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库布齐沙漠东部不同生物结皮发育阶段土壤温室气体通量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以流动沙地为对照,采用时空替代法分析库布齐沙漠东部固定沙地上不同发育阶段生物结皮藻类结皮和地衣结皮土壤温室气体通量特征及其与环境因子之间的关系,研究生物结皮发育对荒漠土壤温室气体通量的影响.结果表明: 荒漠土壤CO2排放通量大小为地衣结皮(128.5 mg·m-2·h-1)>藻结皮(70.2 mg·m-2·h-1)>流动沙地(48.2 mg·m-2·h-1),CH4吸收通量大小为地衣结皮(30.4 μg·m-2·h-1)>藻结皮(21.2 μg·m-2·h-1)>流动沙地(18.2 μg·m-2·h-1),N2O排放通量大小为地衣结皮(6.6 μg·m-2·h-1)>藻结皮(5.4 μg·m-2·h-1)>流动沙地(2.5 μg·m-2·h-1).CO2排放具有明显的季节变化,生长季显著大于非生长季;CH4和N2O季节变化差异不显著,前者生长季吸收大于非生长季,后者非生长季排放大于生长季.土壤有机碳和全氮含量、土壤微生物数量均是影响温室气体通量的重要因素,环境水热因子是影响土壤CO2排放的关键因子,但CH4和N2O通量对水热因子的变化不敏感.随着植被恢复和生物结皮发育,荒漠土壤温室气体累积通量的不断增大导致其百年尺度的全球增温潜势亦显著提高,依次为地衣结皮(1135.7 g CO2-e·m-2·a-1)>藻结皮(626.5 g CO2-e·m-2·a-1) >流动沙地(422.7 g CO2-e·m-2·a-1).  相似文献   
[目的] 本试验研究不同来源植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)基因特点以及在不同环境下其基因多样性,探究2株L.plantarum A8和P9在肠道生境及植物表面适应性的异同,为优良菌株的开发提供理论基础。[方法] 本研究对从动物肠道和植物表面分离获得的L.plantarum A8和L.plantarum P9的基因组进行分析,利用第二代测序技术(NextGeneration Sequencing,NGS),基于Illumina NovaSeq测序平台,同时利用第三代单分子测序技术,基于PacBio Sequel测序平台,对L.plantarum A8和L.plantarum P9进行测序。采用Carbohydrate-active enzymes(CAZy)、Koyto encyclopedia of genes and genomes(KEGG)和Clusters of orthologous genes(COG)数据库对基因组进行功能注释;采用CGView软件绘制菌株的基因组环形图谱。应用比较基因组学与已经公开发表的其他L.plantarum基因组进行比较分析。[结果] 由研究可知L.plantarum A8和L.plantarum P9基因组大小存在差异,通过构建系统发育树发现2株菌与其他来源的L.plantarum分在同一分支,并且L.plantarum P9与母乳来源的L.plantarum WLPL04菌株距离最近,而L.plantarum A8与L.paraplantarum DSM10667距离最近。通过基因家族分析可知,2株菌共有基因为2643个,其中包括一些抗应激蛋白如热休克蛋白、冷休克蛋白。L.plantarum A8和P9独特基因分别为321和336个,L.plantarum A8中独特基因主要参与DNA复制、ABC转运系统(ABC transfer system)、PTS系统(phosphotransferase system)、磺酸盐转运系统、氨基酸生物合成等代谢通路;L.plantarum P9的独特基因以参与碳水化合物的运输和代谢基因居多,例如rpiA基因、lacZ基因、FruA基因等。[结论] 通过比较基因组学方法解析L.plantarum的基因组信息,发现动物肠道来源的L.plantarum具有较好的氨基酸转运能力,植物表面附着的L.plantarum菌株具有较好碳水化合物利用能力,从而为益生菌的开发与利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
We are developing techniques to restore coral populations by enhancing larval supply using “artificial spawning hotspots” that aggregate conspecific adult corals. However, no data were available regarding how natural larval supply from wild coral populations is influenced by fertilization rate and how this is in turn affected by local population density and genetic diversity. Therefore, we assessed population density and genetic diversity of a wild, arborescent coral, Acropora yongei, and compared these parameters with those of an artificially established A. yongei population in the field. The population density of wild arborescent corals was only 0.27% of that in the artificial population, even in a high‐coverage area. Genetic diversity was also low in the wild population compared with the artificial population, and approximately 10% of all wild colonies were clones. Based on these results, the larval supply in the artificial population was estimated to be at least 1,400 times higher than that in wild A. yongei populations for the same area of adult population.  相似文献   
公丕昌  王丽  贺超英 《遗传》2010,32(6):548-554
人工智能配体或适配体(Aptamer)技术是近年来兴起的一项特异性极强的基因干扰技术。通过人工合成特异的智能配体结合靶基因的蛋白产物, 达到特异干扰靶基因的生物学功能, 这是人工智能配体技术的基本设想。文章综述了多肽配体(Peptide aptamer)技术在基因功能验证中的主要进展, 着重阐明它在植物基因功能验证和作物抗病毒育种中的应用前景, 并提出克服该技术主要风险对策。  相似文献   
The present mini-review describes newer methods and strategies, including transposon and T-DNA insertions, TILLING, Deleteagene, and RNA interference, to functionally analyze genes of interest in the model plant Arabidopsis. The relative advantages and disadvantages of the systems are also discussed.  相似文献   
1. Side‐arms connected to the main stem of the river are key areas for biogeochemical cycling in fluvial landscapes, exhibiting high rates of carbon processing. 2. This work focused on quantifying autochthonous and allochthonous carbon pools and, thereby, on comparing transport and transformation processes in a restored side‐arm system of the River Danube (Regelsbrunn). We established a carbon budget and quantified carbon processing from March to September 2003. In addition, data from previous studies during 1997 to 1999 were assessed. 3. Gross primary production (GPP) and community respiration were estimated by diel oxygen time curves and an oxygen mass balance. Plankton primary production was determined to estimate its contribution to GPP under different hydrological conditions. 