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Numerous studies show that an increase in the availability of limiting resources can increase invasion by non-native plants into natural communities. One possible explanation is that the ability of natives to compete with non-natives tends to decrease when resource availability is increased. We tested this hypothesis in a competition experiment using two closely matched plant species and two environmental factors related to limiting resources in a coastal grassland system on Bodega Head in northern California. We grew the native grass Bromus carinatus and the non-native grass B. diandrus together and apart at different levels of soil nitrogen crossed with different levels of soil salinity. Both species are abundant in the grassland and previous work suggested that the abundance of B. carinatus is lower and the abundance of B. diandrus is higher on soil that has been enriched with nitrogen. Salinity has been shown to be negatively associated with invasion by B. diandrus into another California grassland, and to vary significantly over short distances in the grassland at Bodega Head, where it could affect water availability, which strongly limits plant growth during the dry season. Contrary to our prediction that low resource availabilities would increase the relative competitive ability of the native, the ability of B. carinatus to compete with B. diandrus was not greater when nitrogen availability was lower or when soil salinity was higher. Instead, high salinity increased the relative competitive ability of the non-native, and low nitrogen had little effect on competition. This suggests that preventing resource enrichment will not suffice to control invasion by non-native plant species in this grassland.  相似文献   
A remote site in the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve of Oklahoma (The Nature Conservancy) was contaminated with crude oil from a pipeline break and is being bioremediated using landfarming techniques. Landfarming is designed to stimulate microbial-based catabolism of petroleum through combined dilution/mixing and fertilization-based effects. To evaluate nitrogen-based effects during remediation, the site was sectioned and treated with urea, ammonium sulfate, or ammonium nitrate. Samples were obtained from prairie soil without chemical nitrogen addition and with or without hydrocarbon contamination. Nitrogen cycling dynamics were followed by measuring ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, and volatile nitric oxide (NOx) levels. Nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial numbers were estimated and compared to soil oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane levels as well as to overall total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) reduction. For a prairie ecosystem of this type, a high level of fertilization, particularly with nitrogen, can have ecological effects almost as profound as the petroleum contamination itself. Fertilization of the oil-contaminated soil with the reduced and/or oxidized forms of nitrogen quickly resulted in elevated steady-state levels of both ammonium and nitrate, and exceptionally high levels of NOx released from soil. Although nitrogen fertilization increased microbial nitrogen metabolism and nitrogen cycling, it had minimal effects on the overall remediation efficiency.  相似文献   
Fire frequency has significant effects on the biota of tallgrass prairie, including mammals, vascular plants and birds. Recent concern has been expressed that widespread annual burning, sometimes in combination with heavy livestock grazing, negatively impacts the biota of remaining prairie remnants. A common management recommendation, intended to address this problem, is to create a landscape with a mosaic of different burn regimes. Pitfall trapping was used to investigate the impacts of fire pattern on the diversity and species composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) at Konza Prairie Biological Station in eastern Kansas, USA. Trapping was conducted over three seasons in landscape units burned on average every 1, 4, or 20 years, and in a fourth season across the available range of vegetative structure to assess the variability of the community within the study system. In the fifth season communities were also followed immediately after two fire events to detect within-season effects of fire and to study short-term patterns of post-disturbance community assembly. Fire frequency had comparatively minimal effects on ground beetle diversity measures, and most numerically common species were observed widely across habitat and management types. Fire frequency effects were manifested primarily in changes in abundance of common species. Colonization of burned areas apparently did not occur from juxtaposed non-burned areas, but from underground or from long distances. While these results suggest that widespread annual burning of tallgrass prairie remnants may not have dramatic effects on prairie ground beetles, we urge caution regarding the application of these results to other taxa within tallgrass prairie.  相似文献   
