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The distribution of phytoplankton species of a tropical blackwater reservoir is discussed on the basis of spatial differences in water composition and of species abundance and diversity. Spatial heterogeneity in water composition identified three different environments within the reservoir itself: (1) strongly colored waters, high turbidity and iron concentrations at the inflow; (2) calcium enriched, nearly uncolored waters at El Pao Bay; (3) lightly colored water, higher transparency and a higher ratio monovalent to divalent cations in the main body of the reservoir. Three corresponding phytoplankton associations were found. Principal Component Analysis helped to explore the relationship of particular species with the abiotic factors. Among them, water color, turbidity, and mineralization proved to be determinant in habitat diversification.  相似文献   
Fuente de Piedra is a shallow, temporary saline lake whoseseasonal behavior is strongly dependent on the annual hydrologicalbudget. In this study, we outline the characteristics of Fuente dePiedra Lake for two years that had different hydrological budgets.The high precipitations in 1989–90 caused the lake not to dry asusual, and decreased both salinity and the amplitude of changes.There were also differences in nutrient dynamics, with generallylower concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus and ammonium,whereas in the more humid year nitrate showed a distinct maximum inwinter. Winter bloom chlorophyll a concentrations were alsomuch higher in 1989–90 (>600 g l-1) but there wasalso a winter productive phase that was presumably poorly coupledwith consumption processes that predominate in spring. Planktonicassemblages were different between years. Highly halotolerantphytoplankton species (Dunaliella salina and D. viridis) became scarcer, and especially two previouslyunrecorded diatoms (Cyclotella sp. and Chaetoceros sp.)became dominant in the bloom time in the wet year. The speciesrichness of the zooplankton increased in the wet year, with newspecies appearing that were not collected during 1987–88(Branchinectella media, Daphnia mediterranea, Macrothrix sp.,Arctodiaptomus salinus, Cyclops sp., Sigara sp...).There was also a much higher development of macrophytes (Ruppiadrepanensis, Althenia orientalis, Lamprothamnium papulosum)and bird populations, especially flamingoes (Phoenicopterusruber).Important interannual variations in this sort of system pointto the need for long term studies to observe the whole range ofstates that define the lake as an entity.  相似文献   
Offshore fluxes of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg were calculated based onresidual flow patterns and salinity gradients along the Belgian coast. Theresidual flow lines along the Belgian coast are more or less parallel to thecoast except in the area where the north-easterly flowing watermass comingfrom the Channel encounters the south-westerly-oriented Scheldt outflow,forming a residual hydrodynamical front. From the steady-state salinitypattern, diffusion coefficients perpendicular to the residual flow werededuced; they ranged from 21 to 108 m2 s-1. Offshore fluxes of dissolved and particulate trace metals based on diffusiveand mixing processes are calculated. The steady state profiles of dissolvedmetals show a dilution effect in the coastal waters, reaching an almostconstant concentration in the marine watermass in the 1981–1983dataset. The ratios of the Scheldt input of trace metals to the totaldissolved offshore flux vary from 38 to 55% (1981–1983),depending on the kind of metal, and from 55 to 91% (1995–1996).The ratio of the Scheldt input to the dissolved metal flow parallel to thecoast, is in both periods (1981–1983 and 1995–1996), smallerthan 1%. The steady-state concentration profiles of particular metalsversus salinity are fairly constant in the coastal-estuarine and marinewatermasses, but decrease very abruptly from the first to the secondwatermass. Assuming a conservative behaviour of the particular metals,offshore fluxes and the resulting concentration increases agree fairly wellwith the observed values. The ratios of the Scheldt input to the particulatetrace metal offshore flux vary between 30 to 46% (1981–1983)and 13 to 37% (1995–1996). The contribution of the Scheldtestuary to the flows parallel to the coast ranges from 1.6 to 2.9%(1981–1983) and from 0.6 to 1.6% (1995). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We have studied the effect of R5020, a synthetic progestin, on the biosynthesis of cellular proteins extracted from the MCF7 and T47D human breast cancer cells, using gel electrophoresis. R5020 stimulates the synthesis, as measured after [35S]-methionine labelling, and the accumulation, as shown by silver staining, of a protein of molecular weight approximately equal to 250,000. The increase of the labelled 250-kilodalton protein was rapid (3 hours) and after 3 days this protein represented approximately equal to 6% of the total cellular proteins (approximately equal to 1 microgram/150,000 cells). The induction of the 250-kilodalton protein was obtained by physiologically active concentrations of several progestins and high concentrations of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone but not by estradiol or dexamethasone. It was inhibited by R486 , a progestin antagonist, but not by flutamide, an androgen antagonist. These results indicate a mediation by the progesterone receptor. The 250-kilodalton protein appears to be an excellent probe to study in cell culture the mechanism of action of progestin on human cells.  相似文献   
