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Ninety accessions which included Chinese common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) from 8 provinces and traditional cultivars from lower and middle basins of Yangtze River, southeast of China and Yunnan Province as well as some commercial varieties were analyzed by RAPD with 24 primers. A scattered figure suggesting the indica-japonica and wild-domestication differentiations among 90 rice accessions was generated based on RAPD data. The results indicated that Chinese common wild rice, indica and japonica accessions were divided into 3 groups respectively. Chinese common wild rice were somewhat closer to the japonica type than the indica type.  相似文献   
杂草稻是一类重要的稻属种质资源,具有耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄等优良特性.本文以88份中国北方杂草稻资源和4份栽培稻为材料,研究了中国北方杂草稻的光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度等光合与水分生理特性及其相互关系.结果表明: 北方杂草稻资源的光合和水分生理特性存在较大差异,具有丰富的多样性.杂草稻的光合速率变化范围在12.47~28.67 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,瞬时水分利用效率的变化范围在1.39~3.40 mg·g-1.光合参数中,胞间CO2浓度的变异系数最小,气孔导度的变异系数最大.光合速率与蒸腾速率、气孔导度呈极显著的二次曲线关系,光合速率与胞间CO2浓度呈显著的直线关系,瞬时水分利用效率与蒸腾速率、气孔导度呈极显著的二次曲线关系.可用杂草稻材料的优越性能对栽培稻进行品种改良.  相似文献   
Feeding studies on rice genetically modified with soybean glycinin were performed on rats for four weeks. The rats were divided into three groups, each being fed on (I) only a commercial diet, (II) this diet plus control rice and (III) this diet plus rice genetically modified with glycinin. The rats were fed with 10 g/kg-weight of rice every day by oral administration. During the test period, the rats in every group grew well without marked differences in appearance, food intake, body weight, or cumulative body weight gain. There were also no significant differences in the blood count, blood composition or internal organ weights among the rats. Necropsy at the end of the experiment indicated neither pathological symptoms nor histopathological abnormalities in the liver and kidney. Judging from these results, the rice genetically modified with glycinin is considered to have been essentially the same in nutritional and biochemical characteristics as the control rice.  相似文献   
水稻品种SSR与PFLP及其与杂条优势的关系比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
用48对SSR引物和50个RFLP探针对来自6个生态型的57份水稻材料之间的遗传差异进行了比较分析,从单个位点的等位基历数和平均基因多样性看,SSR的多态性要高于RFLP,从遗传距离看,在总计1596对材料的遗传距离中,只有144对(占9%)用RFLP标记估计的遗传距离(简称GDRFLP,下同)高于用SSR标记估计的遗传距离(简称GDSSR,下同),平均高出的幅度为0.0371,而有1452对(占91%)材料间的GDSSR高于GDRFLP,平均高出幅度为0.2492,无论是籼,粳亚种内还是灿粳亚种间,SSR标记比RFLP估计的遗传离高,如用SSR标记估计的籼稻亚种内材料之间平均遗传距离为0.5483,而RFLP标记估计的只有0.2776,粳稻亚种内SSR平均遗传距离为0.5777,RFLP的只有0.2405,用SSR和RFLP估计的亚种间的平均遗传距离分别为0.8047和0.731,成对材料的SSR遗传距离与RFLP遗传距离之间的相关分析表明,对于典型的籼粳品种,这两种标记估计的遗传距离相关系数较高,而中间型材料或偏籼偏粳材料的相关程序较低,通过分析4个两系不育系与48恢复系之间的遗传距离与F1的产量表现及杂种优势之间的相关关系得知,这两种标记估计的遗传距离与杂种表现间的相关均没有达到显著水平,而与杂种优势的相关系数中,除108s与恢复系的GDRFLP和LS2S与恢复系的GDSSR与超亲优势没有达到显著水平外,其他均达到极显著的水平。  相似文献   
Rice has been grown in Japan for about 3000 years. Although both japonica and indica varieties have been grown in Japan, now japonica rices are grown. Japanese rice breeding has used an ecological breeding approach. While emphasis in rice breeding in the 1940's and 1950's focussed on yield in recent decades quality has been of major importance. Consumer preference and name recognition of high quality varieties, such as Koshihikari, has resulted in slow acceptance of new varieties.Rice germplasm was systematically collected throughout Japan between 1962 and 1963. Subsequent acquisition and collecting, in Japan and other countries, has resulted in 28,000 accessions being conserved in the National Genebank, based at the National institute of Agrobiological Resources (NIAR).Research on genetic diversity of rice using a range of techniques, for example esterase isozymes, has revealed clinal variation in rice radiating from the center of diversity of rice in and around southwest China. Newly found genes in traditional rice germplasm, such as genes for non-elongating mesocotyl, are now routinely identified on the rice genome. Pioneering studies on eco-genetic differentiation of species in the genus Oryza in Japan has revealed much about the complex genepool for which rice evolved.Pest and disease resistance sources, particularly to blast, bacterial blight and brown plant hopper, from many countries have been incorporated into Japanese varieties. Cold tolerance at the booting stage was found in the Indonesian variety Silewah. In the future in characterisation of rice germplasm and interaction between rice germplasm specialists and rice molecular scientists, both in Japan and internationally, will be corner stones to securing rice genetic diversity and rice improvement in the next century.  相似文献   
