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Du H Q  Tang M P  Zhou G M  Xu W B  Liu E B  Shi Y J 《农业工程》2007,27(12):5038-5049
This study took the Tianmu Mountain National Natural Preservation Area in western Zhejiang Province as an example 1) to quantify the species diversity with selected species indices including Shannon-Wiener index (H), Margalef index (K) and Evenness index (E) at different spatial scales, 2) to analyze the spatial distribution patterns of the species diversity by multifractal parameters such as the singularity index α, its fractal dimension f(α), the f(α)–α spectrum range (SR) and its symmetry (Dist) using the multifractal theory, and 3) to determine their relationships. Results of nonlinear regression analysis with power functions showed that increasing spatial scale resulted in increasing H but decreasing E and K, indicating that the scale dependence of species diversity existed. By using the multifractal method, it was indicated that species spatial distribution had multifractal features. Moreover, strong linear relationships of the diversity indices H, E and K with αmin and clear nonlinear associations of the diversity indices H, E and K with power functions for SR and Dist were found. Since interactions of the species diversity and the spatial characteristics are very complex, the above mentioned relationships need further validation along with precise explanations of any correlations among their ecological processes.  相似文献   
General principles about the consequences of seed dispersal by animals for the structure and dynamics of plant populations and communities remain elusive. This is in part because seed deposition patterns emerge from interactions between frugivore behaviour and the distribution of food resources, both of which can vary over space and time. Here we advocate a frugivore‐centred, process‐based, synthetic approach to seed dispersal research that integrates seed dispersal ecology and animal movement across multiple spatio‐temporal scales. To guide this synthesis, we survey existing literature using paradigms from seed dispersal and animal movement. Specifically, studies are discussed with respect to five criteria: selection of focal organisms (animal or plant); measurement of animal movement; characterization of seed shadow; animal, plant and environmental factors included in the study; and scales of the study. Most studies focused on either frugivores or plants and characterized seed shadows directly by combining gut retention time with animal movement data or indirectly by conducting maternity analysis of seeds. Although organismal traits and environmental factors were often measured, they were seldom used to characterize seed shadows. Multi‐scale analyses were rare, with seed shadows mostly characterized at fine spatial scales, over single fruiting seasons, and for individual dispersers. Novel animal‐ and seed‐tracking technologies, remote environmental monitoring tools, and advances in analytical methods can enable effective implementation of a hierarchical mechanistic approach to the study of seed dispersal. This kind of mechanistic approach will provide novel insights regarding the complex interplay between the factors that modulate animal behaviour and subsequently influence seed dispersal patterns across spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   
Under the current paradigm, organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling rates are a function of the imbalance between substrate and microbial biomass stoichiometry. Challenging this view, we demonstrate that in an individual‐based model, microbial community dynamics alter relative C and N limitation during litter decomposition, leading to a system behaviour not predictable from stoichiometric theory alone. Rather, the dynamics of interacting functional groups lead to an adaptation at the community level, which accelerates nitrogen recycling in litter with high initial C : N ratios and thus alleviates microbial N limitation. This mechanism allows microbial decomposers to overcome large imbalances between resource and biomass stoichiometry without the need to decrease carbon use efficiency (CUE), which is in contrast to predictions of traditional stoichiometric mass balance equations. We conclude that identifying and implementing microbial community‐driven mechanisms in biogeochemical models are necessary for accurately predicting terrestrial C fluxes in response to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Landscape genetics offers a powerful approach to understanding species' dispersal patterns. However, a central obstacle is to account for ecological processes operating at multiple spatial scales, while keeping research outcomes applicable to conservation management. We address this challenge by applying a novel multilevel regression approach to model landscape drivers of genetic structure at both the resolution of individuals and at a spatial resolution relevant to management (i.e. local government management areas: LGAs) for the koala (Phascolartos cinereus) in Australia. Our approach allows for the simultaneous incorporation of drivers of landscape‐genetic relationships operating at multiple spatial resolutions. Using microsatellite data for 1106 koalas, we show that, at the individual resolution, foliage projective cover (FPC) facilitates high gene flow (i.e. low resistance) until it falls below approximately 30%. Out of six additional land‐cover variables, only highways and freeways further explained genetic distance after accounting for the effect of FPC. At the LGA resolution, there was significant variation in isolation‐by‐resistance (IBR) relationships in terms of their slopes and intercepts. This was predominantly explained by the average resistance distance among LGAs, with a weaker effect of historical forest cover. Rates of recent landscape change did not further explain variation in IBR relationships among LGAs. By using a novel multilevel model, we disentangle the effect of landscape resistance on gene flow at the fine resolution (i.e. among individuals) from effects occurring at coarser resolutions (i.e. among LGAs). This has important implications for our ability to identify appropriate scale‐dependent management actions.  相似文献   

