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Abstract The process of colony formation by bacteria from grassland soil sampled in April, July and September was simulated by a colony-forming curve (CFC). The CFC was a super-imposition of several component curves (cCFC) given theoretically by the first order reaction (FOR) model [3,6]. The pattern of FOR model curves was not influenced by the time of sampling and four cCFCs were always recognized during an incubation period of 160 h. It was considered that the CFC describes an inherent property of the bacterial population of the field. Bacterial isolates were obtained from colonies produced in each of four cCFCs on agar plates. Isolates corresponding to one cCFC were classified as one group. The bacterial isolates were characterized by morphological and physiological tests and subsequently clustered. Few oligotrophic bacteria were obtained among bacteria which produced visible colonies within 63 h of incubation time. On the other hand, approx. 50% of bacteria which produced v colonies after 63 h were oligotrophic bacteria. The time required for the appearance of the first colony, t r of the FOR model, was very similar in the isolates belonging to one group. A close linear relationship was observed between t r value and doubling time of isolates.  相似文献   
Osmotic properties of human red cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary When an osmotic pressure gradient is applied to human red cells, the volume changes anomalously, as if there were a significant fraction of nonosmotic water which could not serve as solvent for the cell solutes, a finding which has been discussed widely in the literature. In 1968, Gary-Bobo and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 52:825) concluded that the anomalies could not be entirely explained by the colligative properties of hemoglobin (Hb) and proposed that there was an additional concentration dependence of the Hb charge (zHb). A number of investigators, particularly Freedman and Hoffman (1979,J. Gen. Physiol. 74:157) have been unable to confirm Gary-Bobo and Solomon's experimental evidence for this concentration dependence of zHb and we now report that we are also unable to repeat the earlier experiments. Nonetheless, there still remains a significant anomaly which amounts to 12.5±0.8% of the total isosmotic cell water (P0.0005,t test), even after taking account of the concentration dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient and all the other known physical chemical constraints, ideal and nonideal. It is suggested that the anomalies at high Hb concentration in shrunken cells may arise from the ionic strength dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient. In swollen red cells at low ionic strength, solute binding to membrane and intracellular proteins is increased and it is suggested that this factor may account, in part, for the anomalous behavior of these cells.  相似文献   
Summary Fertilizer/soil N balance of cropped and fallow soil has been studied in a pot experiment carried out with grey forest soil (southern part of Moscow region) at increasing rates of15N labelled ammonium sulfate (0; 8; 16; 32 mg N/100 g of soil). The fertilizer15N balance has been shown to depend upon its application rate and the presence of growing plants. Fertilizer N uptake efficiency was maximum (72.5%) and gaseous losses-minimum (12.5%) at the application rate of 16 mg N/100 g of soil. Fertilizer N losses from the fallow soil were 130–220% versus those from the cropped soil. At the application of fertilizer N the plant uptake of soil N was 170–240% and the amount of soil N as N–NH4 exchangeable + N–NO3 in fallow was 350–440% as compared to the control treatment without nitrogen (PK).After cropping without or with N fertilizer application at the rates of 8 and 32 mg N/100 g of soil, a positive nitrogen balance has been found which is likely due to nonsymbiotic (associative) N-fixation. It has been shown that biologically fixed nitrogen contributes to plant nutrition.  相似文献   
Summary The N-metabolism ofArthrocnemum fruticosum (L.) Moq., growing in a saline area north-east of the Dead Sea in Jordan, was studied over its vegetative growth period from March to September 1981. Plant and soil samples were taken at monthly intervals. Water content, Na+, K+, Cl, NH 4 + , NO 2 and NO 3 concentrations were determined in the soil extracts, and the same determinations plus ash weight, soluble carbohydrates, proline, proteins andin vivo nitrate reductase in the plant roots and shoots. Soil humidity decreased and salinity increased from March to August, with re-wetting occurring in late July. K+ and Cl were much lower in the soils than Na+. Plant relative dry weight increased during summer due to the absorption of Na+ in addition to increased organic dry weight. The uptake of Na+ was not balanced by a similar uptake of Cl. Ammonium and nitrate decreased in soil and plants in parallel with increasing salinity. Nitrite was only found in the roots and always in very low quantities. Proline was found only in March. The total soluble carbohydrates in the roots showed a short increase in June when the sodium in the plants also increased. It was concluded that carbohydrates may be used to balance osmotic shocks, but that another compatible compounds is necessary to maintatin long-term osmotic equilibrium. The nitrate reductase activity, measuredin vivo, and the soluble protein changed roughly in parallel with the internal nitrate from May to August, suggesting that nitrogen uptake and reduction in the plant is inhibited during summer when the soil is dry and very saline. This could be a direct effect of drought and/or salinity on the plants, or an indirect onevia an inhibition of nitrifying bacteria.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic resistivities and membrane breakdown potentials of normal (AA), sickle-cell-trait (AS), and sickle (SS) red blood cells have been measured by the biophysical methodology of resistive pulse spectroscopy over a range of osmolalities. At isotonicity, the average membrane breakdown potentials are virtually identical for the three types of cells occurring at about 1150 V/cm. Average isotonic cytoplasmic resistivities are somewhat higher for the SS cells (166.7±7.49 ohm-cm) compared to the AA (147.6±1.98 ohm-cm) or AS cells (148.7±1.79 ohm-cm). As medium osmolality is varied, the differences in resistive properties become enlarged, especially at very low and very high osmolalities. At high osmolalities, both types of sickle cells show a large increase in internal resistivity compared to the normals; at low osmolality, the SS samples exhibit a distinctly different membrane breakdown characteristic, decreasing in this parameter, whereas the other two groups increase. Of the 15 SS samples tested, three displayed much higher cytoplasmic resistivities at isotonicity: 218.2±5.25 ohm-cm, compared to an average of 153.5±3.46 ohm-cm for the other 12. The relationship between these high resistivities and the subfraction of irreversibly sickled cells in the sample is discussed.  相似文献   
A canonical variate analysis was used to summarize the distribution pattern of 30 species of dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) from 162 sites in the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) in relation to 4 site variables. The best separation of beetle species, obtained using a xerothermic climatic index, was into 3 groups called “mediterranean”, “unrestricted” and “temperate”. Little further separation was achieved using altitude, dung type or soil type. These data are used to select dung beetles for introduction to south-western Australia for bush fly control.
