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The synchrony effect (i.e. superior performance at optimal, inferior performance at suboptimal times of day) has been broadly studied within the context of circadian rhythms. Whether one chronotype copes better with the synchrony effect than the other received only insufficient empirical attention. We report on an applied experimental study investigating the impact of chronotype on the synchrony effect in a semantic analogy task. To detect an analogy, 36 participants (12 males) aged between 18 and 40 had to decide whether the relation between events of a source pair was mirrored by the relation between events of a target pair (e.g. to cook: to eat = to saddle: to ride). Temporal orientation of the relation within each event pair was varied corresponding either to the chronological or reverse order. Response times (RTs), error rates, as well as the psychophysiological parameters pre-experimental pupil baseline and peak pupil dilation replicate findings of a synchrony effect (shorter RTs and allocation of less cognitive resources at optimal times of day) and show an impact of chronotype (morning types generally outperforming evening types). Most importantly, morning types appeared to cope better with the synchrony effect than evening types: At suboptimal times, morning types solved the analogy detection task more efficient; that is faster with the same accuracy and without the investment of more cognitive resources. They also showed greater alertness and wakefulness indexed by greater pre-experimental pupil baselines. At optimal times of day, morning types have more cognitive resources available to allocate these to the more demanding conditions to outperform evening types. We interpret these findings to suggest that morning types are more able to adapt to unfavourable circumstances (for instance, by avoiding wasteful resource allocation when there are less cognitive resources available). Evening types appear less able to adapt to suboptimal times than morning types, because they have to deal with social jetlag and decreased self-control.  相似文献   
Marine phytoplankton have conserved elemental stoichiometry, but there can be significant deviations from this Redfield ratio. Moreover, phytoplankton allocate reduced carbon (C) to different biochemical pools based on nutritional status and light availability, adding complexity to this relationship. This allocation influences physiology, ecology, and biogeochemistry. Here, we present results on the physiological and biochemical properties of two evolutionarily distinct model marine phytoplankton, a diatom (cf. Staurosira sp. Ehrenberg) and a chlorophyte (Chlorella sp. M. Beijerinck) grown under light and nitrogen resource gradients to characterize how carbon is allocated under different energy and substrate conditions. We found that nitrogen (N)‐replete growth rate increased monotonically with light until it reached a threshold intensity (~200 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1). For Chlorella sp., the nitrogen quota (pg · μm?3) was greatest below this threshold, beyond which it was reduced by the effect of N‐stress, while for Staurosira sp. there was no trend. Both species maintained constant maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis (mol C · mol photons?1) over the range of light and N‐gradients studied (although each species used different photophysiological strategies). In both species, C:chl a (g · g?1) increased as a function of light and N‐stress, while C:N (mol · mol?1) and relative neutral lipid:C (rel. lipid · g?1) were most strongly influenced by N‐stress above the threshold light intensity. These results demonstrated that the interaction of substrate (N‐availability) and energy gradients influenced C‐allocation, and that general patterns of biochemical responses may be conserved among phytoplankton; they provided a framework for predicting phytoplankton biochemical composition in ecological, biogeochemical, or biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
1. Adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) transport marine nutrients to fresh waters and disturb sediments during spawning. The relative importance of nutrient fertilisation and benthic disturbance by salmon spawners can be modulated by environmental conditions (e.g. biological, chemical and physical conditions in the catchment, including human land use). 2. To determine the importance of the environmental context in modifying the uptake and incorporation of salmon‐derived material into stream biota, we measured the nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic composition of benthic algae (i.e. epilithon) and juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in seven streams across a timber‐harvest gradient (8–69% catchment area harvested), both before and during the salmon run. Conditional bootstrap modelling simulations were used to assess variability in the response of epilithon and juvenile coho salmon to spawning salmon. 3. In response to spawning salmon, epilithon exhibited enrichment in both δ15N (mean: 1.5‰) and δ13C (2.3‰). Juvenile coho were also enriched in both δ15N (0.7‰) and δ13C (1.4‰). Conditional bootstrap models indicate decreased variation in data as spatial replication increases, suggesting that the number of study sites can influence the results of Pacific salmon isotope studies. 4. Epilithon isotopic enrichment was predicted by environmental conditions, with δ15N enrichment predicted by stream temperature and timber harvest (R2 = 0.87) and δ13C enrichment by discharge, sediment size, timber harvest and spawner density (R2 = 0.96). Furthermore, we found evidence for a legacy effect of salmon spawners, with pre‐spawner δ15N and δ13C of both epilithon and juvenile coho predicted by salmon run size in the previous year. 5. Our results show that the degree of incorporation of salmon‐derived nitrogen and carbon differs among streams. Furthermore, the environmental context, including putative legacy effects of spawning salmon, can influence background isotopic concentrations and utilisation of salmon‐derived materials in southeast Alaska salmon streams. Future studies should consider the variation in isotopic composition of stream biota when deciding on the number of study sites and samples needed to generate meaningful results.  相似文献   
We evaluated the selection of resting sites occupied by the water opossum Chironectes minimus, between 2004 and 2010, in streams of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Fourteen radio-tracked adult (males and females) opossums used natural cavities as resting sites. Opossums selected narrow river stretches and selected their resting sites mainly according to characteristics favoring protection against adverse weather conditions. Likewise, opossums avoided disturbed habitats and established their resting sites in well-preserved riparian forest sites, selecting river sections containing a high density of trees and a high proportion of forest cover between the river banks and 50 m from the river. Besides increasing our knowledge on this species habitat selection, such findings further highlight this species’ sensitivity to human disturbance.  相似文献   
The electrical phenomena and morphing structures in the Venus flytrap have attracted researchers since the nineteenth century. We have observed that mechanical stimulation of trigger hairs on the lobes of the Venus flytrap induces electrotonic potentials in the lower leaf. Electrostimulation of electrical circuits in the Venus flytrap can induce electrotonic potentials propagating along the upper and lower leaves. The instantaneous increase or decrease in voltage of stimulating potential generates a nonlinear electrical response in plant tissues. Any electrostimulation that is not instantaneous, such as sinusoidal or triangular functions, results in linear responses in the form of small electrotonic potentials. The amplitude and sign of electrotonic potentials depend on the polarity and the amplitude of the applied voltage. Electrical stimulation of the lower leaf induces electrical signals, which resemble action potentials, in the trap between the lobes and the midrib. The trap closes if the stimulating voltage is above the threshold level of 4.4 V. Electrical responses in the Venus flytrap were analyzed and reproduced in the discrete electrical circuit. The information gained from this study can be used to elucidate the coupling of intracellular and intercellular communications in the form of electrical signals within plants.  相似文献   