Ce travail a pour objectif l’étude de quelques aspects bio-écologiques de la cochenille violette, Parlatoria oleae Colvée 1880, bio-agresseur des cultures de l’Olivier en régions arides. Le suivi du cycle biologique ainsi que la démo-écologie de ce ravageur ont été réalisés grâce à des dénombrements périodiques des populations sur les différents organes de l’arbre (méthodes de Vasseur &; Schvester) de décembre 2010 à décembre 2011 dans la région d’Ain Touta (nord-est algérien). L’espèce y a montré deux générations par an : une génération printanière se développant entre avril et juillet et une génération automnale évoluant entre août et octobre. La ponte débuta en avril et s’échelonna jusqu‘à la fin septembre. L’exposition nord est la plus favorable à cette diaspine qui y trouve des conditions microclimatiques optimales pour son développement. La ponte moyenne est de 8 à 9 ?ufs par femelle. L’analyse statistique de l’effet des conditions climatiques étudiées (températures minimale, maximale et moyenne ; précipitations, gelée et indice d’aridité De Martone) sur les effectifs des différents stades, montre une grande variabilité d’un stade à un autre. L’analyse statistique établie révèle également que les effectifs de l’espèce présentent des variations très hautement significatives selon l’orientation dans l’arbre d’olive colonisé.  相似文献   


Changed land use, nitrogen deposition, climate change, and the spread of non-native species have repeatedly been reported as the main drivers of recent floristic changes in northern Europe. However, the relevance of the geographical scale at which floristic changes are observed is less well understood and it has only rarely been possible to quantify biodiversity loss. Therefore, we assessed changes in species richness, species composition and mean ecological indicator values (EIVs) at three nested geographic scales during two different time periods, each ca 30 years, since the mid-1900s.


Two parishes in central Scania, southernmost Sweden.


We analyzed species presence/absence data from three inventories at ca 30-year intervals over 1957–2021 and three geographic scales (157 m2, ca 7 km2 and ca 45 km2) to document temporal trends and differences between geographic scales in terms of species richness, species composition and mean EIVs.


We found shifts in species composition across all geographical scales. However, the magnitude of biodiversity loss and the main drivers of these changes were scale-dependent. At the smallest spatial scale, we saw a dramatic loss of plant biodiversity with local species richness in 2021 being only 48% of that of 1960. In contrast, at the larger geographic scales no significant changes in species richness were observed because species losses were compensated for by gains of predominantly non-native species, which made up at least 78% of the new species richness. At the smallest spatial scale, changed land use (ceased grazing/mowing and intensified forestry) appeared as the main driver, while an increasing proportion of non-native species, as well as climatic changes and increasing nitrogen loads appeared relatively more important at larger geographic scales.


