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本文报道了从我国手足口病(HFMD)患者疱液中肠道病毒71(E71)型H株的分离和鉴定。该株病毒可在原代人胚肺(HEL)细胞、MA104细胞、BSC细胞中生长繁殖,导致典型的肠道病毒CPE出现。将H株接种乳鼠后出现肢体麻痹、第6天开始死亡。电镜下可见感染H株的BSC细胞胞浆中出现大量的结晶状排列的成熟病毒颗粒,直径约25nm。患者双份血清中有对H株4倍增高的中和抗体存在。采用100抗体单位的抗Cox A5、7、9、16、E70、E71抗体和50抗体单位的LBM组合血清A-H以及抗E71BrCr株MeAb P27对H株进行中和试验时,H株可被抗E71血清和MeAb P27所中和。抗E71抗体对H株的最低有效中和作用为1.6抗体单位,MeAb P27对H株的有效中和作用是64抗体单位。其它血清则无此中和作用。然而,在鉴定过程中发现,高滴度的抗Cox A16抗体(200抗体单位以上)也显出有中和H株的作用,提示我们所分离的H株含有与Cox A16的型间共同抗原。  相似文献   
Continuous light can be used as a tool to understand the diurnal rhythm of plants and it can also be used to increase the plant production. In the present research, we aimed to investigate the photosynthetic performance of V. radiata under continuous light as compared with the plants grown under normal light duration. Chlorophyll a fluorescence transient (OJIP test) technique was used to understand the effect on various stages of photosynthesis and their consequences under continuous light condition. Various Chl a Fluorescence kinetic parameters such as Specific energy fluxes (per QA-reducing PSII reaction center (RC)) (ABS /RC; TR0/RC; ET0/RC; DI0/RC), phenomenological fluxes, leaf model, (ABS/CSm; TR/CSm; ETo/CSm), Quantum yields and efficiencies (φPo; φEo; Ψo) and Performance index (PIabs) was extracted and analysed in our investigation. Conclusively, our study has revealed that continuous light alters the photosynthetic performance of V. radiata at a different point but also improve plant productivity.  相似文献   
我国林火发生预测模型研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献回顾,总结了国内林火发生预测模型的研究现状,并从林火发生驱动因子、林火发生概率预测模型、林火发生频次预测模型和模型检验方法等方面进行归纳分析。得出以下结论: 1)气象、地形、植被、可燃物、人类活动等因素是影响林火发生及模型预测精度的主要驱动因子;2)林火发生概率模型中,地理加权逻辑斯蒂回归模型考虑了变量之间的空间相关性,Gompit回归模型适宜非对称结构的林火数据,随机森林模型不需要多重共线性检验,在避免过度拟合的同时提高了预测精度,是林火发生概率预测模型的优选方法之一;3)林火发生频次模型中,负二项回归模型更适合对过度离散数据进行模拟,零膨胀模型和栅栏模型可以处理林火数据中包含大量零值的问题;4)ROC检验、AIC检验、似然比检验和Wald检验方法是林火概率和频次模型的常用检验方法。林火发生预测模型研究仍是我国当前林火管理工作的重点,预测模型的选择需要依据不同地区林火数据特点。此外,构建林火预测模型时需要考虑更多的影响因素,以提高模型预测精度;未来,需要进一步探索其他数学模型在林火发生预测中的应用,不断提高林火发生预测模型的准确度。  相似文献   
研究表明位于染色体8p21.3区域的EGR3(Early growth response 3)是精神分裂症(Schizophrenia)的重要易感基因, 然而, 仍有两个病例-对照研究未能验证上述发现。为了研究EGR3基因在我国患者中是否与疾病关联, 文章在中国汉族的核心家系中选择EGR3基因座位上的5个SNPs位点(rs1996147、rs1877670、rs3750192、rs35201266和rs7009708)进行基因分型和传递不平衡检验(Transmission disequilibrium test, TDT)。结果表明遗传标记rs1996147和rs3750192分别显示出显著的传递不平衡(c2>4.40, P<0.05)。在连锁不平衡分析中, 由2个(rs3750192和rs35201266)、3个(rs1877670、rs3750192和rs7009708)以及4个(rs1996147、rs1877670、rs3750192和rs7009708)SNPs位点构建的单倍型均显示与精神分裂症显著性关联(c2>7.10, 整体P<0.05)。总之, EGR3基因与中国汉族人群精神分裂症遗传易感性相关, 后续关于EGR3基因进一步的功能研究将会更好的帮助我们了解该基因在疾病病理学机制中的作用。  相似文献   
目的:观察气囊漏气实验预测拔管后发生严重上气道梗阻的临床价值.方法:共有156例气管插管患者入组,根据气囊漏气实验的情况分为两组,阴性组和阳性组,拔除气管插管后观察两组喘鸣发生与二次气管插管情况.结果:156例患者中气囊漏气实验阴性组125例,阳性组31例,拔除气管插管后,有13例患者需再次插管,其中1例患者无法插管,予经皮气管切开.结论:气囊漏气实验是一项简单方便筛查拔管后可能上气道梗阻的方法,如为阴性其因严重上气道梗阻再插管可能性很小,如为阳性则要注意可能发生拔管后上气道梗阻.  相似文献   
