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Battery storage systems (BSSs) are popular as a means to increase the self-consumption rates of residential photovoltaics. However, their environmental impact is under discussion, given the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the production and the efficiency losses during operation. Against this background, we carry out a holistic environmental assessment of residential BSSs by combining a partial life cycle assessment for the production phase with a detailed simulation of 162 individual German households for the operational phase. As regards the production phase, we only find small differences between the carbon footprints of different cell chemistries. Moreover, we can show that the balance of plant components have a comparable impact on the global warming potential as the cell modules. In terms of the operational phase, our simulations show that BSSs can compensate at least parts of their efficiency losses by shifting electricity demand from high-emission to low-emission periods. Under certain conditions, the operational phase of the BSSs can even overcompensate the emissions from the production phase and lead to a positive environmental impact over the lifetime of the systems. As the most relevant drivers, we find the exact emissions at the production stage, the individual household load patterns, the system efficiency, and the applied operational strategy.  相似文献   
Climate change, world population growth and industrialization have placed considerable stress on the local availability of water resources. Considering that most of the world's population currently resides in cities, this issue has particular relevance in an urban environment. One of the methods that is recognized to support better water management is water footprint accounting. However, due to the requirement of large amounts of data and their limited availability, applications of this method at an urban scale use national or regional water use data. The goal of this study is to develop a methodological proposal to assess the water footprint accounting of direct water use at an urban level to support the local management of water resources by using local data, by adopting a bottom-up approach and by verifying its applicability in a real case study. The water footprint accounting approach was modified by adopting a modular approach in the definition of boundaries and by adapting the blue, green and gray water footprint accounting formulations. The proposed method was successfully tested in the municipality of Vicenza (north east Italy) and provided interesting responses in terms of water management. Herein, we also discuss the latest developments in impact assessments related to water based on a life cycle assessment, which should be used as a framework for the future development of the model that is presented.  相似文献   
To reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in housing construction, the energy-intensive processes and life-cycle stages should be identified and integrated. The environmental impact of vertically integrated factory-built homes (VIHs) constructed with increased material inputs in Japan's northern island of Hokkaido was assessed using life-cycle inventory (LCI) analysis methods. Manufacturing process energy and CO2 intensities of the homes were evaluated based on the material inputs. They were compared with those of a counterpart home hypothetically built using the vertically integrated construction methods, but in accordance with the specifications of a less material-intensive conventional home (CH) in Hokkaido today. Cumulative household energy consumption and CO2 emissions were evaluated and compared with those of the