分布于研究区东部;有效磷高值区域主要分布于研究区西部,但分散度高;速效钾高值区域则主要分布于研究区中部。总体而言,基于随机森林模型可以高精度模拟山核桃林地土壤氮磷钾含量空间分布特征,并依据主要环境协变量对土壤氮磷钾的影响关系,提出相应改良措施。在有效磷含量低值区域可以施用石灰来缓解土壤酸化,同时补追磷肥;碱解氮含量高值区域可以合理减少氮肥施用;速效钾含量低值区域合理施加钾肥;对于海拔较高及迎风坡多降雨的区域,可以构建林下高效水土保持植被,减轻水土流失;在林地施用有机肥料,改善土壤理化性质,增加土壤养分含量。  相似文献   
建立近自然度评价体系对于修复森林生态功能、保障森林可持续发展有着重要的意义,然而近自然度尚未有统一的评价体系。祁连山地区的森林系统承担着我国西部重要的水源涵养功能,对其现存的人工林客观地开展基于水源涵养能力的近自然评价是亟需解决的问题。以祁连山东部金禅沟、塔尔沟小流域40个不同林分起源的云杉纯林、白桦纯林、云杉白桦混交林为对比研究样地,对涉及近自然度和水源涵养能力的指标进行敏感性分析,筛选出中高敏感度指标,通过欧氏距离法结合熵权法定量评价人工林近自然度,通过模糊物元法定量评价森林水源涵养能力,然后采用6种方法对近自然度和水源涵养得分分布进行拟合(R2>0.4),并利用K-means法建立了4个近自然度评价等级。研究表明祁连山东部地区大部分人工林近自然度评级处于半天然林阶段,通过改造纯林为针阔混交林可以同时提高其近自然度与水源涵养能力。研究旨在构建基于水源涵养能力的近自然度评价体系,为森林生态服务功能修复提供理论支持。  相似文献   
While research continues on the causes, consequences, and rates of deforestation and forest degradation in the tropics, there is little agreement about what exactly is being lost, what we want back, and to whom the 'we' refers. Particularly unsettling is that many analyses and well-intended actions are implemented in fogs of ambiguity surrounding definitions of the term 'forest'—a problem that is not solely semantic; with development of markets for biomass carbon, vegetation classification exercises take on new relevance. For example, according to the basic implementation guidelines of the Kyoto Protocol, closed canopy natural forest could be replaced by monoclonal plantations of genetically engineered exotic tree species and no deforestation would have occurred. Following these same guidelines, carbon credits for afforestation could be available for planting trees in species-rich savannas; these new plantations would count towards a country moving towards the 'forest transition,' the point at which there is no net 'forest' loss. Such obvious conflicts between biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration might be avoided if 'forest' was clearly defined and if other vegetation types and other ecosystem values were explicitly recognized. While acknowledging that no one approach to vegetation classification is likely to satisfy all users at all scales, we present an approach that recognizes the importance of species composition, reflects the utility of land-cover characteristics that are identifiable via remote sensing, and acknowledges that many sorts of forest degradation do not reduce carbon stocks ( e.g ., defaunation) or canopy cover ( e.g ., over-harvesting of understory nontimber forest products).  相似文献   
Restoration of mangroves is often considered a way to minimize losses incurred from their decline and to provide additional services to coastal communities. However, the success of restoration programs is often focused on biological or ecological criteria. The situation is no exception in Bangladesh, which houses the world’s largest mangrove plantations. This study has been undertaken in a south-central estuarine island (Nijhum Dwip) of the Bangladesh coast and aims to understand societal perception on the achievements of a plantation program. Through 110 household interviews and seven group discussions, an assessment was conducted of peoples’ perception about major flora and fauna of the mangrove ecosystem, benefits derived from the forest, present condition