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African Great Lake cichlid populations are divided into thousands of genetic subpopulations. The low gene flow between these subpopulations is thought to result from high degrees of natal philopatry, heavy predation pressure, and a patchy distribution of preferred habitats. While predation pressure and habitat distribution are fairly straightforward to assess, data on dispersal distances and rates are scarce. In fishes, direct observations of dispersal events are unlikely, but dispersal can be studied using molecular markers. Using seven microsatellite loci, we examined dispersal in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. As this species is found in well-defined groups clustered into subpopulations, we could assess dispersal on a narrow (within subpopulation) and broad (between subpopulation) scale. While fish were generally more related to others in their own subpopulation than they were to fish from other subpopulations, large males diverged from this pattern. Large males were more related to other large males from different subpopulations than they were to large males from their own subpopulation, suggesting more frequent dispersal by large males. Across subpopulations, relatedness between large males was higher than the relatedness among large females; this pattern was not detected in small males and small females. Within a subpopulation, individuals appeared to be preferentially moving away from relatives, and movement was unrestricted by the physical distance between groups. Our results highlight the importance of examining multiple spatial scales when studying individual dispersal biases.  相似文献   
In lek-mating systems, males aggregate at display arenas andfemales visit solely for the purpose of mating. This breedingsystem is characterized by high variance in male mating successwith one male often receiving most copulations. High reproductiveskew among males has led to question why males join leks whentheir chances of reproductive success are so low. Kin selectionhas been invoked as a mechanism to explain the evolution oflekking behavior, whereby nonreproducing but genetically relatedmales gain indirect inclusive-fitness benefits. Evidence forkin selection among lek-mating birds is, however, mixed. Here,we show that kin selection is unlikely to be an important explanationfor evolution of lekking behavior in manakins (Aves: Pipridae).We found that for 4 species chosen from several major cladeswithin Pipridae, males within leks were not significantly morerelated than expected from random assortment of males in thepopulation. This means that nonreproducing males do not gainindirect inclusive-fitness benefits by joining leks. This resultsuggests alternative mechanisms must be invoked to explain theevolution of lek-mating systems in manakins.  相似文献   
Extra-pair reproduction is widely hypothesized to allow females to avoid inbreeding with related socially paired males. Consequently, numerous field studies have tested the key predictions that extra-pair offspring are less inbred than females’ alternative within-pair offspring, and that the probability of extra-pair reproduction increases with a female's relatedness to her socially paired male. However, such studies rarely measure inbreeding or relatedness sufficiently precisely to detect subtle effects, or consider biases stemming from failure to observe inbred offspring that die during early development. Analyses of multigenerational song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) pedigree data showed that most females had opportunity to increase or decrease the coefficient of inbreeding of their offspring through extra-pair reproduction with neighboring males. In practice, observed extra-pair offspring had lower inbreeding coefficients than females’ within-pair offspring on average, while the probability of extra-pair reproduction increased substantially with the coefficient of kinship between a female and her socially paired male. However, simulations showed that such effects could simply reflect bias stemming from inbreeding depression in early offspring survival. The null hypothesis that extra-pair reproduction is random with respect to kinship therefore cannot be definitively rejected in song sparrows, and existing general evidence that females avoid inbreeding through extra-pair reproduction requires reevaluation given such biases.  相似文献   
There is growing interest in resolving the curious disconnect between the fields of kin selection and sexual selection. Rankin's (2011, J. Evol. Biol. 24 , 71–81) theoretical study of the impact of kin selection on the evolution of sexual conflict in viscous populations has been particularly valuable in stimulating empirical research in this area. An important goal of that study was to understand the impact of sex‐specific rates of dispersal upon the coevolution of male‐harm and female‐resistance behaviours. But the fitness functions derived in Rankin's study do not flow from his model's assumptions and, in particular, are not consistent with sex‐biased dispersal. Here, we develop new fitness functions that do logically flow from the model's assumptions, to determine the impact of sex‐specific patterns of dispersal on the evolution of sexual conflict. Although Rankin's study suggested that increasing male dispersal always promotes the evolution of male harm and that increasing female dispersal always inhibits the evolution of male harm, we find that the opposite can also be true, depending upon parameter values.  相似文献   
Host-parasite relatedness may facilitate the evolution of conspecific brood parasitism, but empirical support for this contention remains inconclusive. One reason for this disparity may relate to the diversity of parasitic tactics, a key distinguishing feature being whether the parasite has a nest of her own. Previous work suggests that parasites without nests of their own may be of inferior phenotypic quality, but because of difficulties in identifying these parasitic individuals, little is known about their host selection criteria. We used high-resolution molecular maternity tests to assign parasitic offspring to known parasites with and without their own nests in a population of Barrow's goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica). We determined whether parasite nesting status, host-parasite relatedness and distance between host and parasite nests affected the probability of parasitizing a host and the number of eggs laid per host. We also investigated whether nesting parasites, conventionally nesting females and non-nesting parasites differed regarding their age, structural size, body condition, nesting phenology or total brood size. The probability of engaging in parasitism increased with host-parasite relatedness and spatial proximity to host nests for nesting and non-nesting females alike. However, nesting parasites increased the number of eggs donated with relatedness to the host, while non-nesting parasites did not do so. Non-nesting parasites laid fewer eggs in total, but did not differ by any of the other quality measures from conventional nesters or nesting parasites. Our study provides the first demonstration that nesting and non-nesting parasites from the same population may use different host selection criteria.  相似文献   
