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Detailed nutrient requirements were determined to maximise efficacy of a sulphate-reducing bacterial mixed culture for biotechnological removal of sulphate, acidity and toxic metals from waste waters. In batch culture, lactate produced the greatest biomass, while ethanol was more effective in stimulating sulphide production and acetate was less effective. The presence of additional bicarbonate and H2 only marginally stimulated sulphide production. The sulphide output per unit of biomass was greatest using ethanol as substrate. In continuous culture, ethanol and lactate were used directly as efficient substrates for sulphate reduction while acetate yielded only slow growth. Glucose was utilised following fermentation to organic acids and therefore had a deleterious effect on pH. Ethanol was selected as the most efficient substrate due to cost and efficient yield of sulphide. On ethanol, the presence of additional carbon sources had no effect on growth or sulphate reduction in batch culture but the presence of complex nitrogen sources (yeast extract or cornsteep) stimulated both. Cornsteep showed the strongest effect and was also preferred on cost grounds. In continuous culture, cornsteep significantly improved the yield of sulphate reduced per unit of ethanol consumed. These results suggest that the most efficient nutrient regime for bioremediation using sulphate-reducing bacteria required both ethanol as carbon source and cornsteep as a complex nitrogen source.  相似文献   
The cellular pathway of sugar uptake in developing cotyledons of Vicia faba L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. seed was evaluated using a physiological approach. The cotyledon interface with the seed coat is characterised by a specialised dermal cell complex. In the case of Vicia faba cotyledons, the epidermal component of the dermal cell complex is composed of transfer cells. Sucrose is the major sugar presented to the outer surface of both cotyledons and it is taken up from the apoplasm unaltered. Estimated sucrose concentrations within the apparent free space of Vicia and Phaseolus cotyledons were 105 and 113 mM respectively. Rates of in-vitro uptake of [14C]sucrose by cotyledon segments or by whole cotyledons following physical removal or porter inactivation of the outer cells demonstrated that, for both Vicia and Phaseolus cotyledons, the dermal cell complexes are the most intense sites of sucrose uptake. Accumulation of [14C]sucrose in the storage parenchyma of whole cotyledons was directly affected by experimental manipulation of uptake by the outer cell layers and plasmolytic disruption of the interconnecting plasmodesmata. These findings indicated that sucrose accumulated by the dermal cell complexes is transported symplasmically to the storage parenchyma. Overall, it is concluded that the dermal cell complexes of the developing legume embryo, irrespective of the presence or absence of wall ingrowths, are the major sites for the uptake of sucrose released from the maternal tissues to the seed apoplasm. Thereafter, the accumulated sucrose is transported radially inward through the symplast to the storage parenchyma.Abbreviations AFS apparent free space - CF 5-(6)-carboxyfluorescein - CFDA 5-(6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid - SRG sulphorhodamine G The investigation was supported by funds from the Research Management Committee, The University of Newcastle and the Australian Research Council. One of us, R. McDonald, gratefully acknowledges the support of an Australian Postgraduate Research Award. We are grateful to Stella Savoury for preparing the photomicrographs.  相似文献   
Heat shock potentiated the nitric oxide production (EPR assay) in the liver, kidney, heart, spleen, intestine, and brain. The heat shock-induced sharp transient increase in the rate of nitric oxide production preceded the accumulation of heat shock proteins (HSP70) (Western blot analysis) as measured in the heart and liver. In all organs the nitric oxide formation was completely blocked by the NO-synthase inhibitor (L-NNA). L-NNA also markedly attenuated the heat shock-induced accumulation of HSP70. The results suggests that nitric oxide is involved in the heat shock-induced activation of HSP70 synthesis.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effect of the Pt(II) ion on the stacking interaction between tryptophan and a guanine base, the quenching of Trp fluorescence was monitored for some systems in the absence and presence of the metal ion, and the association constants were obtained by the analysis of Eadie-Hofstee plots. All spectral data suggested that the stacking interaction is enhanced by the Pt(II) coordination to the guanine N7 atom. The result indicates the importance of the metal ion as a bookmark in the specific recognition of a nucleic acid base by an aromatic amino acid residue.  相似文献   
During the production by mammalian cells of recombinant factor VIII from which the B domain was deleted (rFVIII), proteolytic cleavages in the C-terminal part of the heavy chain were observed (Kjalke et al., 1995). By radioactive pulse labelling it was investigated whether the cleavages took place inside the cells during protein synthesis or after release in the medium. The rFVIII-producing CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells were cultured in the presence of 35S-methionine and then the cell lysate and the conditioned media were immunoprecipitated and analyzed by electrophoresis. By pulse labelling and chasing for various time periods, it was shown that the cleavages only took place after secretion of the protein from the cells. Adding cell lysate to uncleaved rFVIII caused cleavage of the heavy chain, as seen by loss of binding to a monoclonal antibody specific for intact rFVIII, indicating that the cleavage was performed by proteinase(s) released from the lysed cells. By incubating intact rFVIII with the multicatalytic proteinase (proteasome) present in cytoplasm and nucleus of eukaryotic cells, loss of binding to the monoclonal antibody was observed. This indicates that the multicatalytic proteinase, released from lysed rFVIII producing cells, could be responsible for the cleavage of rFVIII. Among several protease inhibitors tested, only bacitracin was found to diminish the extent of cleavage. Phosphatidylserine also protected rFVIII against cleavage, probably by binding to rFVIII. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The power of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy to study macromoleculesand their complexes has been amply demonstrated over the last decade. Theobstacle to routinely applying these techniques to the study of DNA has beenthe synthesis of 13C,15N-labeled DNA. Here wepresent a simple and efficient method to generate isotope-labeled DNA forNMR studies that is as easy as that for isotope labeling of RNA. The methodwas used to synthesize a uniformly13 C,15N-labeled 32-nucleotide DNA that binds tohuman basic fibroblast growth factor with high affinity and specificity.Isotope-edited experiments were applied to the13 C,15N-labeled DNA bound to unlabeled protein,and the 13 C,15N-labeled DNA was also examined incomplex with 15N-labeled protein. The NMR experiments showthat the DNA adopts a well-defined stable structure when bound to theprotein, and illustrate the potential of13 C,15N-labeled DNA for structural studies ofDNA–protein complexes.  相似文献   