of the forest, causes of degradation, and ways to improve the situation. Around one-fourth of the respondents mentioned that they were highly dependent on the ecosystem. The most important perceived benefits were: provision of raw materials, prevention against natural disasters, climate regulation and soil retention. However, the majority (>80%) of the respondents perceived the ecosystem to be degrading. Encroachment and illicit felling were identified as the main causes of such degradation. In order to arrest the continued degradation allowed by conventional forest management flaws, adaptive co-management has been recommended to conserve this ecosystem in a more equitable way.  相似文献   
从2007年11月至2009年10月, 对华西雨屏区苦竹(Pleioblastus amarus)人工林进行了模拟氮(N)沉降试验, N沉降水平分别为对照(CK, 0 g N·m-2·a-1)、低N (5 g N·m-2·a-1)、中N (15 g N·m-2·a-1)和高N (30 g N·m-2·a-1)。在N沉降进行1年后, 每月采集各样方0-20 cm的土壤样品, 连续采集12个月, 测定其土壤总有机C、微生物生物量C、浸提性溶解有机C、活性C、全N、微生物生物量N、NH4+-N、NO3--N、有效P和速效K。结果表明: N沉降显著增加了土壤总有机C、微生物生物量C、全N、微生物生物量N、NH4+-N和有效P含量, 对其余几个指标无显著影响。土壤微生物生物量C和微生物生物量N的季节变化明显, 并与气温极显著正相关。土壤有效P、速效K与微生物生物量C、微生物生物量N呈极显著负相关关系。N沉降提高了土壤中C、N、P元素的活性, 并通过微生物的转化固定作用使得C、N、P元素在土壤中的含量增加。苦竹林生态系统处于N限制状态, 土壤有机C和养分对N沉降呈正响应, N沉降的增加可能会提高土壤肥力并促进植被的生长, 进而促进生态系统对C的固定。  相似文献   
人工林目前存在结构单一、土壤退化、生物多样性降低等人类普遍关注的生态问题。马尾松(Pinus massoniana)是长江上游低山丘陵区退耕还林的主要人工林树种。研究采伐林窗对植物物种组成和更新的影响, 对马尾松低效人工林的改造, 提升其生态服务功能具有重要的意义。该文以采伐39年生的马尾松人工林形成的7种不同大小的林窗为研究对象, 分析了不同季节林窗内的植物生活型组成及多样性变化。结果表明: 1)马尾松人工林林下植物以高位芽植物居多, 其次是地面、地下芽植物, 一年生植物较少而缺少地上芽植物。在林窗形成初期, 林窗的高位芽植物比例明显低于林下, 大林窗的高位芽植物比例稍高于小林窗, 地下芽和一年生植物的比例低于小林窗。2)林下的物种丰富度和物种多样性指数显著低于大林窗。不同林窗下植物的丰富度指数、优势度指数、多样性指数也存在显著差异。3)夏季林窗下植物多样性最高, 其次是秋季, 春季多样性最低。1225-1600 m2的大林窗能够促进马尾松人工林植物多样性恢复和植被更新。  相似文献   
Based on our field investigation, we analyzed the characteristics of species diversity and interspecific association at different development stages of Hippohae rhamnoides plantations. The results show that the species diversities of the shrub layer, grass layer and the whole community of the H. rhamnoides plantations all fluctu-ated in an "S" shape pattern. At different development stages, the species richness and diversity were higher in the grass layer than in the shrub layer. The shrub species diversity was lower on bare land, but increased gradually with development of the community. The shrub evenness index was higher in 13-year forest stand, while the grass diversity index was higher in the 3-year and 25-year plan-tations and lower in the 8-year plantation. The positive and negative absolute values of interspecific association between H. rhamonides and other principal species chan-ged in a parabolic pattern. The significance level and intensity of interspecific association were lower or weaker in thel3-year plantation, indicating that the species sub-stitution rate slowed down, competition became less intense and community composition and its structure reached a relatively stable state. Therefore, to improve the ecological environment, priority should be given to the protection of the H. rhamnoides plantations younger than 13 years, while for those of 25 year plantations, mod-erate thinning should be made to promote their regenera-tion.  相似文献   
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