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Summary An exploratory study of landholders in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia provides a useful snapshot of values, uses, management, information sources and requirements of landholders in relation to remnant native vegetation in agricultural landscapes. Landholders valued their remnant vegetation for ecological, aesthetic, functional and community reasons. Most actively managed it for nature conservation, although almost half grazed stock in their remnants. In terms of information sources and needs, the most widely used sources were Community Landcare Coordinators, other landholders and government departments. Landholders wanted hydrological, weed control and biodiversity information, plus a suite of other information. A third of landholders were characterized as having a broad, ecosystem‐based awareness compared to the other two‐thirds who had a more limited, site‐based awareness. Each group had different information needs. These findings have clear implications for information provision to landholders. 相似文献
Abstract Although the potential impacts of rising water tables and secondary salinization on agricultural land in southern Australia have been recognized for some time, it is only recently that the impacts on native vegetation have been considered. Despite the likely extent and severity of the problem, no comprehensive approach to assessing the impact of salinity upon native vegetation has been attempted to date. In the present paper, we discuss the causes and impacts of rising water tables and dryland salinity, assess the levels of risk in different ecosystem types and consider the possibilities for the maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem function in vegetation at risk. We examine the salinity risk to woodland vegetation in the Western Australian (WA) wheatbelt, and consider both broad‐scale context and finer‐scale variation within individual patches of vegetation. From this information, we develop a set of conceptual models of the potential impacts of shallow saline water tables on ecosystem structure and processes in remnant vegetation in agricultural areas, particularly in the WA wheatbelt. First, we suggest that fine‐scale variability in surface topography and soil characteristics may play an important role in limiting the impacts of rising saline water tables. The outcome will depend on the interaction of the heterogeneity of the impact, species distribution in relation to small‐scale environmental heterogeneity and variation in species response to hydrological change. Second, we suggest that shallow saline water tables can be considered to cause an ‘edge effect’, which moves inwards from the edge of remnants of native vegetation. Finally, we consider how saline surface flows exacerbate the effects of shallow saline water tables and hasten vegetation decline in remnant areas. We put these models forward as hypotheses to be tested in different situations. We contrast the situation of secondary salinization in Australian vegetation with that of naturally saline systems in Australia and elsewhere, and suggest that these systems may provide important signposts toward developing management approaches for vegetation at risk. In conclusion, we consider the need to set priorities for the protection and restoration of natural vegetation at risk from altered hydrology, based on an assessment of relative threat and probability of persistence or recovery. We highlight the urgency for action that protects native vegetation from the increasing risks of rising water tables. 相似文献
漫长历史时期的气候条件对生物多样性的现代分布格局产生了深远影响,分析以孑遗植物为优势种群落的分布格局、种群更新类型与适应策略,可揭示气候变化下孑遗植物的残存机制.本文以孑遗植物的群落生态学研究为视角,在综述孑遗落叶阔叶树种的定义、分布与生境特征、种间关系、种群更新与群落维持、植物性状与生境响应的基础上,提出在区域孑遗植物多样性研究中,应从微地形-植被关系入手,应用微地形单元的分类体系与手法,以微地形单元上斑块状植物群落为对象,分析其生境特征、种群结构、群落动态以及植物性状,揭示微地形梯度孑遗植物群落的分异格局,阐明区域内多种孑遗落叶阔叶树种的共存机制;结合植物群落谱系结构分析,进一步阐明孑遗植物群落的残存机制,有助于丰富我国亚热带山地植物多样性研究及保护生态学理论. 相似文献
为了研究森林采伐后保留木在次生群落恢复过程中对其他林木的影响, 采用Hegyi单木竞争指数(CI)和标记相关点格局kd(r)函数对4 hm 2红桦-岷江冷杉(Betula albosinensis-Abies faxoniana)次生林样地中大径级保留木与其他林木的空间关系进行了分析。结果表明: 1)优势树种红桦(Betula albosinensis)与岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)的种间、种内竞争中, 种间Hegyi单木竞争指数(CI) (2.484) >红桦种内CI (1.711) >岷江冷杉种内CI (1.548); 2)大径级保留木与其他径级林木间的竞争指数中, 红桦大径级保留木与红桦小树的竞争指数最大, 红桦大径级保留木与岷江冷杉小树、岷江冷杉大径级保留木与红桦小树和岷江冷杉小树这三组的竞争指数之间无显著差异, 且三者的值最小; 3)在14.5-15.5 m尺度上, 红桦大径级保留木与岷江冷杉幼树呈显著的空间正关联; 在6.5-7.5 m的尺度上, 岷江冷杉大径级保留木与岷江冷杉幼树呈显著的空间负关联; 0-100 m尺度上, 岷江冷杉幼苗(树龄≥4年)与两种大径级保留木均呈相互独立的空间关系。 相似文献
