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Understanding terrestrial carbon metabolism is critical because terrestrial ecosystems play a major role in the global carbon cycle. Furthermore, humans have severely disrupted the carbon cycle in ways that will alter the climate system and directly affect terrestrial metabolism. Changes in terrestrial metabolism may well be as important an indicator of global change as the changing temperature signal. Improving our understanding of the carbon cycle at various spatial and temporal scales will require the integration of multiple, complementary and independent methods that are used by different research communities. Tools such as air sampling networks, inverse numerical methods, and satellite data (top-down approaches) allow us to study the strength and location of the global- and continental-scale carbon sources and sinks. Bottom-up studies provide estimates of carbon fluxes at finer spatial scales and examine the mechanisms that control fluxes at the ecosystem, landscape, and regional scales. Bottom-up approaches include comparative and process studies (for example, ecosystem manipulative experiments) that provide the necessary mechanistic information to develop and validate terrestrial biospheric models. An iteration and reiteration of top-down and bottom-up approaches will be necessary to help constrain measurements at various scales. We propose a major international effort to coordinate and lead research programs of global scope of the carbon cycle. Received 7 May 1999; accepted 28 September 1999.  相似文献   
Reliable information about soil conservation capacities of different natural ecosystems is an important reference for the design of targeted erosion and sediment control strategies. The objective of this paper is to quantify the soil conservation capacities of different natural ecosystems that can represent different climatic zones. The 137Cs technique has been used to estimate soil redistribution rates in different natural ecosystems over the past 40 years in Wolong Nature Reserve. The reserve, transiting from the Chengdu plain to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, maintains rich ecosystems from subtropical to frigid.The net soil erosion rates of 5 selected ecosystems that represent a warm coniferous-broadleaf-mixed forest, a cold-resistant deciduous taiga forest, a cold-resistant shrub, an evergreen cold-resistant taiga servation capacities are reversed in order. The reference inventories for 137Cs in different ecosystems velop effective erosion and sediment strategies in areas with similar climates should consider natural ecosystem types.  相似文献   
太湖湖滨生态修复区大型底栖动物群落结构及梯度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈忱  刘茂松  徐驰  汤浩  王磊  黄成 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1186-1193
2010—2011年对太湖贡湖湾湖滨带生态修复区滨岸挺水植物带(Ⅰ)、湾相沉水植物带(Ⅱ)和堰外开敞水体(Ⅲ)3个滨岸生境梯度带的水质状况和底栖动物群落特征进行了研究。结果表明:调查共发现底栖动物13科18种,其中仅出现于1个生境梯度带的物种7个;在其余的11个物种中,有5个种群的密度在生境梯度带间存在显著差异;比较发现,按底栖动物摄食功能类群的相对比例,刮食者相对丰度在带Ⅰ最高,收集者在带Ⅱ最高,滤食者在带Ⅲ最高,不同生境梯度带间底栖动物的摄食功能类群构成存在显著差异。对底栖动物相对丰度和水环境参数的冗余分析显示,环节动物和昆虫与DO、NO3--N和PO43--P浓度正相关,软体动物则与NO3--N和PO43--P负相关,一些腹足类对低DO耐受能力较强,与NH4+-N和COD正相关。修复区3个梯度带水动力条件、水质状况和底质类型的差异性对底栖动物的分布有重要影响,形成了生活习性、摄食特征等显著不同的3个底栖动物群落。  相似文献   
Representatives from agencies involved in natural resource management in the Murray‐Darling Basin gathered for a workshop in November 2010 to develop a vision for improved monitoring and reporting of riparian restoration projects. The resounding message from this workshop was that the effectiveness of riparian restoration depends on having sound, documented and agreed evidence on the ecological responses to restoration efforts. Improving our capacity to manage and restore riparian ecosystems is constrained by (i) a lack of ecological evidence on the effects of restoration efforts, and (ii) short‐termism in commitment to restoration efforts, in funding of monitoring and in expected time spans for ecosystem recovery. Restoration at the effective spatial scope