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Several epidemiological and preclinical studies suggest that non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX), reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and can lower β‐amyloid (Aβ) production and inhibit neuroinflammation. However, follow‐up clinical trials, mostly using selective cyclooxygenase (COX)‐2 inhibitors, failed to show any beneficial effect in AD patients with mild to severe cognitive deficits. Recent data indicated that COX‐1, classically viewed as the homeostatic isoform, is localized in microglia and is actively involved in brain injury induced by pro‐inflammatory stimuli including Aβ, lipopolysaccharide, and interleukins. We hypothesized that neuroinflammation is critical for disease progression and selective COX‐1 inhibition, rather than COX‐2 inhibition, can reduce neuroinflammation and AD pathology. Here, we show that treatment of 20‐month‐old triple transgenic AD (3 × Tg‐AD) mice with the COX‐1 selective inhibitor SC‐560 improved spatial learning and memory, and reduced amyloid deposits and tau hyperphosphorylation. SC‐560 also reduced glial activation and brain expression of inflammatory markers in 3 × Tg‐AD mice, and switched the activated microglia phenotype promoting their phagocytic ability. The present findings are the first to demonstrate that selective COX‐1 inhibition reduces neuroinflammation, neuropathology, and improves cognitive function in 3 × Tg‐AD mice. Thus, selective COX‐1 inhibition should be further investigated as a potential therapeutic approach for AD.  相似文献   
Nanomaterials with superior physiochemical properties have been rapidly developed and integrated in every aspect of cell engineering and therapy for translating their great promise to clinical success. Here we demonstrate the multifaceted roles played by innovatively-designed nanomaterials in addressing key challenges in cell engineering and therapy such as cell isolation from heterogeneous cell population, cell instruction in vitro to enable desired functionalities, and targeted cell delivery to therapeutic sites for prompting tissue repair. The emerging trends in this interdisciplinary and dynamic field are also highlighted, where the nanomaterial-engineered cells constitute the basis for establishing in vitro disease model; and nanomaterial-based in situ cell engineering are accomplished directly within the native tissue in vivo. We will witness the increasing importance of nanomaterials in revolutionizing the concept and toolset of cell engineering and therapy which will enrich our scientific understanding of diseases and ultimately fulfill the therapeutic demand in clinical medicine.  相似文献   
Pink 1基因编码定位于线粒体上的丝/苏氨酸激酶(即PARK6),为常染色体隐性遗传性帕金森病(Parkinsons disease, PD)连锁的基因.该基因在遗传性和散发性PD的发病中起重要作用,但其发病机理尚未明确.本研究以近交系C57BL/6J (B6) 和DBA/2J (D2)小鼠制作MPTP诱导的PD鼠为模型,借助基因表达数量性状基因座(eQTL),结合分子生物学方法,分析Pink1的表达调控.结果显示,Pink 1基因在PD模型组中表达显著升高.区间连锁分析检测显示,引起Pink 1基因表达水平差异的染色体区域,定位于4号染色体上,距Pink 1基因自身5 Mb范围之类,属于顺式调节eQTL.Pearson相关分析表明,在BXD 基因重组近交系(recombinant inbred,RI)小鼠脑中,Camk2n等30个基因的表达与Pink 1基因高度相关,相互间可能存在一定的协同作用.Pink 1基因在行使特定生物学功能时,很可能协同这些基因一起发挥相应的作用,这部分基因是深入研究Pink 1基因在PD发病中分子机制的重要靶点.  相似文献   
The President's Council on Bioethics has recently released a report supportive of the continued use of brain death as a criterion for human death. The Council's conclusions were based on a conception of life that stressed external work as the fundamental marker of organismic life. With respect to human life, it is spontaneous respiration in particular that indicates an ability to interact with the external environment, and so indicates the presence of life. Conversely, irreversible apnoea marks an inability to carry out the necessary work of life, an inability which the Council considers an indicator of death. This conception has been conceived to circumvent criticisms of the previous model of loss of somatic integration, a model the Council admits that, in the presence of evidence of continuing functional integration in brain dead patients, was looking less than convincing. Nevertheless, by focusing on external work and ignoring the more essential work of integrative unity, the Council's conception of the nature of life is untenable, and of no assistance in supporting a relation of equivalence between the concepts of brain death and death. Consequently, the Council's conclusions do little to advance the definition of death debate, a potentially intractable debate that may necessitate the investigation of alternate ethical justifications for organ harvesting.  相似文献   
