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Abstract: S -Adenosylmethionine is an essential ubiquitous metabolite central to many biochemical pathways, including transmethylation and polyamine biosynthesis. Reduced CSF S -adenosylmethionine levels in Alzheimer's disease have been reported; however, no information is available regarding the status of S -adenosylmethionine or S -adenosylmethionine-dependent methylation in the brain of patients with this disorder. S -Adenosylmethionine concentrations were measured in postmortem brain of 11 patients with Alzheimer's disease. We found decreased levels of S -adenosylmethionine (−67 to −85%) and its demethylated product S -adenosylhomocysteine (−56 to −79%) in all brain areas examined (cerebral cortical subdivisions, hippocampus, and putamen) as compared with matched controls (n = 14). S -Adenosylmethionine and S -adenosylhomocysteine levels were normal in occipital cortex of patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (n = 10), suggesting that the decreased S -adenosylmethionine levels in Alzheimer's disease are not simply a consequence of a chronic, neurodegenerative condition. Reduced S -adenosylmethionine levels could be due to excessive utilization in polyamine biosynthesis. The severe reduction in levels of this essential biochemical substrate would be expected to compromise seriously metabolism and brain function in patients with Alzheimer's disease and may provide the basis for the observations of improved cognition in some Alzheimer's patients following S -adenosylmethionine therapy.  相似文献   
Abstract: Paired helical filaments isolated from the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease are composed of a major protein component, the microtubule-associated protein termed τ, together with other nonprotein components, including heparan, a glycosaminoglycan, the more extensively sulfated form of which is heparin. As some of these nonprotein components may modulate the assembly of τ into filamentous structures, we have analyzed the ability of the whole τ protein or some of its fragments to self-assemble in the presence of heparin. Different τ fragments, all of them containing some sequences of the tubulin-binding motif, can assemble in vitro into filaments. We have also found formation of polymers with the 18-residue-long peptide corresponding to the third tubulin-binding motif of τ. This suggests that the ability of τ for self-assembly could be localized in a short sequence of amino acids present in the tubulin-binding repeats of the τ molecule.  相似文献   
Abstract: The principal constituent of amyloid plaques found in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a 39–42-amino-acid protein, amyloid β protein (Aβ). This study examined whether the measurement of Aβ levels in CSF has diagnostic value. There were 108 subjects enrolled in this prospective study: AD (n = 39), non-AD controls (dementing diseases/syndromes; n = 20), and other (n = 49). CSF was obtained by lumbar puncture, and Aβ concentrations were determined using a dual monoclonal antibody immunoradiometric sandwich assay. The mean Aβ value for the AD group (15.9 ± 6.8 ng/ml) was not significantly different from that for the non-AD control group (13.0 ± 7.1 ng/ml; p = 0.07), and substantial overlap in results were observed. Aβ values did not correlate with age ( r = −0.05, p = 0.59), severity of cognitive impairment ( r = 0.22, p = 0.21), or duration of AD symptoms ( r = 0.14, p = 0.45). These findings are in conflict with other reports in the literature; discrepant results could be due to the instability of Aβ in CSF. Aβ immunoreactivity decays rapidly under certain conditions, particularly multiple freeze/thaw cycles. Use of a stabilizing sample treatment buffer at the time of lumbar puncture allows storage of CSF without loss of Aβ reactivity. In conclusion, the total CSF Aβ level is not a useful marker for current diagnosis of AD.  相似文献   
Abstract: That many cells express more than one connexin (Cx) led us to examine whether Cxs other than Cx32 are expressed in the PNS. In addition to Cx32 mRNA, Cx43 and Cx26 mRNAs were detected in rat sciatic nerve by northern blot analysis. Cx43 mRNA, but not Cx26 mRNA, was expressed in both the primary Schwann cell culture and immortalized Schwann cell line (T93). The steady-state levels of the Cx43 mRNA in the primary Schwann cell culture increased 2.0-fold with 100 µ M forskolin, whereas that of P0 increased 7.0-fold. Immunoreactivity to Cx43 was detected on western blots of cultured Schwann cells, T93 cells, and sciatic nerves but not on blots of PNS myelin. Immunohistochemical study using human peripheral nerves revealed that anti-Cx43 antibody stained cytoplasm around nucleus of Schwann cells but not myelin, confirming western blot results. Although P0 expression was markedly decreased by crush injury of the sciatic nerves, Cx43 expression showed no apparent change. Developmental profiles showed that Cx43 expression in the sciatic nerve increased rapidly after birth, peaked at about postnatal day 6, and then decreased gradually to a low level. In adult rats, the Cx43 mRNA value was much lower than that of Cx32. These findings suggest that Cx43 is localized in Schwann cell bodies and that, compared with P0, its expression is less influenced by axonal contact and cyclic AMP levels. The high expression on postnatal day 6 indicates that Cx43 may be related to PNS myelination. Cx43 is another gap junction, but its function appears to differ from that of Cx32, as judged by the differences in their localization and developmental profiles.  相似文献   
