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准确获取森林结构参数对森林生态系统研究及其保护有着重要意义。卫星遥感数据作为获取大尺度森林结构参数的重要数据源, 已被制作成各种植被监测产品并被应用于森林质量状况变化评估、森林生物量估算以及森林干扰和生物多样性监测等研究。然而, 这些卫星遥感植被监测产品针对中国复杂多样的森林区域缺乏有效验证, 在不同林况和地形条件下的不确定性也不明确。激光雷达具备高精度三维信息采集的优势, 在国内外已被广泛用于森林生态系统监测和卫星遥感产品验证。为此, 该研究利用在中国114个样地收集的153 km2的无人机激光雷达数据, 构建了我国森林结构参数验证数据集, 并以此为基础对3套全球遥感监测产品(全球叶面积指数(GLASS LAI)、全球冠层覆盖度(GLCF TCC)、全球冠层高度(GFCH))进行了像元尺度的验证, 并分析了其在不同坡度、覆盖度和林型条件下的不确定性。研究结果表明: 与无人机激光雷达获取的叶面积指数、覆盖度以及冠层高度相比, GLASS LAI、GLCF TCC、GFCH在中国森林区域均存在一定的不确定性, 且受林况和地形因素影响的程度不一致。对GLASS LAI和GLCF TCC影响的最大因素分别为林型和覆盖度; 而GFCH则更易受地形坡度和覆盖度的影响。  相似文献   
互花米草是沿海滩涂生态系统的重要入侵物种,其分布状况和覆盖度是湿地生态研究的重要参数和基础。以宁德三沙湾(三都澳)滩涂湿地为研究区,以SPOT6 6 m空间分辨率卫星影像为数据源,对互花米草分布和植被覆盖度进行研究,并与同期10 cm空间分辨率无人机影像进行比较验证。结果表明,影像覆盖区域内互花米草总面积为20.19 km~2,其中蕉城区互花米草分布较广,面积为9.63 km~2,占研究区互花米草总面积的47.70%。互花米草植被覆盖度整体上以40%-60%和60%-80%的中、高覆盖度分布为主,其分布面积分别为5.44 km~2和4.95 km~2,占互花米草总分布面积的26.92%和24.52%,而40%以下的低覆盖度和80%以上较高覆盖度分布相对较少。SPOT6遥感影像估算得到的互花米草植被覆盖度具有较好的精度,与无人机影像值之间的均方根误差RMSE为0.117,线性回归决定系数R~2为0.918,可用于滩涂湿地植被覆盖度分析。  相似文献   
Herbivore foraging decisions are closely related to plant nutritional quality. For arboreal folivores with specialized diets, such as the vulnerable greater glider (Petauroides volans), the abundance of suitable forage trees can influence habitat suitability and species occurrence. The ability to model and map foliar nitrogen would therefore enhance our understanding of folivore habitat use at finer scales. We tested whether high‐resolution multispectral imagery, collected by a lightweight and low‐cost commercial unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV), could be used to predict total and digestible foliar nitrogen (N and digN) at the tree canopy level and forest stand‐scale from leaf‐scale chemistry measurements across a gradient of mixed‐species Eucalyptus forests in southeastern Australia. We surveyed temperate Eucalyptus forests across an elevational and topographic gradient from sea level to high elevation (50–1200 m a.s.l.) for forest structure, leaf chemistry, and greater glider occurrence. Using measures of multispectral leaf reflectance and spectral indices, we estimated N and digN and mapped N and favorable feeding habitat using machine learning algorithms. Our surveys covered 17 Eucalyptus species ranging in foliar N from 0.63% to 1.92% dry matter (DM) and digN from 0.45% to 1.73% DM. Both multispectral leaf reflectance and spectral indices were strong predictors for N and digN in model cross‐validation. At the tree level, 79% of variability between observed and predicted measures of nitrogen was explained. A spatial supervised classification model correctly identified 80% of canopy pixels associated with high N concentrations (≥1% DM). We developed a successful method for estimating foliar nitrogen of a range of temperate Eucalyptus species using UAV multispectral imagery at the tree canopy level and stand scale. The ability to spatially quantify feeding habitat using UAV imagery allows remote assessments of greater glider habitat at a scale relevant to support ground surveys, management, and conservation for the vulnerable greater glider across southeastern Australia.  相似文献   