will invariably require a long‐term commitment by researchers, funding agencies, management agencies and landholders. To address the knowledge gaps that constrain riparian restoration in the Basin, participants endorsed four major fields for future research: the importance of landscape context to restoration outcomes; spatio‐temporal scaling of restoration outcomes; functional effects of restoration efforts; and developing informative and effective indicators of restoration. To improve the monitoring and restoration of riparian zones throughout the Basin, participants advocated an integrated approach: a hierarchical adaptive management framework that incorporates long‐term ecological research.  相似文献   
韩路  王海珍 《生态学报》2024,44(2):832-843
探讨荒漠河岸林土壤水分、物种多样性的空间变异性及其相互关系,可为干旱区天然林保护、可持续经营和生态恢复提供科学依据。以塔里木荒漠河岸林为研究对象,基于野外样带调查和采样测定,系统分析了地下水埋深(GWD)梯度下林地土壤水分与物种多样性的空间变异及其权衡关系。结果表明:随GWD增加和土壤水分减少,荒漠河岸林群落物种数减少、结构简化、群落发生退化,退化顺序为浅根系的中生草本植物和灌木,最后留存的是抗旱性较强的乔灌木或灌木;同时土壤水分和物种丰富度、物种多样性指数均呈显著的线性递减趋势,而物种均匀度指数降幅较小。GWD与土壤水分、物种多样性之间均呈极显著的相关(P<0.01),土壤水分与物种多样性的相对收益随GWD增加而逐渐降低,表明GWD是控制荒漠河岸林土壤水分和物种多样性空间变异的关键因素。荒漠河岸林土壤水分与物种多样性权衡关系的转折点为GWD 4.5m左右,转折点以下(GWD<4.5m)二者沿GWD以相同速率变化,呈协同关系;转折点以上(GWD>4.5m)土壤水分与物种多样性的权衡明显增大,土壤水分相对收益剧降,即维持当前相应的物种多样性以消耗土壤水分为代价,系统通过反馈调节使物种多样性降低。综上表明,维持塔里木荒漠河岸林物种多样性和生态系统功能的合理GWD在4.5m左右,这为塔里木河流域荒漠河岸林保育与生态输水工程实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   
陆地生态系统水分利用效率对气候变化的响应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜晓铮  赵祥  王昊宇  何斌 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8296-8305
气候变化显著影响陆地生态系统生产力以及水分利用格局,而水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency,WUE)是衡量生态系统碳水耦合关系的重要指标之一。研究陆地生态系统水分利用效率对气候变化的响应,有助于深入理解生态系统的变化规律,模拟和预测生态系统碳水过程的发展状况,从而为应对全球气候变化提供新的依据。为了更好地掌握生态系统水分利用效率研究现状以及其对温度、CO2等关键气候因子的响应情况,本文总结了陆地生态系统水分利用效率对气候变化响应的最新研究进展。首先介绍了相关的定义并归纳了两种不同计算方式的差异和特点;接着重点总结了陆地生态系统水分利用效率对大气温度、CO2、水分、干旱以及太阳辐射等影响因素的响应;最后文章总结了目前3个相关的研究态势,主要包括:(1)长时间序列水分利用效率与气候要素的关系研究;(2)土地利用/覆被变化对水分利用效率的影响及其对气候的反馈研究;(3)多尺度水分利用效率综合研究。本研究可为深入研究生态系统过程对气候变化的响应提供参考。  相似文献   
In general, it is not feasible to collect enough empirical data to capture the entire range of processes that define a complex system, either intrinsically or when viewing the system from a different geographical or temporal perspective. In this context, an alternative approach is to consider model transferability, which is the act of translating a model built for one environment to another less well‐known situation. Model transferability and adaptability may be extremely beneficial—approaches that aid in the reuse and adaption of models, particularly for sites with limited data, would benefit from widespread model uptake. Besides the reduced effort required to develop a model, data collection can be simplified when transferring a model to a different application context. The research presented in this paper focused on a case study to identify and implement guidelines for model adaptation. Our study adapted a general Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) of a seagrass ecosystem to a new location where nodes were similar, but the conditional probability tables varied. We focused on two species of seagrass (Zostera noltei and Zostera marina) located in Arcachon Bay, France. Expert knowledge was used to complement peer‐reviewed literature to identify which components needed adjustment including parameterization and quantification of the model and desired outcomes. We adopted both linguistic labels and scenario‐based elicitation to elicit from experts the conditional probabilities used to quantify the DBN. Following the proposed guidelines, the model structure of the general DBN was retained, but the conditional probability tables were adapted for nodes that characterized the growth dynamics in Zostera spp. population located in Arcachon Bay, as well as the seasonal variation on their reproduction. Particular attention was paid to the light variable as it is a crucial driver of growth and physiology for seagrasses. Our guidelines provide a way to adapt a general DBN to specific ecosystems to maximize model reuse and minimize re‐development effort. Especially important from a transferability perspective are guidelines for ecosystems with limited data, and how simulation and prior predictive approaches can be used in these contexts.  相似文献   