production stages. The annual household energy consumption was compared among a VIH, a CH, and an average home in Hokkaido. The energy intensity of the VIH was 3.9 GJ production energy per m2 of floor area, 59% higher than that of the CH. Net CO2 emissions during VIH manufacturing processes were 293 kg/m2, after discounting the carbon fixation during tree growth. The cumulative use-phase household energy consumption and CO2 emissions of a VIH will exceed energy consumption and CO2 emissions during the initial production stage in less than six years. Although VIHs housed 21% more residents on average, the energy consumption per m2 was 17% lower than that of a CH. This may indicate that using more materials initially can lead to better energy efficiency.  相似文献   
The need to optimise the performance of buildings has increased consequently due to the expansive supply of facilities in higher education building (HEB). Hence, a proper performance assessment as a proactive measure may help university building in achieving performance optimization. However, the current maintenance programs or performance evaluation in the HEB is a systemic and cyclic process where maintenance is considered as an operational issue and not as opposed to a strategic issue. Hence, this paper proposed a Building Performance Risk Rating Tool (BPRT) as an improved measure for building performance evaluation by addressing the users' risk in health and safety aspects. The BPRT was developed from the result of a rating index using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. A total of 12 facilities management (FM) experts and practitioners were involved in the rating process. The subjective weightings were analysed by using the AHP computer software programme, the Expert Choice 11. The result of the AHP had successfully assigned weighting scores to all performance-risk indicators, with five indicators ranked as the most critical indicators; structural stability (14.9%), fire prevention services (9.1%), building-related illnesses (7.4%), emergency exits (6.8%), and electrical services (6.3%). The final indication to the assessed building using the BPRT provided a rating classification in terms of the following: “Excellent”, “Good”, “Medium”, “Low”, or “Poor”, which suggested further actions to improve the performance of the building, as well as to mitigate the users’ health and safety risks. Hence, the establishment of the BPRT was successfully employed as an aid of improvement towards the current performance assessment of HEB by emerging the concept of building performance and risk into a numerical strategic approach.  相似文献   
The increase in global warming, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions has gained attention in various regions. In Malaysia, the government announced a voluntary commitment to reduce 40% of CO2 emissions by 2020 and to refurbish 100 government buildings. Existing buildings make a large contribution to energy consumption and CO2 emissions, therefore refurbishing existing buildings is an essential strategy to achieve the commitment. There is no single assessment scheme for building refurbishment in Malaysia and hence, this study aims to develop a comprehensive list of assessment themes and sub-themes for building refurbishment purposes. It examines and compares 10 assessment schemes from various countries: BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, BEAM Plus, GBLS, Green Star, HQE, Green Mark, GBI and MyCrest. The findings revealed fourteen themes that were considered for assessment: management, sustainable site, transport, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), water, waste, material, energy, pollution, innovation, economic, social, culture