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目的:探讨共振喇曼光谱技术用于早期恶性肿瘤诊断的研究。方法:利用氩离子激光作为线偏振光的特点,采集偏振荧光光谱,对荧光光谱的偏振态进行分析。利用不同荧光物质的荧光可能具有不同偏振态的特点减少其它荧光物质的荧光对光谱分析的影响。血清样品产生的荧光也具有确定的偏振性。对所检测病人血清经激光分析仪进行喇曼光谱技术分析,光谱数据经计算机软件处理,自动显示图谱和数据,并直接给出各项指标及诊断提示。本结果与细胞病理学结果进行了对照研究。结果:恶性肿瘤样本176例,检测出阳性病例141例,阳性符合率为80.1%;良性肿瘤样本52例,4例阳性,假阳性率为7.7%;正常体检样本248例,检测结果均为阴性。结论:喇曼光谱技术适用于肿瘤初筛、普查及早期诊断,有推广应用前途。  相似文献   
Jang do S  Lee HJ  Lee B  Hong BH  Cha HJ  Yoon J  Lim K  Yoon YJ  Kim J  Ree M  Lee HC  Choi KY 《FEBS letters》2006,580(17):4166-4171
Failure to detect the intermediate in spite of its existence often leads to the conclusion that two-state transition in the unfolding process of the protein can be justified. In contrast to the previous equilibrium unfolding experiment fitted to a two-state model by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies, an equilibrium unfolding intermediate of a dimeric ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) could be detected by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and analytical ultracentrifugation. The sizes of KSI were determined to be 18.7A in 0M urea, 17.3A in 5.2M urea, and 25.1A in 7M urea by SAXS. The size of KSI in 5.2M urea was significantly decreased compared with those in 0M and 7M urea, suggesting the existence of a compact intermediate. Sedimentation velocity as obtained by ultracentrifugation confirmed that KSI in 5.2M urea is distinctly different from native and fully-unfolded forms. The sizes measured by pulse field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were consistent with those obtained by SAXS. Discrepancy of equilibrium unfolding studies between size measurement methods and optical spectroscopies might be due to the failure in detecting the intermediate by optical spectroscopic methods. Further characterization of the intermediate using (1)H NMR spectroscopy and Kratky plot supported the existence of a partially-folded form of KSI which is distinct from those of native and fully-unfolded KSIs. Taken together, our results suggest that the formation of a compact intermediate should precede the association of monomers prior to the dimerization process during the folding of KSI.  相似文献   
In the case of most optical imaging methods, contrast is generated either by physical properties of the sample (Differential Image Contrast, Phase Contrast), or by fluorescent labels that are localized to a particular protein or organelle. Standard Raman and infrared methods for obtaining images are based upon the intrinsic vibrational properties of molecules, and thus obviate the need for attached fluorophores. Unfortunately, they have significant limitations for live-cell imaging. However, an active Raman method, called Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS), is well suited for microscopy, and provides a new means for imaging specific molecules. Vibrational imaging techniques, such as CARS, avoid problems associated with photobleaching and photo-induced toxicity often associated with the use of fluorescent labels with live cells. Because the laser configuration needed to implement CARS technology is similar to that used in other multiphoton microscopy methods, such as two-photon fluorescence and harmonic generation, it is possible to combine imaging modalities, thus generating simultaneous CARS and fluorescence images. A particularly powerful aspect of CARS microscopy is its ability to selectively image deuterated compounds, thus allowing the visualization of molecules, such as lipids, that are chemically indistinguishable from the native species.  相似文献   
Two possible reasons for the structural alterations of cell membranes caused by free radicals are lipid peroxidation and an increase in the intracellular calcium ion concentration. To characterize the alterations in membrane molecular dynamics caused by oxygen-derived free radicals and calcium, human erythrocytes were spin-labeled with 5-doxyl stearic acid, and alterations in membrane fluidity were quantified by electron spin resonance oxidase (0.07 U/mL) decreased membrane fluidity, and the addition of superoxide dismutase and catalase inhibited the effect on membrane fluidity of the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase system. Hydrogen peroxide (0.1 and 1 nM) also decreased membrane fluidity and caused alterations to erythrocyte morphology. In addition, a decrease in membrane fluidity was observed in erythrocytes incubated with 2.8 mM CaCl2. On the other hand, incubation of erythrocytes with calcium-free solution decreased the changes in membrane fluidity caused by hydrogen peroxide.

