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马尾松二代无性系种子园子代父本分析及花粉散布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前国内较早建立的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)二代种子园正陆续进入正常开花结实期。研究马尾松二代种子园花粉散布和自由授粉子代的父本组成, 可为生产上指导马尾松高世代种子园的规划设计和遗传管理提供理论依据。该文利用筛选的11对SSR引物, 对马尾松二代无性系种子园内8个无性系单株的320个自由授粉子代和48个候选父本进行了扩增, 并采用最大似然法对子代进行父本分析。结果表明: 11个位点共检测到61个等位基因, 每个位点的等位基因数在2-11之间, 平均为5.55个。试验亲本和子代群体的总平均观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)及多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.428、0.433和0.387。在80%的可信度水平下可为232 (72.50%)个子代确定其父本。平均每个采种母树与19个父本产生子代。在自由授粉状态下, 马尾松二代种子园自交率为1.72%, 自交现象很弱, 其交配方式以异交为主。绝大多数亲本无性系的雄性繁殖适合度在1.00%-4.00%之间, 候选父本平均繁殖适合度为2.17%, 平均形成5个后代。马尾松有效花粉的散布距离和固定交配距离的父本繁殖适合度均符合正态分布, 两者呈极显著负相关, 其主要散布距离集中在0-100 m, 而检测到的最大散布距离为192 m。种子园花粉污染率较低, 仅为4.06%。总体看来, 树冠南面子代亲本交配距离较北面有增加的趋势, 但树冠南、北面子代父本组成数并未表现明显的规律。  相似文献   
智利小植绥螨密度对朱砂叶螨产卵能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
智利小植绥螨是朱砂叶螨的专性捕食者。本研究在室内,研究了智利小植绥螨密度对朱砂叶螨存活及生殖的影响。智利小植绥螨对朱砂叶螨存活干扰结果表明:干扰后24 h各处理朱砂叶螨的死亡率均显著高于对照,且死亡率随干扰密度增大而提高,10头捕食螨/叶碟处理高达76.67%,为对照处理的14.38倍。但是干扰48 h后对叶螨存活影响不大。对朱砂叶螨产卵干扰结果表明:干扰后各时间段朱砂叶螨单雌产卵量均随智利小植绥螨干扰密度的增加而降低。干扰24 h后,除1头捕食螨/叶碟处理与对照差异不显著外,其他各处理均与对照有显著差异。干扰48 h后,10头捕食螨/叶碟处理的叶螨单头产卵量是2.80粒,仅为对照的28.5%。但是干扰96h后,除10头捕食螨/叶碟处理与对照差异显著外,其余各处理与对照均差异不显著。本研究还分析了干扰对96 h内朱砂叶螨单雌总产卵量影响,处理5头/叶碟和10头/叶碟均显著低于对照,并且10头/叶碟显著低于5头/叶碟;1头/叶碟和3头/叶碟与对照相当,但是均显著高于10头/叶碟。结果显示,智利小植绥螨密度对朱砂叶螨有较强的生殖干扰作用,并且捕食螨密度越大,干扰作用越强,后代增殖潜能越小。  相似文献   
海房沟异羽叶的新联合(Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) comb. nov.)是辽西和内蒙古东部中侏罗统海房沟组一种特有的本内苏铁类植物.仅发现一块标本(正、反面印痕).标本上保存3枚营养羽叶,它们同几个苞片状的小叶和一些小孢子叶联合在一起,但球果的雌蕊群部分未被保存.标本被收集于内蒙古东部的宁城县山头乡道虎村附近,产于中侏罗统海房沟组.以往在辽西葫芦岛市的南票和白马石乡上三角城等地的同一层位中也曾发现过很多分散保存的苞片状小叶和相似的小孢子叶.它们最初被潘广(1983)认为是一种双子叶的半被子植物(Cycadicotis),并将小孢子叶视为"具皱纹的雌性种囊".后来,又经Kimura等(1994)详细研究,因未找到任何与被子植物有关的证据,将它们归入一个分类位置不明的形态属Pankuangia,并被描述在P. haifanggouensis种名之下.研究结果表明,本文中被研究的标本是同本内苏铁类的Anomozamites异羽叶相连,从而为这些分散保存的生殖器官的确切分类位置的确定提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   
催乳素受体基因与羊驼繁殖性能关系的初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过氯仿/异戊醇法制备羊驼血液基因组DNA,采用PCR方法首次扩增出羊驼催乳素受体基因(prolactin receptor gene,PRLR)exon8-exon9序列(GenBank登录号为DQ198164),该片段长度为622bp。通过NCBI blast(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/)比较,结果表明:该序列包括exon8的82bp、intron8全序列472bp和exon9的68bp。同源性比较发现,羊驼PRLR基因exon8和exon9核苷酸序列与其它哺乳动物的相应区域的同源性特高,均≥92%;同时还发现羊驼exon8引物后第19个碱基为G,而其它哺乳动物(猪除外)均为A,猪则是在羊驼exon8引物后的第34个碱基处由G变为A,通过推导氨基酸序列分析发现,这种单碱基的突变使得羊驼与其它哺乳动物相比,该处的氨基酸由亮氨酸取代了异亮氨酸;在羊驼exon9引物前第22个碱基处也发生了A-G碱基替换现象,但这个碱基的突变发生在密码子的第3个碱基上,编码的氨基酸均为脯氨酸。在这些动物中只有羊驼为单胎动物,羊驼exon8核苷酸序列中A-G的碱基替换并引起编码氨基酸序列发生改变是否与羊驼繁殖性能有关还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
Fujii  Haruhiko 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):527-532
