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To clarify the role of dense understory vegetation in the stand structure, and in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics of forest ecosystems with various conditions of overstory trees, we: (i) quantified the above‐ and below‐ground biomasses of understory dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis) at the old canopy‐gap area and the closed‐canopy area and compared the stand‐level biomasses of S. senanensis with that of overstory trees; (ii) determined the N leaching, soil respiration rates, fine‐root dynamics, plant area index (PAI) of S. senanensis, and soil temperature and moisture at the tree‐cut patches (cut) and the intact closed‐canopy patches (control). The biomass of S. senanensis in the canopy‐gap area was twice that at the closed‐canopy area. It equated to 12% of total biomass above ground but 41% below ground in the stand. The concentrations of NO3? and NH4+ in the soil solution and soil respiration rates did not significantly change between cut and control plots, indicating that gap creation did not affect the C or N dynamics in the soil. Root‐length density and PAI of S. senanensis were significantly greater at the cut plots, suggesting the promotion of S. senanensis growth following tree cutting. The levels of soil temperature and soil moisture were not changed following tree cutting. These results show that S. senanensis is a key component species in this cool‐temperate forest ecosystem and plays significant roles in mitigating the loss of N and C from the soil following tree cutting by increasing its leaf and root biomass and stabilizing the soil environment.  相似文献   
Tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC, EC from Catharanthus roseus hairy roots was purified 80-fold. Antibodies against TDC were obtained and they recognized only one protein of 55 kDa in crude extracts from hairy root cultures. Elicitation of transformed root cultures with macerozyme yielded a marked increase in TDC activity, which was accompanied by a similar increase in the amount of immunoreactive TDC protein. These results suggest that the alkaloid accumulation, produced by elicitation, requires the synthesis of new TDC polypeptide in C. roseus root cultures and establishes important differences in the regulatory control of this enzyme in root cultures compared to developing seedlings, where the posttranslational regulation apparently plays a major role.  相似文献   
We studied effects of nitrogen, other nutrients and water (liquid fertilization; LF) on fine root dynamics (production, mortality) and life span of mycorrhizal short roots in a Norway spruce stand, using minirhizotrons. Data were collected and analyzed during a two-year period at depths of 0–20 cm, 21–40 cm and 41–85 cm, six years after the start of treatment. Relative to control (C), root production was lower in LF plots at depth 0–20 cm. Root production increased significantly at depth 41–85 cm. Fine root mortality in LF plots was higher at all depths. Life span of mycorrhizal short roots in LF plots was significantly lower than C plots and at the end of the study no mycorrhizal short roots were alive. It is suggested that the water and nitrogen input lower longevity of mycorrhizal short roots and promote fine root production at deeper soil layers.  相似文献   
Hairy roots of Astragalus membranaceus were grown in bioreactors up to 30 l for 20 d. Cultures from a 30 l airlift bioreactor gave 11.5 g l dry wt with 1.4 mg g–1 astragaloside IV, similar to cultures from 250 ml and 1 l flasks, but greater than yields from a 10 l bioreactor (dry wt 9.4 g l–1, astragaloside IV 0.9 mg g–1). Polysaccharide yields were similar amongst the different bioreactors (range 25–32 mg g–1). The active constituent content of the cells approached that of plant extracts, indicating that large scale hairy root cultures of A. membranaceus has the potential to provide an alternative to plant crops without compromising yield or pharmacological potential.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the influence of nitrogen (N) availability and species on rhizodeposition and on decomposition of rhizodeposits, roots and soil organic matter. Four perennial grass species were studied that are characteristic of grassland habitats that differ in nutrient availability. These perennial grass species, Holcus lanatus L., Festuca rubra L., Anthoxanthum odoratum L. and Festuca ovina L., were homogeneously labeled with 14CO2. Plants were grown on soil without N addition and with N addition (14 g N m–2). After 8 weeks, plants were harvested and root production and the remaining amount of rhizodeposits in the soil were measured. 14C-labelled roots were incubated in fresh soil. Decomposition was measured of 1) the labeled rhizodeposits in the soil in which the plants had been growing and 2) the labeled dead roots incubated in fresh soil, by trapping the evolved 14CO2, over 69 days.In general, decomposability of both roots and rhizodeposits increased when nitrogen availability increased. Moreover, the species differed in their response to N. Higher N supply increased total rhizodeposition of H. lanatus and the decomposability of rhizodeposited carbon compounds of this high fertility species was greater than of the low fertility species F. ovina, but lower than of A. odoratum. The presented study gives no evidence for a relation between root decomposition rate and the nutrient availability of the habitat of the four species. Overall, we suggest on the basis of the results that species can affect nutrient cycling by differences in rates of rhizodeposition and litter production. This offers a mechanism whereby species can influence species replacement during succession.  相似文献   
