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BackgroundBiomarkers such as cytokines, chemokines, and soluble activation markers can be unstable when processing of blood is delayed. The stability of various biomarkers in serum and plasma was investigated when unprocessed blood samples were stored for up to 24 h at room and refrigerator temperature.MethodsBlood was collected from 16 healthy volunteers. Unprocessed serum, EDTA and heparinized blood was stored at room (20–25 °C) and refrigerator temperature (4–8 °C) for 0.5, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24 h after collection before centrifugation and separation of serum and plasma. Samples were batch tested for various biomarkers using commercially available immunoassays. Statistically significant changes were determined using the generalized estimating equation.ResultsIFN-γ, sIL-2Rα, sTNF-RII and β2-microglobulin were stable in unprocessed serum, EDTA and heparinized blood samples stored at either room or refrigerator temperature for up to 24 h. IL-6, TNF-α, MIP-1β and RANTES were unstable in heparinized blood at room temperature; TNF-α, and MIP-1β were unstable in unprocessed serum at room temperature; IL-12 was unstable in unprocessed serum at refrigerator temperature; and neopterin was unstable in unprocessed EDTA blood at room temperature. IL-1ra was stable only in unprocessed serum at room temperature.ConclusionAll the biomarkers studied, with the exception of IL-1ra, were stable in unprocessed EDTA blood stored at refrigerator temperature for 24 h. This indicates that blood for these biomarkers should be collected in EDTA and if delays in processing are anticipated the unseparated blood should be stored at refrigerator temperature until processing.  相似文献   
Multiple trait selection indexes in pig breeding programmes should take into account the population structure and time delay between parent selection and expressions of traits in all production levels next to the trait impacts on economic efficiency of production systems. Gene flow procedures could be used for the correct evaluation of maternal and direct traits of pig breeds involved in breeding or crossbreeding systems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to expand a previously developed bioeconomic model and computer program to calculate the marginal economic values by including a gene flow procedure to calculate the economic weights for maternal and direct traits in pig breeds. The new program was then applied to the three-way crossbreeding system of the Czech National Programme for Pig Breeding. Using this program, the marginal economic values of traits for dam breeds Czech Large White in the dam position and Czech Landrace in the sire position, and for the sire breed Pietrain were weighted by the number of discounted gene expressions of selected parents of each breed summarised within all links of the crossbreeding system during the 8-year investment period. Economic weights calculated in this way were compared with the approximate economic weights calculated previously without a gene flow procedure. Taking into account the time delay between parent selection and trait expression (using discounting with half-year discount rates of 2% or 5%) and including more than one generation of parent progeny had little impact on the relative economic importance of maternal and direct traits of breeds involved in the evaluated three-way crossbreeding system. These results indicated that this gene-flow method could be foregone when estimating the relative economic weights of traits in pig crossbreeding systems applying artificial insemination at all production levels.  相似文献   
Breeding efforts over the last decades altered markedly empty body (EB) composition of pigs. This study aimed to re-evaluate the dynamics of changes in the composition and deposition rate of fat, protein and amino acids (AA) in the EB from birth to 140 kg BW depending on the dietary CP and AA supply in a current pig genotype. In the experiment 66 entire male, 58 castrated and 66 female Swiss Large White pigs were used. From 20 kg BW onwards, they had either ad libitum access to a control (C) diet or a diet (LP) compared to diet C only 80% of CP, lysine, methione+cystine, threonine and tryptophan. The EB composition was determined at birth on eight boars and eight females, at 10 and 20 kg BW on two boars, two castrates and two females, and at 20 kg intervals from 40 to 140 kg BW, on four pigs per gender and dietary treatment. Each EB fraction was weighed and analysed for protein, fat and AA profile. The AA-to-lysine ratio was calculated and the different chemical component contents were fitted to allometric regressions. Overall, C-boars had the greatest EB protein and AA content and deposition rates, and lowest fat content and deposition rates. At the beginning of the grower period, LP-castrates and females displayed the lowest protein and AA and the highest fat deposition rates. However, compared with their counterparts in the C-group, in LP-castrates and females protein and AA deposition rates were greater above 64 and 40 kg EB weight, respectively, whereas fat deposition rates was lower above 80 kg EB weight. Thus, there seems a great potential to optimise protein and AA efficiency especially in the finisher period in castrates and females. Important individual variations were found in the essential AA-to-lysine ratio of the EB. Phenylalanine and threonine-to-lysine ratios decreased with increasing EB weight. Valine- and threonine-to-lysine ratios in C-castrates and C-females were 5% and 4% greater than recently reported by the National Research Council (NRC) whereas cysteine-, methionine- and tyrosine-to-lysine ratios were lower by 34%, 25% and 10%, respectively. The clear differences found between the EB AA-to-lysine ratios in the present study and the NRC might partly be explained by the genotype and the temporal changes in the relative weight of each EB fraction or changes in the AA profile. Nevertheless, these findings on changes in the essential AA profile of tissue protein warrant further studies.  相似文献   