Seasonal fluctuations in relative gonad volume and oocyte size of the sea anemone Anthopleura asiatica were examined in 3 unisexual (male) populations and one bisexual population in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan from December 1982 to December 1985. A distinct annual cycle of gonadal maturation with a peak in the summer was found in all of the populations, although they appeared to be sustained only by asexual reproduction. Spawning occured synchronously between the 2 sexes early in the fall in the bisexual population while it was one to one and a half months later in the unisexual populations.  相似文献   
Abstract. A reduction in the locomotor capacity of gravid females is considered to be a cost of reproduction if it leads to an increased risk of mortality. In this study, we measured the change in endurance between gravid and postgravid female side-blotched lizards ( Uta stansburiana ) as a test of the cost of reproduction. We also altered reproductive investment in some females by direct ovarian manipulation (yolkectomy), which decreased reproductive burden by 30%. Regardless of experimental treatment, all females had lower endurance when gravid. Endurance was 28% lower in gravid females from the yolkectomy treatment and 31% lower in the unmanipulated females relative to postoviposition females. The experimental reduction in clutch mass resulted in a 21% increase in endurance of gravid yolkectomy females relative to control females. Postovipositional endurance was significantly higher in the yolkectomized females than unmanipulated females, which suggests that the cost of reproduction carries over to postoviposition performance. Unmanipulated females exhibited a significant negative association between endurance and size-specific burden. Endurance was not correlated with clutch size or size-specific burden in the yolkectomy females. Survivorship to the second clutch was higher in the yolkectomy females. The results from a logistic regression showed the probability of survival to the second clutch was significantly and positively associated with endurance after controlling for the effects of treatment. Our analyses demonstrated that the decrement in performance associated with current reproductive investment represents a cost of reproduction expressed as diminished locomotor performance and lowered survivorship to the next clutch.  相似文献   
高寒草甸小嵩草种群繁殖生态学研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究从繁殖生态学的角度对高寒草甸小嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)种群进行了初步研究。结果表明:小嵩草属寒冷中生密丛短根茎地下芽植物,在高寒生境中采用以营养繁殖为主、有性繁殖为辅的繁策略,具体体现在以下几个方面:虽然小嵩草种子产量达4553.8粒/m^2,但种子萌发率较低,室内和野外萌发率分别仅有4%和1%,经氢氧化钠溶液和赤霉素溶液处理后的种子萌发率分别为1%和2%,而削去种皮后种子萌发率达52.6%,种皮坚硬是造成种子萌发率低的主要原因;进入种子库、保留至返青期且具有活性的种子仅占种子总数的24.35%,其室内萌发率仅有3%,而在野外理论实生苗仅为11.09个/m^2,与此相反小嵩草营养繁殖所形成的新个体数为6256.25个/m^2,远远多于种子萌发所形成的实生苗数。此外,小嵩草营养繁殖效力也远高于有性繁殖效力,营养繁殖效力占总繁殖效力的90.92%。  相似文献   