4. Based on the degree of connectivity, three hydrological phases were differentiated. Most of the organic matter, dominated by allochthonous carbon, was transported in the main channel and through the side‐arm during floods, while at intermediate and low flows (and thus connectivity), transformation processes became more important and autochthonous carbon dominated the carbon pool. The side‐arm system functioned as a sink for particulate matter [total suspended solids and particulate organic carbon (POC)] and a source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chlorophyll‐a. 5. Autochthonous primary production of 4.2 t C day?1 in the side‐arm was equivalent to about 20% of the allochthonous inputs of 20 t C day?1 (POC and DOC) entering the area at mean flow (1% of the discharge of the main channel). Pelagic photosynthesis was generally high at mean flow (1.3–3.8 g C m?2 day?1), and contributed up to 90% of system productivity. During long stagnant periods at low discharge, the side‐arm was controlled by biological processes and a shift from planktonic to benthic activity occurred (benthic primary production of 0.4–14 g C m?2 day?1). 6. The transformation of the organic matter that passes through the side‐arm under different hydrological conditions, points to the importance of these subsystems in contributing autochthonous carbon to the food web of the main channel.  相似文献   
西双版纳人工雨林群落结构及其林下降雨侵蚀力特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过与本地典型的橡胶林和季节雨林进行对比,研究了在橡胶林基础上抚育、恢复而来的人工雨林群落结构及林下降雨侵蚀力特征.通过16a的抚育管理,人工雨林Shannon-Wiener多样性指数达到3.652,接近当地季节雨林的一般情况.对6a的降雨侵蚀力计算发现,人工雨林7月林内降雨侵蚀力达962.2 MJ mm hm-2 h-1 a-1,对旷地降雨侵蚀力的削减量是橡胶林的2.08倍.人工雨林初步重现了类似热带自然雨林的群落结构和叶面积指数特征,能够有效对削减降雨侵蚀力,这有利于林内水土保持和进一步的植被恢复.因此,人工雨林的抚育、恢复模式是热带退化山地地区植被恢复与重建的一条较为可行的途径.  相似文献   
Comparative genometrics of microorganisms is a relatively new area, in which genome properties are translated into numerical indexes. Such indexes can be used for a comprehensive and comparative analysis of microbial genomes, contributing to the understanding of their evolution. This work presents a new method for quantitative determination of gene strand bias in prokaryotic chromosomes, in which data transformation of gene position skew leads to a numerical index that can be applied to quantitative comparisons of genome organization. It was applied in the comparative analysis of 49 completely sequenced Firmicutes genomes, allowing the distinction of groups defined according to their patterns of gene strand preference. The resulting groups revealed that, regarding gene strand bias, reduced genomes are, in general, the more disordered among Firmicutes, while genomes of extremophile organisms comprehend those with the highest degree of genome organization in this phylum.  相似文献   
As approaches to ecological restoration become increasingly large scale and collaborative, there is a need to better understand social aspects of restoration and how they influence land management. In this article, we examine social perspectives that influence the determination of ecological reference conditions in restoration. Our analysis is based on in‐depth interviews with diverse stakeholders involved in collaborative restoration of fire‐adapted forest landscapes. We conducted interviews with 86 respondents from six forest collaboratives that are part of the U.S. Forest Service's Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program. Collaboratives use a variety of approaches to develop reference conditions, including historic, contemporary, and future scenarios. Historical conditions prior to European settlement (nineteenth century or “pre‐settlement” conditions), or prior to more recent grazing, logging, and exclusion of fire, were the predominant type of reference used in all sites. Stakeholders described benefits and limitations of reference conditions. Primary benefits include (1) providing a science‐based framework for bringing stakeholders together around a common vision; (2) gaining social understanding and acceptance of the underlying need for restoration; and (3) serving to neutralize otherwise value‐laden discussions about multiple, sometimes competing, resource objectives. Limitations stem from (1) concerns over social conflict when reference conditions are perceived to contradict other stakeholder values and interests, (2) differing interpretations of reference condition science, (3) inappropriate application or over‐generalization of reference information, and (4) limited relevance of historical references for current and future conditions in some ecosystems. At the same time, collaboratives are adopting innovative strategies to address conceptual and methodological limitations of reference conditions.  相似文献   
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