水稻线粒体DNA的提取与分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了研究水稻细胞质雄性不育的分子基础,我们比较了各种提取线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的方法,并提出了一些改进措施。以丛广41A、丛广41B和杂种一代广优青为材料,对所提取的材料mtD-NA进行了紫外扫描、OD值测定、电泳、酶切等分析,结果表明,以新鲜材料进行不连续蔗糖密度梯度超速离心对提取高纯度的线粒体DNA效果较好。  相似文献   
F. Azam 《Plant and Soil》1990,125(2):255-262
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of organic and inorganic nitrogen (N) sources on the yield and N uptake of rice from applied and native soil-N. The residual effect of these N sources on a succeeding wheat crop was also studied. Organic N was applied in the form of 15N-labelled Sesbania aculeata L., a legume, and inorganic N in the form of 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate. The two sources were applied to the soil separately or together at the time of transplanting rice. Recovery of N by rice from both the applied sources was quite low but both sources caused significant increases in biomass and N yield of rice. Maximum increase was recorded in soil treated with organic N. The residual value of the two materials as source of N for wheat was not significant; the wheat took up only a small fraction of the N initially applied. Loss of N occurred from both applied N sources, the losses being more from inorganic N. Both applied N sources caused a substantial increase in the availability of soil-N to rice and wheat; most of this increase was due to organic N and was attributed to the so-called ‘priming’ effect or ANI (added nitrogen interaction) of the applied material.  相似文献   
To assess the indica-japonica differentiation of improved rice varieties, a total of 512 modem varieties including 301 indica and 211 japonica accessions were analyzed using 36 microsatellites. The Fst coefficients ranged from 0.002 to 0.730 among the loci with an average of 0.315. Significant differentiation was detected at 94.4% of the loci studied (P 〈 0.05, pairwise Fst tests), indicating that there was a high level of indica-japonica differentiation within the improved varieties. At 18 loci, about 74%-98% of the alleles of indica and japonica accessions were distributed in two ranges of amplicon length. Linkage disequilibrium analysis showed that the distribution trends were significantly nonrandomly associated. Using the differentiation trends at the 18 loci, microsatellite index (MI) was proposed for discrimination of the two subspecies. When rice accessions with MI value greater than zero were classified as indica, and those with MI value smaller than zero were classified as japonica, about 96.1% of the accessions could be classified. This result agrees with the classification based on morphological-physiological characters, indicating that this method is feasible and effective.  相似文献   
五爪金龙乙醇提取物对福寿螺毒杀和水稻苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡飞  曾坤玉  张俊彦  陈建军  唐湘如 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5471-5477
福寿螺和五爪金龙是两种危害严重的入侵生物,利用五爪金龙防治稻田福寿螺是以害治害的方法.盆栽条件下研究了五爪金龙乙醇提取物毒杀福寿螺的效果,以及其对水稻苗生长的影响.在砂培条件下五爪金龙乙醇提取物及其分离得到的甲醇相、乙酸乙酯相、乙醚相水溶液不仅对福寿螺起到毒杀作用, 而且对水稻秧苗生长有促进作用, 毒杀和促进作用由强到弱的顺序均为:乙醇提取物>甲醇相>乙酸乙酯相>乙醚相.在实验浓度范围内五爪金龙乙醇提物对福寿螺的毒杀效果及其对水稻苗促进作用强度均随浓度的增大而增强,在水稻土盆栽条件下抑制福寿螺取食水稻苗的效果与密达差异不显著(p>0.05).五爪金龙乙醇提取物能毒杀福寿螺,对水稻苗的生长没有不利的影响.因此, 利用五爪金龙防治稻田福寿螺危害是环境友好的非化学防治措施,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   
When the gibberellin (GA) receptor GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF 1 (GID1) binds to GA, GID1 interacts with DELLA proteins, repressors of GA signaling. This interaction inhibits the suppressive function of DELLA protein and thereby activates the GA response. However, how DELLA proteins exert their suppressive function and how GID1s inhibit suppressive function of DELLA proteins is unclear. By yeast one-hybrid experiments and transient expression of the N-terminal region of rice DELLA protein (SLR1) in rice callus, we established that the N-terminal DELLA/TVHYNP motif of SLR1 possesses transactivation activity. When SLR1 proteins with various deletions were over-expressed in rice, the severity of dwarfism correlated with the transactivation activity observed in yeast, indicating that SLR1 suppresses plant growth through transactivation activity. This activity was suppressed by the GA-dependent GID1-SLR1 interaction, which may explain why GA responses are induced in the presence of GA. The C-terminal GRAS domain of SLR1 also exhibits a suppressive function on plant growth, possibly by directly or indirectly interacting with the promoter region of target genes. Our results indicate that the N-terminal region of SLR1 has two roles in GA signaling: interaction with GID1 and transactivation activity.  相似文献   
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