本试验参照GenBank公布的Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV)VR2332株的核苷酸序列,设计并合成了一对引物,应用RT-PCR方法扩增出了PRRSV的核衣完蛋白基因(N基因)。在对N基因及pET32a载体双酶切后进行连接,构建了高效原核表达载体pETN。将PETN重组质粒转化BL21(DE3)宿主菌后,对培养条件及诱导表达条件(IPTG最佳浓度、作用时间)等影响表达的因素进行优化,实现了PRRSV核衣壳蛋白基因的高效表达。  相似文献   
Ongoing evolution of polyandry, and consequent extra‐pair reproduction in socially monogamous systems, is hypothesized to be facilitated by indirect selection stemming from cross‐sex genetic covariances with components of male fitness. Specifically, polyandry is hypothesized to create positive genetic covariance with male paternity success due to inevitable assortative reproduction, driving ongoing coevolution. However, it remains unclear whether such covariances could or do emerge within complex polyandrous systems. First, we illustrate that genetic covariances between female extra‐pair reproduction and male within‐pair paternity success might be constrained in socially monogamous systems where female and male additive genetic effects can have opposing impacts on the paternity of jointly reared offspring. Second, we demonstrate nonzero additive genetic variance in female liability for extra‐pair reproduction and male liability for within‐pair paternity success, modeled as direct and associative genetic effects on offspring paternity, respectively, in free‐living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The posterior mean additive genetic covariance between these liabilities was slightly positive, but the credible interval was wide and overlapped zero. Therefore, although substantial total additive genetic variance exists, the hypothesis that ongoing evolution of female extra‐pair reproduction is facilitated by genetic covariance with male within‐pair paternity success cannot yet be definitively supported or rejected either conceptually or empirically.  相似文献   
荒漠植物白刺属4个物种的生殖分配比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李清河  辛智鸣  高婷婷  王赛宵  徐军  孙非 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5054-5061
选定乌兰布和沙漠地区白刺属4种植物为研究对象,通过对其样株在花期的各生殖构件的数量特征及生物量调查,系统研究了唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)、西伯利亚白刺(Nitraria sibirica Pall.)、大白刺(Nitraria roborowskii Kom.)和泡泡刺(Nitraria sphaerocarpa Maxim.)4种白刺属植物在生殖枝水平上的生殖分配。结果表明:不同白刺属植物在分株高度、生殖枝长、生殖枝基径、单枝花数、花序干重、枝叶干重等生殖构件的数量性状方面均有显著差异,其中泡泡刺的各生殖构件的数量均最小;除了西伯利亚白刺的生殖分配值达到44.51%外,其余3种白刺的生殖分配值均没有超过20%。经统计分析,4种白刺种群的生殖枝长分别与分株高度呈显著(P<0.05)的直线性正相关关系;生殖枝花序干重与分株高显著正相关;4种白刺的生殖分配随着分株生殖枝生物量的增加而减少,即白刺的个体大小与生殖分配之间呈现负相关关系。这种生殖分配特点反映了不同白刺植物对生长环境的资源利用、与克隆繁殖的权衡及对生态适应的策略。  相似文献   
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