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The movements of seabream (Sparus aurata L) were recorded in two earthen ponds (250 m2 and 400 m2) by tracking fish tagged with miniature acoustic transmitters. Five seabreams, 500 g in weight, were tracked for periods of four or five days. Fish positions were recorded continuously using an acoustic telemetry system. Each of the five tagged seabreams were tracked individually. Two fishes were released schooled with numerous other individuals, two others were released in isolation and one was grouped with three other individuals.The schooled seabreams were more active in general and, in the large school they were diurnal; isolated fishes however, were more active at night. Temperature influences significantly and progressively the fish activity. Activity decreases at night and increases during daylight. Oxygen saturation also influences swimming activity with a general positive relationship.The horizontal distribution of this species was not uniform. Its resting area was generally located around some particular landmarks such as inlet or outlet pipes in the ponds. No feverish feeding competition was observed between individuals of the same school. The feeding area was cleaned rapidly, in less than 10 minutes, without subsequent returns from the resting area to the feeding area.
Résumé Les déplacements de la daurade (Sparus aurata L.) ont été enregistrés dans deux bassins en terre (250 m2 et 400 m2) en suivant des poissons marqués avec des émetteurs acoustiques miniaturisés. Cinq daurades d'un poids individuel de 500 g furent suivies durant des périodes de 4 ou 5 jours. Les positions des poissons ont été enregistrées en continu avec un systéme de télémétrie acoustique. Chacun des cinq poissons marqués fut suivi individuellement. Deux poissons furent regroupés avec de nombreux autres individus, deux autres furent laissés seuls et le dernier fut mis avec trois autres individus.Les daurades groupées étaient en général plus actives et, en grand banc, étaient diurnes; les poissons isolés étaient toutefois plus actifs durant la nuit. La température influence significativement et progressivement l'activité des poissons. L'activité décroît durant la nuit et augmente pendant le jour. Le pourcentage de saturation en oxygéne agit aussi, de façon positive, sur l'activité de nage.La distribution horizontale de cette espéce n'est pas uniforme. Son aire de repos est généralement localisée dans quelques zones particuliéres comme les arrivées et les sorties d'eau. Aucune compétition alimentaire fébrile n'a été observée entre les individus d'un même banc. L'aire de nourrissage est rapidement nettoyée, en moins de 10 minutes, sans retours ultérieurs depuis la zone de repos jusqu' à la zone de nourrissage.
The effects of 24 hr light-dark cycles on the circadian conidiation rhythm inNeurospora crassa were compared among will-typefrq + and clock mutantsfrq +,frq 3,frq 7,frq 9 andfrq 11. The minimum length of the light period necessary for complete entrainment to the light-dark cycles was almost 2 hr infrq +,frq 3 andfrq 7 strains. The minimum duration of the dark period necessary for the appearance of circadian conidiation was almost 4 hr in all of the strains except thefrq 11 strain. The phase of the conidiation rhythm was dependent on the light to dark transition in thefrq 1 strain in all light-dark cycles examined and in thefrq + andfrq 3 strains when the light period was shorter than 16 hr. In contrast, the phase of thefrq 7 strain was dependent on the light to dark transition when the light period was shorter than 10 hr.  相似文献   
Along a thermal gradient and under a LD 1212 h cycle, nurse workers of the ant Camponotus mus select for the brood two different temperatures daily: 30.8°C at the middle of the light period (circadian phase = 90°), and 27.5°C 8 h later, during the dark period (CP = 210°). Brood-carrying activity proved to be self-sustained, running its two daily bursts free with a similar period of 23.5 h, under both LL and DD. The LD alternation acted as a strong Zeitgeber. A phase-delay of the LD 1212 h cycle reset the overt rhythm at once, being both daily events locked-on to the delayed light: dark transition. However, changes in expression, non-occurrence, or even splitting of the two daily brood-carrying events during resetting depended on the phase of the delayed DL transition. By comparing the occurrence of activity with predictions based on a threshold curve of thermal sensitivity, results indicated that an immediate resetting of the involved pacemaker actually takes place. Nurse workers do not directly control the total time spent by the brood at the selected temperature. Instead, the endogenously-driven thermal sensitivity triggers their thermal-searching behavior at two critical times of the day, when environmental temperature is expected to reach its maximum and minimum.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated the influence of red light, which naturally occurs during dawn and dusk, on locomotor activity and body temperature rhythms of Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungarus). A single weak red light pulse given 2 h before regular lights on had acute as well as long-term effects persisting for several days following exposure. The hamsters immediately stopped their locomotor activity, accompanied by a drop in body temperature. In the following undisturbed nights (LD 168) the nocturnal activity stopped earlier than usual. This lasting effect of the light pulse was more pronounced than the acute effect. The activity phase compressed gradually during 3 to 5 days after the light pulse was administered while time of activity onset was almost unaffected. It took 6 to 11 days for complete recovery of the original activity phase. The maximal activity compression and the recovery period depended on the duration of the single red light pulse and its intensity. Red light pulses of 15 min duration were about twice effective as 1 min pulses; and the effect of a red light pulse of 130 mW/m2 was about 1.5 times stronger than a 30 mW/m2 red light pulse. The maximal value of activity phase compression reached in this experiment was 2.5+0.2 h with a recovery period of 11.1±0.3 days following a given red light pulse of 90 mW/m2 and 15 min. The morning oscillator seems to be persistently affected. This indicates a very high photosensitivity of the Djungarian hamster's circadian system to red light.Abbreviations T b body temperature - DD constant darkness - LD light:dark cycle - LL constant light - duration of activity phase - CT circadian time - PRC phase response curve - SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei  相似文献   
