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空间独立成分分析实现fMRI信号的盲分离   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
独立成分分析(ICA)在功能核磁共振成像(fMRI)技术中的应用是近年来人们关注的一个热点。简要介绍了空间独立成分分析(SICA)的模型和方法,将fMRI信号分析看作是一种盲源分离问题,用快速算法实现fMRI信号的盲源分离。对fMRI信号的研究大多是在假定已知事件相关时间过程曲线的情况下,利用相关性分析得到脑的激活区域。在不清楚有哪几种因素对fMRI信号有贡献、也不清楚其时间过程曲线的情况下,用SICA可以对fMRI信号进行盲源分离,提取不同独立成分得到任务相关成分、头动成分、瞬时任务相关成分、噪声干扰、以及其它产生fMRI信号的多种源信号。  相似文献   
Recent advances in imaging techniques and understanding of differences in the molecular biology of adipose tissue has rendered classical anatomy obsolete, requiring a new classification of the topography of adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is one of the largest body compartments, yet a classification that defines specific adipose tissue depots based on their anatomic location and related functions is lacking. The absence of an accepted taxonomy poses problems for investigators studying adipose tissue topography and its functional correlates. The aim of this review was to critically examine the literature on imaging of whole body and regional adipose tissue and to create the first systematic classification of adipose tissue topography. Adipose tissue terminology was examined in over 100 original publications. Our analysis revealed inconsistencies in the use of specific definitions, especially for the compartment termed “visceral” adipose tissue. This analysis leads us to propose an updated classification of total body and regional adipose tissue, providing a well‐defined basis for correlating imaging studies of specific adipose tissue depots with molecular processes.  相似文献   
The objective of our study was to mimic in a typical reductionist approach the molecular interactions observed at the interface between the gp130 receptor and interleukin-6 during formation of their complex. A peptide system obtained by reproducing some of the interleukin-6/gp130 molecular interactions into a two-helix bundle structure was investigated. The solution conformational features of this system were determined by CD and NMR techniques. The CD titration experiments demonstrated that the interaction between the designed peptides is specific and based on a well-defined stoichiometry. The NMR data confirmed some of the structural features of the binding mechanism as predicted by the rational design and indicated that under our conditions the recognition specificity and affinity can be explained by the formation of a two-helix bundle. Thus, the data reported herein represent a promising indication on how to develop new peptides able to interfere with formation of the interleukin-6/gp130 complex.  相似文献   
Genetic relatedness among founders is a vitalparameter in the management of captivepopulations as kin structure can have asignificant effect on subsequent populationstructure. Methods for inferring relatednessfrom microsatellite markers have all beendeveloped for natural populations; theirapplicability to captive populations withunknown founder origins needs thereforetesting. We used information derived from 14microsatellites in 177 individuals and Quellerand Goodnight's approach, to estimaterelatedness in the captive bearded vulturepopulation and to test the assumption ofunrelated founders. Mean relatedness of knownparent–offspring, full-sib and half-sib pairswithin the captive population were in agreementwith theoretical distributions. Pairwiserelatedness values among the founders had amean of –0.051 (SE ± 0.007) and theirdistribution did only differ marginally fromthe one found in the natural Pyreneanpopulation. A maximum likelihood approach wasused to determine the likelihood of founderpairs to be as closely related as full-sibs orparent–offspring. These results were combinedwith data from 268 bp mitochondrial DNA controlregion sequences and studbook information. Wecould exclude a close relationship among themajority of the 36 successfully reproducingfounders. Our study therefore removesmanagement concerns about hidden problems ofinbreeding and inbreeding depression. Itdemonstrates the applicability of relatednessestimates based on microsatellite allelefrequency data even in captive populations.Furthermore, we verified studbook informationon the origin of two founders from thePyrenees, and show the value of assignmenttests based on microsatellites for deducingfounder origins and their important role infuture monitoring projects.  相似文献   
A quantum mechanics (QM)/molecular mechanics (MM) hybrid method was applied to the Pr state of the cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1 to calculate the Raman spectra of the bound PCB cofactor. Two QM/MM models were derived from the atomic coordinates of the crystal structure. The models differed in the protonation site of His260 in the chromophore-binding pocket such that either the δ-nitrogen (M-HSD) or the ɛ-nitrogen (M-HSE) carried a hydrogen. The optimized structures of the two models display small differences specifically in the orientation of His260 with respect to the PCB cofactor and the hydrogen bond network at the cofactor-binding site. For both models, the calculated Raman spectra of the cofactor reveal a good overall agreement with the experimental resonance Raman (RR) spectra obtained from Cph1 in the crystalline state and in solution, including Cph1 adducts with isotopically labeled PCB. However, a distinctly better reproduction of important details in the experimental spectra is provided by the M-HSD model, which therefore may represent an improved structure of the cofactor site. Thus, QM/MM calculations of chromoproteins may allow for refining crystal structure models in the chromophore-binding pocket guided by the comparison with experimental RR spectra. Analysis of the calculated and experimental spectra also allowed us to identify and assign the modes that sensitively respond to chromophore-protein interactions. The most pronounced effect was noted for the stretching mode of the methine bridge A-B adjacent to the covalent attachment site of PCB. Due a distinct narrowing of the A-B methine bridge bond angle, this mode undergoes a large frequency upshift as compared with the spectrum obtained by QM calculations for the chromophore in vacuo. This protein-induced distortion of the PCB geometry is the main origin of a previous erroneous interpretation of the RR spectra based on QM calculations of the isolated cofactor.Abbreviations: Agp1, phytochrome from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; α-CPC, α-subunit of C-phycocyanin; BV, biliverdin IXα; B3LYP, three-parameter exchange functional according to Becke, Lee, Yang, and Parr; DFT, density functional theory; DrBphP, phytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans; GAF, domain found in cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases; MM, molecular mechanics; MD, molecular dynamics; N-H ip, N-H in-plane bending; PCB, phycocyanobilin; PED, potential energy distribution; phyA, plant phytochrome; Pr, Pfr, red- and far-red absorbing parent states of phytochrome; PΦB, phytochromobilin; QM, quantum mechanics; RMSD, root mean-square deviation; RR, resonance Raman  相似文献   