Our results highlight the precarious situation for biodiversity in the region and at the same time the fundamental importance of geographic scale in studies of biodiversity change. Both the magnitude and drivers of changes may differ depending on the geographic scale and must be considered also when previously published studies are interpreted.  相似文献   
Assessing broad‐scale changes in seabird populations across the North Atlantic requires an integration of available datasets to understand the spatial extent of potential drivers and demographic change. Here, we compared survival of Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis from a Scottish and an Irish colony from 1974 to 2009. Despite lower recapture probabilities of monel‐ringed Irish birds compared with colour‐ringed Scottish birds, survival probability decreased at both colonies. The extent to which the decline in survival is related to density‐dependent processes or other external drivers remains uncertain, but our results suggest that these changes in survival are possibly indicative of larger‐scale processes and are not confined to local colony dynamics.  相似文献   
Species interactions are dynamic processes that vary across environmental and ecological contexts, and operate across scale boundaries, making them difficult to quantify. Nevertheless, ecologists are increasingly interested in inferring species interactions from observational data using statistical analyses of their spatial co‐occurrence patterns. Trophic interactions present a particular challenge, as predators and prey may frequently or rarely co‐occur, depending on the spatial or temporal scale of observation. In this study, we investigate the accuracy of inferred interactions among species that both compete and trophically interact. We utilized a long‐term dataset of pond‐breeding amphibian co‐occurrences from Mt Rainier National Park (Washington, USA) and compiled a new dataset of their empirical interactions from the literature. We compared the accuracy of four statistical methods in inferring these known species interactions from spatial associations. We then used the best performing statistical method, the Markov network, to further investigate the sensitivity of interaction inference to spatial scale‐dependence and the presence of predators. We show that co‐occurrence methods are generally inaccurate when estimating trophic interactions. Further the strength and sign of inferred interactions were dependent upon the spatial scale of observation and predator presence influenced the detectability of competitive interactions among prey species. However, co‐occurrence analysis revealed new patterns of spatial association among pairs of species with known interactions. Overall, our study highlights a limiting frontier in co‐occurrence theory and the disconnect between widely implemented methodologies and their ability to accurately infer interactions in trophically‐structured communities.  相似文献   
罗谷松  李涛 《生态学报》2019,39(13):4751-4760
土地利用效率是衡量区域经济社会系统运行质量的重要参数。在构建了考虑非期望产出的土地利用效率评价指标体系基础之上,综合运用Super SBM-undesirable DEA和多元统计等研究方法,分析了2003—2016年碳排放影响下的中国省域土地利用效率的时空特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明:中国区域土地利用效率处于中低水平,碳排放非期望产出降低了15%的土地利用效率水平;与全国发展水平空间格局一致,土地利用效率省际差异在空间上呈现出自东向西逐渐递减的分异特征;2003—2016年,土地利用效率演化呈现出"U"型演进特征,区域差异呈现收敛态势;不考虑非期望产出的土地利用效率水平呈现下降态势;非期望产出和能源消费投入过大成为土地利用效率提升的主要限制因素。经济发展水平、对外开放程度以及固定资产投资对土地利用效率的提升起到了显著的正向作用;现阶段城镇化水平的增加对土地利用效率的提升具有微弱促进作用,且仅在东部地区具有显著性。基于松弛变量冗余度和影响因素分析,针对不同区域土地利用效率低效的差异性因素,提出了相应的对策措施。  相似文献   
Food and drink consumption was found to be responsible for around 20–30% of environmental impacts. Environmental impacts occur during all stages of the food production chain. However, households influence these impacts with through their choice of diet and habits, thus directly affecting the environment through food-related energy consumption and waste generation. With the multiplication of local policies for sustainable consumption, it has become increasingly useful to gather information on the evolution of the ecological impacts associated with household food consumption. Dealing with the indicators of household consumption of fruits and vegetables will enable changes in the population's lifestyles and the effectiveness of local policies to be monitored.The aims of this article are twofold: to provide a conceptual framework on the purposes of ecological indicators of fruit and vegetable consumption (EIFVCs) and to provide a methodological approach for selecting and measuring the most relevant EIFVCs at a local scale. Considering the great diversity of ecological impacts, the large number of potential EIFVCs must be reduced to obtain fewer EIFVCs, but that are relevant at local scale. To be relevant, the EIFVCs must provide information on the three phases of consumption (acquisition, use, and disposal) and on the upstream and downstream phases of the consumption process; they should evaluate the more problematic ecological impacts at the local scale (level of concern); and they have to only point out the ecological impacts that households can significantly reduce through their consumption rates. To measure relevant EIFVCs, three approaches must be combined: monitoring the ecological impacts, measuring the material and energy fluxes associated with household consumption, and analysing the consumer behaviours that result in the observed ecological impacts.As an illustration, the methodology is applied to the Bordeaux Metropolitan Area (France). In this area, eleven EIFVCs seem relevant. The use of surveys characterises all eleven of the EIFVCs, despite the difficulty of establishing quantified relationships between household behaviours and measured ecological impacts. The measuring of fluxes is possible for eight of them, whereas the monitoring of ecological impacts is only feasible for two of them.  相似文献   
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