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中国普通野生稻遗传分化的RAPD研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
多数学者已认定亚洲栽培稻(OryzasativaL.)的祖先是普通野生稻(O.rufipogon)。然而栽培稻的籼、粳分化是发生在驯化之前还是在驯化之后,也即普通野生稻是否存在籼、粳分化的问题,是十几年来稻作起源研究中争论的热点之一。Second[1]用多个同工酶位点的分析结果得出结论,普通野生稻在驯化为栽培稻之前就已经发生了籼、粳分化,即有籼型普通野生稻和粳型普通野生稻之分。Morishima和Gadrinab[2]用24个形态和生理性状及12个同工酶位点和杂交亲合力等方法证明普通野生稻没有发…  相似文献   
通过对长选3S和培矮64S定长的穗颈节间细胞个数统计和细胞长度的测量,得出长穗颈不育水稻穗颈节间伸长的细胞学变化规律.自然条件下长穗颈不育水稻长选3S穗颈节间比对照培矮64S长18.0cm,其纵列厚壁细胞和薄壁细胞数分别比培矮64S多1248个和580个;厚壁细胞和薄壁细胞平均长度分别比培矮64S长23.3μm和38.3μm,尤其是中部区段的厚壁细胞和薄壁细胞分别比对照长24.8μm和48.7μm;穗颈节间薄壁细胞的长度由基部区段至中部区段呈突跃式增加,而由中部至顶部区段则呈缓慢减少的趋势.隐性长穗颈温敏核不育水稻穗颈节间伸长是由细胞数目增多和细胞长度增加双重作用所致,其中后者作用更显著.  相似文献   
To develop reliable techniques for chromosome identification is critical for cytogenetic research, especially for genomes with a large number and smaller-sized chromosomes. An efficient approach using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones as molecular cytological markers has been developed for many organisms. Herein, we present a set of chromosomal arm-specific molecular cytological markers derived from the gene-enriched regions of the sequenced rice genome. All these markers are able to generate very strong signals on the pachytene chromosomes of Oryza sativa L. (AA genome) when used as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes. We further probed those markers to the pachytene chromosomes of O. punctata (BB genome) and O. officinalis (CC genome) and also got very strong signals on the relevant pachytene chromosomes. The signal position of each marker on the related chromosomes from the three different rice genomes was pretty much stable, which enabled us to identify different chromosomes among various rice genomes. We also constructed the karyotype for both O. punctata and O. officinalis with the BB and CC genomes, respectively, by analysis of 10 pachytene cells anchored by these chromosomal arm-specific markers.  相似文献   
水稻叶片叶绿素和过氧化氢含量的QTL检测及上位性分析   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
研究水稻叶片叶绿素和过氧化氢含量的遗传规律,对探讨光合代谢产物遗传规律和开展高产育种具有重要指导意义。利用由日本晴/Kasalath∥日本晴的杂交组合衍生的98个回交重组自交家系(BC1F9)所组成的BIL(backcross inbred lines)群体,在第1、2、3和10染色体上分别检测出5个与叶绿素含量相关的QTL和2个影响剑叶过氧化氢含量的QTL,其中位于第1染色体的RFLP标记C86和C813之间的q-Chll对叶绿素含量的影响最为显著,对表型变异的贡献率达22%,其增效基因来自粳稻品种日本晴;同时在该区间检测到1个与剑叶过氧化氢含量相关的QTL:q-H2O2I,对过氧化氢含量的减效基因来自日本晴品种。上位性分析结果显示影响叶绿素含量及过氧化氢含量的非等位QTL之间存在显著的上位性效应。具有上位性效应的QTL分布于第2、6、11和12染色体上,未检测到与q-Chll或q-H2O2I互作的位点。暗示日本晴品种的RFLP标记C86和C813之间存在1个能够提高叶绿素含量,同时又能降低过氧化氢含量的主效QTL,其加性效应显著而不存在上位性效应。  相似文献   
In order to develop a detailed physical map of the thermo-sensitive genie male-sterile (TGMS) gene-encompassing region and finally clone the TGMS gene, a high-quality rice bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from TGMS rice 5460S was constructed. The method of constructing BAC library was examined and optimized. The 5460S library consists of 19 584 BAC clones with an average insert size of 110 kb, which represents about 5 times rice haploid genome equivalents. Rice inserts of up to 140 kb and 250 kb were isolated and appeared stable after 100 generations of serial growth. Hybridization of BAC clones with mitochondrial and chloroplastic genes as probes demonstrated that this library has no organellar contamination. The 5460S library was screened with 3 molecular markers linked to tmsl gene as probes and at least 1 BAC clone was identified with each probe. The insert ends of positive clones were successfully isolated using thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) technique.  相似文献   
