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Hypocotyl-derived protoplasts of Dianthus barbatus that had been pretreated with iodoacetamide were fused electrically with cell suspension culture-derived protoplasts of Gypsophila paniculata that could divide to form callus but could not regenerate shoots under the culture conditions used in this study. Electrofusion-derived calli which produced shoots were selected as putative somatic hybrids, and plantlets were subsequently regenerated from 2 of these selected calli. These plantlets, which in vitro produced flowers precociously, were identified as intergeneric somatic hybrids by nuclear ribosomal DNA analysis. Normal plants have not been established up to the present.  相似文献   
High levels of regeneration were obtained from young leaves excised from axillary shoots in proliferating nodal cultures of several Vitis x Muscadinia hybrids. Best results were obtained when the explants were cultured on solidified half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 8.9 M 6-benzyladenine and 0.05 M 1-naphthaleneacetic acid. Though variation was observed among the hybrids, the procedure used does not seem to be genotype-specific as all the hybrids and cultivars tested could regenerate. Scanning electron microscopy observations and histological studies carried out during the development of adventitious shoot organogenesis revealed that the promeristem initiation occurred in the outer cell layers near the wounded area of the petiolar stub.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
Microspore culture is a very important and useful tool in plant breeding for haploid production and has been developed for many years.Brassica campestris (Brassica rapa L. ssp.oleifera) is an important oilseed crop, but it is relatively recalcitrant in tissue culture including microspore culture. The microspore culture in our laboratory is based on the Canadian protocol. Thirty genotypes ofB. campestris were included in this study; twenty produced embryos. The highest yield was 5930 embryos per 100 buds from Canadian genotype Cv-2, this result was one of the best that had been reported in microspore culture inB. campestris. The buds measuring 2.0 mm to 3.9 mm in length responded best to produce embryos, the optimum timing for microspore culture was confirmed to be during the mid-late to very-late uninucleate stage. The buds could be removed from either the main raceme or lateral racemes. Activated charcoal (150 mg l-1) was added to the liquid NLN medium, it promoted embryogenesis significantly; embryo development was faster and the embryo yield was significantly higher than those cultures without activated charcoal. The donor plant condition was considered an important factor influencing embryogenesis; older donor plants (older than five weeks) and a cold treatment are recommended.  相似文献   
Echinochloa colona regeneration via organogenesis in callus cultures derived from leaf base and mesocotyl expiants andin vitro flowering were achived. Shoot bud regeneration was achieved on Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) basal medium supplemented with 6.66 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 2.68 μM 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 3 % (m/v) saccharose. Regenerated shoots were rooted on half strength basal MS medium with 2 % (m/v) saccharose devoid of growth regulators. About 90 -95 % of rooted plantlets survived in the greenhouse.In vitro flowering was induced in the regenerated shoots derived from callus on half strength MS medium supplemented with 4.4 μM BAP, 74.07 μM adeninesulphate, 0.72 μM gibberellic acid, and 3 % (m/v) saccharose. The frequency ofin vitro flowering was 80 – 90 % in three repeated experiments. Fertile seeds were recovered fromin vitro grown plantlets which were subsequently germinated into plants. Acknowledgement: The authors wish to thank to the Department of Environment and Forests, Government of India for financial assistance to undertake this investigation.  相似文献   