 The analogy between H-bonded nucleobase pairs and their metalated analogues is extended to the hemiprotonated pair of 7,9-dimethylguanine (7,9-DimeG) and the Watson-Crick and reversed Watson-Crick pair between 7,9-dimethylguaninium (7,9-DimeGH+) and 1-methylcytosine (1-MeC). The crystal structure analyses of two model compounds, trans–[Pt(CH3NH2)2(7,9-DimeG-N1)2](NO3)2 (1) and trans–[Pt(NH3)2(1-MeC-N3)(7, 9-DimeG-N1)](PF6)2· 2.5 H2O (3a) are reported. Pt binding is through N1 of 7,9-DimeG and N3 of 1-MeC. In solution, 3a exists in a mixture with Watson-Crick and reversed Watson-Crick arrangements of the two bases, depending on solvent, concentration and anions. Received: 16 October 1996 / Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   
Summary The oxidation of cysteine (RSH) has been studied by using O2, ferricytochrome c (Cyt c) and nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) as electron acceptors. The addition of 200M CuII to a solution of 2mM cysteine, pH 7.4, produces an absorbance with a peak at 260 nm and a shoulder at 300 nm. Generation of a cuprous bis-cysteine complex (RS-CuI-SR) is responsible for this absorbance. In the absence of O2 the absorbance is stable for long time while in the presence of air it vanishes slowly only when the cysteine excess is consumed. The neocuproine assay and the EPR analysis show that the metal remains reduced in the course of the oxidation of cysteine returning to the oxidised form at the end of reaction when all RSH has been oxidised to RSSR. Addition of CuII enhances the reduction rate of Cyt c and of NBT by cysteine also under anaerobiosis indicating the occurrence of a direct reduction of the acceptor by the complex. It is concluded that the cuprous bis-cysteine complex (RS-CuI-SR) is the catalytic species involved in the oxidation of cysteine. The novel finding of the stability of the complex together with the metal remaining in the reduced form during the oxidation suggest sulfur as the electron donor in the place of the metal ion.Abbreviations RSH cysteine - RS cysteine in the thiolate form - RS· thiyl radical of cysteine - RSSR cystine - Cyt c cytochrome c - SOD superoxide dismutase - NBT nitro blue tetrazolium - NBF nitro blue formazan - DTNB 5,5-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid - DTPA diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid Dedicated to prof. A. Ballio ob the occasion of his 75th birthday.  相似文献   
A highly complex RNA world, as is sometimes presented in view of the widespread and diversified use of RNA enzymes, would have encountered many difficulties in passing to a world with catalysis mediated by proteins. These difficulties can be overcome by postulating a very early relationship between the nucleotide and the amino acid components. In particular, after asserting that some characteristics expressed by (nucleotide) coenzymes in catalysis are easier to understand if a close and early relationship between these coenzymes and amino acids is hypothesized, a model is presented for the origin of the enzyme–coenzyme complex. This model is essentially based on an intermediate formed by a tRNA-like molecule covalently linked to a polypeptide. The model attributes the majority of the catalytic role in the ribonucleoprotein world to the latter complex and thus it takes into account the birth of the key intermediate in the origin of protein synthesis—namely, peptidyl-tRNA, which would have otherwise been extremely difficult to select. The predictions of the model are discussed along with its robustness, using the data derived from the study of intermediary metabolism and those from molecular biology. Finally, the appearance of the genetic code in the late phase of the ribonucleopeptide world is discussed. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   
Abstract. The neurophysiological bases for behaviourally expressed olfactory redundancy in the sex pheromone communication system of the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were examined by coupling the cut-sensillum extracellular recording technique with a highly specific neuronal marking method for moth peripheral receptors. In seventy-two antennal sensilla, axonal pathways of cobalt-stained neurones could be traced into the male-specific macroglomerular complex in the antennal lobe. In T. ni males this comprises five glomeruli, two of which are subdivided into morphologically, and in some instances functionally identifiable, regions. Axonal arborizations of forty-eight neurones (single stainings) showed high fidelity (98%) for containment within a specific glomerulus or glomerular subdivision, and the neuropil targeted seemed to be related to the specificity of a neurone to a particular female-emitted sex pheromone component (27-12:Ac, Z7-14:Ac, Z9-14:Ac, 12:Ac, 11–12:Ac, Z5-12:Ac), or to a behavioural antagonist (Z7-12:OH). Double (twenty-one) and multiple stainings (three) showed axons projecting into two or more glomeruli, respectively, with 100% fidelity for the component-specific glomerulus or glomerular subdivision to be targeted. We suggest that the potential for a single minor component to cross-stimulate two or more neurones within a sensillum may enable partial blends to continue to provide sensory input into all of the pheromone-processing glomeruli of the complex. Our interpretation is that redundancy occurs at the receptor level on neighbouring dendrites, and thus allows various four-component partial blends to evoke full pheromone-mediated behaviour.  相似文献   
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