and quality of services. Energy and IEQ are dominant themes in all assessment schemes. Most of the schemes are considered relatively weak in evaluating economic and social aspects, in comparison to environmental aspects. The assessment of quality of services is overlooked in most of the schemes, including GBI and MyCrest in Malaysia. Outcomes from this paper will form the baseline for a new environmental assessment scheme that aimed at non-domestic building refurbishments in Malaysia. A new model is proposed for the development of an environmental assessment scheme in the further stage.  相似文献   
Baits including 0.1% of ethyl 2-(4-((1,4-dioxaspiro [4.5]dec-6-yl) methyl) phenoxy) ethylcarbamate were applied in two buildings containing 46 apartments with various degrees of infestation of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.). During a yearly experiment, generally 8 baits were placed in each apartment and replenished monthly at which time cockroach population density, demographic structure, and percentage of morphologically deformed adults were determined from specimens captured by stickytrap sampling. Initial growth of the cockroach population observed during the first two months after deposition of the baits was followed by an asymptotical decrease. Only 2.5% of the initial population remained at the end of the experiment. Although adults with twisted wings (sterile) constituted only 70% of the total adult catches, the decrease of the nymph/adult ratio from 2.9 to 0.7 indicated a far more profound inhibitory effect on cockroach reproduction. This study shows that baits might be an efficient alternative to juvenoid formulations currently in use for control of the German cockroach.  相似文献   
北京市居住区林木健康评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了揭示北京市居住区林木健康变化特征及影响因素,提供北京市居住区林木健康经营对策。对北京市85个居住区林木进行健康特征调查,在建立林木健康评价模型评价林木健康状况的基础上,采用方差分析法和多重比较法分析不同类型居住区林木健康差异。结果表明:不同类型居住区林木健康指标差异显著(P0.05),各指标变化规律不完全一致;不同类型居住区地表覆盖情况、光污染程度、树干倾斜度、栽植截干、树势、冠形、干形等方面普遍较差。北京市居住区林木健康指数在0.60—0.80之间,健康等级呈现右偏正态分布特点,健康林木比例为3. 65%,亚健康林木(56. 07%)最多,其次是中等健康林木(36.68%),不健康林木有3.50%,濒死林木仅占0.10%。居住区林木健康指数在不同区域和不同来源间差异不显著(P0.05),在不同时期间差异显著(P0.05),健康指数大小分别为:三—四环=四—五环五—六环二环内=二—三环;福利房商品房保障房;2009—2013年2003—2008年=1998—2002年=1991—1997年1956—1990年。北京市居住区林木生长处于亚健康状态,潜在影响因子如地表覆盖情况、光污染程度、树干倾斜度等指标是限制北京市居住区林木生长的重要因子。适当减小夜间照明影响、增加有机地表覆盖、避免过度的修枝截干和加强林木养护管理是当前北京市居住区林木健康生长的保障。  相似文献   
梁胜  陈存友  胡希军  张伟  刘路云 《生态学报》2022,42(9):3759-3770
城市湖泊对于缓解调节城市热岛效应具有重要意义,目前湖滨建筑空间形态对城市湖泊的降温潜力影响作用仍不明晰。以长沙市梅溪湖及周边区域为研究对象,采用实测与CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)数值模拟相结合的方式验证了湖泊的热缓释效应规律,重点探讨了建筑后退湖岸距离、环湖建筑围合程度、临湖建筑高度对高密度建成区湖泊热缓释效应的影响。结果表明:(1)研究所用CFD计算模型对再现高密度建成区湖泊缓释效应的强度和影响范围具有较强的拟合优度,可以有效地作为湖泊水体降温潜力的评价工具,梅溪湖对其下风向550 m范围内的热缓释作用显著。(2)优化湖滨建筑空间形态对于湖泊下风向区域的热缓释作用影响最为明显,最大降温幅度达1.86℃,对湖泊下风向的最大缓释距离可达622 m范围内。(3)不同湖滨建筑空间形态下的湖泊热缓释效能存在差异,其中降低建筑高度和缩小环湖建筑围合程度对湖泊热缓释的积极影响强于增大建筑后退湖岸距离。结论能够加深对城市湖泊水体热缓释效应的认识,有助于规划设计者从整体热环境感知的角度规划建设城市湖滨空间,使得城市湖泊水体的生态效益得到最大优化。  相似文献   
作为居住区绿地景观重要的组成要素,公共活动空间是居民最为频繁使用的空间,对提高绿地生态系统文化服务,改善人居环境与提高居民健康具有重要意义。基于居民休闲娱乐文化感知,探讨居住区绿地公共活动空间的景感生态学效应,揭示多功能绿地景观对生态系统文化服务和景感营造的影响,可为居住区绿地的景观规划与设计提供重要的参考依据。以郑州市26个居住小区80个公共活动空间为研究对象,结合景感生态学理念,基于小区绿地公共活动空间的景感特征(植被覆盖、基础设施、遮荫率、管理水平、公共活动空间面积与类型)以及内部居民休闲娱乐文化活动特征的调查分析,探讨了城市居住区绿地公共活动空间的景感效应对绿地生态系统文化服务的影响。结果表明:(1)小区绿地不同类型公共活动空间提供的景感效应存在显著差异,水体的自然属性使其景感效应更丰富,文化服务价值最高。(2)小区绿地公共活动空间面积越大,居民的心理感知越强,景感体验越丰富,文化服务价值越高,增加公共活动空间面积是构建多功能绿地景观的直接通道。(3)公共活动空间的植被覆盖营造的视感与遮荫率营造的风感生态学效应较为显著,而基础设施的触感与清洁度的视感并未存在显著影响。(4)结合小区社会经济数据的多元回归分析结果表明,由公共活动空间面积营造的多样化景感对居民活动量的贡献最大,其次为公共活动空间的类型与小区户数。运用景感生态学理论和景感营造原则,在有限的空间内通过景观设计实现了景感载体化,改善和增加了绿地生态系统服务,能够缓解城市绿地的不公平性。未来城市居住区特别是高密度居住区应尽可能设置大面积的具有多功能特征的公共活动空间,而低密度居住区在绿地面积充足的前提下,可设置大面积自然水体和增设多类型的公共活动空间,以提高景感效应。  相似文献   
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