The effects of dwarf bamboo,Sasa, cover on the initial morrality of hardwood seedlings were investigated by transplanting 1-year-old beech (Fagus crenata) and current-year oak (Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata) seedling to three different stands; old-growth beech and secondary oak forests withSasa undergrowth, and aSasa grassland in a grassland-forest series near the top of Mt Jippo, southwestern Japan. The most frequent cause of seedling morrality was gnawing of the stems by rodents. In the beech forest, the gnawing was more likely to occur underSasa cover, suggesting that it provides a good habitat for rodents on the beech forest floor. TheSasa under growth may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of beech forest. In the oak floor, mortality of both species was low and only a little gnawing occurred during a year. However, no natural oak seedling were found in the forest even after a mast year. This may be because most of the acorns disappeated before establishment. The early-stage demography of hardwood seedling as oak may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of oak forest. In theSasa grassland where the seed supply is small, almost all of the seedlings died fromo gnawing regardless of the presence ofSasa cover. These factors prevent the recruitment of a sizable seedling bank. Rodents may thus play an imporrant role in maintenance of theSasa grassland.  相似文献   
本文报道茄属果树可乐茄(SolanumquitoenseLam.)叶肉原生质体的分离、培养及植株再生。幼嫩叶片原生质体经酶游离、纯化后,以1×104个/ml密度培养于稍加改良K8p(附加2,4-D0.5mgL(-1)、NAA1.0mgL(-1)和BA0.5mgL(-1))的培养基中,三天后开始分裂,一周分裂3—4次。一个月形成小细胞团,植板率为0.1—0.2%,小细胞团转培养于MS+2,4-D0.5mgL(-1)上增殖后进行分化。原生质体来源愈伤组织在IAA(0.1—1.0mgL(-1))与BA或ZT组合的培养基中能诱导器官发生,芽分化率最高可达42.9%;但IAA、BA、ZT三者一起使用未见任何器官分化。小芽在MS+IAA0.2mgL(-1)中生根成植株。可乐茄叶肉原生质体的植株再生,可应用于育种和茄属植物遗传工程研究。  相似文献   
Significant improvements were achieved in the production of haploid and doubled haploid plants from isolated microspore culture of wheat c.v. Chris on a defined media. Procedures found to be of benefit included: A 7-day pretreatment of anthers in 0.4M mannitol plus the macronutrients from FHG medium; the inclusion of 4.5 mg/liter abscisic acid in the pretreatment solution; the isolation of microspores from pretreated anthers by vortexing; and the use of phenylacetic acid (PAA) as the auxin source in MS medium. The best response was achieved with 4.0 mg/liter PAA in MS medium containing 90 g/liter maltose as the sugar source. Under these conditions, 68% of viable microspores underwent division, and an average of 93 embryos and 92 green plants were regenerated per 100 anthers used. The root-tip chromosome number and the fertility of 114 regenerating green plants revealed that 75% were completely fertile spontaneously doubled haploids.  相似文献   
Adventitious shoots of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam.) were produced in vitro using a two-stage culture method. Petiole explants were incubated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (0.2 mg·liter−1) for 3 d, and transferred to MS medium with thidiazuron (0 to 0.4 mg·liter−1). Shoot regeneration was observed in most explants (78.2%) of genotype PI 318846-3 within 28 days when cultured on thidiazuron at 0.2 mg·liter−1. Histological studies of cultured petiole explants showed meristematic activity within cells of vascular bundles and throughout the ground tissue. Explants isolated from apical leaves exhibited higher shoot regeneration frequency than those isolated from the basal portion of the shoot. Leaf lamina explants exhibited lower frequency of regeneration than petiole explants. In contrast to thidiazuron, the use of zeatin riboside, and kinetin resulted in a lower frequency of shoot regeneration although more sweetpotato genotypes could be regenerated using either of these two cytokinins. The sweetpotato plants regenerated using thidiazuron grew vigorously and rooted easily when transferred to the greenhouse.  相似文献   
Abstract. 60 of the 75 Banksia species are confined to southwestern Australia where five or six species often coexist. We explored the role of regional species richness, niche differentiation, and habitat specialization in structuring banksia assemblages. The diversity of growth forms and categories of seed production and response to fire were assessed in actual assemblages at 40 sites throughout southwestern Australia. Diversity indices at each site were compared with those from null communities assembled on the basis of the abundance and sociability of taxa in regional species pools. The relationship between local and regional species richness suggests that processes at the scale of 100-m2 quadrats limit local richness and therefore coexistence. However, there was no consistent evidence that taxa are differentiated by growth form or regeneration strategy. No particular biological profile makes a banksia adept at coexisting with a wide range of other taxa. Habitat specialization is an important factor contributing to lower local richness than would be predicted from niche differentiation of taxa in regional pools. There is recent empirical evidence of several mechanisms whereby the number of coexisting banksias is increased beyond the limits suggested by simple niche theories. Variability in the fire regime also provides a mechanism for maintaining local species richness because different fires favour recruitment of different taxa.  相似文献   
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