Grassland restoration success depends on the development of plant communities that accord with restoration goals. Intraspecific variation in competitiveness may affect community development. For some grassland species, germplasm can be obtained from sources ranging from wild collections to selectively bred cultivars. The extent to which population source affects competitive outcomes in restoration projects is unclear. We addressed this knowledge gap in a glasshouse experiment comparing competitive response and effect among three sources of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) that are available for restoration: selectively bred cultivars, commercial ecotypes (commercially produced but not deliberately selected), and wild collections. Two strains per source type were grown with four associates chosen to encompass varied functional groups: conspecifics, Bromus inermis, Cirsium arvense, and Solanum ptycanthum. Switchgrass competitive response was evaluated for survival, height, biomass, and shoot:root biomass ratio; competitive effect was assessed as associate survival, height, biomass, and shoot:root ratio. Competitive responses of cultivars and commercial ecotypes were broadly similar, although cultivar biomass exceeded both that of ecotypes and wild collections, and ecotypes had the highest shoot:root ratio. Wild collections were most negatively affected by competition. The shoot:root ratios of all sources were highest when grown with S. ptycanthum, indicating that competitive responses were plastic; plasticity in fitness‐related traits can contribute to persistence in variable environments. Cultivars exerted negative effects on B. inermis. Secondary analyses indicated that all switchgrass sources were most inhibited by the annual S. ptycanthum. To summarize, population source affected multiple aspects of switchgrass competitive ability, when grown against functionally varied associates.  相似文献   
美洲大蠊Periplaneta americana胸腺素基因具有THY1、THY2和THY3三个不同剪接体,其中THY3结构域最多。本研究使用实时荧光定量PCR技术比较分析了THY3在美洲大蠊不同性别、不同发育阶段及不同组织中的表达差异,以及大肠杆菌Escherichia coli诱导对美洲大蠊血淋巴和脂肪体中THY3表达的影响。结果表明:THY3在成虫期的表达量显著高于其他虫期,雌虫表达量显著高于雄虫,脂肪体表达量显著高于血淋巴、头部、肌肉、体壁组织。雌性成虫体腔注射大肠杆菌3 h后血淋巴中THY3表达量显著增高,而在脂肪体中12 h后才检测到THY3表达明显上调,研究结果为进一步研究美洲大蠊胸腺素的功能打下了基础。  相似文献   
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-responsive alkaline phosphatase (ES-TRAP) serves as a sensitive indicator for ER stress. In response to heavy metals including cadmium, nickel and cobalt, hepatocytes and renal tubular cells expressing ES-TRAP exhibited ER stress and decreased ES-TRAP activity. In ES-TRAP transgenic mice, acute exposure to cadmium showed rapid, transient decreases in the activity of serum ES-TRAP. It was inversely correlated with the induction of endogenous ER stress markers in the liver and kidney. Our result provides first evidence for the acute, reversible induction of ER stress in vivo after exposure to heavy metal.  相似文献   
The response of plant species to varying climate conditions in tropical Africa remains poorly understood but can be assessed using wood anatomical traits. These traits play an important role for the adaptive capacity of a species to environmental stress, since environmental conditions can modify the proportion, size, and morphology of wood anatomical elements. This study reports quantitative data on vessel characteristics of the diffuse porous angiosperm Spiny monkey orange (Strychnos spinosa Lam.) in Benin in tropical West Africa. The vessel-related anatomical traits varied with high amplitude (coefficient of variation CV ˃ 25%) between different sites located in different climate zones. The variability of the traits is higher within one climatic zone than between climatic zones, and even more pronounced within trees. Consequently, the climatic zones have less influence on the studied features than local site conditions. However, the study showed that S. spinosa individuals that have numerous vessels also have a high lumen fraction and total ring area. On the other hand, individuals presenting a high vessel density also display vessels of smaller size. The correlation between vessel number and total ring area on the one hand, and between vessel size and lumen fraction on the other hand are highly significant and positive. In Benin, S. spinosa wood anatomical traits are likely linked to local site factors rather than to regional climatic factors.  相似文献   
王成武  崔彪  汪宙峰  谢亮  陈雅靓 《生态学报》2022,42(9):3794-3805
自然保护区是为保护具有代表性的生态系统和濒危动植物而划分的特定区域,在涵养水土,防风固沙、净化空气、保护生物多样性等方面发挥着重要作用。四川省有自然保护区166处,类型丰富多样,是中国自然保护地体系的重要组成部分,其保护对象涵盖珍稀动植物,保护功能涉及物种、水源和生态环境,与国家地质公园、湿地公园、森林公园等共同维系着中国西南地区,乃至青藏高原东缘的生态系统。因此,研究四川省自然保护区的空间分布格局及其影响因素具有重要的价值和意义。运用地理空间分析方法对1963-2018年间四川省自然保护区的空间分布和影响因素进行了研究。研究发现:①四川省自然保护区空间分布的总体特征以集聚为主,呈现集聚-随机-集聚的变化特征,且前期变化幅度大,后期变化幅度小,总体发展明显分为1963-1998年的单核形成与发展阶段和1998-2018年的双核阶段;②四川省自然保护区主要分布在成都平原向川西高原的过渡区域,其均衡度类型在时间上表现出由"差距悬殊"到"差距较大"的演变特征;③四川省自然保护区的重心活动范围相对较小,基本稳定在阿坝州南部。标准差椭圆的长短半轴和面积均变化强烈,总体呈现出大幅度的增长,空间分布由南-北向演变为东北-西南向;④自然保护区受到自然因素和社会因素的双重影响,高密度区域分布在地势适中、气候温和、河流众多、土壤肥沃、人口稀少的阿坝州南部与东部地区。未来,四川省生态功能建设应该立足国家公园、自然保护区和自然公园的特点、分布状况,对自然保护区分布较少的川西北、川东北和川南部分地区进行优化布局,以加强这些地区的生态功能建设。同时,探索自然保护区的发展模式,实现自然保护区与周边区域社会经济的协调发展。  相似文献   
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