Many small cetacean, sirenian, and pinniped species aggregate in groups of large or variable size. Accurate estimation of group sizes is essential for estimating the abundance and distribution of these species, but is challenging as individuals are highly mobile and only partially visible. We developed a Bayesian approach for estimating group sizes using wide‐angle aerial photographic or video imagery. Our approach accounts for both availability and perception bias, including a new method (analogous to distance sampling) for estimating perception bias due to small image size in wide‐angle images. We demonstrate our approach through an application to aerial survey data for an endangered population of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Our results strengthen understanding of variation in group size estimates and allow for probabilistic statements about the size of detected groups. Aerial surveys are a standard tool for estimating the abundance and distribution of various marine mammal species. The role of aerial photographic and video data in wildlife assessment is expected to increase substantially with the widespread uptake of unmanned aerial vehicle technology. Key aspects of our approach are relevant to group size estimation for a broad range of marine mammal, seabird, other waterfowl, and terrestrial ungulate species.  相似文献   
郭兴健  邵全琴 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8671-8681
生物多样性维持是三江源区的重要生态功能,野生动物保护的科学规划需要掌握区内野生动物的栖息地分布状况与资源竞争关系。利用无人机遥感的新技术,在三江源玛多县开展藏野驴、藏原羚和岩羊的适宜栖息地识别与划定以及生境资源利用竞争关系研究。结果显示,2017年玛多县藏野驴适宜生境面积3559.43 km2,距水源距离是限制适宜生境面积的主要因子;藏原羚的适宜生境面积为283.76 km2,岩羊的适宜生境面积为29.97 km2,坡度、距水源距离以及植被类型是制约适宜栖息地面积的主要因素。由于在栖息地坡度选择中的生态位差异,三种大型野生食草动物的生境重叠面积均较小,生境竞争关系较弱。研究为生物多样性保护提供了全新的思路,可为相似区域的野生动物保护与恢复综合规划提供支撑。  相似文献   
生态脆弱区约占中国国土面积的60%以上,全球变化和人类活动导致该区域生态系统退化加剧,资源环境承载力降低。准确量化生态脆弱区资源环境承载力对于应对全球变化风险挑战和加快生态文明建设进程具有重要意义。然而,现有的区域资源环境承载力评估方法很难体现生态系统结构、过程和功能变化在资源环境要素与承载力之间的传导作用。因此,构建网络化的野外观测体系以及获取资源环境要素-生态系统结构功能和过程-生态系统承载力变化的综合数据集,是发展资源环境承载力理论和评估方法的必要途径。本文介绍了通量以及无人机协同监测网络,包括思路、实践以及其在生态脆弱区生态系统结构、过程和功能研究中取得的初步成果。同时,基于目前已取得的成果和进展展望了联网协同观测在承载力评估方面的应用。  相似文献   
林窗作为森林群落中一种重要的干扰方式, 对林下物种构成有着重要的影响。开展林窗空间格局及其特征指数与林下植物多样性关系研究对于探讨林窗对林下生物多样性的影响有重要意义, 有助于进一步了解群落动态, 在物种多样性保护方面也具有指导作用。本研究在西双版纳热带雨林地区随机选取3块大小为1 ha的热带雨林为研究样地, 采用轻小型六旋翼无人机搭载Sony ILCE-A7r可见光传感器, 分别获取各个样地的高清数字影像, 结合数字表面高程模型以及各个样地的地形数据用以确定各样区的林窗分布格局, 并进一步提取出各林窗的景观格局指数。结合地面样方基础调查数据, 对各样地各林窗下植物多样性情况进行统计, 旨在分析热带雨林林窗空间分布格局以及林窗下植物多样性对各林窗空间格局特征的响应情况。研究表明, 西双版纳州热带雨林林窗呈大而分散的空间分布, 林窗空间格局特征指数如林窗形状复杂性指数、林窗面积都与林下植物多样性呈显著正相关关系。在面积小的林窗下, 较之林窗形状复杂性因子, 林窗面积大小对林下植物多样性影响更显著; 在面积达到一定程度后, 相对于面积因子, 林窗形状复杂性指数对林下植物多样性影响更显著, 各样地林窗皆趋于向各自所处样地顶极群落发展。  相似文献   
