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中国天然草地植被生长气象条件评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱拴  毛留喜  张艳红 《生态学杂志》2007,26(9):1499-1504
应用模糊数学方法,构造了影响中国天然草地植被生长的光、温、水函数;通过光、温、水评价结果之间的"与"运算,建立了天然草地植被生长气象条件综合评价模型;采用积分方法,反映草地植被任意时段气象条件的时间累积影响效应;通过气象条件指数的年际对比,评价草地植被生长气象条件的优劣;最后,利用上述模型计算了2005年和2006年中国天然草地植被月、季以及主要生长期气象条件指数,并进行了对比分析、应用和效果检验。结果表明,2年不同时间尺度的气象条件指数对比结果能够客观地反映2006年中国天然草地植被生长气象条件的优劣分布,与实际产草量、株高的对比结果基本一致,应用效果较好。  相似文献   
外来种互花米草入侵模式与爆发机制   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel)因其促淤造陆和消浪护堤作用显著而被许多国家引种,如今却在侵入地快速蔓延并呈现爆发趋势,对生态系统造成了极大危害,被认为是研究生物入侵生态学和遗传学的模式植物。从种群的入侵力、生态系统可入侵性和入侵通道3个方面探讨互花米草的爆发机制,研究结果表明高遗传分化和基因渗入能力是互花米草爆发的遗传基础,对逆境的高抗性和强竞争力是其快速扩张的保障,而高繁殖系数是互花米草爆发的源泉。我国互花米草种群的早期扩散人为影响超过了自然过程,快速扩张呈现出点源扩散和多点爆发的特点,从而为其种群控制带来困难,同时种子的跳跃式和连续式扩散在互花米草种群维持、更新和爆发中有重要作用,强有力的克隆生长能力也为互花米草种群的连续扩张提供了保障。现阶段要完全控制和根除互花米草是不实际的,但在及时预测预警的基础上,应用成本一效益分析方法,采取有序控制和综合开发利用的策略,仍可望妥善解决互花米草入侵所带来的负面效应。  相似文献   
蚜虫种群时空分布动态模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李丹  赵惠燕  胡想顺 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4986-4992
种群空间格局是昆虫种群的重要属性,是为害虫防治提供动态信息的重要前提。关于种群空间格局的时空动态,前人曾建立了富立叶模型和有阻尼自由震荡模型,但忽略了生境资源和空间资源的限制,不能很好地描述昆虫种群在自然界摆布状况的动态行为。因此,在前人研究的基础上,根据蚜虫在自然界的聚集扩散行为逐步建立了描述蚜虫种群聚集扩散规律的变幅、变周期时空分布动态模型,即:y=Ae-nt[sin(w0emtt+φ)+b]+c,并应用该模型对麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae Fabricius)、麦二叉蚜(Schizaphis graminum Rondani)、禾缢管蚜(Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus)和玉米蚜(Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch)的实验数据进行了拟合。结果表明,麦蚜种群和玉米蚜种群呈现出不同的规律,3种麦蚜均为减幅减周期的变化趋势,玉米蚜则表现为减幅增周期的变化趋势。此外,该模型的拟合效果较好(R20.942,SSE2.6)、生物意义明确,不仅可用于描述蚜虫以及蚜虫以外的其他昆虫和螨类种群的时空动态,还可准确描述不同年龄阶段和不同空间位置上种群的动态,具有普遍适用性。应用该模型考察不同种蚜虫在同一作物上的竞争情况和蚜虫与其天敌的空间分布动态,可为害虫的综合防治奠定基础;对不同小麦抗性品种上同一种蚜虫的聚集扩散行为进行刻画、分析,还可为小麦的抗性育种提供参考依据。  相似文献   
To assess the indica-japonica differentiation of improved rice varieties, a total of 512 modem varieties including 301 indica and 211 japonica accessions were analyzed using 36 microsatellites. The Fst coefficients ranged from 0.002 to 0.730 among the loci with an average of 0.315. Significant differentiation was detected at 94.4% of the loci studied (P 〈 0.05, pairwise Fst tests), indicating that there was a high level of indica-japonica differentiation within the improved varieties. At 18 loci, about 74%-98% of the alleles of indica and japonica accessions were distributed in two ranges of amplicon length. Linkage disequilibrium analysis showed that the distribution trends were significantly nonrandomly associated. Using the differentiation trends at the 18 loci, microsatellite index (MI) was proposed for discrimination of the two subspecies. When rice accessions with MI value greater than zero were classified as indica, and those with MI value smaller than zero were classified as japonica, about 96.1% of the accessions could be classified. This result agrees with the classification based on morphological-physiological characters, indicating that this method is feasible and effective.  相似文献   