Résumé On a fait appel à l'analyse de variables canoniques pour résumer le plan de distribution, relatif à 4 variables de localité, de 30 espèces de bousiers (Scarabaeinae) de 162 localités de la Péninsule ibérique (l'Espagne et le Portugal). La meilleure division des espèces, obtenue à l'aide d'un indice xérothermique climatique, se faisait en 3 groupes désignés respectivement comme “méditerranéen”, “ubiquiste” et “tempéré”. Peu de séparation supplémentaire a été obtenue en ayant recours à des facteurs d'altitude, de nature de la bouse ou de type de sol. Ces données ont été employées pour aider à la sélection de bousiers destinés à être introduits en Australie Occidentale pour y combattreMusca vetustissima Walker[Diptera].
Human blood was sheared between rotating polyethylene disks and plasma hemoglobin measured at intervals to produce kinetic hemolysis curves (KHC), plotted as free hemoglobin concentration vs time. The KHC produced by blood samples incubated in the presence of penicillin, streptomycin, gentamicin, and amikacin lie always below those for control samples, indicating a reduction in hemolysis; this reduction was greater as the drug concentration was increased. Explanations in terms of alterations in red cell structure were sought by several characterization tests of amikacin-loaded blood samples. Drug-localization studies demonstrated that significant fractions of the total dosage were associated with the red-cell membrane. Resistive pulse spectroscopy was used to show how amikacin affected cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility; results were sensitive to storage age of the blood. In all cases, the effect of shearing was to reduce cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility. Mechanisms for hemolytic protection by drugs are proposed.  相似文献   
Summary This paper describes experiments designed to explore interactions between human red blood cell membranes and melittin, the main component of bee venom. We found that melittin binds to human red cell membranes suspended in isotonic NaCl at room temperature, with an apparent dissociation constant of 3×10–8 m and maximum binding capacity of 1.8×107 molecules/cell. When about 1% of the melittin binding sites are occupied, cell lysis can be observed, and progressive, further increases in the fraction of the total sites occupied lead to progressively greater lysis in a graded manner. 50% lysis occurs when there are about 2×106 molecules bound to the cell membrane. For any particular extent of melittin binding, lysis proceeds rapidly during the first few minutes but then slows and stops so that no further lysis occurs after one hour of exposure of cells to melittin. The graded lysis of erythrocytes by melittin is due to complete lysis of some of the cells, since both the density and the hemoglobin content of surviving, intact cells in a suspension that has undergone graded melittin lysis are similar to the values observed in the same cells prior to the addition of melittin. The cells surviving graded melittin lysis have an increased Na and reduced K, proportional to the extent of occupation of the melittin binding sites. Like lysis, Na accumulation and K loss proceed rapidly during the first few minutes of exposure to melittin but then stops so that Na, K and hemoglobin content of the cells remain constant after the first hour. These kinetic characteristics of both lysis and cation movements suggest that melittin modifies the permeability of the red cell membrane only for the first few minutes after the start of the interaction. Direct observation of cells by Nomarsky optics revealed that they crenate, become swollen and lyse within 10 to 30 sec after these changes in morphology are first seen. Taken together, these results are consistent with the idea that melittin produces lysis of human red cells at room temperature by a colloid osmotic mechanism.  相似文献   
Summary The permeability and partition coefficients of tetraphenylarsonium (TPA) and several other organic cations were studied in the human erythrocyte using an ion-selective electrode. The permeability constant for the different cations could be explained quite well by differences in oil/water partition coefficients. No evidence for facilitated transport could be found. Binding of the organic ions occurred to both the cell membrane and to intracellular contents. Partitioning to the membrane remained relatively constant despite variation from ion intracellular binding with blood samples from different donors. TPA flux is stimulated by substoichiometric amounts of tetraphenylboron and other organic anions, suggesting an ion-pairing mechanism.  相似文献   
The action of light in the initiation of floral buds in vitro has been studied using monochromatic light qualities on root explants of a long day plant, Cichorium intybus L. cv. Witloof. Red light (660 nm, 0.30 W m-2) promotes flowering, while far-red (730 nm, 0.31 W m-2) and irradiation with combined red + far-red (0.20 + 0.41 W m-2) have no effect. In short day conditions floral response can be obtained in two ways: 1) by interrupting the dark period with 5 brief irradiations of red light (0.45 W m-2, 12 min) at regular intervals, although these are counteracted by far-red irradiations of equal intensity and duration; 2) by interrupting the long night with 5 h red light applied during the second third of the night, while at the beginning or at the end it is ineffective. Red light efficiency appears to depend on the photosynthetic activity of the tissues, so that flowering increases with increasing intensity of white light and is suppressed if no white light is supplied. The reproductive development is determined by the coordination of proper irradiation conditions with sufficient sensitivity of the perceiving meristematic cells. The period of highest sensitivity to environmental light conditions in the life cycle of a Cichorium root explant occurs between the 8th and the 16th day after the start of the culture. The data strongly suggest that phytochrome is involved in flower induction of Cichorium in vitro.  相似文献   
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