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During the bacterial production of cellulosic films on non-agitated liquid media, the mass of the system does not change. An equation is therefore proposed to evaluate the volume of inoculated medium to be placed in a given tray so that, when no more free aqueous medium may be detected under the wet pellicle produced, a dried film of a desired average thickness is produced.  相似文献   
Predator–prey interactions are influenced by nitrogen availability. Wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Solstice) plants were provided with four levels of nitrogen and examined the responses of coccinellid predator, Harmonia axyridis to cereal aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae. Increased nitrogen application improved nitrogen contents of the plants and also the body weight of cereal aphids feeding on them. In no‐choice feeding trials, H. axyridis consumed more aphids on low fertilised plants, suggesting a compensatory consumption to overcome reduced biomass (lower aphid size). Total biomass devoured by H. axyridis on all nitrogen fertiliser treatments was not statistically different. Logistic regression analysis of the proportion of prey consumed demonstrated that all developmental stages (larval and adult) of H. axyridis exhibited the type II functional response on all nitrogen fertiliser treatments. The rate of successful search (a′) of third and fourth instars and adults were the same across all fertiliser treatments suggesting that nitrogen fertilisation did not affect a′. Maximum handling time for the first instars of H. axyridis on R. padi (3.81 h?1) and S. avenae (4.59 h?1) was on the highest nitrogen treatment while minimum handling time was for the adults of H. axyridis on R. padi (0.20 h?1) and S. avenae (0.20 h?1) on the lowest nitrogen treatment. Handling time varied at varying fertiliser treatments within all instars and affected the predator's efficiency. The functional response curve, rate of successful search and handling time provide the information needed to understand the predator–prey interaction between H. axyridis and these cereals aphids. This could lead to the development of a better strategy for the biological control of R. padi and S. avenae at any particular level of nitrogen fertiliser regime in the field crops.  相似文献   
During 1981 and 1982, bollworm,Heliothis zea (Boddie), and tobacco budworm,H. virescens (F.), larvae (n=3,666) were collected from 41 cotton fields near Portland, Arkansas (USA) to assess the occurrence of parasitism. Three strategies were employed to controlHeliothis spp. in these fields: (1) release ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley; (2) insecticidal control; or (3) inaction (check). Insecticide use in nonchemical control fields was reduced, but not eliminated.Heliothis spp. larvae collected in cotton had higher parasitism rates in 1981 (30.9%) and 1982 (50.1%) than had been reported for cotton since the advent of organochlorine insecticide usage. Four species of larval parasites and 1 species of larval-pupal parasite were recorded. The larval parasiteMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson) comprised 90.6% and 94.5% of all parasitic insects reared from field collectedHeliothis spp. in 1981 and 1982, respectively. No difference (P>0.05) in level of parasitism existed betweenH. zea andH. virescens. Differences between treatments occurred only in 1982 whenH. zea larvae were parasitized at a greater (P<0.05) rate in check fields (68.3%) than in insecticidal control fields (44.3%). Higher levels of larval parasitism in cotton fields may be a consequence of reduced insecticide usage and changes in materials applied, particularly the pyrethroids. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
分批发酵生产谷氨酰胺转氨酶的温度控制策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微生物谷氨酰胺转氨酶 (Microbialtransglutaminase ,简称MTG ,EC2 3 2 13)由于能催化许多食品中蛋白质的交联反应 ,改善各种蛋白质的功能性质 ,在食品工业具有广泛的应用潜力[1] ,因而引起了人们的极大兴趣。谷氨酰胺转氨酶的生产通常采用从豚鼠肝脏或组织中提取 ,由于豚鼠肝脏或组织来源稀少 ,谷氨酰胺转胺酶的分离纯化过程复杂 ,因而价格昂贵。 2 0世纪 80年代末 ,Ando和Motoki等人[2 ,3 ] 首先报道了利用微生物发酵法生产谷氨酰胺转胺酶的结果 ;近年来 ,Gerber等人[4 ] 对其下游技术进…  相似文献   
BackgroundFew studies have investigated whether early infections and factors potentially related to early immune stimulation might be involved in the aetiology of childhood brain tumours (CBT). In this study, we investigated the associations between CBT with early day-care attendance, history of early common infections, atopic conditions (asthma/wheezing, eczema, allergic rhinitis), early farm residence/visits and contact with animals.MethodsWe pooled data from two nationwide French case-control studies, the ESCALE and ESTELLE studies. Children with a CBT diagnosed between 1 and 14 years of age were identified directly from the French National Registry of Childhood Cancers, while population controls were recruited from telephone subscribers. Odds-ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using logistic regression adjusted for potential confounders.ResultsThe analyses included 469 cases and 2719 controls. We found no association between attending a day-care centre (OR: 0.9, 95%CI: 0.7–1.2) or having had repeated common infections (OR: 0.9, 95%CI: 0.7–1.2) in the first year of life and the risk of CBT. There was also no association with a history of asthma/wheezing (OR: 0.8, 95%CI: 0.56–1.1). Farm visits (OR: 0.6, 95%CI: 0.5–0.8) as well as contact with pets (OR: 0.8, 95%CI: 0.6–1.0) in the first year of life were inversely associated with CBT.ConclusionsOur findings suggest a protective effect of early farm visits and contact with pets, but not with other markers of early immune stimulation. This might be related to immune stimulation but needs further investigation.  相似文献   