Summary The effects of a fire on plant community structure were examined in a remnant Gidgee (Acacia cambagei) and Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) woodland infested with the naturalized exotic, Buffel Grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) in central Queensland. Fifteen months after the fire, burnt areas had about half the basal area of living trees and more than twice the cover of Buffel Grass and Parthenium Weed (Parthenium hysterophorus) as unburnt areas. This is consistent with the idea that Buffel Grass invasion, which increases ground fuel loads in Acacia woodlands, is facilitated by burning, producing positive feedback between Buffel Grass and fire. The result is accelerating remnant degradation, making the interaction between Buffel Grass and fire an important target for management measures. Fire‐breaks and fuel reduction strategies including periodic intense grazing and canopy enhancement have potential to reduce the impact of Buffel Grass invasion, but long‐term community survival will probably require effective control of Buffel Grass. The impact of weed invasion within remnant vegetation is clearly a complex issue but the simple ‘case study’ approach employed here can both increase and communicate understanding. 相似文献
de Beer MC van der Westhuyzen DR Whitaker NL Webb NR de Beer FC 《Journal of lipid research》2005,46(10):2143-2150
The HDL receptor scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) binds HDL and mediates the selective uptake of cholesteryl ester. We previously showed that remnants, produced when human HDL(2) is catabolized in mice overexpressing SR-BI, become incrementally smaller, ultimately consisting of small alpha-migrating particles, distinct from pre-beta HDL. When mixed with mouse plasma, some remnant particles rapidly increase in size by associating with HDL without the mediation of cholesteryl ester transfer protein, LCAT, or phospholipid transfer protein. Here, we show that processing of HDL(2) by SR-BI-overexpressing mice resulted in the preferential loss of apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II). Short-term processing generated two distinct, small alpha-migrating particles. One particle (8.0 nm diameter) contained apoA-I and apoA-II; the other particle (7.7 nm diameter) contained only apoA-I. With extensive SR-BI processing, only the 7.7 nm particle remained. Only the 8.0 nm remnants were able to associate with HDL. Compared with HDL(2), this remnant was more readily taken up by the liver than by the kidney. We conclude that SR-BI-generated HDL remnants consist of particles with or without apoA-II and that only those containing apoA-II associate with HDL in an enzyme-independent manner. Extensive SR-BI processing generates small apoA-II-depleted particles unable to reassociate with HDL and readily taken up by the liver. This represents a pathway by which apoA-I and apoA-II catabolism are segregated. 相似文献
The aim of this work is to provide an account of alien species richness and composition in a remnant Mediterranean coastal wetland of Central Italy. Data were obtained from different taxa-specific methods, in 2001–2005 (terrestrial vertebrates) and in 2005 (fish, arthropoda, mollusca). Among the 353 species sampled, 17 (4.8 %) are aliens (7.1% if we consider only vertebrates).Data on abundance, introduction type and status of alien species are reported. A crustacean, Procambarus clarkii, a fish, Gambusia sp. and three rodents, Myocastor coypus, Rattus norvegicus and Mus domesticus are the naturalized invasive species that locally could constitute a threat on economic and ecological levels. Data on Agapornis nigrigenis and Quelea cardinalis represent the first records for Italy. We also report evidence of a food chain on three levels, among the most invasive species (predation of Gambusia sp. by Procambarus clarkii and of Rattus norvegicus on Procambarus clarkii). 相似文献
《Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP》2022,21(12):100419