利用Blast检索、EST分析和RT-PCR,在水稻中分离到一个与拟南芥COI1同源的新基因,命名为OsCOI1.OsCOI1编码595个氨基酸.推测的OsCOI1编码蛋白有一个F-boxmotif和16个富含亮氨酸的重复序列,这与拟南芥COI1相似.OsCOI1在氨基酸水平上和COI1有很高的同源性(74%).经半定量RT-PCR法和RNA印迹分析,表明水稻中OsCOI1表达水平在经茉莉酸甲酯和脱落酸处理后呈明显变化,但不受水杨酸和乙烯的影响,说明OsCOI1可能在茉莉酸信号途径和脱落酸途径中具有特定功能.  相似文献   
Greenhouse studies were conducted to investigate plant-mediated interactions between an above-ground and a below-ground herbivore when sharing a common host plant, rice (Oryza sativa L). Two common pests of rice were used: the rice water weevil (RWW), Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, as the root herbivore, and the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) as the foliage-feeding herbivore. Rice water weevil larval performance was assessed by measuring larval density and average weight in response to different levels of defoliation by FAW larvae. The reciprocal experiment was done to evaluate FAW performance (growth rate) in response to RWW feeding. Severe defoliation by FAW decreased RWW densities by 32% and reduced larval weights by 48% compared to larvae on roots of non-defoliated plants. Effects in the converse experiments were not as strong. FAW growth rates were reduced 9–37% when feeding on rice leaves from plants damaged by RWW compared to larvae feed leaves from the no damage treatment. These reciprocal negative effects show that RWW and FAW are potential competitors when sharing a rice plant. Because RWW and FAW did not interact directly, competition was plant-mediated.  相似文献   
The emission of the greenhouse gas CH4 from ricepaddies is strongly influenced by management practicessuch as the input of ammonium-based fertilisers. Weassessed the impact of different levels (200 and 400kgN.ha–1) of urea and (NH4)2HPO4on the microbial processes involved in production andconsumption of CH4 in rice field soil. We usedcompartmented microcosms which received fertilisertwice weekly. Potential CH4 production rates weresubstantially higher in the rice rhizosphere than inunrooted soil, but were not affected by fertilisation.However, CH4 emission was reduced by the additionof fertiliser and was negatively correlated with porewater NH 4 plus concentration, probably as theconsequence of elevated CH4 oxidation due tofertilisation. CH4 oxidation as well as numbersof methanotrophs was distinctly stimulated by theaddition of fertiliser and by the presence of the riceplant. Without fertiliser addition,nitrogen-limitation of the methanotrophs will restrictthe consumption of CH4. This may have a majorimpact on the global CH4 budget, asnitrogen-limiting conditions will be the normalsituation in the rice rhizosphere. Elevated potentialnitrifying activities and numbers were only detectedin microcosms fertilised with urea. However, asubstantial part of the nitrification potential in therhizosphere of rice was attributed to the activity ofmethanotrophs, as was demonstrated using theinhibitors CH3F and C2H2.  相似文献   
水稻叶片Rubisco 活化酶表达的昼夜变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在 48h的自然光照、连续光照和连续黑暗处理下 ,水稻幼苗rcamRNA的含量均表现出昼夜节奏特性 ,其中以自然光周期中变化最为明显。在光暗交替的条件下 ,RCA含量虽也表现出明显的昼夜变化 ,但连续黑暗处理其含量持续下降 ,连续光照则其含量先上升然后下降 ,说明它不发生节昼现象。这些结果表明RCA表达在转录和翻译水平上的调控机制不同 ,转录既由光暗交替控制又受内生节奏调节 ,而翻译则更大程度上由光调节  相似文献   
本文利用单因素和正交试验探究了黄酒中多糖提取工艺条件,并分析了黄酒多糖的化学组分。单因素实验结果表明,乙醇浓度在低于80%时,粗多糖的提取量随着乙醇浓度的增加而增加,高于80%时,粗多糖的量变化不大;醇沉时间到达第8 h时粗多糖的提取量基本达到稳定;在醇沉温度为10℃时粗多糖的量达到最大值。通过正交试验得到的黄酒多糖的最佳提取工艺为:乙醇浓度为80%,醇沉时间为6 h,醇沉温度为5℃。进一步分析纯化后多糖的化学组分为中性糖含量为89.6%、糖醛酸含量为0.48%、蛋白质含量为4%。  相似文献   
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