Theoretical studies have demonstrated that selection will favor increased migration when fitnesses vary both temporally and spatially, but it is far from clear how pervasive those theoretical conditions are in nature. Although consumer–resource interactions are omnipresent in nature and can generate spatial and temporal variation, it is unknown even in theory whether these dynamics favor the evolution of migration. We develop a mathematical model to address whether and how migration evolves when variability in fitness is determined at least in part by consumer–resource coevolutionary interactions. Our analyses show that such interactions can drive the evolution of migration in the resource, consumer, or both species and thus supplies a general explanation for the pervasiveness of migration. Over short time scales, we show the direction of change in migration rate is determined primarily by the state of local adaptation of the species involved: rates increase when a species is locally maladapted and decrease when locally adapted. Our results reveal that long‐term evolutionary trends in migration rates can differ dramatically depending on the strength or weakness of interspecific interactions and suggest an explanation for the evolutionary divergence of migration rates among interacting species.  相似文献   
Although the potential to adapt to warmer climate is constrained by genetic trade‐offs, our understanding of how selection and mutation shape genetic (co)variances in thermal reaction norms is poor. Using 71 isofemale lines of the fly Sepsis punctum, originating from northern, central, and southern European climates, we tested for divergence in juvenile development rate across latitude at five experimental temperatures. To investigate effects of evolutionary history in different climates on standing genetic variation in reaction norms, we further compared genetic (co)variances between regions. Flies were reared on either high or low food resources to explore the role of energy acquisition in determining genetic trade‐offs between different temperatures. Although the latter had only weak effects on the strength and sign of genetic correlations, genetic architecture differed significantly between climatic regions, implying that evolution of reaction norms proceeds via different trajectories at high latitude versus low latitude in this system. Accordingly, regional genetic architecture was correlated to region‐specific differentiation. Moreover, hot development temperatures were associated with low genetic variance and stronger genetic correlations compared to cooler temperatures. We discuss the evolutionary potential of thermal reaction norms in light of their underlying genetic architectures, evolutionary histories, and the materialization of trade‐offs in natural environments.  相似文献   
张丽荣  孟锐  路国彬 《生态学报》2013,33(21):7277-7287
本文将光核桃遗传资源的经济价值划分为直接利用价值、间接利用价值和潜在利用价值,采用市场价格法、旅行费用法、防护费用法及类比分析法等方法对光核桃遗传资源的经济价值进行估算,并提出该资源保护与管理建议。光核桃遗传资源经济价值的评估,将为具有潜在巨大经济价值的生物遗传资源管理提供价值评估方法,同时为维护国家利益、制订生物多样性保护与管理政策及建立生物遗传资源惠益分享制度提供技术支持。  相似文献   
?????? 目的 从目前护理人员承担的工作量出发,探讨临床科室护理人员配置理想床护比,为医院护理人力配置提供依据。方法 以工作量测算法作为核心研究方法,采用工现场观察法对西安市某大型综合医院42个临床科室护士的工作量进行测算,并使用Excel、SPSS17.0统计软件进行公式运算和统计分析。结果 (1)临床科室护理人员的工作时间超过标准工作时间6小时;(2)所调研科室现有床护比仅为1: 0.46,缺编41.50%;(3)依据目前的工作量需要,内科病房的床护比应为1:0.62,外科病房床护比应为1:0.63,监护科室为1:2.08,平均床护比1:0.78。结论 临床科室医师人员配备亟待补充,医院应根据实际工作量进行合理测算后配置护理人员,通过工时测定提出了的理想床护比可为其他医院提供参考。  相似文献   
Indirect interactions driven by livestock and wild herbivores are increasingly recognized as important aspects of community dynamics in savannas and rangelands. Large ungulate herbivores can both directly and indirectly impact the reproductive structures of plants, which in turn can affect the pollinators of those plants. We examined how wild herbivores and cattle each indirectly affect the abundance of a common pollinator butterfly taxon, Colotis spp., at a set of long‐term, large herbivore exclosure plots in a semiarid savanna in central Kenya. We also examined effects of herbivore exclusion on the main food plant of Colotis spp., which was also the most common flowering species in our plots: the shrub Cadaba farinosa. The study was conducted in four types of experimental plots: cattle‐only, wildlife‐only, cattle and wildlife (all large herbivores), and no large herbivores. Across all plots, Colotis spp. abundances were positively correlated with both Cadaba flower numbers (adult food resources) and total Cadaba canopy area (larval food resources). Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that floral resources drove the abundance of Colotis butterflies. Excluding browsing wildlife increased the abundances of both Cadaba flowers and Colotis butterflies. However, flower numbers and Colotis spp. abundances were greater in plots with cattle herbivory than in plots that excluded all large herbivores. Our results suggest that wild browsing herbivores can suppress pollinator species whereas well‐managed cattle use may benefit important pollinators and the plants that depend on them. This study documents a novel set of ecological interactions that demonstrate how both conservation and livelihood goals can be met in a working landscape with abundant wildlife and livestock.  相似文献   
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