探讨格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)天然林林窗数量特征及其空间分布对预测森林种群动态变化及演替具有重要意义。该文采用无人机航拍获取格氏栲天然林正射影像图并结合野外调查,通过提取林窗特征参数和计算植被覆盖率来探讨林窗空间分布及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)保护区内格氏栲天然林植被覆盖率为75.53%,部分地区出现一定面积裸露土地。(2)研究区林窗空隙率为2.40%,密度为6.50ind.·hm-2,平均林窗面积为36.86 m2。(3)研究区林窗数量随林窗面积增加呈负指数分布,以微、小和中型林窗为主,面积100 m2以上的林窗数量较少。(4)低海拔林冠层覆盖度好,中海拔地区林窗个体数和平均林窗面积较大,高海拔地区林窗密度和空隙率相对较大。林窗主要分布在缓坡和斜坡上,其平均面积、密度和林窗空隙率也明显较高。西和南方位林窗数量较多,北、西北和东南方向林窗密度和空隙率相对较大。格氏栲天然林植被覆盖率较高,以微、小和中型林窗为主,地形因子通过改变林窗面积、林窗密度和林窗空隙率特征驱动了格氏栲天然林林窗数量与空间分布格局。  相似文献   
Here, we provide baseline information about the relative abundance and group size of the Australian cownose ray Rhinoptera neglecta on the central east coast of Australia. Using drone monitoring over 2 years, we completed 293 transects, each 2 km in length, at four locations distributed along c.100 km of coast. In total, 5979 R. neglecta were observed with overall relative abundance (±SE) of, 20.4 (±3.3) individuals per transect. The numbers of R. neglecta varied among locations, with the highest density found off the beach adjacent to the river mouth at Evans Head. The number of rays observed also decreased with increasing wind speed. While some of this relationship was probably associated with visibility, R. neglecta may also move offshore during strong winds. We found no evidence that R. neglecta was under significant threat. Additionally, our cost-effective surveys demonstrate the utility of aerial drones in fisheries conservation biology.  相似文献   
Plateau pika burrows are common feature of degraded grassland in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) and serve as an important indicator of pika activity and grassland degradation. However, the current understanding of the spatial pattern changes of pika burrows and their critical thresholds across a degradation gradient in alpine grassland is deficient. In this study, we investigated and quantified changes in the spatial pattern of plateau pika burrows under typical degraded alpine shrub meadows in the northeastern QTP using an unmanned aerial vehicle and landscape pattern metrics. The degradation of the alpine shrub meadow leads to a change in landscape pattern from a two‐layered structure of alpine shrub and alpine meadow to a mosaic of alpine meadow and bare soil, with plateau pika burrows scattered throughout. Moderate degradation is the tipping point for changes in surface landscape patterns, followed by the disappearance of alpine shrub, the retreat of alpine meadows and the encroachment of bare soil, and the increasing density and size of pika burrows. The area characteristics of alpine meadows have influenced changes in the spatial pattern of pika burrow, and maintaining its proportional area is a vital measure to control the threat of pika burrows to pastures. The results of this paper provide a methodological reference and guidance for the sustainable utilization of grassland on the QTP.  相似文献   
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