Fluctuation in levels of endogenous free IAA has been followed in the SD plant Chenopodium rubrum under photoperiodic conditions inductive or not inductive of flowering. Endogenous IAA was measured fluorimetrically as -pyrone. The level of IAA shows little fluctuation under continuous illumination. An endogenous rhythm of IAA fluctuation was found in plants transferred from light to continuous darkness, with a natural period of 30 hrs. The troughs of minimum IAA level within the endogenous rhythm coincided with the peaks in the endogenous rhythm of flowering response, which possessed the same period length. The concentration of IAA in the shoot always decreased at the end of cycles of dark period that induce flowering. The results are discussed in relation to the role of IAA in flowering of SD plants.  相似文献   
Synopsis Aspects of the biology of the euryhaline Asian cichlid Etroplus suratensis in a coastal lagoon of Sri Lanka were studied for a period of 15 months. Comparisons are made from the catches from the fishery of manmade, inland freshwater reservoirs. Changes in the stock structure in the sublittoral region of the lagoon indicate that recruitment takes place twice a year, during the high rainfall/low salinity periods. The feeding habits of E. suratensis were different in the two habitats. In the lagoon it fed mainly on molluscs and in the freshwater reservoirs on macrophytes. Feeding chronology based on diurnal surveys indicate that it feeds mainly during the daylight hours. The dentition of E. suratensis is adapted for both tearing and crushing (pharyngeal teeth). Distinct differences in the mean relative intestinal length between populations from the coastal lagoon and inland reservoirs were evident and these differences are correlated to their respective feeding habits. Diurnal changes in feeding activity are associated with changes in the stomach pH. The egg-diameter distribution of mature fish indicate that E. suratensis is a single spawner, that it sheds its mature eggs all at once. It is inferred that E. suratensis breeds twice a year but that an individual female is capable of spawning only once a year.  相似文献   
The objective was to determine the effect of ACTH 1-17, an adrenocorticotropin analogue, on the mitotic index in the corneal epithelium of mice standardized in 12 hr of light alternating with 12 hr darkness. A question asked was whether the time of administration along the 24-hr time scale influenced any response found. The findings showed that ACTH 1-17 could, depending upon when it was administered, bring about a statistically significant decrease, an increase or even no such change in the mitotic index. The greatest responses found were increases, especially when ACTH 1-17 was administered during the dark span. Also the time after injection when the responses occurred varied. The greatest response recorded was at 12 hr after injection when ACTH 1-17 was given at 2 hr into the dark with a 641% and a 718% increase with a low (0.02 IU/kg) and a higher (20 IU/kg) dose, respectively. A 3-way analysis of variance supported the conclusion that the kind-of-treatment, time-of-treatment and treatment-to-kill interval (sampling time) are important factors when determining any response to ACTH 1-17 on the mitotic index.  相似文献   
Orcadian phase dependency in pharmacokinetics and hemodynamic effects on blood pressure and heart rate of different galenic formulations of nifedipine (immediate-release, sustained-release, and i.v. solution) were studied in healthy subjects or in hypertensive patients. Pharmacokinetics of immediate-release but not sustained-release and i.v. nifedipine were dependent on time of day: immediate-release nifedipine had higher Cmax (peak concentration) and shorter tmax (time-to-peak concentration) after morning than evening application, and bioavailibility in the evening was reduced by about 40%. Orcadian rhythm in estimated hepatic blood flow as determined by indocyanine green kinetics may contribute to these chronokinetics. A circadian time dependency was also found in nifedipine-induced effects on blood pressure and heart rate as monitored by 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurements. In conclusion, the dose response relationship of oral nifedipine is influenced by the circadian organization of the cardiovascular system as well as by the galenic drug formulation.  相似文献   
Twelve patients with inactive ulcer disease were administered placebo and ranitidine via bolus and continuous intravenous infusions, at doses ranging from 50 every 8 h, to 12.5 mg/h for 24 h. Gastric acid was collected for 20 min each h for 24 h, and ranitidine serum concentrations were measured ± every 2 h, during each of the six study periods. Cosinor analysis of gastric acid secretion during placebo treatment revealed a significant circadian rhythm in all subjects. Mesor acid output ranged from 1.7 to 11.6 mmol/h (mean 5.6 ± 2.8 mmol/h) and the amplitude ranged from 0.7 to 6.5 mmol/h (mean 2.8 ±1.6 mmol/h). Peak acid output (acrophase) occurred at 10 p.m. ± 3 h. A pharmacodynamic model, relating ranitidine serum concentration to hourly acid secretion, was derived, which incorporated the circadian change in basal acid output. Data for this fractional response model included basal acid secretion-as determined by time of day, measured acid secretion, and associated serum ranitidine concentration. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) for ranitidine ranged from 10-75 ng/ml, with a mean of 44 ng/ml. The variation in IC50 and in basal acid secretion combined to produce a wide variation in the pharmacodynamic response to ranitidine. The model-predicted serum concentrations, required to maintain acid secretion at 0.1 mmol/h, ranged from 250 to 1550 ng/ml, at the time of peak evening acid secretion. Despite a constant degree of acid inhibition by ranitidine during the day, higher serum concentrations are required during times of peak acid output to maintain adequate suppression of hydrogen ion secretion.  相似文献   
The optimum atomic ratio of N to P, the ratio at which one nutrient limitation changes over to the other, was determined in seven species of freshwater planktonic algae. The ratio varied over a wide range among species; the average for these species was 17. If the cellular nutrient ratios in marine species are comparable with those in freshwater organisms, Redfield's ratio of 15 is remarkably close to the average. Cellular N:P ratios varied over a 24-h period under a light:dark cycle. The variation of the optimum ratio between species and diel change in cellular N:P ratios within a species could play an important role in population dynamics by enhancing the probability of coexistence of species.  相似文献   
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