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The applicability of 9-aminoacridine as a probe of the surface potential of yeast cells is examined. Yeast cells are found to quench the fluorescence of the dye and it is shown that this quenching is caused by a decrease in the dye concentration in the bulk aqueous phase. Consistent with predictions of the Gouy-Chapman theory the dye is displaced from the surface of the yeast cells by addition of salts, the effectiveness of the salts being related to the valency of the cation: C3+ > C2+ > C1+. It is shown that 9-aminoacridine is predominantly bound by the plasma membrane of the cells. Only a minor part of the binding occurs in the cell wall, in line with the finding that enzymic removal does not significantly affect the binding of the dye to the cells. A single relationship for the distribution ratio of the dye between cells and medium with the ζ potential of the cells is found, irrespective of the way the ζ potential is changed, either by varying the pH or the Ca2+ concentration. It is argued that the electrostatic potentials probed by the dye are much higher than the corresponding ζ potentials and are of the same order of magnitude of the presumed discrete charge potentials experienced by cation transporters in the plasma membrane. It is concluded that 9-aminoacridine may be applied as a convenient and almost quantitative probe of the surface potential that effects the kinetics of ion uptake by the yeast cells.  相似文献   
Most research on mate choice in modern societies is based on data that may or may not reflect actual mating behavior (e.g., stated preferences, personal advertisements). In the present study, real-life matings were reported by a large representative sample of men and women (N = 1,133). These data were used to test an evolutionary model in which mate choice is hypothesized to depend on resources potentially contributed to reproduction by each sex. Consistent with the model, it was found that (a) men (but not women) of higher social status acquire more mating partners, suggesting that male status is an important criterion in female choice; (b) women’s (but not men’s) number of partners decreases linearly with age, suggesting that female reproductive potential is an important criterion in male choice; and (c) women (but not men) display a significant relationship between marital dissolution and promiscuity, suggesting that female sexual exclusivity is an important criterion in male choice. These results are discussed in relation to understanding mate choice mechanisms from behavioral data. Daniel Pérusse is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Université de Montréal. His research interests include the evolutionary biology of human social and reproductive behavior, sexual selection theory, and biocultural evolution. His current research bears on human socialization processes and psychosocial development from an evolutionary and behavior-genetic perspective. Recent publications include “Cultural and Reproductive Success in Industrial Societies: Testing the Relationship at the Proximate and Ultimate Levels” (Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16(2):267–322, 1993) and “Human Parental Behavior: Evidence for Genetic Influence and Potential Implications for Gene-Culture Theory” with M. C. Neale, A. Heath, and L. J. Eaves (Behavior Genetics, in press).  相似文献   
Neuropathic pruritus conditions arise from structural and/or functional damage of the peripheral or central nervous system. Novel findings of pruritus specific mediators and pathways strengthen the specificity theory of pruritus transmission, however electrophysiological studies suggest that focal activation of nociceptors and distinct discharge patterns of primary afferents also contribute to the development of the sensation of pruritus. A complex interplay between excitatory and inhibitory interneurons at spinal level, non-neuronal cells and descending modulation from upper centers contributes to neuronal sensitization and clinically to the chronicity of pruritus, as well as accompanying phenomena such as alloknesis and hyperknesis. Several topical, systemic and non-pharmacological therapeutic approaches directed at distinct targets are currently available.  相似文献   
Circadian clocks are endogenous approximately 24 h oscillators that temporally regulate many physiological and behavioural processes. In order to be beneficial for the organism, these clocks must be synchronized with the environmental cycles on a daily basis. Both light : dark and the concomitant daily temperature cycles (TCs) function as Zeitgeber (‘time giver’) and efficiently entrain circadian clocks. The temperature receptors mediating this synchronization have not been identified. Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels function as thermo-receptors in animals, and here we show that the Pyrexia (Pyx) TRP channel mediates temperature synchronization in Drosophila melanogaster. Pyx is expressed in peripheral sensory organs (chordotonal organs), which previously have been implicated in temperature synchronization. Flies deficient for Pyx function fail to synchronize their behaviour to TCs in the lower range (16–20°C), and this deficit can be partially rescued by introducing a wild-type copy of the pyx gene. Synchronization to higher TCs is not affected, demonstrating a specific role for Pyx at lower temperatures. In addition, pyx mutants speed up their clock after being exposed to TCs. Our results identify the first TRP channel involved in temperature synchronization of circadian clocks.  相似文献   