A short and efficient synthesis of pentadeuterated 2,2,3,4,4-d5-19-nor-5alpha-androsterone 7 starting from 19-norandrost-4-ene-3,17-dione 1 by a d1-L-Selectride mediated stereo- and regioselective reduction of the 3-keto group is presented. The use of compound 7 as internal standard for the detection of anabolic steroids via mass spectrometric techniques such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is discussed.  相似文献   
为了探讨喀斯特石漠化治理区叶蝉群落对生态功能变动的动态响应,在中国贵州毕节撒拉溪朝营小流域按不同等级石漠化程度设置样地,并设置响应对照组,在2013-2014年5-10月每月对样地进行野外调查,系统采集叶蝉标本和在室内开展生物多样性研究,以期分析高原山地不同等级石漠化程度下叶蝉群落的时空格局,特别是对石漠化治理效果的生态学响应。结果表明,共采得叶蝉3049头,隶属11亚科53属,其中优势类群为小叶蝉亚科、角顶叶蝉亚科、大叶蝉亚科,分别占总数的44.70%、21.78%、14.66%。与对照组相比,治理区内样地叶蝉的属数、个体数都有增加,并表现出明显的季节变动,在7月、8月物种丰富度指数最高;随着石漠化治理的深入,叶蝉种数、个体数呈增加趋势。总体上,石漠化等级与叶蝉群落结构特征指数呈现显著的负相关,石漠化等级越低,叶蝉的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margale丰富度指数越大。各等级石漠化样地的Pieluo均匀度指数与优势度指数呈现反向耦合。  相似文献   
The impact of malathion-bait sprays (directed against medfly, Ceratitis capitata [Wiedemann]) on an endemic gall midge (Rhopalomyia californica Felt) and its parasitoids was investigated during 1982–83 in the south San Francisco Bay area of northern California. In a heavily sprayed area (Woodside), a population explosion of the midge was detected following 24 applications of malathion bait. The midge population reached levels ca. 90x greater than those observed in an adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge). In a moderately sprayed area (Portola Valley), the midge population increased as much as 5x that observed in the adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge), following 12 applications of malathion bait. In laboratory tests, the malathion bait was toxic to both the midge and its parasitoids. The major parasitoids were Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica (Ashmead) and Mesopolobus sp. Population increases of the midge following malathion-bait sprays were attributed to destruction of parasitoids and other natural enemies of the midge. If the environmental impact of malathion-bait sprays is related to the number of applications (as suggested in this study), then it would be worthwhile to determine the appropriate bait-spray strategy for a given situation, so as to minimize adverse effects on nontarget species, yet insure suppression or eradication of medfly.
Résumé L'impact des pièges tratiés au malathion (destinés à Ceratitis capitata Wiedem) sur Rhopalomyia californica Felt et ses parasitoïdes a été examiné en 1982–1983 dans le sud de la zone de la baie de San Francisco en Californie. Dans une zone fortement traitée (Woodside), une explosion de population a été décelée après 24 traitements. La population de R. californica a atteint des niveaux 90 fois supérieurs à ceux observés dans une zone contiguë non traitée (Jasper Ridge). Dans une zone modérément traitée (Portola Valley), avec 12 traitement, la population de R. californica a atteint jusqu'a 5 fois celle de Jasper Ridge. Au laboratoire, le piège à malathion a été toxique tant pour R. californica que pour ses parasitoïdes, dont les principaux étaient: Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica(Ashmead) et Mesopolobus sp. L'accroissement de la population de C. capitata après traitement a été attribué à la destruction de parasitoïdes et d'autres ennemis naturels. Si l'effet su l'environnement du traitement est lié au nombre d'interventions (comme le suggère cette étude), alors cela vaudrait la peine de définir une stratégie de traitement appropriée à une situation donnée, de façon à minimiser les effets négatifs sur des espèces non visées, tout en assurant la suppression ou l'éradication de C. capitata.
Light stimulates the synthesis of amaranthin in Amaranthus caudatus var. viridis. Evidence suggests that this stimulation is markedly dependent on seedling age. Synthesis is controlled by both a “low-energy” red/far-red reversible phytochrome system and an HER at least partially under phytochrome control. In seedlings exposed to light, synthesis is promoted by exogenously applied DOPA and tyrosine. It is suggested that at least two light-promoted reactions occur in the biosynthetic pathway; one between tyrosine and DOPA and a second between DOPA and amaranthin.  相似文献   
In trials conducted in Benin, conidia of Beauveria bassiana were evaluated as a control method against the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus , in stored cowpea. In the first trial using a high artificial infestation of C.   maculatus in 8-kg batches of cowpea in jerry cans under typical conditions, concentrations of 1 × 109 and 1 × 1011 conidia kg−1 were compared with lemon grass oil at 2 mL kg−1 and the synthetic pesticide mixture of 1.5% pirimiphos methyl + 0.05% deltamethrin at 0.5 g kg−1. After 2 months of storage, seed losses (SD) were 20.63 (5.3)% in the untreated control, 8.04 (3.2)% in the low-dose B.   bassiana group, 3.12 (1.3)% in the high-dose B.   bassiana group, 2.52 (0.4)% in the lemon grass oil group and 0% in the pirimiphos methyl + deltamethrin group. In a second trial with natural infestations in 50-kg batches of cowpea in 200-L drums, treatment with B.   bassiana 1 × 1011 conidia kg−1 was compared with pirimiphos methyl + deltamethrin at 0.5 g kg−1. After 6 months of storage on six farms, losses reached 30.76 (1.5)% in the control, 1.28 (0.2)% in the pirimiphos methyl + deltamethrin group and 3.69 (0.6)% in the B.   bassiana group.  相似文献   
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