青蒿素在露水草毛状根中的生物转化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
露水草毛状根培养系中加入青蒿素培养8d后,青蒿素转化去氧青蒿素。根据光谱数据,对去氧青蒿素的结构进行了鉴定。结果表明,通过水草毛状根能将青蒿素进行选择性还原为去氧青蒿素。  相似文献   
Kanamycin and geneticin are commonly used for the selection of neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II) transformed plants. Since papaya tissue is sensitive to both antibiotics, it is difficult to explore their effects on the regeneration process solely based on using non-transformed tissues. Adventitious roots derived from npt II-transgenic and non-transgenic papaya shoots in vitro were used as explants in this investigation. The effects of kanamycin and geneticin on callus formation, embryogenesis, and conversion of somatic embryos to shoots were compared. Callus growth derived from npt II-transformed root explants was apparently enhanced on kanmycin within 50–200 mg l–1 or on geneticin within 12.5–50 mg l–1 as compared to those on antibiotic-free controls. The percentages of npt II-transformed somatic embryo-forming callus were not significantly different (16.3–18.3%) on geneticin less than 6.25 mg l–1 and only slightly reduced (11.2–15.7%) on geneticin within 12.5–50 mg l–1, whereas, formation of somatic embryos was strongly suppressed on kanamycin media. Conversion rates of npt II-transformed somatic embryos to shoots were not significantly different among all kanamycin or geneticin treatments. Percentages of the callus derived from non-transformed root explants were greatly reduced on the medium containing more than 25 mg l–1 kanamycin or geneticin, and no somatic embryos formed from untransformed callus on any kanamycin or geneticin media. Our results indicated that somatic embryogenesis of callus derived from npt II-transformed root explants of papaya was strongly inhibited by kanamycin. Thus, to regenerate npt II-transformed cells from papaya root tissue, we recommend using the lower concentration geneticin (12.5–25 mg l–1) to avoid the adverse effects of kanamycin on embryogenesis.  相似文献   
Responses of Melaleuca quinquenervia seedlings to flooding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Studies were conducted on effects of flooding for 15, 30, 60, and 90 days on morphological changes, stomatal aperture, water potential, and growth of seedlings of Melaleuca quinquenervia, a species often planted for reclamation of swamps. Flooding rapidly induced formation of many hair-like adventitious roots as well as a few thick adventitious roots that originated on the original root system. Some adventitious roots also formed on submerged portions of the stem. Melaleuca seedlings were very tolerant of flooding as shown by only slight reduction in dry weight increment of shoots after 30 days of flooding in stagnant water. Although flooding for 60 or 90 days significantly reduced dry weight increment of leaves, dry weight increment of roots was not inhibited by any flooding treatment, reflecting both degeneration of some of the original roots and compensatory growth of adventitious roots. On certain days flooding induced stomatal closure on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces. Extensive production of adventitious roots and some stomatal reopening after a critical period of flooding appeared to be important factors in the flooding tolerance of Melaleuca and are consistent with its aggressiveness and vigorous growth on wet sites.  相似文献   
Causes and consequences of plant-associated biofilms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The rhizosphere is the critical interface between plant roots and soil where beneficial and harmful interactions between plants and microorganisms occur. Although microorganisms have historically been studied as planktonic (or free-swimming) cells, most are found attached to surfaces, in multicellular assemblies known as biofilms. When found in association with plants, certain bacteria such as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria not only induce plant growth but also protect plants from soil-borne pathogens in a process known as biocontrol. Contrastingly, other rhizobacteria in a biofilm matrix may cause pathogenesis in plants. Although research suggests that biofilm formation on plants is associated with biological control and pathogenic response, little is known about how plants regulate this association. Here, we assess the biological importance of biofilm association on plants.  相似文献   
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