Understanding how connective tissue cells respond to mechanical stimulation is important to human health and disease processes in musculoskeletal diseases. Injury to articular cartilage is a key risk factor in predisposition to tissue damage and degenerative osteoarthritis. Recently, we have discovered that mechanical injury to connective tissues including murine and porcine articular cartilage causes a significant increase in lysine-63 polyubiquitination. Here, we identified the ubiquitin signature that is unique to injured articular cartilage tissue upon mechanical injury (the “mechano-ubiquitinome”). A total of 463 ubiquitinated peptides were identified, with an enrichment of ubiquitinated peptides of proteins involved in protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), also known as the ER-associated degradation response, including YOD1, BRCC3, ATXN3, and USP5 as well as the ER stress regulators, RAD23B, VCP/p97, and Ubiquilin 1. Enrichment of these proteins suggested an injury-induced ER stress response and, for instance, ER stress markers DDIT3/CHOP and BIP/GRP78 were upregulated following cartilage injury on the protein and gene expression levels. Similar ER stress induction was also observed in response to tail fin injury in zebrafish larvae, suggesting a generic response to tissue injury. Furthermore, a rapid increase in global DUB activity following injury and significant activity in human osteoarthritic cartilage was observed using DUB-specific activity probes. Combined, these results implicate the involvement of ubiquitination events and activation of a set of DUBs and ER stress regulators in cellular responses to cartilage tissue injury and in osteoarthritic cartilage tissues. This link through the ER-associated degradation pathway makes this protein set attractive for further investigation in in vivo models of tissue injury and for targeting in osteoarthritis and related musculoskeletal diseases. 相似文献
Riparian vegetation diversity along regulated rivers: contribution of novel and relict habitats 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
W. CARTER JOHNSON 《Freshwater Biology》2002,47(4):749-759
1. The creation and maintenance of spatial and temporal heterogeneity by rivers flowing through floodplain landscapes has been disrupted worldwide by dams and water diversions. Large reservoirs ( novel ecosystems ) now separate and isolate remnant floodplains ( relict ecosystems ). From above, these appear as a string of beads, with beads of different sizes and string connections of varying lengths.
2. Numerous studies have documented or forecast sharp declines in riparian biodiversity in relict ecosystems downstream from dams. Concurrently, novel ecosystems containing species and communities of the former predam ecosystems have arisen along all regulated rivers. These result from the creation of new environments caused by upper reservoir sedimentation, tributary sedimentation and the formation of reservoir shorelines.
3. The contribution of novel habitats to the overall biodiversity of regulated rivers has been poorly studied. Novel ecosystems may become relatively more important in supporting riverine biodiversity if relict ecosystems are not restored to predam levels. The Missouri River of the north-central U.S.A. is used to illustrate existing conditions on a large, regulated river system with a mixture of relict and novel ecosystems. 相似文献
2. Numerous studies have documented or forecast sharp declines in riparian biodiversity in relict ecosystems downstream from dams. Concurrently, novel ecosystems containing species and communities of the former predam ecosystems have arisen along all regulated rivers. These result from the creation of new environments caused by upper reservoir sedimentation, tributary sedimentation and the formation of reservoir shorelines.
3. The contribution of novel habitats to the overall biodiversity of regulated rivers has been poorly studied. Novel ecosystems may become relatively more important in supporting riverine biodiversity if relict ecosystems are not restored to predam levels. The Missouri River of the north-central U.S.A. is used to illustrate existing conditions on a large, regulated river system with a mixture of relict and novel ecosystems. 相似文献
为探讨城市遗存山体植物多样性的斑块效应,以贵阳市建成区城市遗存山体为研究对象,采用单因素方差分析和最小显著性差异法(LSD),比较不同山体以及坡向、坡位的植物多样性差异,通过Spearman相关分析法,分析城市遗存山体植物多样性指数与城市遗存山体斑块指数之间的关系。结果表明:除地表粗糙度(SR)和分维数(Fd)指数外,23个城市遗存山体的斑块特征指标斑块面积(Pa)、表面积(Sa)、斑块形状指数(PSI)、破碎度(F)、相对高度(Rh)、平均坡度(As)、平面曲率(Hc)和剖面曲率(Pc)等指数差异比较大;不同城市遗存山体的植物群落整体植物、乔木层、灌木层和草本层的多样性指数均有显著差异。植物多样性各指数均与城市遗存山体的斑块特征指数F、Hc、Pc、Hc、Pa和Sa有相关性,与Rh、Fd、SR、PSI和As指数相关性不显著;不同坡位植物多样性各指数与城市遗存山体斑块指数响应强度由高到低顺序为山顶>山脚>山腰。不同坡向的植物多样性指数与城市遗存山体斑块指数响应强度由高到低顺序为西坡>北坡>南坡>东坡。总体而言,城市遗存山体的植物群落物种多样性存在斑块效应,城... 相似文献