The conditions used in some immunoblot procedures can fail to detect calmodulin, S100 proteins, and other proteins with similar physical properties. We describe here some of the basis of this difficulty, and provide an immunoblot protocol that allows the rapid and reproducible detection of calmodulin and S100 beta in crude biological samples. These proteins are rapidly transferred from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to membrane matrices, and retention on the matrix is enhanced by a glutaraldehyde fixation step. Either nitrocellulose or a positively charged membrane filter (ZetaProbe) can be used as the immobilizing matrix. By combining microslab gel electrophoresis, 30 min electrophoretic transfer, and glutaraldehyde fixation of nitrocellulose paper, an immunoblot analysis can be done in an 8-hr day.  相似文献   
A method was developed for the determination of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity in the microsomal fraction of crypt cells and villi of rat intestinal mucosa. Addition of trypsin inhibitor to homogenizing and incubation media at a proper concentration appeared inevitable for measurement of the activity of the villi fraction. The reductase in crypt cells was also slightly enhanced by the addition of the inhibitor. Using this technique, the enzyme activity in villi was found to be as active as the crypt cell fraction. Since other types of protease inhibitors were not necessarily effective, it was suggested that specific enzyme(s) inactivates the mucosal reductase in the course of measurement.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of diploid human fibroblasts to the cytotoxic effects of diphtheria toxin (DT) depended on the cell growth status. Exponentially growing cells treated with 10?3-1 lethal flocculating units (LF) of DT/ml for 4 days survived with a frequency of 4 × 10?4. However, the DT-resistant phenotype of colonies isolated under these conditions was not stable. When the growth of the cells had been arrested by confluence or deprivation of serum growth factors prior to treatment with DT (4 days, 10?3-0.6 LF/ml), the survival decreased to 2 × 10?6 and the resistance of isolated colonies was stable. An in situ assay for induced DT-resistant mutants was developed in order to avoid problems associated with the possible reduced viability of the mutants relative to that of wild-type cells. A reproducible and linear dose response was obtained for the induction of DT-resistant mutants by ethylnitrosourea. The mutants were induced with high frequency by this compound (e.g., 10?3 mutants/viable cell at a 37% survival dose); complete expression of the mutant phenotype occurred after 6 generations of growth under nonselective conditions. Isolated mutant colonies showed stable resistance to DT and were cross-resistant to Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A.  相似文献   
Gene fusion vectors based on the gene for staphylococcal protein A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two plasmid vectors, containing the gene coding for staphylococcal protein A and adapted for gene fusion, have been constructed. These vectors will allow fusion of any gene to the protein A gene, thus giving hybrid proteins which can be purified, in a one-step procedure, by IgG affinity chromatography. As an example of the practical use of such vectors, the protein A gene has been fused to the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. E. coli strains containing such plasmids produce hybrid proteins with both IgG binding and β-galactosidase activities. The hybrid protein(s) can be immobilized on IgG-Sepharose by its protein A moiety with high efficiency without losing its enzymatic activity and they can be eluted from the column by competitive elution with pure protein A. The fused protein(s) also binds to IgG-coated microtiter wells which means that the in vivo product can be used as an enzyme conjugate in ELISA tests.  相似文献   
The competitive inhibition of [3H]-flunitrazepam binding by CL 218872 and propyl beta-carboline-3-carboxylate (PCC), non-benzodiazepine compounds that show differential affinities for benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor subtypes, was studied in the rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus at different temperatures of incubation. The potency of both inhibitors was significantly greater at 0° than at 37°C. The magnitude of temperature induced enhancement of potency may correlate with the pharmacological efficacy of compounds that interact with BZD receptors. Hill slopes for CL 218872 shifted from 0.52 to 0.97 in the cerebral cortex when incubations were performed at 0° and 37°C, respectively. Hill values for PCC changed from 0.68 to 0.93 under similar temperature conditions. These observations suggest the presence of a homogenous population of benzodiazepine receptors at physiological temperatures or the inability of CL 218872 and PCC to distinguish between receptor subtypes at 37°C.  相似文献   
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