Translocating prairie dogs from areas in or near human developments to wildlands can reduce conflicts with humans or supplement wild populations, but translocation methods differ in cost and fate of translocated individuals is often difficult to assess. We translocated 74 Gunnison's prairie dogs from 1 source colony in downtown Flagstaff, Arizona (urban) and 75 from 1 source colony in lower density housing outside the city (suburban) to 2 abandoned, recipient colonies on open grasslands 50 km north of the city (wildland). We released animals into uncaged, pre-existing burrow entrances (hard release) or into temporary cages over pre-existing burrow entrances (soft release). We captured 15 (10%) marked animals 1 year post-translocation at the 2 recipient colonies, 7 from soft release treatments and 8 from hard release treatments but visual surveys indicated a minimum of 57 adult prairie dogs and 76 pups present. Adult prairie dogs in all photographs taken by automated cameras placed at burrow entrances at each recipient colony had ear tags, suggesting that most animals at these colonies were survivors from translocation and that survival was likely higher than 10%. By 1 year post-release, recipient colonies occupied an area roughly 9–18 times that of source colonies. Urban Gunnison's prairie dogs can be successfully translocated to abandoned wildland colonies without using soft release methods, but animals may disperse widely. Given the cost and effort translocation requires, and the fact that all 6 confirmed mortalities were from human shooting, we recommend temporary restrictions on shooting at recipient colonies until populations have met management goals. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Laboratory trials conducted over the past decade at U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center indicate that wild populations of prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) display different degrees of susceptibility to experimental challenge with fully virulent Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. We evaluated patterns in prairie dog susceptibility to plague to determine whether the historical occurrence of plague at location of capture was related to survival times of prairie dogs challenged with Y. pestis. We found that black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) from South Dakota (captured prior to the detection of plague in the state), Gunnison's prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) from Colorado, and Utah prairie dogs (Cynomys parvidens) from Utah were most susceptible to plague. Though the susceptibility of black‐tailed prairie dogs in South Dakota compared with western locations supports our hypothesis regarding historical exposure, both Colorado and Utah prairie dogs have a long history of exposure to plague. It is possible that for these populations, genetic isolation/bottle necks have made them more susceptible to plague outbreaks.  相似文献   
森林砍伐对苦槠种群遗传结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简耘  石磊  李丹  张纯淳  石苗苗  王嵘  陈小勇 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6228-6234
人类活动严重干扰着自然生态系统,其中砍伐是对森林生态系统最常见的干扰之一,它导致森林退化,植物种群变小,甚至灭绝,遗传多样性也随之下降。当被破坏的森林未被转换性利用时,则会逐渐恢复,但由于瓶颈效应,恢复起来的生态系统中植物种群的遗传结构可能会改变。恢复种群遗传组成的改变一方面与干扰的强度、频度和持续时间有关,另一方面,也受植物生活史特点的深刻影响。然而,我国对于砍伐后恢复起来的森林生态系统中生物多样性的改变,尤其是遗传多样性的改变的研究并不多见。研究在浙江省宁波市天童国家森林公园及周边地区选择了5个苦槠种群,采用SSR微卫星标记来分析砍伐对苦槠种群遗传结构的影响。5对多态SSR引物共得到了29个等位基因。种群内维持了较高的遗传多样性,种群间遗传分化程度较低,基因流达8.68。恢复林和成熟林种群的遗传多样性相差不大,以阿育王寺地区恢复种群的最高;表明砍伐对于苦槠种群遗传多样性的影响不大,这与苦槠较强的萌条能力有关。尽管如此,在恢复种群中观察到近期的种群瓶颈,显示出砍伐对种群遗传组成的影响;而在一个成熟林中也观察到种群瓶颈,这是因片断化导致种群变小之故。植被保存最好的天童国家森林公园内苦槠种群的遗传多样性却较低,这可能与成熟林中苦槠优势度较低有关。  相似文献   
Grassland restoration success depends on the development of plant communities that accord with restoration goals. Intraspecific variation in competitiveness may affect community development. For some grassland species, germplasm can be obtained from sources ranging from wild collections to selectively bred cultivars. The extent to which population source affects competitive outcomes in restoration projects is unclear. We addressed this knowledge gap in a glasshouse experiment comparing competitive response and effect among three sources of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) that are available for restoration: selectively bred cultivars, commercial ecotypes (commercially produced but not deliberately selected), and wild collections. Two strains per source type were grown with four associates chosen to encompass varied functional groups: conspecifics, Bromus inermis, Cirsium arvense, and Solanum ptycanthum. Switchgrass competitive response