在黄河中游郑州荥阳段,选择了5种河滨湿地植物群落进行根系和土壤性状特征研究,以期阐明不同植物群落的根系分布规律与土壤性状的关系,为河滨湿地植物群落组成以及土壤质量恢复提供科学参考。结果表明(1)在0—40 cm土层,根生物量密度与根长密度的平均值均表现为:芦苇群落(Phragmites australis)和芦苇-狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)群落均大于芦苇-拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigeios)-狗牙根群落、拂子茅-狗牙根群落、拂子茅-狗牙根-水莎草(Juncellus serotinus)群落。拂子茅-狗牙根、芦苇-拂子茅-狗牙根、拂子茅-水莎草-狗牙根三种植物群落类型下根生物量密度、根长密度在0—20 cm表层土壤较大,芦苇群落和芦苇-狗牙根群落的根生物量密度、根长密度在10—40 cm的土层较大。(2)黄河河滨湿地芦苇群落、芦苇-狗牙根群落的土壤以粉粒为主,拂子茅-狗牙根群落、芦苇-拂子茅-狗牙根群落、拂子茅-狗牙根-水莎草群落的土壤主要以砂粒为主。在0—40 cm土层,芦苇群落、芦苇-狗牙根群落的土壤含水率、土壤有机质、有效氮和有效磷含量均显著高于...  相似文献   
Riparian ecosystems are hotspots for ecological restoration globally because of the disproportionately high value and diversity of the ecological functions and services which they support and their high level of vulnerability to anthropogenic pressures, including climate change. Degraded riparian ecosystems are associated with many serious anthropogenic problems including increased river bank erosion, water quality decline, increased flood risk and biodiversity loss. Conventional approaches to riparian restoration, however, are frequently too narrow in focus – spatially, temporally, ecologically and socially – to adequately or equitably address the goals to which they aspire. Climate change, along with the intensification of other human pressures, means that static, historically oriented restoration objectives focused solely on prior ecological composition and structure are unlikely to be defensible, achievable or appropriate in the Anthropocene. Conversely, open‐ended restoration strategies lacking clear objectives and targets entail substantial risks such as significant biodiversity losses, especially of native species. A functional approach to planning and prioritising riparian restoration interventions offers an intermediate alternative that is still framed by measurable targets but allows for greater consideration of broader temporal, spatial and cultural influences. Here, we provide an overview of major riparian functions across multiple scales and identify key drivers of, and threats to, these. We also discuss practical approaches to restoring and promoting riparian functions and highlight some key concerns for the development of policy and management of robust riparian restoration in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   
Conservation biology is increasingly concerned with preserving interactions among species such as mutualisms in landscapes facing anthropogenic change. We investigated how one kind of mutualism, mixed-species bird flocks, influences the way in which birds respond to different habitat types of varying land-use intensity. We use data from a well-replicated, large-scale study in Sri Lanka and the Western Ghats of India, in which flocks were observed inside forest reserves, in ‘buffer zones'' of degraded forest or timber plantations, and in areas of intensive agriculture. We find flocks affected the responses of birds in three ways: (i) species with high propensity to flock were more sensitive to land use; (ii) different flock types, dominated by different flock leaders, varied in their sensitivity to land use and because following species have distinct preferences for leaders, this can have a cascading effect on followers'' habitat selection; and (iii) those forest-interior species that remain outside of forests were found more inside flocks than would be expected by chance, as they may use flocks more in suboptimal habitat. We conclude that designing policies to protect flocks and their leading species may be an effective way to conserve multiple bird species in mixed forest and agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
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