目的 通过历史流量数据及流量监测系统,对医院门诊流量情况进行分析,为门诊人力资源合理分配提供依据。 方法 应用时间序列数据季节指数分析法对医院历史门诊流量数据按月份、周和每日不同时间段流量进行分析,并对流量监测系统的历史数据进行统计分析。 结果 门诊流量3、5、7、11、12月份较大,1、2月份较少;一周中周一至周三流量较大,周四、周五流量较少;一天中早上8:00~10:00流量较大,呈明显就诊高峰,下午14:00~16:00为就诊低峰。 结论 医院门诊流量在一年的不同月份、每周的不同天次、每日的不同时间段都有不同的变化规律。  相似文献   
本文以合肥地区水稻为例,探讨了作物最高理论产量的计算方法,即首先根据“FAO”农业生态带理论,计算出作物光温生产力指数,再根据当地的气候(主要是水分状况)对作物的光温生产力指数进行订正,从而求出作物的最高理论产量。  相似文献   
根据系统保种理论有关保种和选择可以相互结合的观点,本文提出了保种-选择指数的概念、导出了适于各种资料条件和各种保种与选择目的的通用保种-选择指数公式、并探讨了该公式在几种特殊情况下的形式,为国内大量地方品种保种选育提供了必要的理论和方法。  相似文献   

In Portugal, the European clam (Ruditapes decussatus) is an important commercial resource. Óbidos Lagoon is a strong candidate as a cultivation area to increase European clam exploitation. However, the reproductive biology of this population has not been described. In this work, the reproductive cycle of R. decussatus was characterized by determining gonadal development stages, gonad index, condition index, and biochemical composition. The relationship between reproduction and environmental parameters (sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a, and particulate organic matter) was assessed. Ruditapes decussatus had an annual reproductive cycle. The gametogenic cycle started in late winter, and the ripe stage in spring was followed by spawning that began at the end of spring/early summer and extended until early autumn. The subsequent period of sexual rest occurred during the winter. Condition index showed seasonal variations related to food availability (chlorophyll a). The European clams in Óbidos Lagoon recovered rapidly after their reproductive period, most likely owing to the availability of food. This study will help to improve sustainable management of this wild stock and is important for future aquaculture development of this species.  相似文献   
Abstract. This paper describes the successional status of the vegetation in a clear‐felled dry oak woodland at the edge of the Hungarian forest‐steppe zone on the basis of a vegetation map. Due to a varied geomorphology of the colline landscape several so‐called landscape units can be distinguished. The patchwork on the vegetation map is evaluated using several, morphology‐based attributes (static morphological indices) traditionally applied in landscape ecology. In the ca. 100 years that elapsed since forest clear‐cut, xeric grassland species and steppe elements became more abundant and the former xeromesophilous vegetation – containing even some woodland components – is slowly turning into xeric grassland communities. The vegetation units mapped can be arranged into a hypothetical succession scheme in which successional distances (the number of steps between two stages) are determined. Based on the distances thus obtained, a new dynamic morphological index is introduced. This is applied to each landscape unit for the dynamic evaluation of successional vegetation, its results being compared with those obtained by static morphological indices.  相似文献   
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