was evaluated for survival, height, biomass, and shoot:root biomass ratio; competitive effect was assessed as associate survival, height, biomass, and shoot:root ratio. Competitive responses of cultivars and commercial ecotypes were broadly similar, although cultivar biomass exceeded both that of ecotypes and wild collections, and ecotypes had the highest shoot:root ratio. Wild collections were most negatively affected by competition. The shoot:root ratios of all sources were highest when grown with S. ptycanthum, indicating that competitive responses were plastic; plasticity in fitness‐related traits can contribute to persistence in variable environments. Cultivars exerted negative effects on B. inermis. Secondary analyses indicated that all switchgrass sources were most inhibited by the annual S. ptycanthum. To summarize, population source affected multiple aspects of switchgrass competitive ability, when grown against functionally varied associates.  相似文献   
Dominance of warm‐season grasses modulates tallgrass prairie ecosystem structure and function. Reintroduction of these grasses is a widespread practice to conserve soil and restore prairie ecosystems degraded from human land use changes. Seed sources for reintroduction of dominant prairie grass species include local (non‐cultivar) and selected (cultivar) populations. The primary objective of this study was to quantify whether intraspecific variation in developing root systems exists between population sources (non‐cultivar and cultivar) of two dominant grasses (Sorghastrum nutans and Schizachyrium scoparium) widely used in restoration. Non‐cultivar and cultivar grass seedlings of both species were isolated in an experimental prairie restoration at the Konza Prairie Biological Station. We measured above‐ and belowground net primary production (ANPP and BNPP, respectively), root architecture, and root tissue quality, as well as soil moisture and plant available inorganic nitrogen (N) in soil associated with each species and source at the end of the first growing season. Cultivars had greater root length, surface area, and volume than non‐cultivars. Available inorganic N and soil moisture were present in lower amounts in soil proximal to roots of cultivars than non‐cultivars. Additionally, soil NO3–N was negatively correlated with root volume in S. nutans cultivars. While cultivars had greater BNPP than non‐cultivars, this was not reflected aboveground root structure, as ANPP was similar between cultivars and non‐cultivars. Intraspecific variation in belowground root structure and function exists between cultivar and non‐cultivar sources of the dominant prairie grasses during initial reestablishment of tallgrass prairie. Population source selection should be considered in setting restoration goals and objectives.  相似文献   
Abstract: The structure of vegetation in grassland systems, unlike that in forest systems, varies dramatically among years on the same sites, and among regions with similar vegetation. The role of this variation in vegetation structure on bird density and nesting success of grassland birds is poorly understood, primarily because few studies have included sufficiently large temporal and spatial scales to capture the variation in vegetation structure, bird density, or nesting success. To date, no large-scale study on grassland birds has been conducted to investigate whether grassland bird density and nesting success respond similarly to changes in vegetation structure. However, reliable management recommendations require investigations into the distribution and nesting success of grassland birds over larger temporal and spatial scales. In addition, studies need to examine whether bird density and nesting success respond similarly to changing environmental conditions. We investigated the effect of vegetation structure on the density and nesting success of 3 grassland-nesting birds: clay-colored sparrow (Spizella pallida), Savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), and bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) in 3 regions of the northern tallgrass prairie in 1998–2001. Few vegetation features influenced the densities of our study species, and each species responded differently to those vegetation variables. We could identify only 1 variable that clearly influenced nesting success of 1 species: clay-colored sparrow nesting success increased with increasing percentage of nest cover from the surrounding vegetation. Because responses of avian density and nesting success to vegetation measures varied among regions, years, and species, land managers at all times need to provide grasslands with different types of vegetation structure. Management guidelines developed from small-scale, short-term studies may lead to misrepresentations of the needs of grassland-nesting birds.  相似文献   
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