Brain fingerprinting (BF) detects concealed information stored in the brain by measuring brainwaves. A specific EEG event-related potential, a P300-MERMER, is elicited by stimuli that are significant in the present context. BF detects P300-MERMER responses to words/pictures relevant to a crime scene, terrorist training, bomb-making knowledge, etc. BF detects information by measuring cognitive information processing. BF does not detect lies, stress, or emotion. BF computes a determination of “information present” or “information absent” and a statistical confidence for each individual determination. Laboratory and field tests at the FBI, CIA, US Navy and elsewhere have resulted in 0% errors: no false positives and no false negatives. 100% of determinations made were correct. 3% of results have been “indeterminate.” BF has been applied in criminal cases and ruled admissible in court. Scientific standards for BF tests are discussed. Meeting the BF scientific standards is necessary for accuracy and validity. Alternative techniques that failed to meet the BF scientific standards produced low accuracy and susceptibility to countermeasures. BF is highly resistant to countermeasures. No one has beaten a BF test with countermeasures, despite a $100,000 reward for doing so. Principles of applying BF in the laboratory and the field are discussed.  相似文献   
The apparent Km of Rb+ uptake and the zeta potential of yeast cells are appreciably affected by changes in the pH, variation of the concentration of the buffer cation Tris+ and addition of Ca2+ to the suspending medium. Irrespective of the way in which the zeta potential is affected, a direct relationship between the apparent Km of the Rb+ uptake and the zeta potential is observed. A reduction of 8 mV in the zeta potential is accompanied by a 20-fold increase in the apparent Km, which illustrates that electrostatic effects in ion uptake cannot be ignored. Measured zeta potentials are, to a good approximation, linearly related to surface potentials evaluated from a kinetic analysis of the Rb+ uptake. This shows the practical use of the zeta potential as a measure of the surface potential in studies of electrostatic effects in ion uptake by yeast. It is concluded that Tris+ and the aikaline earth cations inhibit the Rb+ uptake in yeast exclusively via a reduction in the surface potential. Protons, in addition, exert a competitive inhibition.  相似文献   
Ion binding constants for phosphatidylserine membranes have been derived from the variation of the surface potential of phosphatidylserine monolayers with divalent cation concentrations in the presence of various monovalent salts in the aqueous subphase. The observed surface potential data for the monolayers, analyzed by use of the Gouy-Chapman diffuse potential theory, together with a simple binding reaction formula, yield, for Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and (Me)4N+ binding constant values of 30 M?1, 10 M?1, 0.6 M?1 and 0.05 M?1, respectively. The effect of pH on surface potential of phosphatidylserine monolayers was found to be dependent upon ionic species other than H+ in the subphase solution. The distinction between apparent and intrinsic dissociation constants of H+ for biomolecules was made in terms of ion binding due to other ions at the same site as for H+ in biomolecules.  相似文献   

Extracellular currents near the surface of the electrically excitable egg of Locusta migratoria have been studied through the combined use of the 2-dimensional vibrating probe and an intracellular microelectrode. Intracellular current injection increased extracellular current densities to levels readily detectable by the vibrating probe, and it has been possible to show that injected current traverses the egg in the posterior end containing the micropylar zone. Extracellular currents could not be detected during the rising, plateau or falling phases of the long duration (>100s) action potential in the egg. Increases in current density during the hyperpolarizing after potential which lasts for 6–10 min after termination of the action potential were also restricted to the posterior end of the egg. The results suggest that the primary region at which current traverses the chorionated egg is near or at the micropylar zone.  相似文献   
Synaptic clusters on dendrites are extraordinarily compact computational building blocks. They contribute to key local computations through biophysical and biochemical signaling that utilizes convergence in space and time as an organizing principle. However, these computations can only arise in very special contexts. Dendritic cluster computations, their highly organized input connectivity, and the mechanisms for their formation are closely linked, yet these have not been analyzed as parts of a single process. Here, we examine these linkages. The sheer density of axonal and dendritic arborizations means that there are far more potential connections (close enough for a spine to reach an axon) than actual ones. We see how dendritic clusters draw upon electrical, chemical, and mechano–chemical signaling to implement the rules for formation of connections and subsequent computations. Crucially, the same mechanisms that underlie their functions also underlie their formation.  相似文献   
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