Oxytocin (OT) is essentially associated with uterine contraction during parturition and milk ejection reflex. Although several studies implicate the role of OT in anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and anti-apoptotic pathways, there is a lack of data with regard to the protective effects of oxytocin in neurodegenerative models such as Parkinson's disease (PD). The present study was undertaken to investigate the neuroprotective effects of oxytocin (OT) on rotenone-induced PD in rats. Twenty adult Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with rotenone (3 μg/μl in DMSO) or vehicle (1 μl DMSO) into the left substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) under stereotaxic surgery, and PD model was assessed by rotational test ten days after drug infusion. The valid PD rats were randomly divided into two groups; Group 1 (n = 7) and Group 2 (n = 7) were administered saline (1 ml/kg/day, i.p.) and oxytocin (160 μg/kg/day, i.p.) through 20 days, respectively. The effects of OT treatment were evaluated by behavioral, histological and immunohistochemical parameters. Apomorphine-induced stereotypic rotations in PD rats were significantly inhibited by OT treatment (p < 0.05). In addition, immunohistochemical studies clearly demonstrated the suppression of Bax, caspase-3, caspase-8 and elevation of Bcl-2 and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoexpression in OT-treated rats compared to saline group. Our findings suggest that oxytocin may have cytoprotective and restorative effects on dopaminergic neurons against rotenone-induced injury. The underlying mechanism may be associated with the inhibition of apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   
Experiments that longitudinally collect RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data can provide transformative insights in biology research by revealing the dynamic patterns of genes. Such experiments create a great demand for new analytic approaches to identify differentially expressed (DE) genes based on large-scale time-course count data. Existing methods, however, are suboptimal with respect to power and may lack theoretical justification. Furthermore, most existing tests are designed to distinguish among conditions based on overall differential patterns across time, though in practice, a variety of composite hypotheses are of more scientific interest. Finally, some current methods may fail to control the false discovery rate. In this paper, we propose a new model and testing procedure to address the above issues simultaneously. Specifically, conditional on a latent Gaussian mixture with evolving means, we model the data by negative binomial distributions. Motivated by Storey (2007) and Hwang and Liu (2010), we introduce a general testing framework based on the proposed model and show that the proposed test enjoys the optimality property of maximum average power. The test allows not only identification of traditional DE genes but also testing of a variety of composite hypotheses of biological interest. We establish the identifiability of the proposed model, implement the proposed method via efficient algorithms, and demonstrate its good performance via simulation studies. The procedure reveals interesting biological insights, when applied to data from an experiment that examines the effect of varying light environments on the fundamental physiology of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.  相似文献   
We have determined both the nucleotide sequence of the MEL1 gene of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis and the N-terminal amino acid (aa) sequence of its extracellular gene product, alpha-galactosidase (melibiase) (alpha-Gal). The predicted translation product of MEL1 is a pre-alpha-Gal protein containing an 18 aa N-terminal signal sequence for secretion. The purified enzyme is a dimer consisting of two 50-kDal polypeptides, each of which is glycosylated with no more than eight side chains. The 5'-flank of the MEL1 gene contains a region (UASm) having certain areas of sequence homology to similar sites found upstream of the structural genes GAL1, GAL7 and GAL10, which are also regulated by the action of the products of genes GAL4 and GAL80. There are three TATA boxes between UASm and the initiation codon of pre-alpha-Gal, as well as a typical yeast cleavage/polyadenylation sequence in the 3'-flank of the gene.  相似文献   
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是一种慢性进行性神经变性疾病,早期临床表现为近期记忆力下降,后来逐渐发展为生活不能自理最终死亡。目前,有许多种假说阐述其发病机制,如β-淀粉样蛋白、载脂蛋白E、一些金属元素、炎症因子等,但都不全面,也有人认为其可能与朊蛋白有关。部分药物被用于治疗AD,如美金刚、胆碱酯酶抑制剂等,但疗效均不显著。一些新的治疗理念和方法也逐渐被发现,如脑源性神经生长因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)以及免疫疗法等,但其远期疗效还需进一步证实,且一些副作用还并未被人们所知晓。本文主要对阿尔茨海默病的发病机制及药物治疗的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
利用食草动物来管理自然保护地的植被平衡具有很大的应用潜力,一方面可提升动物的生态价值,另一方面通过控制取食规模,改变植被的生物多样性,达到对自然保护地生态平衡管理的目的。基于此于2021年6月5日引入4头麋鹿(2雄2雌),对野鸭湖自然保护区的“芦苇优势群落”采取保护性的生物控制研究,从项目的实施来看:1)单纯收割不能控制芦苇的生长扩张;对芦苇区系植物多样性的影响有限,未改变芦苇区系结构;2)麋鹿引入该区域后,通过取食、游泳、躺卧和踩踏等活动有效控制了芦苇和香蒲的过度扩张;1年后芦苇和香蒲面积下降了21.96%,为三棱水葱、水蓼等提供了生长空间,逐渐形成了仍以芦苇和香蒲为主且更多样的湿地环境;3)增加滩涂和开阔水面等景观,使多样性指数进一步提升,未改变周边区系湿地生态结构;4)麋鹿迁入可降低野鸭湖“脆弱物种”芦苇区系的丰富度,由引入前的(r=3.67)下降到引入后的(r=1.97);麋鹿迁入提升了野鸭湖植被区系物种多样性,芦苇区系的多样性指数由引进前的(r=0.90)上升到引进后的(r=2.11);麋鹿引入的第一年结果显示,整个引入区域的植被多样性指数由r=0.51上升到r=0.91。麋...  相似文献   
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