甲真菌病是皮肤科的常见病,是由皮肤癣菌、酵母菌和非皮肤癣菌性霉菌侵犯甲板和(或)甲床所致的病变,其中由皮肤癣菌感染引起的甲真菌病称为甲癣。人甲板中角蛋白硬、厚且致密,从而形成一个完美屏障。针对甲板的特殊解剖结构,需要局部治疗药物具备穿透指甲屏障,体现高活性抗皮肤癣菌的特质。目前,甲癣的局部用药体外药效学研究没有统一的标准,缺乏指导依据。本文查阅近年来文献报道,综述甲癣局部治疗药物的体外药敏实验、药物与甲板内角蛋白亲和力实验以及药物在甲板内的渗透等,并阐述上述实验方法的模型选择、方式方法及方法间的比较,以推荐适合化合物筛选的方法。  相似文献   
虚拟仿真实验是一种现代信息化和智慧教学的重要方法,对高等医学院校教学质量的发展起到重要的推进作用。我们自主开发建设的“霍乱弧菌检测与防控虚拟仿真实验”,既弥补了因生物安全问题不能开展的实验教学,也解决了微生物学检验实验教学中存在的操作标准化问题。采用“三步进阶”混合教学模式,实现以“学生为中心”的师生互动模式,创建“设计性实验报告”,与育人元素有机结合,培育医学生的职业使命感。细化考核标准,实现过程性评价。探索课前启发铺垫、课中内化升华、课后巩固拓展混合式实验教学模式,有效提高学生的实验技能,实现知行合一、素能共育的教学目标。  相似文献   
Simkania negevensis has been associated with bronchiolitis in infants and community-acquired pneumonia in adults. Reports of exposure to this microorganism are only available from Israel, North America and Western Europe. Currently, no standard method for diagnosis of S. negevensis infection has been established nor have prevalence rates been shown in Japan. For the first time we demonstrated the ability of the microimmunofluorescence (MIF) test to detect S. negevensis-specific immunoglobulin G and exposure to S. negevensis in Japan. The positive rate in healthy volunteers was 4.3% (25/588), with rates increasing with age. Results indicate the usefulness of the MIF test as a serological method for detecting S. negevensis-specific antibodies. A standard serological test for infection with S. negevensis is needed.  相似文献   
Kucey  R. M. N.  Snitwongse  P.  Chaiwanakupt  P.  Wadisirisuk  P.  Siripaibool  C.  Arayangkool  T.  Boonkerd  N.  Rennie  R. J. 《Plant and Soil》1988,108(1):33-41
Controlled environment and field studies were conducted to determine relationships between various measurements of N2 fixation using soybeans and to use these measures to evaluate a number ofBradyrhizobium japonicum strains for effectiveness in N2 fixation in Thai soils.15N dilution measurements of N2 fixation showed levels of fixation ranging from 32 to 161 kg N ha−1 depending on bacterial strain, host cultivar and location. Midseason measures of N2 fixation were correlated with each other, but not related measures taken at maturity. Ranking ofB. japonicum strains based on performance under controlled conditions in N-free media were highly correlated with rankings based on soybean seed yields and N2 fixation under field conditions. This study showed that inoculation of soybeans with effectiveB. japonicum strains can result in significant increases in yield and uptake of N through fixation. The most effective strains tested for use in Thai conditions were those isolated from Thai soils; however, effective strains from other locations were also of benefit.  相似文献   
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