These results suggest that changes in membrane fluidity are directly due to lipid peroxidation and are indirectly the result of increased intracellular calcium concentration. We support the hypothesis that alterations of the biophysical properties of membranes caused by free radicals play an important role in cell injury, and that the accumulation of calcium amplifies the damge to membranes weakened by free radicals.  相似文献   



HIV-1 matrix protein p17 variants (vp17s) detected in HIV-1-infected patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (HIV-NHL) display, differently from the wild-type protein (refp17), B cell growth-promoting activity. Biophysical analysis revealed that vp17s are destabilized as compared to refp17, motivating us to explore structure-function relationships.


We used: biophysical techniques (circular dichroism (CD), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and thermal/GuHCL denaturation) to study protein conformation and stability; Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to study interactions; Western blot to investigate signaling pathways; and Colony Formation and Soft Agar assays to study B cell proliferation and clonogenicity.


By forcing the formation of a disulfide bridge between Cys residues at positions 57 and 87 we obtained a destabilized p17 capable of promoting B cell proliferation. This finding prompted us to dissect refp17 to identify the functional epitope. A synthetic peptide (F1) spanning from amino acid (aa) 2 to 21 was found to activate Akt and promote B cell proliferation and clonogenicity. Three positively charged aa (Arg15, Lys18 and Arg20) proved critical for sustaining the proliferative activity of both F1 and HIV-NHL-derived vp17s. Lack of any interaction of F1 with the known refp17 receptors suggests an alternate one involved in cell proliferation.


The molecular reasons for the proliferative activity of vp17s, compared to refp17, relies on the exposure of a functional epitope capable of activating Akt.

General significance

Our findings pave the way for identifying the receptor(s) responsible for B cell proliferation and offer new opportunities to identify novel treatment strategies in combating HIV-related NHL.  相似文献   
利他性惩罚广泛存在于人类社会中,在群体合作与规范维护方面起着重要的积极作用.个体作为潜在的惩罚者,从知觉到不公平事件到做出惩罚行为,需要经过一系列的认知和情绪过程,包括公平判断、奖赏加工、自我控制以及心理化等过程,并且调用相应的神经生理机制.认知神经科学为理解人类的利他性惩罚行为提供了新的视角和方法.本文基于最新的研究发现,综述了利他性惩罚相关的神经生理基础.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨磁共振成像在剖宫产术后瘢痕妊娠(cesarean scar pregnancy,CSP)诊疗路径中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析24例经手术和(或)病理证实为瘢痕妊娠的孕妇临床和影像检查资料,记录MRI上妊娠囊位置、大小、T1、T2信号强度、妊娠囊类型、妊娠囊与子宫前壁下段肌层及膀胱的关系,分析MR特征对临床诊疗路径的应用价值。结果:24例妊娠囊均位于子宫下段,为圆形或卵圆形,11例妊娠囊为单纯囊性,12例妊娠囊为混杂包块型,1例因清宫术后行MR,未见明确妊娠囊,仅见子宫下段混杂信号。10例妊娠囊附着处子宫肌厚度不可测量,余14例妊娠囊附着处子宫肌厚度约0.9~5.0 mm,平均2.5±1.1 mm。据此,CSP分型为I型5例,II型7例,III型12例。结论:MRI能较好的评估CSP, 在CSP诊疗路径中的应用价值较大。  相似文献   
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