Natural selection operates both directly, via the impact of a trait upon the individual's own fitness, and indirectly, via the impact of the trait upon the fitness of the individual's genetically related social partners. These effects are often framed in terms of Hamilton's rule, rb - c > 0, which provides the central result of social-evolution theory. However, a number of studies have questioned the generality of Hamilton's rule, suggesting that it requires restrictive assumptions. Here, we use Fisher's genetical paradigm to demonstrate the generality of Hamilton's rule and to clarify links between different studies. We show that confusion has arisen owing to researchers misidentifying model parameters with the b and c terms in Hamilton's rule, and misidentifying measures of genotypic similarity or genealogical relationship with the coefficient of genetic relatedness, r. More generally, we emphasize the need to distinguish between general kin-selection theory that forms the foundations of social evolution, and streamlined kin-selection methodology that is used to solve specific problems.  相似文献   
Because only daughters inherit the paternal X-chromosome, an asymmetry in adaptive investment decisions has been suggested for certain patrilineal kin. Namely, paternal grandmothers (PGMs) may favor a granddaughter over a grandson, because (within the limits of paternity uncertainty) the former definitely carries one of their X-chromosomes, while the latter definitely does not. Here, we test the hypothesis that the PGMs' sex-specific favoritism influences reproductive scheduling. Using family-reconstitution data, we analyzed interbirth intervals (IBIs) in the historical population from the Krummhörn (Ostfriesland, Germany). In order to account for potentially timevarying effects on IBIs we applied (and combined) both the additive hazards regression of Aalen and the Cox proportional hazards model. We found that the presence of the PGM but not that of the maternal grandmother (MGM), correlates with the IBI following the birth of a grandchild as a function of the grandchild's sex. Specifically, in the presence of a PGM, the IBIs following the birth of a granddaughter are longer than in her absence. However, contrary to predictions from theoretical life history framework, model estimates for a PGM's effect on a mother's IBI did not significantly vary over time This study supports the hypothesis that PGM behavior differs according to her grandchild's sex. Further research should now explore the biological mechanism underlying this phenomenon.  相似文献   
Evolutionary conflicts among social hymenopteran nestmates are theoretically likely to arise over the production of males and the sex ratio. Analysis of these conflicts has become an important focus of research into the role of kin selection in shaping social traits of hymenopteran colonies. We employ microsatellite analysis of nestmates of one social hymenopteran, the primitively eusocial and monogynous bumblebee Bombus hypnorum, to evaluate these conflicts. In our 14 study colonies, B. hypnorum queens mated between one and six times (arithmetic mean 2.5). One male generally predominated, fathering most of the offspring, thus the effective number of matings was substantially lower (1-3.13; harmonic mean 1.26). In addition, microsatellite analysis allowed the detection of alien workers, those who could not have been the offspring of the queen, in approximately half the colonies. Alien workers within the same colony were probably sisters. Polyandry and alien workers resulted in high variation among colonies in their sociogenetic organization. Genetic data were consistent with the view that all males (n = 233 examined) were produced by a colony's queen. Male parentage was therefore independent of the sociogenetic organization of the colony, suggesting that the queen, and not the workers, was in control of the laying of male-destined eggs. The population-wide sex ratio (fresh weight investment ratio) was weakly female biased. No evidence for colony-level adaptive sex ratio biasing could be detected.  相似文献   
Chimpanzees live in large groups featuring remarkable levels of gregariousness and cooperation among the males. Because males stay in their natal communities their entire lives and are hence expected to be living with male relatives, cooperation is therefore assumed to occur within one large 'family' group. However, we found that the average relatedness among males within several chimpanzee groups as determined by microsatellite analysis is in fact rather low, and only rarely significantly higher than average relatedness of females in the groups or of males compared across groups. To explain these findings, mathematical predictions for average relatedness according to group size, reproductive skew and sex bias in dispersal were derived. The results show that high average relatedness among the philopatric sex is only expected in very small groups, which is confirmed by a comparison with published data. Our study therefore suggests that interactions among larger number of individuals may not be primarily driven by kin relationships.  相似文献   
Populations of feral house mice (Mus domesticus L.) in Australia undergo multiannual fluctuations in density, and these outbreaks may be partly driven by some change in behavioural self-regulation. In other vertebrate populations with multiannual fluctuations, changes in kin structure have been proposed as a causal mechanism for changes in spacing behaviour, which consequently result in density fluctuations. We tested the predictions of two alternative conceptual models based on kin selection in a population of house mice during such an outbreak. Both published models (Charnov & Finerty 1980; Lambin & Krebs 1991) propose that the level of relatedness between interacting individuals affects their behavioural response and that this changes with population density, though the nature of this relationship differs between the two models. Neither of the models was consistent with all observed changes in relatedness between interacting female mice; however, our results suggested that changes in kin structure still have potential for explaining why mouse outbreaks begin. Therefore, we have developed a variant of one of these conceptual models suggesting that the maintenance of female kin groups through the preceding winter significantly improves recruitment during the subsequent breeding season, and is therefore necessary for mouse outbreaks. We provide six testable predictions to falsify this hypothesis.  相似文献   
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