In a previous study large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) sequences from the marine dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, A. catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech, A. fundyense Balech, A. affine (Fukuyo et Inoue) Balech, A. minutum Halim, A. lusitanicum Balech, and A. andersoni Balech were compared to assess inter- and intraspecific relationships. Many cultures compared in that study contained more than one class of LSU rDNA. Sequencing pooled clones of rDNA from single cultures revealed length heterogeneities and sequence ambiguities. This complicated sequence comparisons because multiple rDNA clones from a single culture had to be sequenced individually to document the different classes of molecules present in that culture. A further complication remained as to whether or not the observed intraculture sequence variations were reliable genetic markers or were instead artifacts of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, cloning, and/or sequencing methods employed. The goals of the present study were to test the accuracy of Alexandrium LSU rDNA sequences using restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and to devise RFLP-based assays for discriminating among representatives of that group. Computer-assisted examination of the sequences allowed us to identify a set of restriction enzymes that were predicted to reveal species, strain, and intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities. All groups identified by sequencing were revealed independently and repeatedly by RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified material. Five ambiguities and one length heterogeneity, each of which ascribes a unique group of Alexandrium species or strains, were confirmed by restriction digests. Observed intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities were not artifacts of cloning and sequencing but were instead a good representation of the spectrum of molecules amplified during PCR reactions. Intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities thus serve as unique genetic markers for particular strains of Alexandrium, particularly those of A. tamarense, A. catenella, and A. fundyense. However, some of these “signature heterogeneities” represented a smaller portion of PCR product than was expected given acquired sequences. Other deviations from predicted RFLP patterns included incomplete digestions and appearance of spurious products. These observations indicate that the diversity of sequences in PCR product pools were greater than that observed by cloning and sequencing. The RFLP tests described here are useful tools for characterizing Alexandrium LSU rDNA to define the evolutionary lineage of cultures and are applicable at a fraction of the time, cost, and labor required for sequencing.  相似文献   
Abstract: Activated microglia, often associated with neuritic amyloid plaques in the Alzheimer's disease brain, are likely to contribute to the progression of the disease process, e.g., by releasing neurotoxic reactive oxygen and/or nitrogen intermediates. In the present study, whether the amyloid β peptide (Aβ), the principal constituent of amyloid plaques, can stimulate microglial respiratory burst activity and/or microglial production of nitric oxide was examined. Using neonatal rat microglial cultures as a model, it was found that neither the spontaneous release of nitric oxide nor the lipopolysaccharide-induced production of nitric oxide was altered in cultures previously incubated with synthetic Aβ(1–40). for 24 h. In addition, no direct stimulatory effect of Aβ(1–40) on the respiratory burst activity was observed. Nevertheless, concomitant with an increase in the number of responsive cells, a profound priming of the phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-evoked production of superoxide anion was observed in Aβ(1–40)-treated cultures. Thus, both the maximal rate and the total phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced production of superoxide appeared to be statistically significantly higher as compared with untreated cultures. It is concluded that, as far as activation of the microglial respiratory burst is concerned, Aβ(1–40) may merely act as a priming rather than a triggering stimulus.  相似文献   
Abstract: P19 is a C3H mouse-derived line of multipotent embryonic carcinoma cells that differentiate into neural cells. P19 cell clones overexpressing the three major forms of β-amyloid precursor protein from their cDNA constructs were established. Unlike a previous study in which P19-derived neurons had a limited α-secretase activity, all of these clones produced significant amounts of secreted β-amyloid precursor protein. When treated with retinoic acid, these transformed lines differentiated into neurons and survived better than did nontransformed parental P19 cells. Furthermore, P19-derived neurons survived better in medium conditioned by the transformed P19 line, and survival was reduced by immunoabsorption with an antibody to β-amyloid precursor protein. These results suggest neurotrophic effects of secreted β-amyloid precursor protein and contrast with a previous report in which overexpression of a full-length cDNA for β-amyloid precursor protein led to degeneration of P19-derived neurons. Western blot analysis suggested that this difference might result from different levels of expression of putative neurotoxic C-terminal fragments of β-amyloid precursor protein; moreover, P19-derived neurons differ from P19 stem cells in the processing of these C-terminal fragments.  相似文献   
Abstract: Alzheimer's disease is characterized neuropathologically by the presence of neuritic and amyloid plaques, vascular amyloid, and neurofibrillary tangles in specific brain areas. The main constituent of amyloid deposits is amyloid β protein, a 40–42 amino acid proteolytic product of the amyloid β-precursor protein. In our search for proteases that can generate the N-terminus of amyloid β protein (β-secretases), we discovered a thiol-dependent metalloprotease that was identified, by peptide sequencing, as metalloendopeptidase EC In vitro, the metalloprotease cleaves the methionine-aspartic acid bond in a 10 amino acid synthetic peptide, indicating that it could generate the N-terminus of amyloid β protein, and generates amyloidogenic fragments from full-length recombinant amyloid β-precursor protein. Mouse monoclonal antibodies produced against a unique synthetic peptide from the metalloprotease labeled various monkey tissues as detected by western blots and immunohistochemistry. Unexpectedly, two monoclonal antibodies, IVD6 and IIIF3, immunolabeled strongly intracellular neurofibrillary tangles, neurites of senile plaques, and neuropil threads, but not "ghost" tangles or amyloid in sections taken from Alzheimer's disease brain. This finding provides further evidence for the metalloprotease's relevance to Alzheimer's disease pathology, although the connection between tangle staining and the formation of amyloid β protein remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   
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