PELDOR spectroscopy was exploited to study the self-assembled super-structure of the [Glu(OMe)7,18,19]alamethicin molecules in vesicular membranes at peptide to lipid molar ratios in the range of 1:70-1:200. The peptide molecules were site-specifically labeled with TOAC electron spins. From the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction between the nitroxides of the monolabeled constituents and the PELDOR decay patterns measured at 77 K, intermolecular-distance distribution functions were obtained and the number of aggregated molecules (n ≈ 4) was estimated. The distance distribution functions exhibit a similar maximum at 2.3 nm. In contrast to Alm16, for Alm1 and Alm8 additional maxima were recorded at 3.2 and ∼5.2 nm. From ESEEM experiments and based on the membrane polarity profiles, the penetration depths of the different spin-labeled positions into the membrane were qualitatively estimated. It was found that the water accessibility of the spin-labels follows the order TOAC-1 > TOAC-8 ≈ TOAC-16. The geometric data obtained are discussed in terms of a penknife molecular model. At least two peptide chains are aligned parallel and eight ester groups of the polar Glu(OMe)18,19 residues are suggested to stabilize the self-aggregate superstructure.  相似文献   
The oligo-acyl-lysyl, C12(ω7)K-β12, is comprised of only three Lys residues. Despite its small size, it exhibits potent bacteriostatic activity against Gram-positive bacteria, but it is ∼10-fold less potent against Gram-negative bacteria. We followed the interactions of C12(ω7)K-β12 from its initial contact with the bacterial surface across the cell wall down to the cytoplasmic membrane. Binding to anionic lipids, as well as to negatively charged LPS and LTA, occurs with very high affinity. The C12(ω7)K-β12 does not cross the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria; rather, it achieves its action by depositing on the LPS layer, promoting surface adhesion and blocking passage of solutes. In Gram-positive bacteria, the thick peptidoglycan layer containing LTA allows passage of C12(ω7)K-β12 and promotes its accumulation in the small periplasm. From that location it is then driven to the membrane by strong electrostatic interactions. Despite its high potency against Gram-positive bacteria, this agent is not capable of efficiently breaking down the permeability barrier of the cytoplasmic membrane or of reaching an intracellular target, as suggested by the fact that it does not interact with DNA.  相似文献   
The feasibility of dissolved‐core alginate‐templated fluorescent microspheres as “smart tattoo” glucose biosensors was investigated in simulated interstitial fluid (SIF). The sensor works on the principle of competitive binding and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. The sensor consists of multilayer thin film coated alginate microspheres incorporating dye‐labeled glucose receptor and competing ligand within the partially dissolved alginate core. In this study, different approaches for the sensing and detection chemistry were studied, and the response of encapsulated reagents was compared with the solution‐phase counterparts. The glucose sensitivity of the encapsulated TRITC‐Con A/FITC‐dextran (500 kDa) assay in DI water was estimated to be 0.26%/mM glucose while that in SIF was observed to be 0.3%/mM glucose. The glucose sensitivity of TRITC‐apo‐GOx/FITC‐dextran (500 kDa) assay was estimated to be 0.33%/mM glucose in DI water and 0.5%/mM glucose in SIF and both demonstrated a response in the range of 0–50 mM glucose. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the calcium ion concentration outside the microsphere (in the SIF) does not interfere with the response sensitivity. The sensor response was observed to exhibit a maximum response time of 120 s. The system further exhibited a sensitivity of 0.94%/mM glucose with a response in range of 0–50 mM glucose, using near‐infrared dyes (Alexa Fluor‐647‐labeled dextran as donor and QSY‐21‐conjugated apo‐GOx as acceptor), thereby making the sensor more amenable to in vivo use, when implanted in scattering tissue. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 1075–1085. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Solid-support based assays offer several advantages that are not normally available in solution. Enzymes that are anchored on gold surfaces can interact with several different molecules, opening the way to high throughput array format based assays. In this scenario, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and mass spectrometry (MS) investigations have often been applied to analyze the interaction between immobilized enzyme and its substrate molecules in a tag-free environment. Here, we propose a SPR-MS combined experimental approach aimed at studying insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) immobilized onto gold surfaces and its ability to interact with insulin. The latter is delivered by a microfluidic system to the IDE functionalized surface and the activity of the immobilized enzyme is verified by atmospheric pressure/matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (AP/MALDI) MS analysis. The SPR experiments allow the calculation of the kinetic constants involved for the interaction between immobilized IDE and insulin molecules and evidence of IDE conformational change upon insulin binding is also obtained.  相似文献   
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